975 resultados para Hepatic coma
RESUMO: O transplante hepático ortotópico é uma terapêutica aceite para casos selecionados de falência hepática terminal. O procedimento tem-‐se aperfeiçoado, evidenciado pelo aumento da taxa de sobrevida de 30 para 75% aos 5 anos, mas cerca de 13 a 27% dos enxertos desenvolve falência primária (PNF) ou disfunção primária (DF) após o transplante. As consequências são devastadoras para a sobrevida do doente e do enxerto. A sua etiologia é multifactorial, incluindo factores relacionados com o dador e o receptor, tempos de isquémia, agressões cirúrgicas, bem como características anatomopatológicas do enxerto. A lesão de isquémia/reperfusão mantem-‐se como um factor de risco intra operatório, com implicações directas sobre toda a evolução do transplante : existe uma relação íntima entre a PNF e a DF, a preservação do enxerto, a lesão de isquémia/reperfusão, e a falência do transplante. Além disso, está comprovada evidência que sugere que a lesão de I/R torna um aloenxerto mais vulnerável por aumento da imunogenicidade, aumentando a probabilidade de episódios de rejeição precoce e tardia. Com base na prática clínica quotidiana do CHBPT HCC, estudaram-‐se 54 casos de transplante hepático, agrupados segundo grupos por alocação do enxerto respectivo: Grupo 1(n=27): dador cadáver para receptor cirrótico, Grupo 2 (n=15): dador cadáver para receptor PAF, Grupo 3 (n=12): dador PAF para receptor cirrótico. Observaram-‐se as alterações histológicas e moleculares sobre o enxerto até ao final da operação do receptor, e as suas consequências clínicas,avaliando: -‐ As diferentes capacidades de resistência e cada enxerto à lesão de isquémia/reperfusão. -‐ As situações em que os factores do receptor se sobrepõem às do enxerto na definição do prognóstico, e vice versa. -‐ A relevância das lesões histológicas e moleculares precoces no tecido hepático na evolução do enxerto e do receptor. Foram colhidas biópsias por agulha dos 54 enxertos hepáticos,42 provenientes de cadáver com coração batente(morte cerebral) e 12 provenientes de dador vivo com PAF, em três tempos diferentes do processo de colheita e transplante hepático: ‐ A primeira(T0)antes da clampagem da aorta do dador -‐ A segunda (T1) no final da isquémia fria -‐ A terceira (T2) após a reperfusão do enxerto, durante o encerramento da parede abdominal. A estas amostras foi extraído RNA total, convertido em cDNA por transcrição reversa e feita a análise da expressão dos genes da CTLA4, IL-‐1β, IL-‐4, IL-‐6, IL-‐13, TNF-‐α, Perforina, Selectina, (SELE), Fas-‐ligando, Granzima-‐B, Heme-‐Oxigenase 1(HO1)e Óxido Nítrico Sintetase(iNOS2A)por PCR quantitativo segundo o método do Ct comparativo, utilizando como referência a expressão dos genes da amostra não-‐isquémica –T0. Os fragmentos de todas as biópsias foram seccionados, para envio de amostra comparativa para processamento histológico habitual, sem qualquer alteração ao protocolo seguido habitualmente na Unidade de Transplantação do Hospital Curry Cabral. A presença de alguns parâmetros histológicos definidos, como esteatose, necrose, vacuolização, congestão sinusoidal e infiltração neutrofílica, foi registada e contabilizada numa classificação numérica. O seguimento clínico e laboratorial, bem como o acompanhamento de eventuais complicações, foi registado e correlacionado com os dados das colheitas de órgãos e com os dados das biópsias. Foram consideradas as seguintes variáveis, como as mais relevantes e objectivas para a interpretação da evolução clínica, tendo sido comparadas estatisticamente com os dados recolhidos, laboratoriais e clínicos: disfunção do enxerto, 207 pós operatórias, número de internamentos igual ou superior a 2 e rejeição crónica e/ou morte do receptor. Foram identificadas características clínicas menos favoráveis, a considerar, nalgumas circunstâncias: género feminino do receptor (sobretudo associado a enxerto masculino, p=0,077), isquémia fria superior a 500 minutos (p=0,074), isquémia quente superior a 90 minutos (p=0,099). Na análise laboratorial, distinguiram-‐se duas características histológicas desfavoráveis e irreversíveis, como índice de mau prognóstico: a necrose e a balonização (p=0,029); no painel genético escolhido neste estudo,a expressão basal de IL-‐1β(p=0,028), de SELE p=0,013)e de FAS-‐L (p=0,079)relacionaram-‐se com pior prognóstico. Algumas características protectoras intrínsecas dos enxertos só se revelaram indirectamente, como menor infiltração neutrofílica e maior expressão de HO1 e de iNOS nos enxertos PAF, não tendo sido possível provar uma interferência directa nos resultados clínicos. Não se obteve expressão mensurável de genes anti-‐ inflamatórios nas biopsias hepáticas processadas neste estudo, como a IL13 e a I 4: assim, com a metodologia utilizada, não foi possível obter um perfil de expressão genética associado a boa evolução clínica. O perfil inverso foi sugerido apenas pela expressão basal dos 3 genes mencionados (FAS-‐L,IL-‐1β e SELE)no mesmo painel, com o protocolo seguido neste conjunto de 54 doentes. As características do receptor sobrepuseram-‐se às do enxerto no caso de: -‐ diagnóstico de PAF no receptor, que determinou uma maior predisposição para a disfunção do enxerto, o que, por sua vez, determina uma menor sobrevida. No entanto, o diagnóstico de PAF no receptor exibe uma curva de sobrevida mais favorável. -‐ receptores com um baixo balanço de risco (BAR)definiram características favoráveis para enxertos com níveis baixos e moderados de esteatose, fazendo que esta característica, definida como um risco acrescido, não só não se manifestasse clinicamente,como parecesse um factor favorável. As características do enxerto sobrepuseram-‐se às do receptor no caso de: -‐ tempo de isquémia fria superior a 500 minutos -‐ balonização, necrose, FAS-‐L,IL-‐1β e SELE em T0 A integração dos resultados moleculares e morfológicos com a evolução clínica, realça o papel da mobilização precoce de neutrófilos nos desempenhos menos favoráveis do enxerto hepático. -------------ABSTRACT: Orthotopic liver transplantation is na accepted therapeutic procedure for selected cases of terminal liver failure. The procedure has been improved, evidenced by the rise of survival rates from 30 to 70% at 5 years, but 13 to 27% of the liver grafts develops primary non function (PNF) or primary dysfunction (PDF) after transplantation. The consequences are devastating for the survival of the patient and of the graft. Its etiology is multifactorial, including factos related with the donor and with the recipient, ischemic times, surgical aggressions, as well as the histological characteristics of the graft. The ischemia/reperfusion lesion is still an intraoperative risk factor, with direct implications in the whole transplant outcome: there is a close interrelation between PNF and DF, graft preservation, ischemia / reperfusion lesion and graft failure. Beyond his, there is proved evidence that suggests that I/R lesion turns the allograft more vulnerable by increasing its immunogenity, increasing the probability of precocious and late rejection episodes. Based on the daily clinical practice at CHBPT /HCC, 54 cases of hepatic transplantation have been studied, grouped by allocation of each graft: Group (n=27):deceased do nortocirrhotic recipient, Group 2 (n=15): deceased donor to FAP recipient, Group 3 (n=12): FAP living donor to cirrhotic recipient. The histologic and molecular changes in the liver graft were observed until the end of the recipiente operation,together with its clinical consequences, evaluating:-‐The different capacity of resistance of each graft to the ischemia / reperfusion lesion -‐ The situations where the recipiente factos overlap the ones of the graft, in the definition of prognosis, and vice versa.-‐ The relevance of the precocious histologic and molecular lesions of the hepatic tissue in the clinical outcome of the graft and the recipient. Needle biopsies were obtained from 54 liver grafts, 42 deceased brain dead donors and 12 from FAP living donors, at three diferente times of the harvesting and the hepatic transplantation: The first one (T0) before clamping the donor aorta -‐ The second one (T2) in the end of cold ischemia time -‐ The third one (T) after the reperfusion of the graft, during the closure of the abdominal wall. Total RNAwas extracted to these samples, converted to cDNA by reverse transcription and the analysis of gene expression was made for CTLA4,IL-‐1β,IL-‐4,IL-‐6,IL-‐13,TNF-‐α,Perforin,E Selectin (SELE),Fas-‐ligand,Granzyme-‐B,Heme-‐oxigenase 1 (HO1) and Nitric Oxide Sintetase (iNOS2A) by quantitative PCR, according with the Ct comparative method, using the expression of the non ischemic sample – T0. The fragments of all the biopsies were divided, to send a comparative sample to the usual histologic processement, keeping the same usual protocol at the Transplantation Unit of Curry Cabral Hospital. The presence of some defined histologic parameters, such as steatosis, necrosis, vacuolization, sinusoidal congestion and neutrophilic infiltration, was registered and catalogued in a numeric classification. The clinical and laboratory follow-‐up, as well as the following of eventual complications, was registered and correlated with the data from organ procurement operations and with the data from the biopsies. The following variables were considered as the most relevant and objective ones, to the interpretation of the clinical evolution, being statistically compared with the clinical and laboratorial collected data: graft dysfunction, post-‐operative complications, number of readmissions of 2 or more and chronic rejection and /or recipiente death. There were identified some unfavorable clinical characteristics, to be considered under certain circumstances: recipiente female gender (specially associated with malegraft, p=0,077), cold ischemia time of more than 500 minutes (p=0,074), warm ischemia time of more than 90 minutes (p=0,099). In the laboratory analysis, two histologic characteristics were identified as unfavorable and irreversible, associated with bad prognosis: necrosis and balonization (p=0,029); in the gene panel selected in this study, the basal expression of IL-‐1β (p=0,028), SELE (p=0,013) and FAS-‐L (p=0,079)were related with worse prognosis.Some intrinsic protective characteristics of the grafts were only indirectly revealed, such as less neutrophilic infiltration and bigger expression of HO1 and iNOS in FAP grafts, being impossible to prove any direct inte ference in the clinical results. A relevant and measurable expression of the anti inflammatory genes IL13 and IL4 was not obtained: with the used methodology, it was impossible to obtain a gene expression profile associated with a favorable clinical outcome.The inverse profile was suggested only by the basal expression of the three mentioned genes (FAS-‐L, IL-‐ 1β e SELE) in the same gene panel, according with the followed protocol in this group of 54 patients. The characteristics of the recipient overlapped those from the graft, in the case of :-‐ FAP diagnosis in the recipient, which determined a bigger predisposition to graft dysfunction, which by itself determines a shorter survival. However, FAP diagnosis in the recipiente depicts a more favorable survival curve. -‐ Recipients with a low balance risk índex (BAR) defined favorable characteristics to grafts with low and moderate grades of steatosis, making that this characteristic, associated with bad prognosis, looked like a favorable factor, and with no clinical interference. The graft characteristics overlapped those from the receptor in the case of: -‐ Cold ischemic time more than 500 minutes -‐ Balonization, necrosis, FAS-‐L, IL-‐1β and SELE at T0. The integration of molecular and morphologic results with the clinical evolution, stresses the role of a precocious neutrophils mobilization in the worse outcomes of liver grafts.
INTRODUCTION: Hepatic disorders caused by dengue infection may progress to severe manifestations, including mortality and morbidity. Cytokines are involved in it, such as the migration inhibitory factor of macrophages (MIF), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), natural killer cells (NK), B lymphocytes, and macrophages. METHODS: This study was carried out from January to April 2007 at a public hospital from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil. Sixty-eight patients were studied concerning hepatic alterations, with 56 reported having classic dengue, 6 with hemorrhagic dengue grade I, and 6 with hemorrhagic dengue grade II. RESULTS: Among the 56 with classic dengue, 83.3% had aspartate aminotransferase (AST) alterations, and 69.6% had altered alanine aminotransferase (ALT). For those with hemorrhagic dengue grade I, 100% had AST alterations, and 83.3% had altered ALT. All the patients with hemorrhagic dengue grade II had AST and ALT alterations. AST variations reached 22.0 and 907.0, with an average value of 164.6. For ALT, we found variations between 25.0 and 867.0, with an average value of 166.07. There had been statistical significance between dengue clinical shapes and hepatic function markers. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the infection was predominant in adults, females, and in those with low income and education. The liver enzymes were of larger amount in hemorrhagic dengue, but there was weak statistical evidence of the clinical manifestations and transaminases. Major signs and clinical symptoms were fever, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, weakness, severe pain behind the eyes, and rashes.
RESUMO: O objectivo desta Tese de Doutoramento foi estudar o valor da Proteína CReactiva(PCR) como marcador de infecção e sepsis. Por definição, um marcador da infecção não está presente se o doente não está infectado, deve aparecer concomitantemente ou idealmente preceder a instalação da infecção, deve desaparecer com a instituição de terapêutica antimicrobiana adequada e permanecer elevado se a infecção for refractária ao tratamento. Do ponto de vista biológico, a PCR é o protótipo das proteínas de fase aguda, com uma marcada elevação da sua concentração sérica em resposta a diversos estímulos inflamatórios em particular infecções bacterianas. A sua concentração sérica depende apenas da intensidade do estímulo e da velocidade de síntese hepática, não sendo influenciada por nenhum factor ou tratamento a não ser que este tenha influência directa sobre o estímulo desencadeante, o que a torna um marcador de infecção com grande potencial. Nesta Tese comparou-se a PCR com marcadores clássicos de infecção, temperatura e contagem leucocitária, em diversas situações clínicas analisando doentes com infecções documentadas e doentes controlos, sem infecção. Globalmente os resultados dos trabalhos desta Tese mostram que a PCR é um bom marcador de infecção de acordo com a definição previamente apresentada. Em conjunto com a restante avaliação clínica e laboratorial, a monitorização diária da PCR nos doentes sem infecção mostrou ser útil como sentinela da infecção, isto é, apresenta valores baixos nos doentes sem infecção e sobe precocemente nos doentes que desenvolvem uma infecção. Nos doentes com infecção documentada revelou um ser bom marcador de resposta à terapêutica e evolução clínica, diminuindo naqueles que melhoravam e persistindo elevada nos que tinham mau prognóstico, bem assim como identificar diferentes perfis evolutivos. Em suma, a monitorização diária da PCR mostrou utilidade ao longo de todo o internamento na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos, quer na presença quer na ausência de infecção. Deste todo, a monitorização diária da PCR pode a possibilitar uma utilização mais racional e judiciosa da terapêutica antimicrobiana, contribuindo dessa forma para uma diminuição da toxicidade e da pressão antibiótica, menor risco de emergência de resistências e finalmente diminuição dos custos. Uma vez que, os doentes internados nas Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos apresentam as mesmas doenças que os restantes doentes admitidos no hospital apenas se distinguindo pela sua maior gravidade, poder-se-á extrapolar que a PCR também é potencialmente um bom marcador de infecção nestes doentes. ----------------ABSTRACT: The aim of this PhD Thesis was to assess the value of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) as a marker of infection and sepsis. A marker of infection should be absent in a non-infected patient, should increase alongside or ideally precede the development of an infection, and finally should assess the therapeutic response, that is to say decrease or even disappear with adequate antimicrobial therapy or on the opposite remain elevated if the infection is refractory to the prescribed treatment. The biology of CRP makes it the prototype of acute phase proteins, with marked and sharp elevations of its serum concentration in response to several inflammatory stimulus in particular bacterial infections. Besides, CRP level depends only of the intensity of the stimulus and the rate of hepatic synthesis. Its concentration is not modified by any therapy or intervention. Only those interventions affecting the inflammatory process responsible for the acute phase reaction can change the CRP level. These properties make CRP a potentially good marker of infection. In this Thesis the value of CRP was studied in comparison to traditional markers of infection, like temperature and white cell count, in different clinical situations analysing patients with documented infections and a control group without infection. The aggregated results of the analysis presented in this Thesis illustrate that CRP could be used as a marker of infection. In conjunction with other clinical and laboratory manifestations of sepsis, daily CRP measurement in patients without infection was useful in prediction of infection as its concentration remains low in patients without infection whereas if an infection appears its levels raise markedly. In addition, in patients with documented infections CRP was useful as a marker of therapeutic response and follow-up, with marked decreases in patients with good outcome and remaining elevated in those with poor prognosis, as well as the recognition of different patterns of evolution. In summary, daily CRP measurement was helpful in critical ill patients along the entire Intensive Care Unit stay, both in the presence and in the absence of infection. As a result, daily CRP measurement can assure a better and more rational use of antibiotics and consequently contribute to a decrease in the antibiotic toxicity and demand, reducing the risks of emergence of resistant strains aas well as costs. Provided that patients admitted to an Intensive Care Unit presented the same clinical diagnosis as those admitted to the wards but with higher severity, one can speculate that CRP is also a potentially good marker of infection in these of patients.
INTRODUCTION: There is no study relating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to ultrasound (US) findings in patients with Schistosomiasis mansoni. Our aim was to describe MRI findings inpatients with schistosomal liver disease identified by US. METHODS: Fifty-four patients (mean age 41.6±13.5years) from an area endemic for Schistosomiasis mansoni were selected for this study.All had US indicating liver schistosomal fibrosis and were evaluated with MRI performed witha 1.5-T superconducting magnet unit (Sigma). RESULTS: Forty-seven (87%) of the 54 patientsshowing signs of periportal fibrosis identified through US investigation had confirmed diagnosesby MRI. In the seven discordant cases (13%), MRI revealed fat tissue filling in the hilar periportalspace where US indicated isolated thickening around the main portal vein at its point of entryto the liver. We named this the fatty hilum sign. One of the 47 patients with MRI evidence ofperiportal fibrosis had had his gallbladder removed previously. Thirty-five (76.1%) of the other46 patients had an expanded gallbladder fossa filled with fat tissue, whereas MRI of the remainingeleven showed pericholecystic signs of fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Echogenic thickening of thegallbladder wall and of the main portal vein wall heretofore attributed to fibrosis were frequentlyidentified as fat tissue in MRI. However, the gallbladder wall thickening shown in US (expandedgallbladder fossa in MRI) is probably secondary to combined hepatic morphologic changes inschistosomiasis, representing severe liver involvement.
Neotropical polycystic echinococcosis (NPE) is a parasitic disease caused by cestodes of Echinococcus vogeli. This parasite grows most commonly in the liver, where it produces multiples cysts that cause hepatic and vessel necrosis, infects the biliary ducts, and disseminates into the peritoneal cavity, spreading to other abdominal and thoracic organs. In cases of disseminated disease in the liver and involvement of biliary ducts or portal system, liver transplantation may be a favorable option. We present a report of the first case of liver transplantation for the treatment of advanced liver NPE caused by E. vogeli.
Different aspects of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis are revisited here. Manson's schistosomiasis causes periportal fibrosis and portal hypertension in approximately 6% of infected subjects, usually with preservation of their hepatic function. The assessment of liver involvement is of major importance in determining the prognosis and risk of complications from schistosomiasis, such as upper digestive bleeding secondary to variceal rupture. For many years, the diagnosis of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and liver fibrosis was made by abdominal palpation and the finding of liver and/or spleen enlargement. However, there is no consensus regarding the clinical parameters of the liver and spleen to be considered in this physical evaluation. For the last three decades, abdominal ultrasound (US) has become the best imaging technique to evaluate liver fibrosis caused by schistosomiasis mansoni. However, US is a subjective procedure and is therefore examiner-dependent. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings have provided valuable information in addition to ultrasound and clinical examination. The combination of a comprehensive history and physical examination, basic laboratory tests (a stool examination for Schistosoma mansoni eggs and a blood cell count), biomarkers for liver fibrosis/portal hypertension and imaging methods seem to offer the best approach for evaluating patients with this disease. In situations where research is involved or in patients with severe disease, MRI may be considered.
AbstractINTRODUCTION:Hepatic fibrosis progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infections has been associated with viral and host factors, including genetic polymorphisms. Human platelet antigen polymorphisms are associated with the rapid development of fibrosis in HCV-monoinfected patients. This study aimed to determine whether such an association exists in human immunodeficiency virus-1/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients.METHODS:Genomic deoxyribonucleic acid from 36 human immunodeficiency virus-1/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients was genotyped to determine the presence of human platelet antigens-1, -3, or -5 polymorphisms. Fibrosis progression was evaluated using the Metavir scoring system, and the patients were assigned to two groups, namely, G1 that comprised patients with F1, portal fibrosis without septa, or F2, few septa (n = 23) and G2 that comprised patients with F3, numerous septa, or F4, cirrhosis (n = 13). Fisher's exact test was utilized to determine possible associations between the human platelet antigen polymorphisms and fibrosis progression.RESULTS:There were no deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the human platelet antigen systems evaluated. Statistically significant differences were not observed between G1 and G2 with respect to the distributions of the allelic and genotypic frequencies of the human platelet antigen systems.CONCLUSION:The greater stimulation of hepatic stellate cells by the human immunodeficiency virus and, consequently, the increased expression of transforming growth factor beta can offset the effect of human platelet antigen polymorphism on the progression of fibrosis in patients coinfected with the human immunodeficiency virus-1 and the hepatitis C virus.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Due to the importance that Howler monkeys have on the yellow fever (YF) epidemiological sylvatic cycle in Brazil, more accurate morphological diagnostic criteria needs to be established, especially considering the differences that may exist between the genera of Brazilian non-human primates (NHPs) involved in yellow fever virus (YFV) epizootics. METHODS: Records of YF epizootics in NHPs in Brazil between 2007 and 2009 were obtained from the Brazilian Ministry of Health database to select YF positive (n=98) Howler monkeys (Alouatta sp.) for this study. The changes described in the histopathological reports were categorized by organ and their frequencies calculated. RESULTS: The most frequent lesions observed in the animals with YF were hepatocyte apoptosis (Councilman body formation), midzonal hepatocyte necrosis, steatosis, liver hemorrhage, inflammatory mononuclear cell infiltration of the liver, renal acute tubular necrosis and interstitial nephritis. Midzonal hepatocyte necrosis, steatosis and hemorrhage presented positive correlations with apoptosis of hepatocytes, suggesting strong YFV pathogenic effect association; they were also the main histopathological changes in the Alouatta sp. A pronounced negative correlation between apoptosis of hepatocytes and hepatic mononuclear cell infiltration pointed to significant histopathological differences between YFV infection in Howler monkeys and humans. CONCLUSIONS: The results warn that NHPs may exhibit different response patterns following YFV infection and require a more careful diagnosis. Presumptive diagnosis based on primate histopathological lesions may contribute to public health service control.
Liver function and its correlation with bilirubin and hepatic enzymes were evaluated in 30 male chronic asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic alcoholics admitted into the psychiatric hospital for detoxification and treatment of alcoholism. Hypoalbuminemia, lowered prothrombin activity, hypotransferrinemia and hypofibrinogenemia were detected in 32 %, 32 %, 28 %, and 24 % of patients, respectively. Transferrin was elevated in 8 %. Greater prevalence of hyperbilirubinemia was found in patients with lowered prothrombin activity, hypofibrinogenemia, or hypotransferrinemia. No correlation was found between serum bilirubin or aminotransferase levels and normal or elevated albumin levels, time or activity of prothrombin, and fibrinogen levels. Serum alkaline phosphatase was elevated in normoalbuminemics and gamma-glutamyltransferase in patients with lowered prothrombin activity. Hypoalbuminemia was associated with hypofibrinogenemia, hypotransferrinemia with elevated aspartate aminotransferase or gamma-glutamyltransferase, and hypertransferrinemia with elevation of alanine aminotransferase. These data indicated the occurrence of hepatic dysfunction due to liver damage caused directly by alcohol or by alcoholism-associated nutritional deficiencies.
Pressure sores are common among bedridden, elderly, or malnourished patients, and may occur in terminal ill patients because of impaired mobility, fecal or urinary incontinence, and decreased healing capacity. The aim of this study was to compare frequency of pressure sores between malnourished and non-malnourished necropsied adults. METHOD: All (n = 201) adults (age ³ 18 years) autopsied between 1986 and 1996 at the Teaching Hospital of Triangulo Mineiro Medical School (Uberaba) were eligible for the study. Gender, race, weight, height and main diagnoses were recorded. Ninety-six cases were excluded because of probable body water retention (congestive heart failure, hepatic insufficiency, nephrotic syndrome) or pressure sores secondary to peripheral vascular ischemia. Body mass index (BMI) was used to define malnourished (BMI < 18.5 kg/m²) and non-malnourished (BMI > 18.5kg/m²) groups. RESULTS: Except for weight (42.5kg; range: 28-57 vs. 60; 36-134.5kg) and BMI (16.9; range: 12.4-18.5 vs. 22.7; range: 18.5-54.6kg/m²), respectively, there were no statistical differences among 43 malnourished and 62 non-malnourished cases in relation to age (54.9 ± 20.4 vs. 52.9 ± 17.9 years), percentage of white persons (74.4 vs. 64.5%), male gender (76.7 vs. 69.3%) and main diagnoses. Five malnourished (11.6%) and 7 (11.5%) non-malnourished cases had pressure sores (p=0.89). CONCLUSION: Pressure sores were equally common findings in necropsied persons with protein-energy malnutrition, as assessed by body mass index.
Several drugs and their associations are being used for adjuvant or complementary chemotherapy with the aim of improving results of gastric cancer treatment. The objective of this study was to verify the impact of these drugs on nutrition and on survival rate after radical treatment of 53 patients with gastric cancer in stage III of the TNM classification. A control group including 28 patients who had only undergone radical resection was compared to a group of 25 patients who underwent the same operative technique followed by adjuvant polychemotherapy with FAM (5-fluorouracil, Adriamycin, and mitomycin C). In this latter group, chemotherapy toxicity in relation to hepatic, renal, cardiologic, neurological, hematologic, gastrointestinal, and dermatological functions was also studied. There was no significant difference on admission between both groups in relation to gender, race, macroscopic tumoral type of tumor according to the Borrmann classification, location of the tumor in the stomach, length of the gastric resection, or response to cutaneous tests on delayed sensitivity. Chemotherapy was started on average, 2.3 months following surgical treatment. Clinical and laboratory follow-up of all patients continued for 5 years. The following conclusions were reached: 1) The nutritional status and incidence of gastrointestinal manifestation were similar in both groups; 2) There was no occurrence of cardiac, renal, neurological, or hepatic toxicity or death due to the chemotherapeutic method per se; 3) Dermatological alterations and hematological toxicity occurred exclusively in patients who underwent polychemotherapy; 4) There was no significant difference between the rate and site of tumoral recurrence, the disease-free interval, or the survival rate of both study groups; 5) Therefore, we concluded, after a 5-year follow-up, chemotherapy with the FAM regimen did not increase the survival rate.
We report on 4 cases of abdominal compartment syndrome complicated by acute renal failure that were promptly reversed by different abdominal decompression methods. Case 1: A 57-year-old obese woman in the post-operative period after giant incisional hernia correction with an intra-abdominal pressure of 24 mm Hg. She was sedated and curarized, and the intra-abdominal pressure fell to 15 mm Hg. Case 2: A 73-year-old woman with acute inflammatory abdomen was undergoing exploratory laparotomy when a hypertensive pneumoperitoneum was noticed. During the surgery, enhancement of urinary output was observed. Case 3: An 18-year-old man who underwent hepatectomy and developed coagulopathy and hepatic bleeding that required abdominal packing, developed oliguria with a transvesical intra-abdominal pressure of 22 mm Hg. During reoperation, the compresses were removed with a prompt improvement in urinary flow. Case 4: A 46-year-old man with hepatic cirrhosis was admitted after incisional hernia repair with intra-abdominal pressure of 16 mm Hg. After paracentesis, the intra-abdominal pressure fell to 11 mm Hg.
This is a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of sibutramine in the management of obese patients for a 6-month period. METHOD: Sixty-one obese patients (BMI >30, <40 kg/m2), aged 18-65 years were evaluated. In the first phase of the study (30 days), the patients were given a placebo. We monitored compliance with a low-calorie diet (1200 kcal/day) and to the placebo. In the next stage, the double-blind phase (6 months), we compared placebo and sibutramine (10 mg/day). The criteria for evaluating efficacy were weight loss, reduction in body mass index (BMI), and abdominal and hip circumferences. Tolerability was assessed based on reported side effects, variation in arterial blood pressure and heart rate, metabolic profile (fasting glucose, total cholesterol and its fractions, and triglycerides), laboratory tests (renal and hepatic functions), and flow Doppler echocardiogram. RESULTS: We observed a greater weight loss (7.3 kg, 8% vs 2.6 kg, 2.8%) and a reduction in body mass index (7.4% vs 2.1%) in the sibutramine group than in the placebo group. Classifying the patients into 4 subgroups according to weight loss (weight gain, loss <5%, loss of 5% to 9.9%, and loss >10%), we observed a weight loss of >5% in 40% of the patients on sibutramine compared with 12.9% in the placebo group. We also detected weight gain in 45.2% of the placebo group compared to 20% in the sibutramine group. The sibutramine group showed improvement in HDL- cholesterol values (increased by 17%) and triglyceride values (decreased by 12.8%). This group also showed an increase in systolic blood pressure (6.7%, 5 mmHg). There were no changes in echocardiograms comparing the beginning and end of follow-up, and side effects did not lead to discontinuation of treatment. DISCUSSION: Sibutramine proved to be effective for weight loss providing an 8% loss of the initial weight. Compliance to prolonged treatment was good, and side effects did not result in discontinuation of treatment. These data confirmed the good efficacy, tolerability, and safety profiles of sibutramine for treatment of obesity.
OBJECTIVE: To establish a murine experimental model of bile duct obstruction that would enable controlled observations of the acute and subacute phases of cholestasis. METHODOLOGY: Adult male isogenic BALB/c mice underwent a bile duct ligation (22 animals) or a sham operation (10 animals). Fifteen days after surgery, or immediately after the animal's death, macroscopic findings were noted and histological study of the liver, biliary tree, and pancreas was performed (hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichromic staining). RESULTS: Beginning 24 hours after surgery, all animals from the bile duct ligation group presented progressive generalized malaise. All animals presented jaundice in the parietal and visceral peritoneum, turgid and enlarged liver, and accentuated dilatation of gallbladder and common bile duct. Microscopic findings included marked dilatation and proliferation of bile ducts with accentuated collagen deposits, frequent areas of ischemic necrosis, hepatic microabscesses, and purulent cholangitis. Animals from the sham operation group presented no alterations. CONCLUSION: We established a murine experimental model of induced cholestasis, which made it possible to study acute and subacute tissue lesions. Our data suggests that in cholestasis, hepatic functional ischemia plays an important role in inducing hepatic lesions, and it also suggests that the infectious process is an important factor in morbidity and mortality.
Falciform ligament abscess is rare. We report a case of a 65-year-old man who presented with right upper quadrant abdominal pain, postprandial fullness, and fever. Computed tomography disclosed a cylindrical mass in the anterior abdomen that aroused suspicion of a hepatic abscess. At laparoscopic surgery, an abscess of the falciform ligament was found and drained. Two months later, the patient developed recurrence of the abscess secondary to acute calculous cholecystitis. Abscess drainage and cholecystectomy were performed. The presence of right uppper quadrant abdominal pain, epigastric tenderness, fever, leukocytosis, and a mass in the anterior abdomen should arouse suspicion of falciform ligament abscess. Its treatment consists of abscess drainage.