993 resultados para Hedtoft, Hans, Tanskan pääministeri


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The identity of minor lymphocytes stimulating (Mls) antigens, endogenous superantigens that can activate, or induce the deletion of, large portions of the T-cell repertoire, has recently been revealed: they are encoded by mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTV) that have integrated into the germ line as DNA proviruses. As Hans Acha-Orbea and Ed Palmer point out, Mls-mediated modulation may be only the tip of the retrovirus iceberg; already murine leukemia virus (MuLV), with similar superantigen properties, has been discovered.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Die RGG4 bietet in 15 665 Artikeln und Teilartikeln einen fundierten Überblick über Religion und Religionen, wie sie gelebt und gedacht wurden und werden. Sie bietet den neuesten Forschungsstand, dargestellt von 3 972 ausgewiesenen Kennern der jeweiligen Materie aus 74 Ländern. Die RGG4 führt die Tradition der ersten drei Auflagen fort: Aus der Mitte des evangelischen Glaubens ist weit mehr als die Theologie im Blick, nach deren Kriterien wird aber gewichtet.Die RGG4 erschließt die Themen in Form von biographischen Artikeln, Länder-, Orts-, Begriffs- und Ereignisartikeln sowie Artikeln über Gruppierungen und Institutionen. Knappe Definitionsartikel und Querverweise erleichtern die schnelle Information. Ausführliche Reihenartikel behandeln Stichworte wie "Abendmahl" oder "Christentum" aus vielerlei Perspektiven. Die RGG4 ist durch die Artikelvielfalt und die detailgenaue Darstellung ein Nachschlagewerk; zugleich ist sie eine Lehr- und Repetitionsbibliothek. Sie bringt mit einem ausgesucht lesbaren Schriftbild ein Maximum an Information auf einer Seite. Die acht Bände der RGG4 decken jeweils ganze Buchstaben ab. Der das Werk abschließende Registerband ermöglicht den Zugang zu dem in der RGG4 enthaltenen Wissen nach noch spezielleren Fragestellungen wie beispielsweise Namen und Stichworten, die keinen Haupteintrag haben. Selbstverständlich ist die RGG4 auf alterungsbeständigem Papier gedruckt, solide fadengeheftet und in Buckramleinen gebunden. Die RGG4 erhielt von der Stiftung Buchkunst die Auszeichnung "Eines der schönsten Bücher 1998. Vorbildlich gestaltet in Satz, Druck, Bild und Einband."


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Die RGG4 bietet in 15 665 Artikeln und Teilartikeln einen fundierten Überblick über Religion und Religionen, wie sie gelebt und gedacht wurden und werden. Sie bietet den neuesten Forschungsstand, dargestellt von 3 972 ausgewiesenen Kennern der jeweiligen Materie aus 74 Ländern. Die RGG4 führt die Tradition der ersten drei Auflagen fort: Aus der Mitte des evangelischen Glaubens ist weit mehr als die Theologie im Blick, nach deren Kriterien wird aber gewichtet.Die RGG4 erschließt die Themen in Form von biographischen Artikeln, Länder-, Orts-, Begriffs- und Ereignisartikeln sowie Artikeln über Gruppierungen und Institutionen. Knappe Definitionsartikel und Querverweise erleichtern die schnelle Information. Ausführliche Reihenartikel behandeln Stichworte wie "Abendmahl" oder "Christentum" aus vielerlei Perspektiven. Die RGG4 ist durch die Artikelvielfalt und die detailgenaue Darstellung ein Nachschlagewerk; zugleich ist sie eine Lehr- und Repetitionsbibliothek. Sie bringt mit einem ausgesucht lesbaren Schriftbild ein Maximum an Information auf einer Seite. Die acht Bände der RGG4 decken jeweils ganze Buchstaben ab. Der das Werk abschließende Registerband ermöglicht den Zugang zu dem in der RGG4 enthaltenen Wissen nach noch spezielleren Fragestellungen wie beispielsweise Namen und Stichworten, die keinen Haupteintrag haben. Selbstverständlich ist die RGG4 auf alterungsbeständigem Papier gedruckt, solide fadengeheftet und in Buckramleinen gebunden. Die RGG4 erhielt von der Stiftung Buchkunst die Auszeichnung "Eines der schönsten Bücher 1998. Vorbildlich gestaltet in Satz, Druck, Bild und Einband."


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Loin d'être « purement allemands », nombre de contes des Grimm réécrivent les contes français largement diffusés en Allemagne au 18e siècle en les « reconfigurant » selon leurs propres paradigmes esthétiques et idéologiques. L'étude introductive de la comparatiste Ute Heidmann montre que ce dialogisme européen est resté peu exploré en raison d'une « scénographie en trompe-l'oeil » qui les présente comme issus du « terroir » hessois. Toutefois, les notes des Grimm (constituées en volume autonome dès 1822), dont une partie importante est traduite et commentée ici pour la première fois en français par Loreto Núñez, indiquent ces intertextes tout en les faisant passer pour des « correspondances » dues à une origine commune. L'étude de Jean Mainil retrace le dialogue intertextuel de Rapunzel (Raiponce) avec Persinette de La Force et Petrosinella de Basile. Les cinq études suivantes de Cyrille François, Nathalie Prince, Pascale Auraix-Jonchière, Jean-Michel Adam et Marcio Venício Barbosa retracent les dialogues intertextuels que les contes des Grimm, eux-mêmes fondamentalement intertextuels, ont sollicité à leur tour dans des textes du 19e et du 20e siècle. Elles montrent comment Hans-Christian Andersen, Jean Lorrain (dont l'étonnant conte Neigefleur est reproduit à la suite de l'étude de Nathalie Prince), Robert Walser, Henry Pourrat et les écrivains brésiliens Millôr Ferandes, Mario Prata, Chico Buarque et Guimarães Rosa inventent de nouvelles formes et des procédés intertextuels originaux en réponse aux contes des Grimm en créant de nouveaux contes originaux comme l'avaient fait les Grimm eux-mêmes en réponse aux narrateurs français. Dans les Mélanges, Veronica Bonanni prolonge ce dossier par une étude consacrée à la traduction par Collodi de L'Oiseau bleue de Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy, qui procède également d'un véritable dialogue intertextuel.


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Introduction: Osteoporosis (OP) is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by a low bone mineral density (BMD) and a micro-architectural (MA) deterioration. Clinical risk factors (CRF) are often used as a MA approximation. MA is yet evaluable in daily practice by the Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) measure. TBS is a novel grey-level texture measurement reflecting bone micro-architecture based on the use of experimental variograms of 2D projection images. TBS is very simple to obtain, by reanalyzing a lumbar DXA-scan. TBS has proven to have diagnosis and prognosis value, partially independent of CRF and BMD. The aim of the OsteoLaus cohort is to combine in daily practice the CRF and the information given by DXA (BMD, TBS and vertebral fracture assessment (VFA)) to better identify women at high fracture risk. Method: The OsteoLaus cohort (1400 women 50 to 80 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland) started in 2010. This study is derived from the cohort COLAUS who started in Lausanne in 2003. The main goals of COLAUS is to obtain information on the epidemiology and genetic determinants of cardiovascular risk in 6700 men and women. CRF for OP, bone ultrasound of the heel, lumbar spine and hip BMD, VFA by DXA and MA evaluation by TBS are recorded in OsteoLaus. Preliminary results are reported. Results: We included 631 women: mean age 67.4±6.7 y, BMI 26.1±4.6, mean lumbar spine BMD 0.943±0.168 (T-score -1.4 SD), TBS 1.271±0.103. As expected, correlation between BMD and site matched TBS is low (r2=0.16). Prevalence of VFx grade 2/3, major OP Fx and all OP Fx is 8.4%, 17.0% and 26.0% respectively. Age- and BMI-adjusted ORs (per SD decrease) are 1.8 (1.2- 2.5), 1.6 (1.2-2.1), 1.3 (1.1-1.6) for BMD for the different categories of fractures and 2.0 (1.4-3.0), 1.9 (1.4-2.5), 1.4 (1.1-1.7) for TBS respectively. Only 32 to 37% of women with OP Fx have a BMD < -2.5 SD or a TBS < 1.200. If we combine a BMD < -2.5 SD or a TBS < 1.200, 54 to 60% of women with an osteoporotic Fx are identified. Conclusion: As in the already published studies, these preliminary results confirm the partial independence between BMD and TBS. More importantly, a combination of TBS subsequent to BMD increases significantly the identification of women with prevalent OP Fx which would have been miss-classified by BMD alone. For the first time we are able to have complementary information about fracture (VFA), density (BMD), micro- and macro architecture (TBS & HAS) from a simple, low ionizing radiation and cheap device: DXA. Such complementary information is very useful for the patient in the daily practice and moreover will likely have an impact on cost effectiveness analysis.


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OBJECTIVE: Prospective studies have shown that quantitative ultrasound (QUS) techniques predict the risk of fracture of the proximal femur with similar standardised risk ratios to dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Few studies have investigated these devices for the prediction of vertebral fractures. The Basel Osteoporosis Study (BOS) is a population-based prospective study to assess the performance of QUS devices and DXA in predicting incident vertebral fractures. METHODS: 432 women aged 60-80 years were followed-up for 3 years. Incident vertebral fractures were assessed radiologically. Bone measurements using DXA (spine and hip) and QUS measurements (calcaneus and proximal phalanges) were performed. Measurements were assessed for their value in predicting incident vertebral fractures using logistic regression. RESULTS: QUS measurements at the calcaneus and DXA measurements discriminated between women with and without incident vertebral fracture, (20% height reduction). The relative risks (RRs) for vertebral fracture, adjusted for age, were 2.3 for the Stiffness Index (SI) and 2.8 for the Quantitative Ultrasound Index (QUI) at the calcaneus and 2.0 for bone mineral density at the lumbar spine. The predictive value (AUC (95% CI)) of QUS measurements at the calcaneus remained highly significant (0.70 for SI, 0.72 for the QUI, and 0.67 for DXA at the lumbar spine) even after adjustment for other confounding variables. CONCLUSIONS: QUS of the calcaneus and bone mineral density measurements were shown to be significant predictors of incident vertebral fracture. The RRs for QUS measurements at the calcaneus are of similar magnitude as for DXA measurements.


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We performed a pilot study to compare vertebral fracture assessments (VFA) and lateral X-rays in terms of inter- and intraobserver reliability and degree of correlation for the detection of syndesmophytes in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). We recruited 19 patients with AS and recent lumbar or cervical lateral X-rays with at least one syndesmophyte. Each patient underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry with measurement of bone mineral density and dorso-lumbar VFA. Intra- and interreader reliability for VFA and X-rays were measured using 2 independent, blinded observers and Cohen's kappa values. An adapted modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score (amSASSS) was generated with each method, and these 2 values correlated. For X-rays, intraobserver and interobserver agreement were 94.3% (κ = 0.83) and 98.6% (κ = 0.96), respectively; for VFA, corresponding values were 92.8% (κ = 0.79) and 93.8% (κ = 0.82). Overall agreement between the 2 techniques was 88.6% (κ = 0.72). The Pearson correlation coefficient for the 2 methods was 0.95 for the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score . Per dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry-generated bone mineral density, >50% of patients were osteopenic and 10% osteoporotic. In terms of reproducibility and correlation with X-rays, performing a VFA appears to be a candidate for assessing radiographic damage in AS, thought further research is necessary to justify this indication.


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CONTEXT: Sarcopenia is thought to be associated with mitochondrial (Mito) loss. It is unclear whether the decrease in Mito content is consequent to aging per se or to decreased physical activity. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to examine the influence of fitness on Mito content and function and to assess whether exercise could improve Mito function in older adults. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: Three distinct studies were conducted: 1) a cross-sectional observation comparing Mito content and fitness in a large heterogeneous cohort of older adults; 2) a case-control study comparing chronically endurance-trained older adults and sedentary (S) subjects matched for age and gender; and 3) a 4-month exercise intervention in S. SETTING: The study was conducted at a university-based clinical research center. OUTCOMES: Mito volume density (MitoVd) was assessed by electron microscopy from vastus lateralis biopsies, electron transport chain proteins by Western blotting, mRNAs for transcription factors involved in M biogenesis by quantitative RT-PCR, and in vivo oxidative capacity (ATPmax) by (31)P-magnetice resonance spectroscopy. Peak oxygen uptake was measured by graded exercise test. RESULTS: Peak oxygen uptake was strongly correlated with MitoVd in 80 60- to 80-year-old adults. Comparison of chronically endurance-trained older adults vs S revealed differences in MitoVd, ATPmax, and some electron transport chain protein complexes. Finally, exercise intervention confirmed that S subjects are able to recover MitoVd, ATPmax, and specific transcription factors. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest the following: 1) aging per se is not the primary culprit leading to Mito dysfunction; 2) an aerobic exercise program, even at an older age, can ameliorate the loss in skeletal muscle Mito content and may prevent aging muscle comorbidities; and 3) the improvement of Mito function is all about content.


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Osteoporotic fracture (OF) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Switzerland is among the countries with the greatest risk. Our aim was (1) to calculate the FRAX(®) in a selected Swiss population the day before the occurrence of an OF and (2) to compare the results with the proposed Swiss FRAX(®) thresholds. The Swiss Association Against Osteoporosis proposed guidelines for the treatment of osteoporosis based on age-dependent thresholds. To identify a population at a very high risk of osteoporotic fracture, we included all consecutive patients in the active OF pathway cohort from the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. FRAX(®) was calculated with the available data the day before the actual OF. People with a FRAX(®) body mass index (BMI) or a FRAX(®) (bone mineral density) BMD lower than the Swiss thresholds were not considered at high risk. Two-hundred thirty-seven patients were included with a mean age of 77.2 years, and 80 % were female. Major types of fracture included hip (58 %) and proximal humerus (25 %) fractures. Mean FRAX(®) BMI values were 28.0, 10.0, 13.0, 26.0, and 37.0 % for age groups 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, and 80-89 years old, respectively. Fifty percent of the population was not considered at high risk by the FRAX(®) BMI. FRAX(®) BMD was available for 95 patients, and 45 % had a T score < -2.5 standard deviation. Only 30 % of patients with a normal or osteopenic BMD were classified at high risk by FRAX(®) BMD. The current proposed Swiss thresholds were not able to classify at high risk in 50 to 70 % of the studied population the day before a major OF.


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We found that lumbar spine texture analysis using trabecular bone score (TBS) is a risk factor for MOF and a risk factor for death in a retrospective cohort study from a large clinical registry for the province of Manitoba, Canada. INTRODUCTION: FRAX® estimates the 10-year probability of major osteoporotic fracture (MOF) using clinical risk factors and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD). Trabecular bone score (TBS), derived from texture in the spine dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) image, is related to bone microarchitecture and fracture risk independently of BMD. Our objective was to determine whether TBS provides information on MOF probability beyond that provided by the FRAX variables. METHODS: We included 33,352 women aged 40-100 years (mean 63 years) with baseline DXA measurements of lumbar spine TBS and femoral neck BMD. The association between TBS, the FRAX variables, and the risk of MOF or death was examined using an extension of the Poisson regression model. RESULTS: During the mean of 4.7 years, 1,754 women died and 1,872 sustained one or more MOF. For each standard deviation reduction in TBS, there was a 36 % increase in MOF risk (HR 1.36, 95 % CI 1.30-1.42, p < 0.001) and a 32 % increase in death (HR 1.32, 95 % CI 1.26-1.39, p < 0.001). When adjusted for significant clinical risk factors and femoral neck BMD, lumbar spine TBS was still a significant predictor of MOF (HR 1.18, 95 % CI 1.12-1.23) and death (HR 1.20, 95 % CI 1.14-1.26). Models for estimating MOF probability, accounting for competing mortality, showed that low TBS (10th percentile) increased risk by 1.5-1.6-fold compared with high TBS (90th percentile) across a broad range of ages and femoral neck T-scores. CONCLUSIONS: Lumbar spine TBS is able to predict incident MOF independent of FRAX clinical risk factors and femoral neck BMD even after accounting for the increased death hazard.