991 resultados para História Comparada


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Na atualidade, percebemos uma ampliação das discussões teórico-metodológicas do conceito de cultura. Inúmeros autores têm travado debates e embates no campo das ciências sociais e também das ciências humanas, interrogando-os. Um dos eixos do debate articula-se com o processo de constituição das identidades culturais - tanto os modos de subjetivação produtores de subjetividades capitalistas homogeneizadas como os processos de singularização, na sociedade contemporânea. Este artigo se situa no campo de forças dos denominados estudos culturais, questionando as concepções de cultura que foram institucionalizadas: a cultura como unidade cristalizada; como cultura letrada versus cultura popular e a cultura determinando identidades fixas.


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O texto parte da recente valorização da origem brasileira de Julia Mann, a matriarca da célebre família de escritores alemães, para discutir o tema da nacionalidade associado às categorias de gênero e raça. Discutimos a historicidade de categorias sociais e como estas determinam a auto-compreensão dos indivíduos. A sociedade alemã do século XIX caracterizou Julia como brasileira e, apesar do estigma que isto representava, ela utilizou-se desta origem exótica como forma de autocompreensão e resistência.


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Os últimos séculos da Idade Média, nomeadamente os séculos XIII, XIV e XV, são marcados na Europa por uma crescente preocupação em fixar por escrito os diversos saberes e eventos, preocupação que, ligada às tentativas de sistematizar a organização dos reinos, contribui significativamente para a ascensão das línguas vulgares como línguas dos mais variados gêneros - de documentos jurídicos e administrativos a textos de caráter filosófico e histórico. em Portugal, o empenho em deixar registrado o passado numa língua acessível tem início no século XIV e culmina no século XV, quando se procura organizar a memória através da escrita e se começa a construir uma perspectiva portuguesa sobre o passado. O objetivo do presente texto é mapear alguns índices que revelam a importância que os portugueses dos séculos XIV e XV conferem à ordenação do passado, sobretudo a partir da escolha do que devia e do que não podia cair no esquecimento.


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Tomando por base trabalhos historiográficos produzidos sobre a Escola Normal em diversos estados brasileiros, o presente trabalho procura recuperar a história percorrida por essa instituição, da perspectiva da ação do Estado, ou seja, da política educacional por ele desenvolvida. Nascidas no século XIX ao nível de modestas escolas primárias e centradas sobretudo no conteúdo a ser ensinado, as escolas normais foram aos poucos incorporando um conteúdo didático-pedagógico. O ideário escolanovista as marcaria definitivamente, deslocando a ênfase de seu currículo para as denominadas ciências da educação. O artigo aborda questões relativas a: consolidação e expansão das escolas normais como instituições formadoras do magistério para a escola primária, evolução de sua organização geral e curricular, definida, a partir dos anos 30, em nível médio, até as mudanças introduzidas pela Lei 9.394/96, que elevou a formação do professor das séries iniciais ao nível superior.


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Este texto descreve a trajetória da Saúde Mental e dos cuidados à infância no Brasil da Colônia à República Velha. No período colonial não havia cuidados especiais à criança. O que temos para compreender a criança colonial são relatos descritos em documentos, tratados e cartas da época, e em descrições de viajantes que aqui aportaram para conhecer o Novo Mundo. Depois do século XVIII a urbanização das cidades requer a intervenção médica nas questões de higiene e saúde, e gradativamente muda a concepção de criança, primeiro na Europa, depois no Brasil, chegando o século XIX com médicos preocupados com a questão da mortalidade infantil e com os cuidados que se deveria ter com a criança, negligenciada até então. É no século XIX que se inicia a institucionalização dos saberes médicos e psicológicos aplicados à infância e é quando podemos obter mais registros sobre que cuidados eram reservados à criança.


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This paper presents some reflections on the use of narrative analysis as a possible approach to study the History of (Mathematics) Education, mainly to interpret historical situations and biographical data. Its perspective is linked to Walter Benjamin's ideas about the figure of the narrator and how the dialogue between narrator and historian can be seen. Following the perspective of another author, Benedito Nunes, we try to establish relations among narratives, fiction and historiography, also highlighting the ideas of Jorge Larrosa regarding the transmission of experiences. Finally, our focus is turned to Antonio Bolivar and his alternative statements about why and how analysis of investigations, in which narratives are the main source of data, can be done.


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In this paper we report a study on research in the field of History in Mathematics Education conducted in Brazil in the last five years. We evaluate studies that are theoretical or report experiences on the support found in history that can contribute to the situations of teaching and learning of mathematics, based on the Proceedings of Seminarios Nacionais de Historia da Matematica and Encontros Luso-Brasileiros de Historia da Matematica. Examining the interests, directions and focus of research in the field, we found that the vast majority of studies address specific issues of History of Mathematics, and the number of studies on History in Mathematics Education is still very low. We note that, in the last five years, the arguments in favor of the teaching potential of the History of Mathematics, which is very present in the speech of teachers and managers of public education, has not yet been materialized in experiments or investigations to promote this link effectively.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of cefepime, cefpirome and amikacin against the most prevalent nosocomial bacteria. Initially a prospective study was designed to compare the bacterial susceptibility to the three drugs using 1,022 pathogenic strains. The strains were isolated from hospitalized patients of the Hospital das Clinicas - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, SP, from March to December of 1996, by using the Bauer-Kirby susceptibility diffusion controlled method. The activity of cefepime by the Kirby-Bauer method was significantly higher (χ2, p ≤ 0.05) than cefpirome and amikacin for the following bacteria: P. aeruginosa (72% x 56% x 64%, respectively), Enterobacter cloacae (98% x 88% x 80%) and total strains (79.5% x 74.3% x 76.8%). Cefpirome exhibited higher activity than cefepime only to Enterococcus faecalis (42% x 23%). In the 12 other bacterial groups studied the sensibility of the three drugs was similar (χ2, p ≥ 0.05). The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for 127 bacterial strains - Enterobacter cloacae (12), Citrobacter sp (15), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (50), Acinetobacter baumannii (12), BGNF others (22) and Enterococcus faecalis (16)-from the same origin previously described and isolated during 1997, was determined by E-test. Ranges of MIC intervals, MIC(50%), MIC(90%) and the proportion of the sensitive bacterial strains were determined and permitted the following analysis: the activity of cefepime against Gram-negative bacteria was 2 or more times higher than that of cefpirome and amikacin, specially when CIM(90%) was considered; the activity of cefpirome was higher only against E. faecalis. This information must be considered in the rational use of antibiotic, specially in patients with nosocomial infections.


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With the development of greenhouse grown crops, the whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (West.) has become an important pest. Aiming at verifying the effect of host on the development of this species, the biology of the whitefly was studied on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars IAC-Carioca Pyatã, IAPAR-57, Jalo Precoce, IAC-Bico de Ouro, IAC-Maravilha and on soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivar Cristalina. The study was conducted at the Laboratório de Entomologia Agrícola - FCA-UNESP, at 25 ± 3°C temperature, 80 ± 10% RH and 14h photophase. The biological parameters assessed were duration, viability and number of nymphal instars; male and female longevity, oviposition period, number of eggs per female and sex ratio; egg viability and incubation period and the life cycle duration. Based on data obtained, fertility life tables were constructed to allow a comparative analysis of the effect of cultivars on the biological development and consequent population growth of this species. The bean cultivars IAC-Maravilha and Jalo Precoce negatively influenced T. vaporariorum development, whereas, the other bean cultivars studied, as well as the soybean cultivar Cristalina, provided good conditions for development of this pest.


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The salivary system of the Hymenoptera consists of the mandible, hypopharynx and thoracic salivary glands. It is very important because it is related to various aspects of the life of the insects, such as pheromone production, feeding the young, food digestion and nest building. Adult Polistes versicolor (Olivier) individuals were dissected, the thoracic salivary glands removed and processed for scanning electronic microscopy and histological examination. The P. versicolor thoracic salivary gland presents alveolar secretory units, consists of pseudoacines and does not have a reservoir. Four types of cells are present in the gland. The T1 and T2 cells make up the pseudoacines and differ mainly by the many secretory vessels in T2. There is a cluster of T3 cells at the base of the gland duct collectors, also with secretory characteristics. The secretion produced in the pseudoacines is conducted by canals and ducts to the outside, and the latter are made of T4 cells. The comparison of these characteristics with those of different Hymenoptera species, already studied, showed that the thoracic salivary gland cannot be used as a single comparison factor in evolutionary studies.


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Due to its great incidence in Brazil, malaria is one of the most important transmissible disease studied in the papers that deal with public health today. Although it is present in the Brazilian history since the colonial period, it has hardly been studied from its historic perspective. The present article intends to give a general view of the disease in Brazil, specially in the state of São Paulo. The research is based on historic papers of health and epidemies not only in Brazil but also in the world, found in the legislative documentation of São Paulo. Until 1930, malaria had spread through the country and the health authorities took no care in stablishing especific campaigns to face the disease. This negligence was mostly due to the fact that the mortality rate of malaria was lesser than variola, yellow fever or the many other endemic or epidemic diseases. Eradication seemed to be close to an end but the social and economic transformations after the 70's brought the disease in a proportion ten times worse.


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Hearing loss and tinnitus impact the lives of workers in every instance of their lives. Aim: this paper aims to investigate the existence of a dose-response relationship between hearing loss and tinnitus by determining whether higher levels of hearing loss can be associated with increased tinnitus-related discomfort. Materials and method: this cross-sectional case study assessed 284 workers exposed to occupational noise through pure tone audiometry. Test results were categorized as defined by Merluzzi. Individuals complaining of tinnitus answered the adapted and validated Brazilian Portuguese version of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. A generalized linear model was adjusted for binomial data to test the interaction between these factors. Results: over 60% of the ears analyzed had hearing loss, while more than 46% of them had tinnitus. Tinnitus prevalence and risk rates increased as pure tone audiometry results got worse. The association between both, considering all hearing loss degrees, was statistically significant. Conclusion: the results point to a statistical association between hearing loss and tinnitus; the greater the hearing loss, the greater the discomfort introduced by tinnitus. 2009 © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia.