998 resultados para Graves family.
Division site positioning is critical for both symmetric and asymmetric cell divisions. In many organisms, positive and negative signals cooperate to position the contractile actin ring for cytokinesis. In rod-shaped fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells, division at midcell is achieved through positive Mid1/anillin-dependent signaling emanating from the central nucleus and negative signals from the dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase family kinase Pom1 at the cell poles. In this study, we show that Pom1 directly phosphorylates the F-BAR protein Cdc15, a central component of the cytokinetic ring. Pom1-dependent phosphorylation blocks Cdc15 binding to paxillin Pxl1 and C2 domain protein Fic1 and enhances Cdc15 dynamics. This promotes ring sliding from cell poles, which prevents septum assembly at the ends of cells with a displaced nucleus or lacking Mid1. Pom1 also slows down ring constriction. These results indicate that a strong negative signal from the Pom1 kinase at cell poles converts Cdc15 to its closed state, destabilizes the actomyosin ring, and thus promotes medial septation.
OBJETIVO: Diferentes métodos são usados para determinar atividade do radioiodo para tratamento de hipertireoidismo (doença de Graves). Alguns não consideram a dose absorvida pela tireóide ou os parâmetros necessários para este cálculo. A relação entre dose absorvida e atividade administrada depende da meia-vida efetiva, da captação do iodo e da massa da tireóide de cada paciente. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia para tratamento individualizado com 131I em pacientes portadores de hipertireoidismo da doença de Graves. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Usou-se um simulador de tireóide-pescoço desenvolvido no Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria contendo solução de 131I, para calibração da gama-câmara e sonda cintilométrica do Serviço de Medicina Nuclear do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. RESULTADOS: O campo de visão colimador-detector apresentou valores compatíveis com o tamanho da glândula para as distâncias de 25 cm (sonda de captação) e 45,8 cm (gama-câmara). Os fatores de calibração (cpm/kBq) foram 39,3 ± 0,78 e 4,3 ± 0,17, respectivamente. O intervalo entre 14 e 30 horas da curva de retenção permite o cálculo de atividade entre dois pontos, para determinação da meia-vida efetiva do iodo na tireóide. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização de equipamentos usualmente disponíveis em serviços de medicina nuclear é viável, tornando esta metodologia simples, eficaz e de baixo custo.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a mudança no perfil e abordagem dos pacientes com doença de Graves submetidos a dose terapêutica de radioiodo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Avaliamos, retrospectivamente, 226 pacientes portadores de doença de Graves submetidos a dose terapêutica de radioiodo entre janeiro de 1990 e dezembro de 2001. O período de 12 anos foi dividido em três períodos de 4 anos para fins de análise estatística, sendo comparadas variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais nos períodos descritos. RESULTADOS: Constatamos que o número de pacientes encaminhados para a dose terapêutica, assim como o percentual de pacientes do sexo feminino (de 62% para 86%; p = 0,005), tiveram incremento significativo. Houve aumento significativo no percentual de pacientes em uso de metimazol previamente à dose terapêutica (de 9,1% para 35,6%; p = 0,03). A dose média de iodo administrada também teve incremento significativo (de 7,6 mCi para 12,7 mCi; p = 0,000003), com reflexo direto em um maior percentual de pacientes curados (de 55,6% para 83,7%; p = 0,004) um ano pós-dose terapêutica. CONCLUSÃO: A dose terapêutica de radioiodo tem sido um método cada vez mais aceito nos pacientes com doença de Graves e a dose administrada tem sido cada vez maior, no intuito de cura permanente e diminuição das chances de recidiva.
We present here the characterization of a new gene family, awr, found in all sequenced Ralstonia solanacearum strains and in other bacterial pathogens. We demonstrate that the five paralogues in strain GMI1000 encode type III-secreted effectors and that deletion of all awr genes severely impairs its capacity to multiply in natural host plants. Complementation studies show that the AWR (alanine-tryptophanarginine tryad) effectors display some functional redundancy, although AWR2 is the major contributor to virulence. In contrast, the strain devoid of all awr genes (¿awr1-5) exhibits enhanced pathogenicity on Arabidopsis plants. A gain-of-function approach expressing AWR in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 proves that this is likely due to effector recognition, because AWR5 and AWR4 restrict growth of this bacterium in Arabidopsis. Transient overexpression of AWR in nonhost tobacco species caused macroscopic cell death to varying extents, which, in the case of AWR5, shows characteristics of a typical hypersensitive response. Our work demonstrates that AWR, which show no similarity to any protein with known function, can specify either virulence or avirulence in the interaction of R. solanacearum with its plant hosts.
Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of skin cancer and its incidence rate is still increasing. All existing treatments are minimally effective. Consequently, new therapeutic agents for melanoma treatment should be developed. The DM-1 compound is a curcumin analog that possesses several curcumin characteristics, such as antiproliferative, antitumor, and anti-metastatic properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the different signaling pathways involved in the cytotoxic effect of DM-1 on melanoma cells. The apoptotic process and cytoskeletal changes were evaluated by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence, respectively, in melanoma cells. After DM-1 treatment, SK-MEL-5 melanoma cells showed actin filament disorganization with spicule formation throughout the cytoskeleton and significant reduction of focal adhesion as well as they were present only at cell extremities, conferring a poor connection between the cell and the substrate. Besides this, there was significant filopodium retraction and loss of typical cytoskeleton scaffold. These modifications contributed to cell detachment followed by cell death. Furthermore, DM-1-induced apoptosis was triggered by multiple Bcl-2 proteins involved in both the extrinsic and the intrinsic apoptotic pathways. SK-MEL-5 cells showed a death mechanism mainly by Bcl-2/Bax ratio decrease, whereas A375 cells presented apoptosis induction by Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL downregulation. In SK-MEL-5 and A375 melanoma cells, there was a significant increase in the active form of caspase 9, and the inactive form of the effector caspase 3 was decreased in both cell lines. Expression of cleaved poly ADP ribose polymerase was increased after DM-1 treatment in these melanoma cell lines, demonstrating that the apoptotic process occurred. Altogether, these data elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the cytotoxicity induced by the antitumor agent DM-1 in melanoma cells.
Bien que la violence contre les femmes en général soit actuellement reconnue comme un problème de santé publique, la sévérité des violences subies par les femmes est une problématique encore peu étudiée. Cette recherche vise à identifier le profil des femmes victimes des violences les plus graves parmi les patientes ayant consulté auprès d'une Unité de Médecine des Violences d'un hôpital Universitaire Suisse. Les données ont été récoltées à partir des dossiers complétés par l'infirmière pour chaque patiente ayant consulté à l'Unité durant l'année 2006. Une quinzaine de caractéristiques relatives à la victime elle-même ainsi qu'à l'évènement violent ont été systématiquement documentées par le consultant. Les résultats montrent que parmi les 183 cas de femmes analysés, 28% ont subi des violences graves et 72% des violences modérées. Si aucune différence significative entre les deux groupes de femmes n'a été relevée concernant l'âge, la nationalité, les expériences de violence dans l'enfance et la religion, les femmes victimes de leur partenaire (actuel ou ex) étaient plus à risque de subir des violences graves que celles victimes d'un autre agresseur. Les programmes de prévention devraient se centrer sur la gravité potentielle des actes de violence dans la sphère conjugale.
Purpose: To report the clinical and genetic study of a child with bilateral anophthalmia. Methods: A 14-year-old Egyptian boy, born from consanguineous parents, underwent a general and a full ophthalmological examination. Mutation screen of the A/M genes with recessive inheritance was done stepwise and DNA was analyzed by Sanger sequencing. Results: Bilateral anophthalmia, arachnodactyly of the feet and high arched palate were observed on general examination. The parents were first cousins and healthy. Sequencing analysis revealed a novel compound heterozygous mutation in one of the copy of exon 2 of VSX2 and a possible deletion of at least exon 2 on the other allele. Conclusions: A compound heterozygous VSX2 mutation associated with anophthalmia was identified in a patient from an Egyptian consanguineous family. This report brings the number of VSX2 mutation in anophthalmia/microphthalmia (A/M) to 13. Functional consequences of the reported changes still need to be characterized, as well as the percentage of A/M caused by mutations in the VSX2 gene. This family also shows that despite consanguinity, heterozygous mutations can also happen and one should not restrict the molecular analysis to homozygous mutations.
Fundamentos: El consumo episódico excesivo de alcohol (CEEA) es una práctica extendida en la población adolescente con graves riesgos para la salud, incluyendo el abuso/dependencia en la edad adulta. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar su asociación con los estados de ánimo negativos y algunas variables familiares entre los adolescentes catalanes. Métodos: Estudio transversal de una muestra representativa de adolescentes (edad 14-18 años) de Cataluña (Segunda oleada del Panel de Familias e Infancia) (2006-2010). Se realizan modelos de regresión logística para mujeres (n = 1.459) y hombres (n= 1.105) para estimar si los estados de ánimo negativos auto-percibidos (tristeza, presión parental, etc.) están asociados con el CEEA, capturado como haberse emborrachado por lo menos dos veces al mes durante el último año. Se estima en qué medida esos efectos son atribuibles a algunos factores familiares. Resultados: El sentimiento crónico de tristeza está asociado con el CEEA entre los varones (OR 2,7), al igual que sentirse presionado/a por los progenitores en ambos sexos (OR 1,8 hombres y OR 2,1 mujeres). Las mujeres de rentas medio-bajas y altas son más proclives al CEEA (OR 1,6 y OR 1,7 respectivamente). La existencia de progenitores de origen inmigrante (OR 0,4) y la fijación parental de un horario de retorno a casa los fines de semana (OR 0,6) presentan una asociación negativa con el CEEA entre las mujeres. Conclusiones: Los estados de ánimo negativos (EAN) están asociados al CEEA. Los efectos de los factores socio-económicos y familiares sobre el CEEA son más relevantes en mujeres que en varones.
Sex chromosome differentiation in Rana temporaria varies strikingly among populations or families: whereas some males display well-differentiated Y haplotypes at microsatellite markers on linkage group 2 (LG2 ), others are genetically undistinguishable from females. We analysed with RADseq markers one family from a Swiss lowland population with no differentiated sex chromosomes, and where sibship analyses had failed to detect any association between the phenotypic sex of progeny and parental haplotypes. Offspring were reared in a common tank in outdoor conditions and sexed at the froglet stage. We could map a total of 2177 SNPs (1123 in the mother, 1054 in the father), recovering in both adults 13 linkage groups (= chromosome pairs) that were strongly syntenic to Xenopus tropicalis despite > 200 My divergence. Sexes differed strikingly in the localization of crossovers, which were uniformly distributed in the female but limited to chromosome ends in the male. None of the 2177 markers showed significant association with offspring sex. Considering the very high power of our analysis, we conclude that sex determination was not genetic in this family; which factors determined sex remain to be investigated.
Members of the Src family of kinases (SFKs) are non-receptor tyrosine kinases involved in numerous signal transduction pathways. The catalytic, SH3 and SH2 domains are attached to the membrane-anchoring SH4 domain through the intrinsically disordered"Unique" domains, which exhibit strong sequence divergence among SFK members. In the last decade, structural and biochemical studies have begun to uncover the crucial role of the Unique domain in the regulation of SFK activity. This mini-review discusses what is known about the phosphorylation events taking place on the SFK Unique domains, and their biological relevance. The modulation by phosphorylation of biologically relevant inter- and intra- molecular interactions of Src, as well as the existence of complex phosphorylation/dephosphorylation patterns observed for the Unique domain of Src, reinforces the important functional role of the Unique domain in the regulation mechanisms of the Src kinases and, in a wider context, of intrinsically disordered regions in cellular processes.