983 resultados para Geological extrapolation


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An immersed finite element method is presented to compute flows with complex moving boundaries on a fixed Cartesian grid. The viscous, incompressible fluid flow equations are discretized with b-spline basis functions. The two-scale relation for b-splines is used to implement an elegant and efficient technique to satisfy the LBB condition. On non-grid-aligned fluid domains and at moving boundaries, the boundary conditions are enforced with a consistent penalty method as originally proposed by Nitsche. In addition, a special extrapolation technique is employed to prevent the loss of numerical stability in presence of arbitrarily small cut-cells. The versatility and accuracy of the proposed approach is demonstrated by means of convergence studies and comparisons with previous experimental and computational investigations.


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Molecular phylogeny of three genera containing nine species and subspecies of the specialized schizothoracine fishes are investigated based on the complete nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Meantime relationships between the main cladogenetic events of the specialized schizothoracine fishes and the stepwise uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau are also conducted using the molecular clock, which is calibrated by geological isolated events between the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the Qinghai Lake. Results indicated that the specialized schizothoracine fishes are not a monophyly. Five species and subspecies of Ptychobarbus form a monophyly. But three species of Gymnodiptychus do not form a monophyly. Gd. integrigymnatus is a sister taxon of the highly specialized schizothoracine fishes while Gd. pachycheilus has a close relation with Gd. dybowskii, and both of them are as a sister group of Diptychus maculatus. The specialized schizothoracines fishes might have originated during the Miocene (about 10 MaBP), and then the divergence of three genera happened during late Miocene (about 8 MaBP). Their main specialization occurred during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene (3.54-0.42 MaBP). The main cladogenetic events of the specialized schizothoracine fishes are mostly correlated with the geological tectonic events and intensive climate shift happened at 8, 3.6, 2.5 and 1.7 MaBP of the late Cenozoic. Molecular clock data do not support the hypothesis that the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau uplifted to near present or even higher elevations during the Oligocene or Miocene, and neither in agreement with the view that the plateau uplifting reached only to an altitude of 2000 in during the late Pliocene (about 2.6 MaBP).


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Despite its importance, choosing the structural form of the kernel in nonparametric regression remains a black art. We define a space of kernel structures which are built compositionally by adding and multiplying a small number of base kernels. We present a method for searching over this space of structures which mirrors the scientific discovery process. The learned structures can often decompose functions into interpretable components and enable long-range extrapolation on time-series datasets. Our structure search method outperforms many widely used kernels and kernel combination methods on a variety of prediction tasks.


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The response of submerged slopes on the continental shelf to seismic or storm loading has become an important element in the risk assessment for offshore structures and "local" tsunami hazards worldwide. The geological profile of these slopes typically includes normally consolidated to lightly overconsolidated soft cohesive soils with layer thickness ranging from a few meters to hundreds of meters. The factor of safety obtained from pseudo-static analyses is not always a useful measure for evaluating the slope response, since values less than one do not necessarily imply slope failure with large movements of the soil mass. This paper addresses the relative importance of different factors affecting the response of submerged slopes during seismic loading. The analyses use a dynamic finite element code which includes a constitutive law describing the anisotropic stress-strain-strength behavior of normally consolidated to lightly overconsolidated clays. The model also incorporates anisotropic hardening to describe the effect of different shear strain and stress histories as well as bounding surface principles to provide realistic descriptions of the accumulation of the plastic strains and excess pore pressure during successive loading cycles. The paper presents results from parametric site response analyses on slope geometry and layering, soil material parameters, and input ground motion characteristics. The predicted maximum shear strains, permanent deformations, displacement time histories and maximum excess pore pressure development provide insight of slope performance during a seismic event. © 2006 Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


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The geological profile of many submerged slopes on the continental shelf consists of normally to lightly overconsolidated clays with depths ranging from a few meters to hundreds of meters. For these soils, earthquake loading can generate significant excess pore water pressures at depth, which can bring the slope to a state of instability during the event or at a later time as a result of pore pressure redistribution within the soil profile. Seismic triggering mechanisms of landslide initiation for these soils are analyzed with the use of a new simplified model for clays which predicts realistic variations of the stress-strain-strength relationships as well as pore pressure generation during dynamic loading in simple shear. The proposed model is implemented in a finite element program to analyze the seismic response of submarine slopes. These analyses provide an assessment of the critical depth and estimated displacements of the mobilized materials and thus are important components for the estimation of submarine landslide-induced tsunamis. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The geological profile of submerged slopes on the continental shelf typically includes soft cohesive soils with thicknesses ranging from a few meters to tens or hundreds of meters. The response of these soils in simple shear tests is largely influenced by the presence of an initial consolidation shear stress, inducing anisotropic stress-strain-strength properties which depend also on the direction of shear. In this paper, a new simplified effective-stress-based model describing the behavior of normally to lightly overconsolidated cohesive soils is used in conjunction with a one-dimensional seismic site response analysis computer code to illustrate the importance of accounting for anisotropy and small strain nonlinearity. In particular, a simple example is carried out to compare results for different slope inclinations. Depth profiling of the maximum shear strains and permanent deformations provide insight into the mechanisms of deformation during a seismic event, and the effects of sloping ground conditions.


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Assessment of seismic performance and estimation of permanent displacements for submerged slopes require the accurate description of the soil's stress-strain-strength relationship under irregular cyclic loading. The geological profile of submerged slopes on the continental shelf typically consists of normally to lightly overconsolidated clays with depths ranging from a few meters to a few hundred meters and very low slope angles. This paper describes the formulation of a simplified effective-stress-based model, which is able to capture the key aspects of the cyclic behavior of normally consolidated clays. The proposed constitutive law incorporates anisotropic hardening and bounding surface principles to allow the user to simulate different shear strain and stress reversal histories as well as provide realistic descriptions of the accumulation of plastic shear strains and excess pore pressure during successive loading cycles. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. | Assessment of seismic performance and estimation of permanent displacements for submerged slopes require the accurate description of the soil's stress-strain-strength relationship under irregular cyclic loading. The geological profile of submerged slopes on the continental shelf typically consists of normally to lightly overconsolidated clays with depths ranging from a few meters to a few hundred meters and very low slope angles. This paper describes the formulation of a simplified effective-stress-based model, which is able to capture the key aspects of the cyclic behavior of normally consolidated clays. The proposed constitutive law incorporates anisotropic hardening and bounding surface principles to allow the user to simulate different shear strain and stress reversal histories as well as provide realistic descriptions of the accumulation of plastic shear strains and excess pore pressures during successive loading cycles.


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The linear, drag-reducing effect of vanishingly small riblets breaks down once their size is in the transitionally-rough regime. We have previously reported that this breakdown is caused by the additional Reynolds stresses produced by the appearance of elongated spanwise rollers just above the riblet surface. These rollers are related with the Kelvin--Helmholtz instability of free shear layers, and to similar structures appearing over other rough and porous surfaces. However, because of the limited Reτ=180 in our previous DNSes, it could not be determined whether those structures scaled in inner or outer units. Furthermore, it is questionable if results in the transitionally-rough regime at Reτ=180 can be extrapolated to configurations of practical interest. At such small Reynolds numbers, roughness of transitional size can perturb a large portion of the boundary layer, which is not the case in most industrial and atmospheric applications. To clarify these issues we have conducted a set of DNSes at Reτ=550. Our results indicate that the spanwise rollers scale in wall units, and support the validity of the extrapolation to configurations of practical interest.


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Copyright © 2014, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. This paper presents the beginnings of an automatic statistician, focusing on regression problems. Our system explores an open-ended space of statistical models to discover a good explanation of a data set, and then produces a detailed report with figures and natural- language text. Our approach treats unknown regression functions non- parametrically using Gaussian processes, which has two important consequences. First, Gaussian processes can model functions in terms of high-level properties (e.g. smoothness, trends, periodicity, changepoints). Taken together with the compositional structure of our language of models this allows us to automatically describe functions in simple terms. Second, the use of flexible nonparametric models and a rich language for composing them in an open-ended manner also results in state- of-the-art extrapolation performance evaluated over 13 real time series data sets from various domains.


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An integrated EOM VCSELs is shown to offer high linearity (92dB/Hz2/3 at 6GHz) and by extrapolation ~90dB/Hz2/3 up to 20GHz. Successful modulation with IEEE 802.11g signals is demonstrated at 6GHz with a 12dB dynamic range. © OSA/OFC/NFOEC 2011.


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The origins and phylogenetic patterns were assessed for G. przewalskii and G. eckloni by analyzing the complete mtDNA cytochrome b gene sequence (1140bp). Phylogenetic analyses further supported that there were three mtDNA lineages (A-C) identified in G. przewalskii and G. eckloni, demonstrating that outer rakers of the first gill have little significance in the phylogeny of the Gymnocypris fishes. The network established showed that G. eckloni of the Yellow River specific haplotype A1 was a founder and it radiated all haplotypes of G. przewalskii which suggested G. przewalskii might only originate from one of two maternals of G. eckloni from the Yellow River. Fs test and mismatch analysis showed at least two expansion events in the population of G. przewalskii about 0.2734 Ma and 0.0658 Ma, while G. eckloni from Qaidam Basin could have experienced severe bottleneck effect about 0.0693 Ma. The population expansion was detected in subclades A1 and A21 with the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) about 0.2308 +/- 0.01 Ma and 0.1319 +/- 0.015 Ma, respectively, which were within the geological age range of "Gonghe Movement" event that caused the separation of Lake Qinghai from the upper Yellow River. These results suggested the effect of the fish diversification by rapid uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in the Late Pleistocene.


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We recovered the phylogenetic relationships among 23 species and subspecies of the highly specialized grade schizothoracine fishes distributing at 36 geographical sites in the Tibetan Plateau and its Surrounding regions by analyzing sequences of cytochrome b genes. Furthermore, we estimated the possible divergent times among lineages based on a historical geological isolation event in the Tibetan Plateau. The molecular data revealed that the highly specialized grade schizothoracine fishes were not a monophyletic group, but were the same as genera Gymnocypris and Schizogypsis. Our results indicated that the molecular phylogenetic relationships apparently reflected their geographical and historical associations with drainages, namely species from the same and adjacent drainages clustered together and had close relationships. The divergence times of different lineages were well consistent with the rapid uplift phases of the Tibetan Plateau in the late Cenozoic, suggesting that the origin and evolution of schizothoracine fishes were strongly influenced by environment changes resulting from the upheaval of the Tibetan Plateau.


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Aim: To test a vicariant speciation hypothesis derived from geological evidence of large-scale changes in drainage patterns in the late Miocene that affected the drainages in the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Location: The Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas. Methods: The cytochrome b DNA sequences of 30 species of the genus Schizothorax from nine different river systems were analysed. These DNA sequences were analysed using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. The approximately unbiased and Shimodaira-Hasegawa tests were applied to evaluate the statistical significance of the shortest trees relative to alternative hypotheses. Dates of divergences between lineages were estimated using the nonparametric rate smoothing method, and confidence intervals of dates were obtained by parametric bootstrapping. Results: The phylogenetic relationships recovered from molecular data were inconsistent with traditional taxonomy, but apparently reflected geographical associations with rivers. Within the genus Schizothorax, we observed a divergence between the lineages from the Irrawaddy-Lhuit and Tsangpo-Parlung rivers, and tentatively dated this vicariant event back to the late Miocene (7.3-6.8 Ma). We also observed approximately simultaneous geographical splits within drainages of the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau, the Irrawaddy, the Yangtze and the Mekong-Salween rivers in the late Miocene (7.1-6.2 Ma). Main conclusions: Our molecular evidence tentatively highlights the importance of palaeoriver connections and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau in understanding the evolution of the genus Schizothorax. Molecular estimates of divergence times allowed us to date these vicariant scenarios back to the late Miocene, which agrees with geological suggestions for the separation of these drainages caused by tectonic uplift in south-eastern Tibet. Our results indicated the substantial role of vicariant-based speciation in shaping the current distribution pattern of the genus Schizothorax.


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In Asia, especially in China, our knowledge of the distribution of testate amoebae is still limited. In this paper, the geographical distribution of testate amoebae in Tibetan Plateau and northwestern Yunnan Plateau, southwest China and their relationships with the climatic factors have been studied. We found testate amoebae shifted in the most dominant species and increased in species (or genus) richness from northwest to southeast. Further, the linear regression analyses revealed that both species richness and genus richness have higher positive correlations with the mean temperature of the warmest month and annual mean precipitation as contrasted with the mean altitude, which showed weak negative correlation. This indicates that the temperature and precipitation are more significant influences on the richness than the altitude. The cluster analysis based on the community structure, defined by Sorenson's coefficient matrix, suggested four groups from the 10 physiographical regions. This geographical distribution pattern was also closely related with the climatic regionalization. The present climatic regionalization pattern of the study area originated from the uplift of Tibetan Plateau and mainly occurred in or after the late Pleistocene. Therefore, the geographical distribution of testate amoebae in our study area may have experienced complicated and drastic changes corresponding to the variation of the climate caused by the geological events.