976 resultados para High Magnetic Field


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Neutral gas depletion mechanisms are investigated in a dense low-temperature argon plasma-an inductively coupled magnetic neutral loop (NL) discharge. Gas temperatures are deduced from the Doppler profile of the 772.38 nm line absorbed by argon metastable atoms. Electron density and temperature measurements reveal that at pressures below 0.1 Pa, relatively high degrees of ionization (exceeding 1%) result in electron pressures, p(e) = kT(e)n(e), exceeding the neutral gas pressure. In this regime, neutral dynamics has to be taken into account and depletion through comparatively high ionization rates becomes important. This additional depletion mechanism can be spatially separated due to non-uniform electron temperature and density profiles (non-uniform ionization rate), while the gas temperature is rather uniform within the discharge region. Spatial profiles of the depletion of metastable argon atoms in the NL region are observed by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. In this region, the depletion of ground state argon atoms is expected to be even more pronounced since in the investigated high electron density regime the ratio of metastable and ground state argon atom densities is governed by the electron temperature, which peaks in the NL region. This neutral gas depletion is attributed to a high ionization rate in the NL zone and fast ion loss through ambipolar diffusion along the magnetic field lines. This is totally different from what is observed at pressures above 10 Pa where the degree of ionization is relatively low (


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Hydrocarbon nanoparticles with diameters between 10 and 30 nanometres are created in a low pressure plasma combining capacitive and inductive power coupling. The particles are generated in the capacitive phase of the experiment and stay confined in the plasma in the inductive phase. The presence of these embedded particles induces a rotation of a particle-free region (void) around the symmetry axis of the reactor. The phenomenon is analysed using optical emission spectroscopy both line integrated and spatially resolved via an intensified charge coupled device camera. From these data, electron temperatures and densities are deduced. We find that the rotation of the void is driven by a tangential component of the ion drag force induced by an external static magnetic field. Two modes are observed: a fast rotation of the void in the direction opposite to that of the tangential component and a slow rotation in the same direction. The rotation speed decreases linearly with the size of the particles. In the fast mode the dependence on the applied magnetic field is weak and consequently the rotation speed can serve as a monitor to detect particle sizes in low temperature plasmas.


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Spatial structures of plasma parameters in a radio-frequency inductively coupled magnetic neutral loop discharge are investigated under various parameter variations using spatially resolved Langmuir probe measurements. A strong coupling between the plasma production region, in the neutral loop (NL) plane, and the axially remote substrate region is observed. The two regions are connected through the separatrices and therefore, spatial profiles in the substrate region are strongly influenced by the plasma production region and the structure of the separatrices. The electron temperature in the plasma production region peaks in the centre of the NL while the maximum in electron density is shifted radially inwards due to diffusion. Details of the structures in both regions, the production region and the substrate region, are determined through the position of the NL and the gradient of the inhomogeneous magnetic field around the NL confinement region. Parameter combinations are found providing higher plasma densities and better uniformity than in common inductively coupled plasmas without applying an additional magnetic field. The uniformity can be further improved using temporal variations of the magnetic field structure.


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A planar inductively coupled radio-frequency (rf) magnetic neutral loop discharge has been designed. It provides diagnostic access to both the main plasma production region as well as a remote plane for applications. Three coaxial coils are arranged to generate a specially designed inhomogeneous magnetic field structure with vanishing field along a ring in the discharge-the so-called neutral loop (NL). The plasma is generated by applying an oscillating rf electric field along the NL, induced through a four-turn, planar antenna operated at 13.56 MHz. Electron density and temperature measurements are performed under various parameter variations. Collisionless electron heating in the NL region allows plasma operation at comparatively low pressures, down to 10(-2) Pa, with a degree of ionization in the order of several per cent. Conventional plasma operation in inductive mode without applying the magnetic field is less efficient, in particular in the low pressure regime where the plasma cannot be sustained without magnetic fields.


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We present near-infrared linear spectropolarimetry of a sample of persistent X-ray binaries, Sco X-1, Cyg X-2, and GRS 1915+105. The slopes of the spectra are shallower than what is expected from a standard steady state accretion disk, and can be explained if the near-infrared flux contains a contribution from an optically thin jet. For the neutron star systems, Sco X-1 and Cyg X-2, the polarization levels at 2.4 mu m are 1.3% +/- 0.10% and 5.4% +/- 0.7%, respectively, which is greater than the polarization level at 1.65 mu m. This cannot be explained by interstellar polarization or electron scattering in the anisotropic environment of the accretion flow. We propose that the most likely explanation is that this is the polarimetric signature of synchrotron emission arising from close to the base of the jets in these systems. In the black hole system GRS 1915+105 the observed polarization, although high (5.0% +/- 1.2% at 2.4 mu m), may be consistent with interstellar polarization. For Sco X-1 the position angle of the radio jet on the sky is approximately perpendicular to the near-infrared position angle (electric vector), suggesting that the magnetic field is aligned with the jet. These observations may be a first step toward probing the ordering, alignment, and variability of the outflow magnetic field in a region closer to the central accreting object than is observed in the radio band.


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High-cadence, multiwavelength optical observations of a solar active region (NOAA AR 10969), obtained with the Swedish Solar Telescope, are presented. Difference imaging of white light continuum data reveals a white-light brightening, 2 minutes in duration, linked to a cotemporal and cospatial C2.0 flare event. The flare kernel observed in the white-light images has a diameter of 300 km, thus rendering it below the resolution limit of most space-based telescopes. Continuum emission is present only during the impulsive stage of the flare, with the effects of chromospheric emission subsequently delayed by approximate to 2 minutes. The localized flare emission peaks at 300% above the quiescent flux. This large, yet tightly confined, increase in emission is only resolvable due to the high spatial resolution of the Swedish Solar Telescope. An investigation of the line-of-sight magnetic field derived from simultaneous MDI data shows that the continuum brightening is located very close to a magnetic polarity inversion line. In addition, an Ha flare ribbon is directed along a region of rapid magnetic energy change, with the footpoints of the ribbon remaining cospatial with the observed white-light brightening throughout the duration of the flare. The observed flare parameters are compared with current observations and theoretical models for M- and X-class events and we determine the observed white-light emission is caused by radiative back-warming. We suggest that the creation of white-light emission is a common feature of all solar flares.


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The collimating effect of self-generated magnetic fields on fast-electron transport in solid aluminium targets irradiated by ultra-intense, picosecond laser pulses is investigated in this study. As the target thickness is varied in the range of 25 mu m to 1.4 mm, the maximum energies of protons accelerated from the rear surface are measured to infer changes in the fast-electron density and therefore the divergence of the fast-electron beam transported through the target. Purely ballistic spreading of the fast-electrons would result in a much faster decrease in the maximum proton energy with increasing target thickness than that measured. This implies that some degree of 'global' magnetic pinching of the fast-electrons occurs, particularly for thick (>400 mu m) targets. Numerical simulations of electron transport are in good agreement with the experimental data and show that the pinching effect of the magnetic field in thin targets is significantly reduced due to disruption of the field growth by refluxing fast-electrons.


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We consider the derivation of a kinetic equation for a charged test particle weakly interacting with an electrostatic plasma in thermal equilibrium, subject to a uniform external magnetic field. The Liouville equation leads to a generalized master equation to second order in the `weak' interaction; a Fokker-Planck-type equation then follows as a `Markovian' approximation. It is shown that such an equation does not preserve the positivity of the distribution function f(x,v;t). By applying techniques developed in the theory of open systems, a correct Fokker-Planck equation is derived. Explicit expressions for the diffusion and drift coefficients, depending on the magnetic field, are obtained.


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The effect of fluctuations in the classical control parameters on the Berry phase of a spin 1/2 interacting with an adiabatically cyclically varying magnetic field is analyzed. It is explicitly shown that in the adiabatic limit dephasing is due to fluctuations of the dynamical phase.


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In migratory passerine birds, strong magnetic pulses are thought to be diagnostic of the remagnetization of iron minerals in a putative sensory system contained in the beak. Previous evidence suggests that while such a magnetic pulse affects the orientation of migratory birds in orientation cages, no effect was present when pulse-treated birds were tested in natural migration. Here we show that two migrating passerine birds treated with a strong magnetic pulse, designed to alter the magnetic sense, migrated in a direction that differed significantly from that of controls when tested in natural conditions. The orientation of treated birds was different depending on the alignment of the pulse with respect to the magnetic field. These results can aid in advancing understanding of how the putative iron-mineral-based receptors found in birds' beaks may be used to detect and signal the intensity and/or direction of the Earth's magnetic field.


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Recent evidence suggests that bats can detect the geomagnetic field, but the way in which this is used by them for navigation to a home roost remains unresolved. The geomagnetic field may be used by animals both to indicate direction and to locate position. In birds, directional information appears to be derived from an interaction of the magnetic field with either the sun or the stars, with some evidence suggesting that sunset/sunrise provides the primary directional reference by which a magnetic compass is calibrated daily. We demonstrate that homing greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) calibrate a magnetic compass with sunset cues by testing their homing response after exposure to an altered magnetic field at and after sunset. Magnetic manipulation at sunset resulted in a counterclockwise shift in orientation compared with controls, consistent with sunset calibration of the magnetic field, whereas magnetic manipulation after sunset resulted in no change in orientation. Unlike in birds, however, the pattern of polarization was not necessary for the calibration. For animals that occupy ecological niches where the sunset is rarely observed, this is a surprising finding. Yet it may indicate the primacy of the sun as an absolute geographical reference not only for birds but also within other vertebrate taxa.


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Using direct numerical magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, we demonstrate the evidence of two physically different types of vortex motions in the solar photosphere. Baroclinic motions of plasma in non-magnetic granules are the primary source of vorticity in granular regions of the solar photosphere, however, there is a significantly more efficient mechanism of vorticity production in strongly magnetised intergranular lanes. These swirly motions of plasma in intergranular magnetic field concentrations could be responsible for the generation of different types of MHD wave modes, for example, kink, sausage and torsional Alfven waves. These waves could transport a relevant amount of energy from the lower solar atmosphere and contribute to coronal plasma heating.


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A reflex discharge plasma, obtained as a hybrid between a Penning discharge plasma (PDP) and a hollow-cathode discharge (HCD) plasma, is analysed as a possible direction-current, high-density plasma source. The experiment is run in oxygen at pressures of 10 mTorr and 1 mTorr, and for discharge currents of 100 to 200 mA. Although the gas pressure is considerably lower than those used in HCDs, the hollow-cathode effect (HCE) occurs for current levels higher than 100 mA and leads to plasma densities comparable with those obtained using inductive plasma sources. The presence of a constant magnetic field leads to the enhancement of electron emission from cathodes under ion bombardment, and to the decreasing of the ion loss by diffusion to the wall.


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The growth of magnetic fields in the density gradient of a rarefaction wave has been observed in simulations and in laboratory experiments. The thermal anisotropy of the electrons, which gives rise to the magnetic instability, is maintained by the ambipolar electric field. This simple mechanism could be important for the magnetic field amplification in astrophysical jets or in the interstellar medium ahead of supernova remnant shocks. The acceleration of protons and the generation of a magnetic field by the rarefaction wave, which is fed by an expanding circular plasma cloud, is examined here in form of a 2D particle-in-cell simulation. The core of the plasma cloud is modeled by immobile charges, and the mobile protons form a small ring close to the cloud's surface. The number density of mobile protons is thus less than that of the electrons. The protons of the rarefaction wave are accelerated to 1/10 of the electron thermal speed, and the acceleration results in a thermal anisotropy of the electron distribution in the entire plasma cloud. The instability in the rarefaction wave is outrun by a TM wave, which grows in the dense core distribution, and its magnetic field expands into the rarefaction wave. This expansion drives a secondary TE wave. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769128]


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Single-phase magnetoelectric multiferroics are ferroelectric materials that display some form of magnetism. In addition, magnetic and ferroelectric order parameters are not independent of one another. Thus, the application of either an electric or magnetic field simultaneously alters both the electrical dipole configuration and the magnetic state of the material. The technological possibilities that could arise from magnetoelectric multiferroics are considerable and a range of functional devices has already been envisioned. Realising these devices, however, requires coupling effects to be significant and to occur at room temperature. Although such characteristics can be created in piezoelectric-magnetostrictive composites, to date they have only been weakly evident in single-phase multiferroics. Here in a newly discovered room temperature multiferroic, we demonstrate significant room temperature coupling by monitoring changes in ferroelectric domain patterns induced by magnetic fields. An order of magnitude estimate of the effective coupling coefficient suggests a value of ~1 × 10-7 sm-1.