999 resultados para HEMODYNAMIC FACTORS


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OBJECTIVE: To comprehensively assess pre-, intra-, and postoperative delirium risk factors as potential targets for intervention. BACKGROUND: Delirium after cardiac surgery is associated with longer intensive care unit (ICU) stay, and poorer functional and cognitive outcomes. Reports on delirium risk factors so far did not cover the full range of patients' presurgical conditions, intraoperative factors, and postoperative course. METHODS: After written informed consent, 221 consecutive patients ≥ 50 years scheduled for cardiac surgery were assessed for preoperative cognitive performance, and functional and physical status. Clinical and biochemical data were systematically recorded perioperatively. RESULTS: Of the 215 patients remaining for analysis, 31% developed delirium in the intensive care unit. Using logistic regression models, older age [73.3 (71.2-75.4) vs 68.5 (67.0-70.0); P = 0.016], higher Charlson's comorbidity index [3.0 (1.5-4.0) vs 2.0 (1.0-3.0) points; P = 0.009], lower Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score (MMSE, [27 (23-29) vs 28 (27-30) points; P = 0.021], length of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) [CPB; 133 (112-163) vs 119 (99-143) min; P = 0.004], and systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the intensive care unit [25 (36.2%) vs 13 (8.9%); P = 0.001] were independently associated with delirium. Combining age, MMSE score, Charlson's comorbidity index, and length of CPB in a regression equation allowed for a prediction of postoperative delirium with a sensitivity of 71.19% and a specificity of 76.26% (receiver operating analysis, area under the curve: 0.791; 95% confidence interval: 0.727-0.845). CONCLUSIONS: Further research will evaluate if modification of these risk factors prevents delirium and improves outcomes.


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High altitude constitutes an exciting natural laboratory for medical research. Over the past decade, high-altitude studies have provided important new insight into the regulation of the pulmonary circulation. Studies in high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)-prone subjects, a condition characterized by exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, have provided evidence for the central role of pulmonary vascular endothelial and respiratory epithelial nitric oxide for pulmonary artery pressure homeostasis. Studies of healthy and maladapted high-altitude dwellers have provide important new insight into mechanisms conferring protection against/predisposing to pulmonary hypertension. Finally, the ambient hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure facilitates the detection of pulmonary (and systemic) vascular dysfunction at an early stage. Here, we will summarize recent studies that, by capitalizing on these observations, have led to the description of novel mechanisms underpinning pulmonary hypertension and to the first direct demonstration of fetal programming of pulmonary vascular dysfunction in humans.


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CONTEXT: Sparse data exist on the combined associations between physical activity and sedentary time with cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy children. OBJECTIVE: To examine the independent and combined associations between objectively measured time in moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time with cardiometabolic risk factors. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Pooled data from 14 studies between 1998 and 2009 comprising 20 871 children (aged 4-18 years) from the International Children's Accelerometry Database. Time spent in MVPA and sedentary time were measured using accelerometry after reanalyzing raw data. The independent associations between time in MVPA and sedentary time, with outcomes, were examined using meta-analysis. Participants were stratified by tertiles of MVPA and sedentary time. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, fasting triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and insulin. RESULTS: Times (mean [SD] min/d) accumulated by children in MVPA and being sedentary were 30 (21) and 354 (96), respectively. Time in MVPA was significantly associated with all cardiometabolic outcomes independent of sex, age, monitor wear time, time spent sedentary, and waist circumference (when not the outcome). Sedentary time was not associated with any outcome independent of time in MVPA. In the combined analyses, higher levels of MVPA were associated with better cardiometabolic risk factors across tertiles of sedentary time. The differences in outcomes between higher and lower MVPA were greater with lower sedentary time. Mean differences in waist circumference between the bottom and top tertiles of MVPA were 5.6 cm (95% CI, 4.8-6.4 cm) for high sedentary time and 3.6 cm (95% CI, 2.8-4.3 cm) for low sedentary time. Mean differences in systolic blood pressure for high and low sedentary time were 0.7 mm Hg (95% CI, -0.07 to 1.6) and 2.5 mm Hg (95% CI, 1.7-3.3), and for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, differences were -2.6 mg/dL (95% CI, -1.4 to -3.9) and -4.5 mg/dL (95% CI, -3.3 to -5.6), respectively. Geometric mean differences for insulin and triglycerides showed similar variation. Those in the top tertile of MVPA accumulated more than 35 minutes per day in this intensity level compared with fewer than 18 minutes per day for those in the bottom tertile. In prospective analyses (N = 6413 at 2.1 years' follow-up), MVPA and sedentary time were not associated with waist circumference at follow-up, but a higher waist circumference at baseline was associated with higher amounts of sedentary time at follow-up. CONCLUSION: Higher MVPA time by children and adolescents was associated with better cardiometabolic risk factors regardless of the amount of sedentary time.


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PARbZip proteins (proline and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper) represent a subfamily of circadian transcription factors belonging to the bZip family. They are transcriptionally controlled by the circadian molecular oscillator and are suspected to accomplish output functions of the clock. In turn, PARbZip proteins control expression of genes coding for enzymes involved in metabolism, but also expression of transcription factors which control the expression of these enzymes. For example, these transcription factors control vitamin B6 metabolism, which influences neurotransmitter homeostasis in the brain, and loss of PARbZip function leads to spontaneous and sound-induced epilepsy that are frequently lethal. In liver, kidney, and small intestine, PAR bZip transcription factors regulate phase I, II, and III detoxifying enzymes in addition to the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), one of the principal sensors of xenobiotics. Indeed, knockout mice for the three PARbZip transcription factors are deficient in xenobiotic detoxification and display high morbidity, high mortality, and accelerated aging. Finally, less than 20% of these animals reach an age of 1 year. Accumulated evidences suggest that PARbZip transcription factors play a role of relay, coupling circadian metabolism of xenobiotic and probably endobiotic substances to the core clock circuitry of local circadian oscillators.


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We have implemented our new procedure for computing Franck-Condon factors utilizing vibrational configuration interaction based on a vibrational self-consistent field reference. Both Duschinsky rotations and anharmonic three-mode coupling are taken into account. Simulations of the first ionization band of Cl O2 and C4 H4 O (furan) using up to quadruple excitations in treating anharmonicity are reported and analyzed. A developer version of the MIDASCPP code was employed to obtain the required anharmonic vibrational integrals and transition frequencies


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Our new simple method for calculating accurate Franck-Condon factors including nondiagonal (i.e., mode-mode) anharmonic coupling is used to simulate the C2H4+X2B 3u←C2H4X̃1 Ag band in the photoelectron spectrum. An improved vibrational basis set truncation algorithm, which permits very efficient computations, is employed. Because the torsional mode is highly anharmonic it is separated from the other modes and treated exactly. All other modes are treated through the second-order perturbation theory. The perturbation-theory corrections are significant and lead to a good agreement with experiment, although the separability assumption for torsion causes the C2 D4 results to be not as good as those for C2 H4. A variational formulation to overcome this circumstance, and deal with large anharmonicities in general, is suggested


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AIMS: To determine whether parental factors earlier in life (parenting, single parent family, parental substance use problem) are associated with patterns of alcohol consumption among young men in Switzerland. METHODS: This analysis of a population based sample from the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) included 5,990 young men (mean age 19.51 years), all attending a mandatory recruitment process for the army. These conscripts reported on parental monitoring and rule-setting, parental behaviour and family structure. The alcohol use pattern was assessed through abstention, risky single occasion drinking (RSOD), volume drinking and dependence. Furthermore, the impact of age, family socio-economic status, educational level of the parents, language region and civil status was analysed. RESULTS: A parental substance use problem was positively associated with volume drinking and alcohol dependence in young Swiss men. Active parenting corresponded negatively with RSOD, volume drinking and alcohol dependence. Single parent family was not associated with a different alcohol consumption pattern compared to standard family. CONCLUSION: Parental influences earlier in life such as active parenting (monitoring, rule-setting and knowing the whereabouts) and perceived parental substance use problem are associated with alcohol drinking behaviour in young male adults. Therefore, health professionals should stress the importance of active parenting and parental substance use prevention in alcohol prevention strategies.


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Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterized by chronic intestinal inflammation due to dysregulation of the mucosal immune system. The cytokines IL-1β and IL-18 appear early in intestinal inflammation and their pro-forms are processed via the caspase-1-activating multiprotein complex, the Nlrp3 inflammasome. Previously, we reported that the uptake of dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) by macrophages activates the Nlrp3 inflammasome and that Nlrp3(-/-) mice are protected in the acute DSS colitis model. Of note, other groups have reported opposing effects in regards to DSS susceptibility in Nlrp3(-/-) mice. Recently, mice lacking inflammasomes were found to develop a distinct intestinal microflora. Methods: To reconcile the contradicting observations, we investigated the role of Nlrp3 deficiency in two different IBD models: acute DSS colitis and TNBS (2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid)-induced colitis. In addition, we investigated the impact of the intestinal flora on disease severity by performing cohousing experiments of wild-type and Nlrp3(-/-) mice, as well as by antibiotic treatment. Results: Nlrp3(-/-) mice treated with either DSS or TNBS exhibited attenuated colitis and lower mortality. This protective effect correlated with an increased frequency of CD103+ lamina propria dendritic cells expressing a tolerogenic phenotype in Nlrp3(-/-) mice in steady state conditions. Interestingly, after cohousing, Nlrp3(-/-) mice were as susceptible as wild-type mice, indicating that transmission of endogenous bacterial flora between the two mouse strains might increase susceptibility of Nlrp3(-/-) mice towards DSS-induced colitis. Accordingly, treatment with antibiotics almost completely prevented colitis in the DSS model. Conclusions: The composition of the intestinal microflora significantly influences disease severity in IBD models comparing wild-type and Nlrp3(-/-) mice. This observation may - at least in part - explain contradictory results concerning the role of the inflammasome in different labs. Further studies are required to define the role of the Nlrp3 inflammasome in noninflamed mucosa under steady state conditions and in IBD.


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Objective: The main objective of the study is to identify practical and cultural factors influencing the mental health of mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Benin and to compare it with a sample of Swiss mothers in the same conditions. Method: Thirty-six mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Benin and 40 mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Switzerland were interviewed about practical and emotional aspects concerning their child and their own lives. Then, they completed the Perinatal Postraumatic Stress Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results: Mothers in Benin had significantly higher posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms compared with mothers in Switzerland. Depression symptoms were higher in Beninese mothers coming from urban areas, in Beninese mothers with few or no other children, and in Beninese mothers whose child was operated on at a more advanced age. Discussion: This study stressed the importance of cultural differences in perceptions of orofacial clefts in order to provide appropriate care to patients and their families. In particular, wide campaigns of information should help parents to understand the cleft origin and the medical staff in small dispensaries to provide adequate support and care. This may diminish anxiety concerning the child's short- and long-term prognosis. Creation of a Beninese parental support group for children with clefts and their families could be another way to provide information and support where multidisciplinary care is not available.


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El dolor crònic pediàtric és un problema molt important. Malgrat que la informació disponible és molt menor que en adults, els informes publicats no deixen lloc a cap mena de dubte. Per una banda els treballs epidemiològics realitzats en la població general mostren que els problemes de dolor crònic són habituals entre la població infantil i adolescent, mentre que, per una altra, els estudis fets amb població clínica apunten que el dolor crònic pediàtric és causa important de desajust social i un dels problemes que més perjudiquen la qualitat de vida dels nens, i dels seus familiars, a tots els nivells. L’objectiu fonamental d’aquest treball era avançar en el oneixement dels factors psicosocials relacionats amb l’experiència del dolor crònic, de manera que a llarg termini aquesta informació ens permetés plantejar i contrastar programes de prevenció secundària pel dolor i la discapacitat crònics. Han participat un total de 92 joves amb edats compreses entre els 14 i 16 anys (79% de resposta positiva), dels quals el 64.2% eren noies. Majoritàriament experimentaven problemes de dolor abdominal. Els resultats han mostrat que, en efecte, els adolescents amb dolor crònic (dolor igual o superior a tres mesos) tenenuna pitjor qualitat de vida que els nois d’edat semblant però sense problemes crònics de dolor. Específicament, destaquen d’entre els factors estudiats: els pensaments catastròfics, l’estat afectiu, i certes actituds i alguns tipus d’estratègies d’afrontament dels nens. Les reaccions dels pares davant la conducta de dolor dels seus fills també resulta ser un factor de risc que cal considerar: les conductes dels pares tendents a minimitzar el problema estaven relacionades significativament amb el dolor i la discapacitat dels seus fills/es.


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BACKGROUND: Fatalities following contrast medium exposure are extremely rare in clinical routine, though they may occur as an exception. Some may fall under the purview of the inquiring authorities and forensic pathologists due to their in-hospital occurrence. The purpose of this study was to assess the risk factors for anaphylaxis due to contrast medium administration that can be identified in fatal cases. METHODS: Fatalities occurred during the course of clinical investigations with contrast media described in the literature and fatal reactions to contrast agents that had undergone forensic investigations in our medicolegal center were reviewed with respect to patient characteristics, administered contrast medium, performed biochemical investigations and potential risk factors identified based on clinical history and medical records. RESULTS: Biochemical investigations into the fatal cases examined in our facility revealed increased mast cell tryptase, total IgE and activated mast cells in all subjects. Data obtained from the literature and our own investigations indicated that in only a minority of the fatal cases had there been previous exposure to contrast compounds, while most cases of severe anaphylaxis involved patients who apparently reacted on initial exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Most fatal cases failed to present any identifiable predisposing conditions out of those traditionally considered as risk factors for an anaphylactic reaction to contrast compounds in the medical histories of the patients. Comprehensive clinical histories and thorough reviews of medical data, along with exhaustive forensic investigations, provide information that is relevant in order to better appreciate the interwoven relationships linking all factors potentially involved in the pathogenesis of fatal anaphylaxis to contrast media. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Objective: To investigate the usefulness of surrogates for individual susceptibility to organic diisocyanates in occupational asthma. Subjects: All new cases declared to the Swiss National Accident Insurance Company (SUVA) for establishment of a case for compensable occupational disease during 1993. Sixty-nine persons, of whom three were women, were suspected of having occupational asthma due to isocyanates. Of these, 47 subjects fulfilled the criteria to be accepted as an occupational disease case. Methods: All subjects were studied clinically and gave a blood sample for the phenotyping of their alpha-antitrypsin status and for immunological studies. The subjects were also given a peroral dose of caffeine for the determination of their N-acetylation capacity. Finally, those with an occupational disease were subjected to the methacholine provocation test. Results: Forty-four persons with occupational disease, out of 47, were heterozygous antitrypsin carriers and/or slow acetylators of primary amines. In the bronchial provocation with methacholine, 12 of these subjects had an unaltered response and seven had a mild reaction, 13 a moderate one and 15 a severe reaction. Interpretation: The study confirms the finding that slow N-acetylators are susceptible to asthma from exposure to common diisocyanate monomers at work. The same applies to heterozygous antitrypsin-phenotype carriers. Thus, the use of these markers may reinforce the diagnostic procedure, but they cannot completely replace the immunological tests. [Authors]


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Descriptors: cardiovascular patterns, emotion, affective pictures In this study we assessed blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to 13 picture series in 18 men and 19 women in order to investigate their hemodynamic responses associated with activation of the appetitive and defensive motivational systems underlying emotional experience. Skin conductance level (SCL) was also recorded. BP and SV increased with increasing self-rated arousal both for appetitive and defensive activation, whereas HR decelerated more in response to negative than positive and neutral pictures. TPR showed a general increase from baseline to picture processing but was unrelated to self-rated valence and arousal. These findings suggest that affective modulation of the cardiovascular response to affective pictures is primarily myocardial. The observed response pattern is consistent with a configuration of cardiac sympathetic-parasympathetic coactivation. The relationships between self-reported arousal, BP and SV were mainly exhibited by men suggesting that increases in the sympathetic inotropic effect to the heart with increasing self-rated arousal might be larger in men than in women. In contrast, SCL covaried positively with self-rated arousal both in men and women. This suggests that sex differences in the affective modulation of the responses to pictures may be restricted to specific cardiovascular parameters and support the contention that the sympathetic nervous system does not discharge as a whole.


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Estudi qualitatiu dels factors psicosocials que fan que algunes víctimes de violència de gènere s’abstinguin de declarar