1000 resultados para Hermanos, Mozart, Reino, secreto, proposta, traduzione, romanzo, ragazzi
The commercial sugar cane spits redistillation decreased up to 92,5% their ethyl carbamate (EC) original content. Quantitative analysis of EC in 15 samples of sugar cane spirit (alembic and column), fresh distilled and collected in situ demonstrated that the urethane is formed mostly after distillation. The average time to achieve the complete EC formation is independent of the diffuse light presence and of the distillation apparatus used. The k obs for urethane formation at 25 ºC was calculate as (3,3 ± 0,5) x 10-5/s and the activation parameters are: ΔH 34 kcal/mol; ΔS - 69 cal/mol K; and ΔG 54 kcal/mol.
This article describes an experiment that involves the extraction and separation of the pigments of spinach extract by column chromatography using the silica obtained from rice husk ash as a stationary phase. The experimental procedure is very simple to apply in the chemistry laboratory, and allowed to illustrate some concepts of organic chemistry: structure of organic molecules, solubility, polarity, extraction, partition coefficient, adsorption and retention factor (Rf), as well as objectives and fundamentals of chromatographic methods. The experiment can be carried out in a 4 h period.
History shows that public health actions to combat epidemics are most effective when there is constant synergy of both government and society, exemplified by prevention actions in the fight against dengue fever, H1N1 influenza etc. Private-public-partnerships (PPP) can also provide more dynamic and consistent results in production through interaction among Government, University and Enterprise actors. This article puts forward proposals to tackle the problem of neglected tropical diseases via the formation of a Management Council using Etzkowitz's Triple Helix concept to attenuate this public health issue in Brazil.
Microwave synthesis is considered a breakthrough in the field of chemistry due to its benefits over conventional heating methods. We describe, for the first time, the total synthesis of phenytoin adapted for a microwave reactor, proposed as an experiment for undergraduate courses. When carried out with microwaves, the synthetic route provided phenytoin in 6 min and 30 s, while for conventional heating the total time was 170 min. The experiment also involves rapid identification of compounds by TLC, ¹H NMR, FT-IR and melting points determination.
In this educational paper we describe the extraction of lapachol from its natural source according to acid-base concepts in organic chemistry and the use of its derivatives β-lapachone and hydroxy-hydrolapachol to exemplify intramolecular cyclization, carbocation stability, Michael addition reaction and chromatography. The experiments were performed during three different undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory classes using low cost material, while avoiding color reagents for TLC visualization, as well as small-scale column chromatography to isolate the mixture of lapachol and β-lapachone.
Typically hundreds of different chemical products stored in small flasks which cannot accommodate labels large enough to bear all information required by the Globally Harmonised System of Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Chemicals (GHS) are used in academic laboratories. To overcome this restriction Brazilian legislation permits communication of the dangers of chemical products to trained laboratory workers/students by alternative means. Here we describe an alternative label system, developed by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), which allows hazard communication to trained workers/students via a labelling system, using pictograms and highly condensed hazard statements to alert about dangerous chemical products.
On undergraduate courses, practical classes represent periods in which students can verify the concepts presented in theoretical classes. Conversely, the teaching internship in graduate programs allows these students to incorporate pedagogical practices into their experience, predominantly involving observation and reproduction of methods adopted by supervisors. We propose internship teaching as a period for reflection on our pedagogical practice and present a methodology for an experimental physical chemistry classroom. The students can interact with the experiment and instructor, furthering the study of ternary systems while developing their skills for investigative work.
We describe a synthetic route consisting of five steps from aniline to obtain liquid crystal compounds derived from nitroazobenzene. Syntheses were performed during the second half of the semester in organic chemistry laboratory classes. Students characterized the liquid crystal phase by the standard melting point techniques, differential scanning calorimetry and polarized optical microscopy. These experiments allow undergraduate students to explore fundamentally important reactions in Organic Chemistry, as well as modern concepts in Chemistry such as self-assembly and self-organization, nanostructured materials and molecular electronics.
An experiment was proposed applying the Chemometric approach of Multivariate Analysis for inclusion in undergraduate Chemistry courses to promote and expand the use of this analytical-statistical tool. The experiment entails the determination of the acid dissociation constant of dyes via UV-Vis electronic spectrophotometry. The dyes used show from simple equilibrium to very complex systems involving up to four protolytic species with high spectral overlap. The Chemometric methodology was more efficient than univariate methods. For use in classes, it is up to the teacher to decide which systems should be utilized given the time constraints and laboratory conditions.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a chemometric method that allows for the extraction of chemical information that would otherwise be impossible to determine. Teaching chemometrics to undergraduates can contribute to the overall professional development and training of new teachers, whose profiles have been gaining attention due to the current demand for data interpretation. In this study, a didactic experiment involving PCA is proposed. Spectrophotometry was used in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) region to assess the behavior of anthocyanins extracted from red cabbage at different pH values. The results suggest the possible separation of anthocyanin structures into three distinct groups, according to their chemical characteristics displayed in acid, neutral, and basic media. The objective is to develop educational materials targeted to undergraduate courses, which encompass a larger number of concepts and introduce instrumental techniques currently being employed in both academic research and the industrial sector. Specifically, the proposed experiment introduces concepts related to spectrophotometry in the UV-Vis range and the PCA chemometric method. The materials used are easily accessible, and UV-Vis spectroscopy equipment is less expensive in comparison with other spectroscopy methods.
A casca de caranguejo-do-mangue (Ucides cordatus) foi testada como aditivo ao solo para reduzir a incidência de fusariose (Fusarium solani f.sp. piperis) e para promover o crescimento de mudas de pimenteira-do-reino (Piper nigrum). A pré-incubação da casca de caranguejo no solo (1,0% m/m; 15 dias) antes do transplantio aumentou em 20% a sobrevivência da pimenteira-do-reino, cultivada em solo infestado com Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis, durante 90 dias. A produção de massa seca das plantas aumentou na presença de casca de caranguejo, independente da concentração e do tempo de incubação no solo. As plantas alocaram biomassa preferencialmente para a parte aérea, na presença de casca de caranguejo. A taxa de fotossíntese líquida das plantas tendeu a aumentar ou permaneceu inalterada na presença de casca de caranguejo. Conclui-se que a casca de caranguejo tem potencial para auxiliar na redução da incidência de fusariose e no desenvolvimento de mudas de pimenteira-do-reino.
Tutkimus tarkastelee käännösstrategioita, joita on hyödynnetty kulttuurisidonnaisten viittausten käännöksessä televisiodubbauksessa englannin kielestä italiaan. Tutkimusmateriaaliksi on valittu tv-sarjan Gilmore Girls (2000–2007) kolmannelta tuotantokaudelta poimittuja kulttuurisidonnaisia viittauksia. Kaikkiaan viittauksia on 172, joista 125 luokitellaan alluusioiksi, eli kielensisäisiksi elementeiksi, ja 47 katsotaan realioiksi, eli kielenulkoisiksi elementeiksi. Tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, millaisia käännösstrategioita italialaiset jälkiäänittäjät ovat hyödyntäneet kohdatessaan kulttuurisidonnaisia viittauksia sekä pohtimaan käännösvalintojen syitä ja tarjoamaan vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja. Käännösanalyysissä tutkimusmateriaali luokitellaan Ritva Leppihalmeen jaottelun mukaisesti realioihin sekä kahdentyyppisiin alluusioihin, eli erisnimiä ja avainlauseita sisältäviin alluusioihin. Leppihalme on luonut jaottelun mainituille viittaustyypeille sopivista käännösstrategioista, jotka esitellään tutkimusaineiston avulla. Aineisto luokitellaan ja analysoidaan käännösstrategioiden perusteella. Lisäksi luokittelun pohjalta luodaan tilasto eri käännösstrategioiden osuudesta tutkitun materiaalin jälkiäänityksessä. Tutkimuksessa käy ilmi, että yleisimmät sarjan jälkiäänityksessä käytetyt käännösstrategiat ovat vieraannuttavia ja neutralisoivia, mutta kotouttavia strategioita käytettiin vähän. Käännös todettiin tyypilliseksi esimerkiksi italialaisista dubbauskäytännöistä, ja tekstin laatu on sinällään hyvä. Neutraloitu dialogi on kuitenkin menettänyt jälkiäänityksessä erityispiirteitään eikä se vastaa tyyliltään alkuperäisen tv-dialogin henkeä. Analyysin perusteella suositellaan korvaavien käännösstrategioiden käyttöä. Tällä tavalla teksti sisältäisi yhä viittauksia, vaikka ne olisikin mukautettu kohdekielisen yleisön tarpeisiin.
Dos médicos, independentemente da especialidade que exercem, são requeridas competências para lidar com as relações trabalho-saúde-doença, o que não tem sido adequadamente contemplado no curso de graduação. Buscando aperfeiçoar o ensino desse conteúdo, encontra-se em desenvolvimento, desde 2003, na Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG, com o apoio de duas bolsistas do Programa de Iniciação à Docência da Pró-Reitoria de Graduação, uma proposta de avaliar o programa da disciplina Saúde do Trabalhador, com ênfase nas estratégias pedagógicas utilizadas e nos instrumentos de avaliação do desempenho dos alunos. O trabalho foi implementado em etapas, iniciando-se com o reconhecimento da história e estrutura da disciplina; revisão da literatura, enfocando os conceitos e estratégias de avaliação aplicadas ao ensino médico e identificação de experiências desenvolvidas em outros centros. A seguir, foram preparados questionários, denominados pré e pós-teste, para conhecer a percepção e experiência prévia dos alunos quanto aos conteúdos e atividades da disciplina. Os questionários são aplicados sistematicamente no início e final do semestre letivo, desde julho de 2003. Os resultados desse trabalho têm possibilitado melhor adequação dos conteúdos e metodologias desenvolvidas, de particular importância no contexto da reorientação curricular da formação médica.
É imperativa a formação de um Residente de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (RMFC) que responda às demandas da saúde pública, porém consideramos que ainda não existe uma concordância no programa para sua formação. Realizou-se uma pesquisa teórica para delinear a proposta de programa para a formação do RMFC embasada na revisão da literatura, nas recomendações da Comissão Nacional de Residência Médica e Sociedade de Medicina de Família e Comunidade do Brasil e na opinião dos RMFC da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-PR), copilada pelo autor principal durante cinco anos como preceptor dos RMFC da PUC-PR. O programa inclui atividades práticas, teórico-práticas, investigativas e avaliativas desenvolvidas durante dois anos na Unidade de Saúde e no Hospital Regional, integrando o processo docente ao assistencial mediante a formação em serviço e no trabalho conjunto da faculdade com a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e população, com uma visão preventivo-curativa e biopsicossocial do processo saúde-enfermidade, em função da problemática do indivíduo, da família e comunidade. Acreditamos que a proposta possa contribuir para o debate deste tema complexo e polêmico, e que, entre os acertos e desacertos dos programas, encontremos um consenso para a formação do médico de família e comunidade que o Brasil necessita.