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BACKGROUND: Abciximab, a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonist has been shown to improve patency and clinical outcome in patients undergoing endovascular recanalization of femoro-popliteal occlusions. However, data on abciximab therapy in complex peripheral catheter interventions of lower limbs are quite limited. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical and hemodynamic outcomes of patients treated with provisional abciximab during complex peripheral catheter interventions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Analysis of a consecutive series of 44 patients with provisional abciximab therapy in complex peripheral catheter interventions with imminent risk of early rethrombosis defined as revascularization of arterial occlusions associated with one or more of the following additional circumstances named as time-consuming intervention > 3 hours, compromised contrast flow not solved by stenting, distal embolization not solved by mechanical thromboembolectomy, and peri-interventional notice of thrombus evolution despite adequate heparin adjustment of lower limbs. Adjunctive abciximab therapy was started in accordance to percutaneous coronary bailout situations. The decision to add abciximab was based on the decision of the operator and went along with the judgement that there is a rising risk of reocclusion due to the progressive complexity of an individual intervention. A bolus of 0.25 mg per kilogram of body weight, followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.125 microg/kg/min (up to a maximum dosage of 10 microg/min) for 12 hours was administered. Clinical and hemodynamic outcome was prospectively assessed at discharge, three and six months after the index procedure. RESULTS: The occluded artery of 44 limbs was in the iliac (2%), in the femoro-popliteal (73%) or below the knee segment (25%). Overall, occlusion length was 11.5 +/- 6.5 cm. Technical success rate was 95%. Mean ABI increased from 0.5 +/- 0.16 to 0.88 +/- 0.19 (p < 0.001) with immediate hemodynamic improvement of 91%. Overall, sustained clinical improvement was 84% and 66% at three and six months follow-up, with best results in iliac (100%), followed by below the knee (73%) and by femoro-popliteal segment (63%) at six months, respectively. Overall, secondary clinical improvement was 86% at six months. Minor and major bleeding complications were 16% and 9%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Abciximab should be noticed as medical adjunct in the interventional armamentarium to prevent imminent rethrombosis in complex peripheral catheter interventions.
The recommended dose (bolus 0.4 mg/kg followed by 0.15 mg/kg per hour) of lepirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor licensed for treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), is too high. Starting in 2001, we omitted the bolus and reduced maintenance dose by at least one-third. Analyzing 53 HIT patients treated between January 2001 and February 2007, we observed that therapeutic anticoagulation intensity already 4 hours after lepirudin start had been reached with the following initial lepirudin doses (median): 0.078 mg/kg per hour [creatinine clearance (CrCl) more than 60 mL/min], 0.040 mg/kg per hour (CrCl 30-60 mL/min), and 0.013 mg/kg per hour (CrCl < 30 mL/min). The efficacy of this treatment was documented by increasing platelets and decreasing D-dimers. Based on this experience, we derived a lepirudin dosing regimen, which was prospectively evaluated treating 15 HIT patients between March 2007 and February 2008. We show that omitting the initial lepirudin bolus and administering 0.08 mg/kg per hour in patients with CrCl more than 60 mL/min, 0.04 mg/kg per hour in patients with CrCl 30-60 mL/min, and 0.01 to 0.02 mg/kg per hour in those with CrCl less than 30 mL/min is efficacious and safe, as documented by increasing platelet counts, decreasing D-dimer levels, and rare thrombotic (1 of 46) and major bleeding (4 of 46) complications.
BACKGROUND: Recanalization of the culprit lesion is the main goal of primary angioplasty for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction and multivessel disease are, therefore, usually subjected to staged procedures, with the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) confined to recanalization of the infarct-related artery (IRA). Theoretically at least, early relief of stenoses of non-infarct-related arteries could promote collateral circulation, which could help to limit the infarct size. However, the safety and feasibility of such an approach has not been adequately established. METHODS: In this single-center prospective study we examined 73 consecutive patients who had an acute STEMI and at least one or more lesions > or = 70% in a major epicardial vessel other than the infarct-related artery. In the first 28 patients, forming the multi-vessel (MV) PCI group, all lesions were treated during the primary procedure. In the following 45 patients, forming the culprit-only (CO) PCI group, only the culprit lesion was treated during the initial procedure, followed by either planned-staged or ischemia-driven revascularization of the non-culprit lesions. Fluoroscopy time and contrast dye amount were compared between both groups, and patients were followed up for one year for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and other significant clinical events. RESULTS: The two groups were well balanced in terms of clinical characteristics, number of diseased vessels and angiographic characteristics of the culprit lesion. In the MV-PCI group, 2.51 lesions per patient were treated using 2.96 +/- 1.34 stents (1.00 lesions and 1.76 +/- 1.17 stents in the CO-PCI group, both p < 0.001). The fluoroscopy time increased from 10.3 (7.2-16.9) min in the CO-PCI group to 12.5 (8.5-19.3) min in the MV-PCI group (p = 0.22), and the amount of contrast used from 200 (180-250) ml to 250 (200-300) ml, respectively (p = 0.16). Peak CK and CK-MB were significantly lower in patients of the MV-PCI group (843 +/- 845 and 135 +/- 125 vs 1652 +/- 1550 and 207 +/- 155 U/l, p < 0.001 and 0.01, respectively). Similar rates of major adverse cardiac events at one year were observed in the two groups (24% and 28% in multi-vessel and culprit treatment groups, p = 0.73). The incidence of new revascularization in both infarct- and non-infarct-related arteries was also similar (24% and 28%, respectively, p = 0.73). CONCLUSION: We may state from this limited experience that a multi-vessel stenting approach for patients with acute STEMI and multi-vessel disease is feasible and probably safe during routine clinical practice. Our data suggest that this approach may help to limit the infarct size. However, larger studies, perhaps using drug-eluting stents, are still needed to further evaluate the safety and efficiency of this procedure, and whether it is associated with a lower need of subsequent revascularization and lower costs.
The recent identification of a cellular balance between ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) as a critical regulator of cell growth and death has stimulated increasing research effort to clarify the role of ceramide and S1P in various diseases associated with dysregulated cell proliferation and apoptosis. S1P acts mainly, but not exclusively, by binding to and activating specific cell surface receptors, the so-called S1P receptors. These receptors belong to the class of G protein-coupled receptors that constitute five subtypes, denoted as S1P(1)-S1P(5), and represent attractive pharmacological targets to interfere with S1P action. Whereas classical receptor antagonists will directly block S1P action, S1P receptor agonists have also proven useful, as recently shown for the sphingolipid-like immunomodulatory substance FTY720. When phosphorylated by sphingosine kinase to yield FTY720 phosphate, it acutely acts as an agonist at S1P receptors, but upon prolonged presence, it displays antagonistic activity by specifically desensitizing the S1P(1) receptor subtype. This commentary will cover the most recent developments in the field of S1P receptor pharmacology and highlights the potential therapeutic benefit that can be expected from these novel drug targets in the future.
In an increasingly interconnected world characterized by the accelerating interplay of cultural, linguistic, and national difference, the ability to negotiate that difference in an equitable and ethical manner is a crucial skill for both individuals and larger social groups. This dissertation, Writing Center Handbooks and Travel Guidebooks: Redesigning Instructional Texts for Multicultural, Multilingual, and Multinational Contexts, considers how instructional texts that ostensibly support the negotiation of difference (i.e., accepting and learning from difference) actually promote the management of difference (i.e., rejecting, assimilating, and erasing difference). As a corrective to this focus on managing difference, chapter two constructs a theoretical framework that facilitates the redesign of handbooks, guidebooks, and similar instructional texts. This framework centers on reflexive design practices and is informed by literacy theory (Gee; New London Group; Street), social learning theory (Wenger), globalization theory (Nederveen Pieterse), and composition theory (Canagarajah; Horner and Trimbur; Lu; Matsuda; Pratt). By implementing reflexive design practices in the redesign of instructional texts, this dissertation argues that instructional texts can promote the negotiation of difference and a multicultural/multilingual sensibility that accounts for twenty-first century linguistic and cultural realities. Informed by the theoretical framework of chapter two, chapters three and four conduct a rhetorical analysis of two forms of instructional text that are representative of the larger genre: writing center coach handbooks and travel guidebooks to Hong Kong. This rhetorical analysis reveals how both forms of text employ rhetorical strategies that uphold dominant monolingual and monocultural assumptions. Alternative rhetorical strategies are then proposed that can be used to redesign these two forms of instructional texts in a manner that aligns with multicultural and multilingual assumptions. These chapters draw on the work of scholars in Writing Center Studies (Boquet and Lerner; Carino; DiPardo; Grimm; North; Severino) and Technical Communication (Barton and Barton; Dilger; Johnson; Kimball; Slack), respectively. Chapter five explores how the redesign of coach handbooks and travel guidebooks proposed in this dissertation can be conceptualized as a political act. Ultimately, this dissertation argues that instructional texts are powerful heuristic tools that can enact social change if they are redesigned to foster the negotiation of difference and to promote multicultural/multilingual world views.
Writing center scholarship and practice have approached how issues of identity influence communication but have not fully considered ways of making identity a key feature of writing center research or practice. This dissertation suggests a new way to view identity -- through an experience of "multimembership" or the consideration that each identity is constructed based on the numerous community memberships that make up that identity. Etienne Wenger (1998) proposes that a fully formed identity is ultimately impossible, but it is through the work of reconciling memberships that important individual and community transformations can occur. Since Wenger also argues that reconciliation "is the most significant challenge" for those moving into new communities of practice (or, "engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human endeavor" (4)), yet this challenge often remains tacit, this dissertation examines and makes explicit how this important work is done at two different research sites - a university writing center (the Michigan Tech Multiliteracies Center) and at a multinational corporation (Kimberly-Clark Corporation). Drawing extensively on qualitative ethnographic methods including interview transcriptions, observations, and case studies, as well as work from scholars in writing center studies (Grimm, Denney, Severino), literacy studies (New London Group, Street, Gee), composition (Horner and Trimbur, Canagarajah, Lu), rhetoric (Crowley), and identity studies (Anzaldua, Pratt), I argue that, based on evidence from the two sites, writing centers need to educate tutors to not only take identity into consideration, but to also make individuals' reconciliation work more visible, as it will continue once students and tutors leave the university. Further, as my research at the Michigan Tech Multiliteracies Center and Kimberly-Clark will show, communities can (and should) change their practices in ways that account for reconciliation work as identity, communication, and learning are inextricably bound up with one another.
BACKGROUND: Durability of protection and long-term quality of life (QoL) are critical outcome parameters of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. The aim of the present study was to compare results of endovascular and open aneurysm repair (EVAR and OR) with adjusted standard populations, including stratification for urgency of presentation. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data of 401 consecutive patients presenting with AAA between January 1998 and December 2002. Cross-sectional follow up was 58 +/- 29 months. Patients were grouped into three cohorts: elective EVAR (n = 68), elective OR (n = 244), and emergency OR (including symptomatic and ruptured AAA, n = 89). Endpoints were perioperative (i.e., 30 days or in-hospital) and late mortality rates, as well as long-term QoL as assessed by the Short Form health survey questionnaire (SF-36). RESULTS: Mean age was lower in the elective OR cohort (66 +/- 10 years) than in the EVAR cohort (72 +/- 7 years; p < .05). Perioperative mortality rates were 4.4%, 0.4%, and 10.1%, for the EVAR, elective OR, and emergency OR cohorts, respectively (p < .05). Corresponding cumulative survival rates after 4 years were 67%, 89%, and 69%, respectively. Long-term QoL SF-36 scores were in all cohorts similar to age- and gender-adjusted standard populations, which score between 85 and 115: 99.6 +/- 35.8 (EVAR), 101.3 +/- 32.4 (elective OR), and 100.4 +/- 36.5 (emergency OR). CONCLUSIONS: Long-term QoL is not permanently impaired after AAA repair, but returns in long-term survivors to what would be expected in a standard population. In this respect, differences were found neither between EVAR and OR, nor between elective and emergency repair. Perioperative mortality rates were highest in patients undergoing emergency OR. The outlook for such patients after the perioperative period, however, was similar to that for patients undergoing elective repair.
BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation is less frequently performed in women than in men. Although the prevalence of AF is slightly higher in men, this does not fully account for the lower number of AF ablations performed in women. This study sought to examine the effect of gender on referral for AF and subsequent AF management. METHODS: Consecutive patients referred to our tertiary arrhythmia outpatient clinic for AF management were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Of 264 patients referred, only 27% were women. Women were older than men (63 +/- 9 vs 58 +/- 11 years, P = 0.002), more often had paroxysmal AF (78% vs 63% in men, P = 0.022), and women more frequently complained about palpitations (71% vs 49%, P = 0.002). In addition, they had more often experienced amiodarone side effects than men (56% vs 36%, P = 0.046). In this referred population, there was no difference in the proportion of women and men undergoing AF ablation immediately following the initial evaluation (21% vs 25%, P = ns), at any time during the follow-up (38% vs 44%, P = ns), and there was no difference in the proportion of patients undergoing atrioventricular node ablation in both sexes (6% of women vs 3% of men, P = ns). CONCLUSIONS: There is an important difference in the proportion of men and women referred for management of AF in a specialized outpatient arrhythmia clinic, with women being referred three times less often than men. However, there is no gender-related difference in the subsequent treatment decisions. These findings emphasize the importance of focusing on management of symptomatic AF in women.
Vertebroplasty (VP) is a cost-efficient alternative to kyphoplasty. However, it is considered inferior when it comes to maintaining safety and in vertebral body (VB) height restoration. We assess the safety and efficacy of VP in alleviating pain, improving quality of life (QoL), and restoring alignment.
BACKGROUND: Only responding patients benefit from preoperative therapy for locally advanced esophageal carcinoma. Early detection of non-responders may avoid futile treatment and delayed surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a multi-center phase ll trial, patients with resectable, locally advanced esophageal carcinoma were treated with 2 cycles of induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and surgery. Positron emission tomography with 2[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG-PET) was performed at baseline and after induction chemotherapy. The metabolic response was correlated with tumor regression grade (TRG). A decrease in FDG tumor uptake of less than 40% was prospectively hypothesized as a predictor for histopathological non-response (TRG > 2) after CRT. RESULTS: 45 patients were included. The median decrease in FDG tumor uptake after chemotherapy correlated well with TRG after completion of CRT (p = 0.021). For an individual patient, less than 40% decrease in FDG tumor uptake after induction chemotherapy predicted histopathological non-response after completion of CRT, with a sensitivity of 68% and a specificity of 52% (positive predictive value 58%, negative predictive value 63%). CONCLUSIONS: Metabolic response correlated with histopathology after preoperative therapy. However, FDG-PET did not predict non-response after induction chemotherapy with sufficient clinical accuracy to justify withdrawal of subsequent CRT and selection of patients to proceed directly to surgery.