993 resultados para Genótipo G1


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Purpose: This study evaluated the potential effects of denture base resin water storage time and an effective denture disinfection method (microwave irradiation at 650 W for 6 minutes) on the torsional bond strength between two hard chairside reline resins (GC Reline and New Truliner) and one heat-polymerizing denture base acrylic resin (Lucitone 199). Materials and Methods: Cylindrical (30 x 3.9 mm) denture base specimens (n = 160) were stored in water at 37°C (2 or 30 days) before bonding. A section (3.0 mm) was removed from the center of the specimens, surfaces prepared, and the reline materials packed into the space. After polymerization, specimens were divided into four groups (n = 10): Group 1 (G1) - tests performed after bonding; Group 2 (G2) - specimens immersed in water (200 ml) and irradiated twice (650 W for 6 minutes); Group 3 (G3) - specimens irradiated daily until seven cycles of disinfection; Group 4 (G4) - specimens immersed in water (37°C) for 7 days. Specimens were submitted to a torsional test (0.1 Nm/min), and the torsional strengths (MPa) and the mode of failure were recorded. Data from each reline material were analyzed by a two-way analysis of variance, followed by Neuman-Keuls test (p = 0.05). Results: For both Lucitone 199 water storage periods, before bonding to GC Reline resin, the mean torsional strengths of G2 (2 days - 138 MPa; 30 days - 132 MPa), G3 (2 days - 126 MPa; 30 days - 130 MPa), and G4 (2 days - 130 MPa; 30 days - 137 MPa) were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than G1 (2 days - 108 MPa; 30 days - 115 MPa). Similar results were found for Lucitone 199 specimens bonded to New Truliner resin, with G1 specimens (2 days - 73 MPa; 30 days - 71 MPa) exhibiting significantly lower mean torsional bond strength (p < 0.05) than G2 (2 day - 86 MPa; 30 days - 90 MPa), G3 (2 days - 82 MPa; 30 days - 82 MPa), and G4 specimens (2 days - 78 MPa; 30 days - 79 MPa). The adhesion of both materials was not affected by water storage time of Lucitone 199 (p > 0.05). GC reline showed a mixed mode of failure (adhesive/cohesive) and New Truliner failed adhesively. Conclusions: Up to seven microwave disinfection cycles did not decrease the torsional bond strengths between the hard reline resins, GC Reline and New Truliner to the denture base resin Lucitone 199. The effect of additional disinfection cycles on reline material may be clinically significant and requires further study. Copyright © 2006 by The American College of Prosthodontists.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the alcohol consumption on the periodontal bone support (PBS) in experimental periodontitis in rats. Materials and Methods: Sixty-three male rats were divided into seven groups: G1 (control); G2 (10% ethanol); G3 (nutritional control of G2); G4 (20% ethanol); G5 (nutritional control of G4); G6 (30% ethanol) and G7 (nutritional control of G6). The groups G3, G5 and G7 received controlled diets with equivalent caloric amounts to those consumed in G2, G4 and G6 respectively, with the ethanol replaced by sucrose. After anesthesia, ligatures were installed around the mandibular first molar, leaving the contralateral teeth unligated. After 8 weeks, the rats were killed and their mandibles were radiographed to measure the percentage of PBS on the distal aspect. Results: The intragroup analyses showed that presence of ligatures induced periodontitis (p<0.05). Unligated groups did not show significant differences among the percentages of PBS (p=0.1969). However, in ligated groups the rats that received alcohol (G2:48.71%±3.88; G4:47.66%±2.54; G6:47.32%±3.24) and the nutritional control group associated with a high concentration of ethanol (G7:47.40%±3.24) presented a significantly lower percentage of PBS than the other groups (G1:52.40%±2.75; G3:52.83%±2.41; G5:50.85%±4.14). Conclusions: These results demonstrated that alcohol consumption in rats may result in a direct effect on alveolar bone loss and increased development of periodontitis. In addition, they suggest that heavy caloric consumption of ethanol may also present an indirect effect on periodontal tissue as a consequence of malnutrition.


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Laboratory profile of young ovines was studied in order to evaluate and compare their antiserum production from natural and Cobalt-60 irradiated Crotalus durissus terrificus (C.d.t.) venoms. The parameters analyzed included complete blood count, and urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, total proteins, albumin and globulin serum measurements. Three groups of six animals each were used. Group 1 (G1) received natural C.d.t. venom; Group 2 (G2) received irradiated C.d.t. venom; and Group 3 (G3) was used as control and did not receive venom, only adjuvants, using seven venom inoculations. During the experimental period, animals were fortnightly weighed. According to clinical and weight evaluation, sheep in post-weaning phase showed no changes in their physiological profiles but had excellent weight gain. The parameters analyzed were not statistically different (p<5%) among the groups tested. The hyperimmunization process was successfully accomplished with the production of specific antibodies against Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. Results bring a new possibility of utilizing ovines in the commercial production of anticrotalic serum, which may be used to treat human and animal envenomation. Its production cost may be reduced by subsequent use of hyperimmunized sheep for human consumption.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that mechanical polishing methods of ceramic surfaces allow similar superficial roughness to that of glazed surfaces. Twenty-five Vitadur Alpha ceramic discs (5 mm x 2 mm) were prepared according to the manufacturer's specifications. All specimens were glazed and randomly assigned to 5 groups (n=5), according to finishing and polishing protocols: G1: glazed (control); G2: diamond bur finishing; G3: G2 + silicon rubber tip polishing; G4: G3 + felt disc/diamond polishing paste; G5: G3 + felt disc impregnated with fine-particle diamond paste. Next, surface roughness means (Ra - μm) were calculated. Qualitative analysis was made by scanning electron microscopy. Surface roughness data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. G1 and G4 were statistically similar (p>0.05). G2 presented the highest roughness means (p<0.05) followed by groups G3, G5, G4 and G1 in a decreasing order. The hypothesis was partially confirmed as only the mechanical polishing (G4) produced similar superficial roughness to that of surface glazing, although finishing and polishing are technically critical procedures.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the pre-emptive effect of epidural ketamine S (+) (SK) or racemic ketamine (RK) administration, in post-incisional pain in horses. Were used in a blinded, randomized experimental study, sixteen mixed breed mares, 6±2 years old, weighting 273.2±42.0 kg. An epidural catheter was inserted 24 hours before the trials. The thigh region was shaved bilaterally, and mechanical cutaneous sensibility was measured using von Frey filaments (T-30). Using the left side as the control one, local anesthesia was performed at the right side. Twenty-five minutes later, SK was injected in G1 or RK in G2 through the epidural catheter. Five minutes after the ketamine injection, a 10 cm skin incision was made on the right side, and then sutured. Mechanical post-incisional pain was measured using von Frey filaments, at 1, 3 and 5 cm around the incision at 15 minutes intervals, for 2 hours, then 4, 6 and 8 hours after suturing. No changes were observed in the heart and respiratory rate and rectal temperature among groups or times of each group. Hind limb ataxia was observed in 62.5% and 12.5% of G1 and G2 respectively. SK and RK reduced cutaneous sensibility in the right and the left sides to mechanical postincisional pain during all time of experiment. Epidural SK and RK produce similar post-incisional analgesic effects, did not interfere in the cardio-respiratory parameters. The SK induces more intense ataxia in mares and presents a larger analgesic potency in the first 60 minutes after the administration.


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Purpose: To evaluate and correlate in the rabbit the possible changes caused by mitomycin C under the scleral flap in the ciliary epithelium with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methods: The eyes of 32 albino rabbits were studied and divided in 4 experimental groups. The right eye (RE) was intended for the experimental groups and the left eye (LE) for the controls. Group I (G1) was formed by 8 eyes that received 0,5 mg/ml of mitomycin C under the scleral flap and were examined after 15 days. Group II (G2) differed from G1 only in the time of the exam, after 30 days. Group III (G3) was formed by 8 eyes that received 0,2 mg/ml of mitomycin C under the scleral flap and were examined after 15 days. Group IV (G4) differed from group 3 just in the time of the exam, after 30 days. In each eye the internal ciliary epithelium were examined with TEM. Results: The following changes in the internal ciliary epithelium were observed in groups G2, G3, and G4 with TEM: discontinuous and irregular basement membrane, more irregular and electron-dense nucleous, enlargement among interdigitation, edematous mitochondria and myelin figures. These alterations were not found in all the animals of the groups. Group G 1 did not present alterations. Roughness in groups G 1, G2, G3 and G4 were observed with SEM. In groups G 1 and G2 continuity solutions were also observed. Conclusion: Mitomycin C in 0,2 mg/ml and 0,5 mg/ml concentrations caused changes in the internal ciliary epithelium 15 and 30 days after, with TEM and SEM. There was no correlation between dosage, time and with TEM and SEM.


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Purpose: This study intends to evaluate BMP (Bone Morphogenetic Protein) implant and BMP implant plus PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) in rabbit orbital fractures, searching for tissue reaction, by radiological and morfometrical analysis. Methods:Third six white rabbits were submitted to orbital floor fracture and distributed in three groups: G1, with rabbits receiving a plate containing decalcified bone matrix and BMP; G2, with rabbits receiving the implant with BMP wrapped by PRP; G3, the control group where it was made the fracture only. The animals were evaluated radiologically after surgery and at sacrifice time in 7, 30, 90 and 180th day after surgery. After sacrifice, a block containing the right orbital tissue was extracted and prepared to morphological and morphometrical analysis. Results: An intensive linfomononuclear inflammatory reaction was observed at 7th day in G1 e G2, witch decreased after the 30th day; mesenchimal cells, osteoblasts, new bone and progressive cavitation of the implant were also observed, besides signs of calcium deposition by radiological study. In the control group fibrosis at the site of fracture was identified only. Conclusion: BMP seemed a good orbital implant producing new bone at the implant site and correcting bone defect.There was not observed acceleration of osteoinduction when the implant was associated with PRP.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro three adhesive systems: a total etching single-component system (G1 Prime & Bond 2.1), a self-etching primer (G2 Clearfil SE Bond), and a self-etching adhesive (G3 One Up Bond F), through shear bond strength to enamel of human teeth, evaluating the type of fracture through stereomicroscopy, following the ISO guidance on adhesive testing. Thirty sound premolars were bisected mesiodistally and the buccal and lingual surfaces were embedded in acrylic resin, polished up to 600-grit sandpapers, and randomly assigned to three experimental groups (n = 20). Composite resin cylinders were added to the tested surfaces. The specimens were kept in distilled water (37°C/24 h), thermocycled for 500 cycles (5°C-55°C) and submitted to shear testing at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The type of fracture was analyzed under stereomicroscopy and the data were submitted to Anova, Tukey and Chi-squared (5%) statistical analyses. The mean adhesive strengths were G1: 18.13 ± 6.49 MPa, (55% of resin cohesive fractures); G2: 17.12 ± 5.80 MPa (90% of adhesive fractures); and G3: 10.47 ± 3.14 MPa (85% of adhesive fractures). In terms of bond strength, there were no significant differences between G1 and G2, and G3 was significantly different from the other groups. G1 presented a different type of fracture from that of G2 and G3. In conclusion, although the total etching and self-etching systems presented similar shear bond strength values, the types of fracture presented by them were different, which can have clinical implications.


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The putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is an essential protein for cell viability and the only cellular protein known to contain the unusual amino acid residue hypusine. eIF5A has been implicated in translation initiation, cell proliferation, nucleocytoplasmic transport, mRNA decay, and actin polarization, but the precise biological function of this protein is not clear. However, eIF5A was recently shown to be directly involved with the translational machinery. A screen for synthetic lethal mutations was carried out with one of the temperature-sensitive alleles of TIF51A (tif51A-3) to identify factors that functionally interact with eIF5A and revealed the essential gene YPT1. This gene encodes a small GTPase, a member of the rab family involved with secretion, acting in the vesicular trafficking between endoplasmatic reticulum and the Golgi. Thus, the synthetic lethality between TIF51A and YPT1 may reveal the connection between translation and the polarized distribution of membrane components, suggesting that these proteins work together in the cell to guarantee proper protein synthesis and secretion necessary for correct bud formation during G1/ S transition. Future studies will investigate the functional interaction between eIF5A and Ypt1 in order to clarify this involvement of eIF5A with vesicular trafficking. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The extensive use of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) has transformed HIV infection into a chronic condition. Thus, metabolic alterations including lipodystrophy and dyslipidemia have been associated with the use of such medications. The objective of the present study was to analyze clinical metabolic alterations and the profile of TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-10, and TNF-α type II soluble receptor in serum of HIV-1 individuals with and without lipodystrophy. Eighty-four adults were evaluated, 42 males and 42 females, mean age 37 years, and HAART time of at least 15 months. Two groups were formed, G1: 42 individuals with lipodystrophy, and G2: 42 without lipodistropy. From the HAART used, stavudine was more associated with the lipodystrophy group and zidovudine with the non-lipodystrophy group. CD4 and CD8 values, viral load, glucose, albumin, and lipids were not different between groups, except for triglycerides, which were high in the lipodystrophy group, and HDL, whose concentration was reduced in G1. TNF-α, TNF-RII, and IL-10 profiles were high and had positive correlation; IL-2 and IFN-γ had reduced levels in the lipodystrophy group. High TNF-α and its receptor levels seem to be associated with lipodystrophy development in individuals under HAART therapy.


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Tha aim of this study was to evaluate the thermocycling effect on microhardness of laboratory composite resins, 30 disks were fabricated, 5mm of diameter and 2mm of width, using 3 laboratory resins: G1 (n=10) - RESILAB MASTER (Wilcos-Brasil), G2 (n=10) - Vita VMLC (VITA Zahnfabrik-Germany), and G3 (n=10) - Vita Zeta (VITA Zahnfabrik-Germany). Vickers microhardness (HV) of all specimens was evaluated using a microhardness tester FM-700 (Future Tech- 50 g/10s). The specimens were measured before and after the thermocycling (3,000 times and 12,000 times - 5°/55°C±1). The microhardness values before cycling were (mean±SD): G1: 55.50±4.6; G2: 35.54±2.5; G3: 27.97±1.6; after 3,000 thermocycles: G1: 55.54±3.9; G2: 29.92±2.73; G3:21.01±1.4 and after 12,000 cycles G1: 54.27±3.2; G2: 30.91±1.6; G3: 23.81±0.9. Variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey's test was accomplished (p<0.05), the highest microhardness values were observed in G1: G2 and G3 showed reduction of microhardness values. It was concluded that, after thermocycling, the tested laboratory composites resins are susceptible to the decrease of surface microhardness.


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The aim of this study was to compare the bond strength to enamel between resin cements combined with total-etch and self-etch adhesive systems and a self-adhesive cement. Eighty bovine incisors had their buccal surface ground flat exposing a plane area in the enamel. Eighty Artglass resin cylinders measuring 3 mm in diameter and 4 mm in height were fabricated. The teeth were divided into eight groups of 10 teeth each and the resin cylinders were cemented with different adhesive systems and resin cements; G1: RelyX Unicem (self-adhesive cement); G2: H 3PO 4 + Single Bond + RelyX ARC; G3: AdheSE + Variolink II; G4: H 3PO 4 + Excite + Variolink II; G5: Xeno III + Enforce; G6: H 3PO 4 + Prime&Bond NT + Enforce; G7: Biatite Primers 1 and 2 + Bistite II DC; G8: H 3PO 4 + Bistite Primers 1 and 2 + Bistite II DC. After application of the adhesives, the cylinders were cemented according to manufacturer instructions. The specimens were submitted to 2000 thermal cycles at a temperature ranging from 5±5°C to 55±5°C, and shear bond strength was then tested at a variety of 1 mm/min. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey's test (á=5%), obtaining a p value of 0.00. The following mean (±standard deviation) bond strength values were observed for each group: G1: 5.14(±0.99)a; G3: 16.23(±4.69)b; G7: 17.82(±3.66)b; G5: 18.48(±2.88)bc; G8: 20.15(±4.12)bc; G4: 22.85(±3.08)cd; G2: 24.96(±2.89)d; G6: 26.07(±1.69)d. Groups followed by the same letters did not differ significantly. For most of the resin cements tested, the application of adhesive systems using acid etching resulted in a higher bond strength when compared to the self-etch adhesive systems and to the self-adhesive cement.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the residual antibacterial activity of several calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH) 2]-based pastes, placed in root canals of dogs' teeth with induced chronic periapical lesions. Root canals were instrumented with the ProFile rotary system and filled with 4 pastes: G1 (n=16): Ca(OH) 2 paste + anesthetic solution; G2 (n=20): Calen® paste + camphorated pmonochlorophenol (CMCP); G3 (n=18): Calen®; and G4 (n=18): Ca(OH) 2 paste + 2% chlorhexidine digluconate. After 21 days, the pastes were removed with size 60 K-files and placed on Petri plates with agar inoculated with Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341. Pastes that were not placed into root canals served as control. After pre-diffusion, incubation and optimization, the inhibition zones of bacterial growth were measured and analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test at 5% significance level. All pastes showed residual antibacterial activity. The control samples had larger halos (p<0.05). The mean residual antibacterial activity halos in G1, G2, G3 and G4 were 7.6; 10.4; 17.7 and 21.4 mm, respectively. The zones of bacterial growth of G4 were significantly larger than those of G1 and G2 (p<0.05). In conclusion, regardless of the vehicle and antiseptic, all Ca(OH) 2-based pastes showed different degrees of measurable residual antibacterial activity. Furthermore, unlike CMCP, chlorhexidine increased significantly the antibacterial activity of Ca(OH) 2.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the microtensile bond strength of a repair composite resin to a leucite-reinforced feldspathic ceramic (Omega 900, VITA) submitted to two surface conditionings methods: 1) etching with hydrofluoric acid + silane application or 2) tribochemical silica coating. The null hypothesis is that both surface treatments can generate similar bond strengths. Ten ceramic blocks (6x6x6 mm) were fabricated and randomly assigned to 2 groups (n=5), according to the conditioning method: G1- 10% hydrofluoric acid application for 2 min plus rinsing and drying, followed by silane application for 30 s; G2- airborne particle abrasion with 30 μm silica oxide particles (CoJet-Sand) for 20 s using a chairside air-abrasion device (CoJet System), followed by silane application for 5 min. Single Bond adhesive system was applied to the surfaces and light cured (40 s). Z-250 composite resin was placed incrementally on the treated ceramic surface to build a 6x6x6 mm block. Bar specimens with an adhesive area of approximately 1 ± 0.1 mm2 were obtained from the composite-ceramic blocks (6 per block and 30 per group) for microtensile testing. No statistically significant difference was observed between G1 (10.19 ± 3.1 MPa) and G2 (10.17 ± 3.1 MPa) (p=0.982) (Student's t test; á = 0.05). The null hypothesis was, therefore, accepted. In conclusion, both surface conditioning methods provided similar microtensile bond strengths between the repair composite resin and the ceramic. Further studies using long-term aging procedures should be conducted.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the shape of dental cavities made with the CVDentus® system using different ultrasound power levels. One standard cavity was made on the buccal aspect of 15 bovine incisors with a CVDentus® cylindrical bur (82142). The sample was divided into three groups: G1 - ultrasound with power II; G2 - ultrasound with power III; and G3 - ultrasound with power IV. A standardizing device was used to obtain standardized preparations and ultrasound was applied during one minute in each dental preparation. The cavities were sectioned in the middle, allowing observation of the cavity's profile with a magnifying glass, and width and depth measurement using the Leica Qwin program. The Kruskal-Wallis (p < 0.05) and Dunn statistical analyses demonstrated differences between the dental cavity shapes when powers III and IV were used. However, the cavities that were made with power III presented dimensions similar to those of the bur used for preparation. We concluded that the power recommended by the manufacturer (III) is the most adequate for use with the CVDentus® system.