998 resultados para Glucose consume


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The Snf1 protein kinase family has been conserved in eukaryotes. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Snf1 is essential for transcription of glucose-repressed genes in response to glucose starvation. The direct interaction between Snf1 and its activating subunit, Snf4, within the kinase complex is regulated by the glucose signal. Glucose inhibition of the Snf1-Snf4 interaction depends on protein phosphatase 1 and its targeting subunit, Reg1. Here we show that Reg1 interacts with the Snf1 catalytic domain in the two-hybrid system. This interaction increases in response to glucose limitation and requires the conserved threonine in the activation loop of the kinase, a putative phosphorylation site. The inhibitory effect of Reg1 appears to require the Snf1 regulatory domain because a reg1Δ mutation no longer relieves glucose repression of transcription when Snf1 function is provided by the isolated catalytic domain. Finally, we show that abolishing the Snf1 catalytic activity by mutation of the ATP-binding site causes elevated, constitutive interaction with Reg1, indicating that Snf1 negatively regulates its own interaction with Reg1. We propose a model in which protein phosphatase 1, targeted by Reg1, facilitates the conformational change of the kinase complex from its active state to the autoinhibited state.


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The performance of an amperometric biosensor, consisting of a subcutaneously implanted miniature (0.29 mm diameter, 5 × 10−4 cm2 mass transporting area), 90 s 10–90% rise/decay time glucose electrode, and an on-the-skin electrocardiogram Ag/AgCl electrode was tested in an unconstrained, naturally diabetic, brittle, type I, insulin-dependent chimpanzee. The chimpanzee was trained to wear on her wrist a small electronic package and to present her heel for capillary blood samples. In five sets of measurements, averaging 5 h each, 82 capillary blood samples were assayed, their concentrations ranging from 35 to 400 mg/dl. The current readings were translated to blood glucose concentration by assaying, at t = 1 h, one blood sample for each implanted sensor. The rms error in the correlation between the sensor-measured glucose concentration and that in capillary blood was 17.2%, 4.9% above the intrinsic 12.3% rms error of the Accu-Chek II reference, through which the illness of the chimpanzee was routinely managed. Linear regression analysis of the data points taken at t>1 h yielded the relationship (Accu-Chek) = 0.98 × (implanted sensor) + 4.2 mg/dl, r2 = 0.94. The capillary blood and the subcutaneous glucose concentrations were statistically indistinguishable when the rate of change was less than 1 mg/(dl⋅min). However, when the rate of decline exceeded 1.8 mg/(dl⋅min) after insulin injection, the subcutaneous glucose concentration was transiently higher.


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The brain has enormous anabolic needs during early postnatal development. This study presents multiple lines of evidence showing that endogenous brain insulin-like growth factor 1 (Igf1) serves an essential, insulin-like role in promoting neuronal glucose utilization and growth during this period. Brain 2-deoxy-d- [1-14C]glucose uptake parallels Igf1 expression in wild-type mice and is profoundly reduced in Igf1−/− mice, particularly in those structures where Igf1 is normally most highly expressed. 2-Deoxy-d- [1-14C]glucose is significantly reduced in synaptosomes prepared from Igf1−/− brains, and the deficit is corrected by inclusion of Igf1 in the incubation medium. The serine/threonine kinase Akt/PKB is a major target of insulin-signaling in the regulation of glucose transport via the facilitative glucose transporter (GLUT4) and glycogen synthesis in peripheral tissues. Phosphorylation of Akt and GLUT4 expression are reduced in Igf1−/− neurons. Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β and glycogen accumulation also are reduced in Igf1−/− neurons. These data support the hypothesis that endogenous brain Igf1 serves an anabolic, insulin-like role in developing brain metabolism.


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Objective: To compare the feasibility of treatment, safety, and toxicity of intravenous amphotericin B deoxycholate prepared in either glucose or intralipid for empirical antimycotic treatment of neutropenic cancer patients.


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We describe the localization of the recently identified glucose transporter GLUTx1 and the regulation of GLUTx1 in the hippocampus of diabetic and control rats. GLUTx1 mRNA and protein exhibit a unique distribution when compared with other glucose transporter isoforms expressed in the rat hippocampus. In particular, GLUTx1 mRNA was detected in hippocampal pyramidal neurons and granule neurons of the dentate gyrus as well as in nonprincipal neurons. With immunohistochemistry, GLUTx1 protein expression is limited to neuronal cell bodies and the most proximal dendrites, unlike GLUT3 expression that is observed throughout the neuropil. Immunoblot analysis of hippocampal membrane fractions revealed that GLUTx1 protein expression is primarily localized to the intracellular compartment and exhibits limited association with the plasma membrane. In streptozotocin diabetic rats compared with vehicle-treated controls, quantitative autoradiography showed increased GLUTx1 mRNA levels in pyramidal neurons and granule neurons; up-regulation of GLUTx1 mRNA also was found in nonprincipal cells, as shown by single-cell emulsion autoradiography. In contrast, diabetic and control rats expressed similar levels of hippocampal GLUTx1 protein. These results indicate that GLUTx1 mRNA and protein have a unique expression pattern in rat hippocampus and suggest that streptozotocin diabetes increases steady-state mRNA levels in the absence of concomitant increases in GLUTx1 protein expression.


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We used 2D protein gel electrophoresis and DNA microarray technologies to systematically analyze genes under glucose repression in Bacillus subtilis. In particular, we focused on genes expressed after the shift from glycolytic to gluconeogenic at the middle logarithmic phase of growth in a nutrient sporulation medium, which remained repressed by the addition of glucose. We also examined whether or not glucose repression of these genes was mediated by CcpA, the catabolite control protein of this bacterium. The wild-type and ccpA1 cells were grown with and without glucose, and their proteomes and transcriptomes were compared. 2D gel electrophoresis allowed us to identify 11 proteins, the synthesis of which was under glucose repression. Of these proteins, the synthesis of four (IolA, I, S and PckA) was under CcpA-independent control. Microarray analysis enabled us to detect 66 glucose-repressive genes, 22 of which (glmS, acoA, C, yisS, speD, gapB, pckA, yvdR, yxeF, iolA, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, R, S and yxbF ) were at least partially under CcpA-independent control. Furthermore, we found that CcpA and IolR, a repressor of the iol divergon, were involved in the glucose repression of the synthesis of inositol dehydrogenase encoded by iolG included in the above list. The CcpA-independent glucose repression of the iol genes appeared to be explained by inducer exclusion.


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It recently was proposed [Loo, D. D. F., Zeuthen, T., Chandy, G. & Wright, E. M. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 13367–13370] that SGLT1, the high affinity intestinal and renal sodium/glucose cotransporter carries water molecules along with the cosubstrates with a strict stoichiometry of two Na+, one glucose, and ≈220 water molecules per transport cycle. Using electrophysiology together with sensitive volumetric measurements, we investigated the nature of the driving force behind the cotransporter-mediated water flux. The osmotic water permeability of oocytes expressing human SGLT1 (Lp ± SE) averaged 3.8 ± 0.3 × 10−4 cm⋅s−1 (n = 15) and addition of 100 μM phlorizin (a specific SGLT1 inhibitor) reduced the permeability to 2.2 ± 0.2 × 10−4 cm⋅s−1 (n = 15), confirming the presence of a significant water permeability closely associated with the cotransporter. Addition of 5 mM α-methyl-glucose (αMG) induced an average inward current of 800 ± 10 nA at −50 mV and a water influx reaching 120 ± 20 pL cm−2 ⋅s−1 within 5–8 min. After rapidly inhibiting the Na+/glucose cotransport with phlorizin, the water flux remained significantly elevated, clearly indicating the presence of a local osmotic gradient (Δπ) estimated at 16 ± 2 mOsm. In short-term experiments, a rapid depolarization from −100 to 0 mV in the presence of αMG decreased the cotransport current by 94% but failed to produce a comparable reduction in the swelling rate. A mathematical model depicting the intracellular accumulation of transported osmolytes can accurately account for these observations. It is concluded that, in SGLT1-expressing oocytes, αMG-dependent water influx is induced by a local osmotic gradient by using both endogenous and SGLT1-dependent water permeability.


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Muscle tissue is the major site for insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in vivo, due primarily to the recruitment of the insulin-sensitive glucose transporter (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane. Surprisingly, virtually all cultured muscle cells express little or no GLUT4. We show here that adenovirus-mediated expression of the transcriptional coactivator PGC-1, which is expressed in muscle in vivo but is also deficient in cultured muscle cells, causes the total restoration of GLUT4 mRNA levels to those observed in vivo. This increased GLUT4 expression correlates with a 3-fold increase in glucose transport, although much of this protein is transported to the plasma membrane even in the absence of insulin. PGC-1 mediates this increased GLUT4 expression, in large part, by binding to and coactivating the muscle-selective transcription factor MEF2C. These data indicate that PGC-1 is a coactivator of MEF2C and can control the level of endogenous GLUT4 gene expression in muscle.