993 resultados para Gynecologic cytology
To report the first eight bone marrow necrosis (BMN) cases related to paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) from patient autopsies with well-documented bone marrow (BM) histology and cytology.A retrospective evaluation was performed on BM specimens from eight autopsied patients from Botucatu University Hospital with PCM-related BMN. Relevant BMN literature was searched and analysed.All eight patients had acute PCM. Six had histological only (biopsies) and two cytological only (smears) specimens. Five biopsy specimens revealed severe and one mild coagulation patterned necrotic areas. Five had osteonecrosis. The cytological specimens also showed typical BMN patterns. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast forms were visible within necrotic areas in all cases.
Genomic imprinting is defined as a gamete of origin-specific epigenetic modification of DNA leading to differential gene expression in the zygote. Several imprinted genes have been identified and some of them are associated with tumor development. We investigated the expression and the imprinting status of IGF2 and H19 genes in 47 uterine leiomyomas. Using allelic transcription assay, we detected the expression of the IGF2 gene in 10 of a total of 15 informative cases. No loss of imprinting, as determined by the finding of biallelic expression, was detected in any case. The expression of H19 gene was detected in 10 of 20 informative cases and the imprinting pattern was also maintained in all of them. Our data suggest that alterations in IGF2 and H19 genes expression by loss of imprinting do not occur in uterine leiomyomas. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors for Chlamydia trachomatis cervicitis in pregnant women seen at the Genital Tract Infection in Obstetrics Unit Care in Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University - UNESP.Materials and Methods. Between June 2006 and February 2008, 101 pregnant women were included in this study. During the gynecologic examination, cervical secretions were collected using cytobrush Plus GT (CooperSurgical Inc) to assess C. trachomatis using polymerase chain reaction. Vaginal flora were examined by Gram stain, and socio-demographic data were extracted from medical records.Results. of the 101 patients, 26 (25.7%) were positive for C. trachomatis. The median age of the infected group was 24 years (range = 13-40 y), and 48.5% of them had abnormal vaginal flora. The presence of chlamydial infection was associated with smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 2.67, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.01-7.19), residing in a city with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants (OR = 2.86, 95% CI = 1.03-7.94), presence of condyloma acuminatum (p = .03), and presence of discreet inflammation on Pap smear (p = .02).Conclusions. The prevalence of C. trachomatis is high in pregnant women seen at the Genital Infection Unit Care, UNESP, and is related to many risk factors. Therefore, its screening is extremely important in reducing obstetrical and neonatal complications.
Background: To evaluate associations between alterations in vaginal flora and clinical symptoms in low-risk pregnant women. Methods: Vaginal specimens from 245 pregnant women were analyzed by microscopy for vaginal flora. Signs and symptoms of vaginal infection were determined by patient interviews and gynecologic examinations. Results: Abnormal vaginal flora was identified in 45.7% of the subjects. The final clinical diagnoses were bacterial vaginosis (21.6%), vaginal candidosis (10.2%), intermediate vaginal flora (5.2%), aerobic vaginitis (2.9%), mixed flora (2.9%) and other abnormal findings (2.9%). The percentage of women with or without clinical signs or symptoms was not significantly different between these categories. The presence of vaginal odor or vaginal discharge characteristics was not diagnostic of any specific flora alteration; pruritus was highly associated with candidosis (p < 0.0001). Compared to women with normal flora, pruritus was more prevalent in women with candidosis (p < 0.0001), while vaginal odor was associated with bacterial vaginosis (p = 0.0026). Conclusion: The prevalence of atypical vaginal flora is common in our low-risk pregnant population and is not always associated with pathology. The occurrence of specific signs or symptoms does not always discriminate between women with different types of atypical vaginal flora or between those with abnormal and normal vaginal flora. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Objective. To assess the expression of TRAIL-R3 and the methylation of a CpG island within the TRAIL-R3 promoter both in cystadenoma tumors and primary and metastatic epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC).Methods. RNA was obtained from women with normal ovarian (NO) tissues (n = 18), ovarian serous cystadenoma tumors (n = 11) and EOC (n = 16) using Trizol (R). Quantitative PCR (gRT-PCR) was performed to quantify the relative levels of TRAIL-R3. The methylation frequency of the CpG island in the TRAIL-R3 promoter was assessed using the methylation-specific PCR (MSP) assay after DNA bisulfite conversion. The differences between the groups were evaluated using the chi-square, Student's t, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon or Kruskal-Wallis tests as indicated. The survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method.Results. Cystadenoma and metastatic EOC tumors expressed significantly more TRAIL-R3 mRNA than primary EOC tumors. Methylation of the TRAIL-R3 promoter was absent in NO tissues, while hemimethylation of the TRAIL-R3 promoter was frequently found in the neoplasia samples with 45.4% of the cystadenoma tumors, 8.3% of the primary EOC samples and 11.1% of the metastatic EOC samples showing at least partial methylation (p = 0.018). Neither the expression of TRAIL-R3 nor alterations in the methylation profile were associated to cumulative progression-free survival or the overall survival in EOC patients.Conclusions. Primary EOC is associated to a lower TRAIL-R3 expression, which leads to a better understanding of the complex disease and highlighting potential therapeutic targets. Promoter DNA methylation was not related to this finding, suggesting the presence of other mechanisms to transcriptional control. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective To evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its associated risk factors in Brazilian postmenopausal women.Methods In this cross-sectional study, a total of 368 postmenopausal women, aged 40-75 years, seeking health care at a public outpatient center in Southeastern Brazil, were included. According to the US National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) guidelines, MetS was diagnosed in subjects with three or more of the following: waist circumference >= 88 cm, blood pressure >= 130/85 mHg, triglycerides >= 150 mg/dl, high density lipoprotein cholesterol <50 mg/dl and glucose >= 110 mg/dl. Data on past medical history, tobacco use, anthropometric indicators, and values of C-reactive protein (CRP) were collected. Multivariate analysis, using a logistic regression model (odds ratio, OR) was used to evaluate the influence of various simultaneous MetS risk factors.Results The prevalence of having at least three, four and five MetS diagnostic criteria were met in 39.6%, 16.8% and 3.8% of the cases, respectively. The most prevalent risk factor was abdominal obesity, affecting 62.5% of women. The risk of MetS increased with a personal history of diabetes (OR 5.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.82-12.54), hypertension (OR 4.52, 95% CI 2.89-7.08), cardiovascular disease (OR 2.16, 95% CI 1.18-3.94) and high CRP (>1 mg/dl) (OR 3.35, 95% CI 1.65-6.79). Plasma CRP levels increased with the number of MetS components present. Age, time since menopause and smoking had no influence, while hormone therapy reduced MetS risk (OR 0.64, 95% CI 0.42-0.97).Conclusion Metabolic syndrome was highly prevalent among Brazilian postmenopausal women seeking gynecologic health care. Abdominal obesity, diabetes, hypertension and high CRP were strong MetS predictors and hormone therapy appeared to play a protective role for this condition.
Objective. To evaluate maternal and perinatal outcomes of first pregnancy after chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) in Brazilian patients.Methods. This study included 252 subsequent pregnancies after chemotherapy for GTN treated between 1960-2005. Correlations of maternal and perinatal outcomes with chemotherapy regimen (single or multiagent) and the time interval between chemotherapy completion and first subsequent pregnancy were investigated.Results. There was a significant increase in adverse maternal outcomes in women who conceived <6 months than 6-12 months (76.2% and 19.6%; p<0.0001; OR=13.12; CI 95%=3.87-44.40) and >12 months (76.2% and 21.7%; P<0.0001; OR=11.56; CI 95%=3.98-33.55) after chemotherapy. Spontaneous abortion frequency was higher <6 months (71.4%) than 6-12 months (17.6%; p<0.0001: OR=11.66; CI 95%=3.55-38.22) and >12 months (9.4%; p<0.0001: OR=23.97: CI 95%=8.21-69.91) after chemotherapy. There was no difference in adverse perinatal outcomes (stillbirth, fetal malformation, and preterm birth) related to the interval after chemotherapy and Subsequent pregnancy. The overall occurrence of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes did not significantly differ between patients on single or multiagent regimens.Conclusion. Adverse maternal outcomes and spontaneous abortion were more frequent among patients who conceived within 6 months of chemotherapy completion. In these cases, careful prenatal monitoring and hCG level measurement 6 weeks after the completion of any new pregnancy are recommended. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective:Gene expression studies have revealed several molecular subtypes of breast carcinoma with distinct clinical and biological behaviours. DNA microarray studies correlated with immunohistochemical profiling of breast carcinomas using cytokeratin (CK) markers, Her2/neu, oestrogen receptor (ER), and basal myoepithelial cell markers have identified five breast tumour subtypes: (i) luminal A (ER+; Her2/neu-), (ii) luminal B (ER+; Her2/neu+), (iii) Her2 overexpression (ER-; Her2/neu+), (iv) basal-like (ER-; Her2/neu-, CK5/6 and 14+), and (v) negative for all markers. Luminal carcinomas express cytokeratins in a luminal pattern (CK8/18), and the basal-like type expresses CK5/6 and CK14 or basal epithelial cell markers. CK5/6, CK8/18, and smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression were assessed in cell blocks and compared with expression in surgical specimens.Methods:Sixty-two cases of breast carcinoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology with cell blocks and available surgical specimens were included. Cell blocks containing at least 10 high-power fields each with at least 10 tumour cells and surgical specimens were immunostained for CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA.Results:Percentage sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were, respectively, 77, 100, 100, 92 and 94 for CK5/6; 98, 66, 96, 80 and 95 for CK8/18; and 92, 96, 85, 98 and 95 for SMA.Conclusion:The identification of CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA by immunohistochemistry in cell blocks can be a reliable method that yields results close to those obtained in surgical specimens, and can contribute to the classification of breast carcinomas with luminal and basal expression patterns, providing helpful information in the choice of treatment and in the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors.
OBJETIVO: avaliar os efeitos da isoflavona, do gérmen da soja, sobre os sintomas climatéricos e o perfil lipídico na mulher em menopausa. MÉTODOS: foi conduzido estudo prospectivo, com 50 mulheres em menopausa, divididas em: G1, usuárias de isoflavona (60 mg/dia) (n=25), e G2, placebo (n=25). Os critérios de inclusão foram FSH >40 mUI/mL e presença de fogachos. Foram excluídas as vegetarianas, fumantes, asiáticas, portadoras de doenças gastrointestinais e usuárias de terapia de reposição hormonal. No seguimento, de seis meses, foram obtidos o índice menopausal de Kupperman (IMK), o perfil hormonal e o lipídico. Na análise estatística, empregaram-se ANOVA, o teste t pareado e as provas não paramétricas de Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: os valores medianos do IMK, inicialmente iguais entre os grupos (IMK = 20), reduziram-se nas usuárias de isoflavona aos 2 e 4 meses (IMK = 14 e 9, respectivamente) e no grupo controle, apenas aos 2 meses (IMK = 15) (p<0,01). Ao final do estudo, a isoflavona foi superior ao placebo na redução dos fogachos (44% versus 12%, respectivamente). Aos seis meses, verificou-se que os valores médios de estradiol foram superiores no G1 quando comparados ao G2 (18,0 ± 6,7 versus 12,3 ± 3,8 ng/dL) (p<0,05), sem alterações no FSH e LH. Entre as usuárias de isoflavona, houve redução de 11,8% no LDL (de 151,5 ± 39,2 para 133,6 ± 26,4 mg/dL) e elevação de 27,3% no HDL (de 44,0 ± 11,3 para 56,0 ± 11,9 mg/dL) (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: a isoflavona, do gérmen da soja, induziu efeitos favoráveis sobre os sintomas climatéricos e o perfil lipídico, revelando-se opção interessante como terapêutica alternativa para mulheres em menopausa.
OBJETIVO: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, por amostragem de escolares, frequentadores das escolas estaduais de Bauru, São Paulo, com o objetivo de detectar possíveis portadores de tracoma. MÉTODOS: Foram examinadas 1.749 crianças do ensino fundamental, de 6 a 14 anos, durante o ano de 2005. As escolas foram escolhidas por sorteio, de acordo com o número de estudantes e com a localização da escola dentro do setor da cidade (centro, região intermediária e periferia). O diagnóstico dos casos foi clínico, seguindo as normas da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), confirmado laboratorialmente pelo método da imunofluorescência direta para detecção de Chlamydia trachomatis. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tracoma inflamatório foi de 3,8%, tendo sido diagnosticado tracoma folicular em 3,7% e tracoma intenso em 0,06% das crianças examinadas. As crianças com tracoma moravam principalmente na região intermediária e periférica da cidade, áreas onde o fornecimento de água pode ser descontínuo e o tratamento do esgoto pode estar ausente. Um programa de controle foi desenvolvido e os comunicantes foram diagnosticados e tratados. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de tracoma inflamatório em Bauru - Estado de São Paulo - é de 3,8%. Além da oportunidade de reconhecer e tratar os portadores e contatantes, os autores realçam o fato positivo da mobilização da comunidade bauruense no sentido de prevenir a cegueira pelo tracoma.
Apresenta-se relato de caso de paciente parda, com 47 anos de idade, havendo lesão pigmentada na margem palpebral inferior do olho direito, de aspecto irregular e heterogêneo, suspeitando-se clinicamente de lesão maligna. A paciente foi tratada com base no resultado da citologia de impressão e diagnosticada pelo exame histológico. Demonstra-se a importância da citologia para o planejamento da ressecção de lesões suspeitas como um método seguro e efetivo para assim se evitar cirurgias em áreas extensas da superfície ocular e de anexos.
In order to determine if patients with a history of previous urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) but with current normal urinary cytology have DNA damage in urothelial cells, the single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay was conducted with cells obtained by urinary bladder washings from 44 patients (28 with a history of previous UCC). Increased DNA damage was observed in cytologically normal urothelial cells of patients with a history of UCC when compared with referents with no similar history and after correcting the data for smoking status and age (P < 0.018). Increased DNA damage also correlated with the highest tumor grade, irrespective of time or course of the disease after clinical intervention (Kendall tau correlation, 0.37, P = 0.016). Moreover, aneuploidy, as assessed by DNA content ratio (DCR; 75th/25th percentile of total DNA fluorescence of 50 comets/patient) was unaltered by smoking status, but increased with UCC grade: 1.39 +/- 0.12 (median +/- 95% confidence interval; referents); 1.43 +/- 0.11 (Grade I UCC; P = 0.264, against referents); 1.49 +/- 0.16 (Grade II UCC; P = 0.057); 1.57 +/- 0.16 (Grade III UCC; P = 0.003). Micronucleated urothelial cells (MNC) were also scored on Giemsa-stained routine cytological smears and were found not to correlate with DNA damage or DCR. MNC frequencies were higher for patients with a history of UCC and/or smoking than referents with neither history, but there was no statistical difference between groups. Taken together, these results suggest that the normal-appearing urothelium of patients resected for UCC still harbor genetically unstable cells. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
CDX2 is a recently cloned homeobox gene that encodes an intestine-specific transcription factor, expressed in the nuclei of epithelial cells throughout the intestine, from duodenum to rectum. While expression of CDX2 protein in primary and metastatic colorectal carcinomas has been previously documented, neither the sensitivity nor the specificity of CDX2 expression, as determined by immunohistochemistry, for colorectal adenocarcinoma has been determined. We performed an immunohistochemical survey of 476 tumors with a monoclonal antibody, CDX2-88, including 89 tumors from the colon and duodenum and 95 tumors from other gastrointestinal sites, including the esophagus, stomach, pancreatobiliary system, gastrointestinal carcinoids, and liver. CDX2 was expressed uniformly (that is, in 76-100% of tumor cells) in all but one of the evaluated colorectal and duodenal tumors. High-level expression of CDX2 was also found, however, in mucinous ovarian carcinomas and adenocarcinomas primary to the urinary bladder of which 64% and 100% were positive, respectively. Gastric, gastroesophageal, and pancreatic adenocarcinomas and cholangiocarcinomas all showed similar, heterogeneous patterns of CDX2 expression. Most tumors in each group showed CDX2 expression by a minority of cells, whereas a substantial minority of cases in each group was completely negative and a smaller minority was uniformly positive. Gastrointestinal carcinoids gave similarly varied results, but the majority (58%) was negative. Hepatocellular carcinomas showed no expression of CDX2. Only very rare examples of carcinomas of the genitourinary and gynecologic tracts, breast, lung, and head and neck showed significant levels of CDX2 expression. In this study of primary and metastatic epithelial tumors, uniform CDX2 expression is demonstrated to be an exquisitely sensitive and highly, but incompletely, specific marker of intestinal adenocarcinomas. Compared with villin, a previously described marker of GI adenocarcinomas, CDX2 demonstrated superior sensitivity and comparable specificity. CDX2 expression can be seen, however, in selected non-GI adenocarcinomas such as mucinous ovarian carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the urinary bladder.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Considering the high incidence of dogs with acute bacterial cystitis (BC) and the relationship among inflammation, genotoxicity, and carcinogenesis, we conducted a case-control study comparing the frequency of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) lesions assessed by the comet assay between disease-free animals (13 males and 13 females) and cytology-confirmed cases of acute BC (12 males and 12 females), which was mainly caused by Staphylococcus sp. (40%) and Escherichia coli (35%). The results show no increase in DNA damage in cells obtained by bladder washings and no influence of age, sex, and breed due to acute BC. In conclusion, DNA damage was seemingly not associated with the infection by specific bacteria.