981 resultados para Gc-ms


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In order to assess whether the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) in the Arabian sea has an effect on the preservation and composition of organic matter in surface sediments we investigated samples from three different transects on the Pakistan continental margin across the OMZ. In addition to determining the total amount of organic carbon (TOC), we analyzed the extractable lipids by gas chromatography, combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and compound-specific stable carbon isotope measurements. The extractable lipids are dominated by marine organic matter as indicated by the abundance of lipids typical of marine biota and by the bulk and molecular isotopic composition. Sediments from within the OMZ are enriched in organic carbon and in several extractable lipids (i.e. phytol, n-alcohols, total sterols, n-C35 alkane) relative to stations above and below this zone. Other lipid concentrations, such as those of total n-fatty acids and total n-alkanes fail to show any relation to the OMZ. Only a weak correlation of TOC with mineral surface area was found in sediments deposited within the OMZ. In contrast, sediments from outside the OMZ do not show any relationship between TOC and surface area. Among the extractable lipids, only the n-alkane concentration is highly correlated with surface area in sediments from the Hab and Makran transects. In sediments from outside the OMZ, the phytol and sterol concentrations are also weakly correlated with mineral surface area. The depositional environment of the Indus Fan offers the best conditions for an enhanced preservation of organic matter. The OMZ, together with the undisturbed sedimentation at moderate rates, seems to be mainly responsible for the high TOC values in this area. Overall, the type of organic matter and its lability toward oxic degradation, the mineral surface area, the mineral composition, and possibly the secondary productivity by (sedimentary) bacteria also appear to have an influence on organic matter accumulation and composition.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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An analysis of thermal degradation products evolved during the melt processing of organo-layered silicates (OLS) was carried out via the use of a solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique. Two commerical OLSs and one produced in-house were prepared for comparision. The solid phase microextraction technique proved to be a very effective technique for investigating the degradation of the OLS at a specific processing temperature. The results showed that most available OLSs will degrade under typical conditions required for the melt processing of many polymers, including thermoplastic polyurethanes. It is suggested that these degradation products may lead to changes in the structure and properties of the final polymer, particularly in thermoplastic polyurethanes, which seem significantly succeptable to the presence of these products. It is also suggested that many commercially available OLSs are produced in such a way that results in an excess of unbound organic modifier, giving rise to a greater quantity of degradation products. All OLSs where compared and characterised by TGA and GC-MS. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ginger oil, obtained by steam distillation of the rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe, is used in the beverage and fragrance industries. Ginger oil displays considerable compositional diversity, but is typically characterized by a high content of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, including zingiberene, arcurcumene, beta-bisabolene, and beta-sesquiphellandrene. Australian ginger oil has a reputation for possessing a particular lemony aroma, due to its high content of the isomers neral and geranial, often collectively referred to as citral. Fresh rhizomes of 17 clones of Australian ginger, including commercial cultivars and experimental tetraploid clones, were steam distilled 7 weeks post-harvest, and the resulting oils were analyzed by GC-MS. The essential oils of 16 of the 17 clones, including the tetraploid clones and their parent cultivar, were found to be of substantially similar composition. These oils were characterized by very high citral levels (51-71%) and relatively low levels of the sesquiterpene hydrocarbons typical of ginger oil. The citral levels of most of these oils exceeded those previously reported for ginger oils. The neral-to-geranial ratio was shown to be remarkably constant (0.61 +/- 0.01) across all 17 clones. One clone, the cultivar Jamaican, yielded oil with a substantially different composition, lower citral content and higher levels of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Because this cultivar also contains significantly higher concentrations of pungent gingerols, it possesses unique aroma and flavor characteristics, which should be of commercial interest.


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An important question in the host-finding behaviour of a polyphagous insect is whether the insect recognizes a suite or template of chemicals that are common to many plants? To answer this question, headspace volatiles of a subset of commonly used host plants (pigeon pea, tobacco, cotton and bean) and nonhost plants (lantana and oleander) of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are screened by gas chromatography (GC) linked to a mated female H. armigera electroantennograph (EAG). In the present study, pigeon pea is postulated to be a primary host plant of the insect, for comparison of the EAG responses across the test plants. EAG responses for pigeon pea volatiles are also compared between females of different physiological status (virgin and mated females) and the sexes. Eight electrophysiologically active compounds in pigeon pea headspace are identified in relatively high concentrations using GC linked to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). These comprised three green leaf volatiles [(2E)-hexenal, (3Z)-hexenylacetate and (3Z)-hexenyl-2-methylbutyrate] and five monoterpenes (alpha-pinene,beta-myrcene, limonene, E-beta-ocimene and linalool). Other tested host plants have a smaller subset of these electrophysiologically active compounds and even the nonhost plants contain some of these compounds, all at relatively lower concentrations than pigeon pea. The physiological status or sex of the moths has no effect on the responses for these identified compounds. The present study demonstrates how some host plants can be primary targets for moths that are searching for hosts whereas the other host plants are incidental or secondary targets.


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There is a growing interest in “medical gasses” for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a member of the family of gasotransmitters, is in fact increasingly being recognized as an important signaling molecule, but its precise role in the regulation of the inflammatory response is still not clear. For this reason, the aim of the first part of this thesis was to investigate the effects of H2S on the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as MCP-1, by using an in vitro model composed by both primary monocytes-derived macrophages cultures and the human monocytic cell line U937 infected with Mycoplasma fermentans, a well-known pro-inflammatory agent. In our experiments, we observed a marked increase in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in infected cells. In particular, MCP-1 was induced both at the RNA and at the protein level. To test the effects of H2S on infected cells, we treated the cells with two different H2S donors (NaHS and GYY4137), showing that both H2S treatments had anti-inflammatory effects in Mycoplasma-infected cells: the levels of MCP-1, both mRNA expression and protein production, were reduced. Our subsequent studies aimed at understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for these effects, focused on two specific molecular pathways, both involved in inflammation: the NF-κB and the Nrf2 pathway. After treatment with pharmacological inhibitors, we demonstrated that Mycoplasma fermentans induces MCP-1 expression through the TLR-NF-κB pathway with the nuclear translocation of its subunits, while treatment with H2S completely blocked the nuclear translocation of NF-κB heterodimer p65/p50. Then, once infected cells were treated with H2S donors, we observed an increased protective effect of Nrf2 and also a decrease in ROS production. These results highlight the importance of H2S in reducing the inflammatory process caused by Mycoplasma fermentans. To this regard, it should be noted that several projects are currently ongoing to develop H2S-releasing compounds as candidate drugs capable of alleviating cell deterioration and to reduce the rate of decline in organ function. In the second part of this study, we investigated the role of Mycoplasma infection in cellular transformation. Infectious agents are involved in the etiology of many different cancers and a number of studies are still investigating the role of microbiota in tumor development. Mycoplasma has been associated with some human cancers, such as prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in HIV-seropositive people, and its potential causative role and molecular mechanisms involved are being actively investigated. To this regard, in vitro studies demonstrated that, upon infection, Mycoplasma suppresses the transcriptional activity of p53, key protein in the cancer suppression. As a consequence, infected cells were less susceptible to apoptosis and proliferated more than the uninfected cells. The mechanism(s) responsible for the Mycoplasma-induced inhibitory effect on p53 were not determined. Aim of the second part of this thesis was to better understand the tumorigenic role of the microorganism, by investigating more in details the effect(s) of Mycoplasma on p53 activity in an adenocarcinoma HCT116 cell line. Treatment of Mycoplasma-infected cells with 5FU or with Nutlin, two molecules that induce p53 activity, resulted in cellular proliferation comparable to untreated controls. These results suggested that Mycoplasma infection inhibited p53 activity. Immunoprecipitation of p53 with specific antibodies, and subsequent Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) assays, allowed us to identify several Mycoplasma-specific proteins interacting with p53, such as DnaK, a prokaryotic heat shock protein and stress inducible chaperones. In cells transfected with DnaK we observed i) reduced p53 protein levels; ii) reduced activity and expression of p21, Bax and PUMA, iii) a marked increase in cells leaving G1 phase. Taken together, these data show an interaction between the human p53 and the Mycoplasma protein DnaK, with the consequent decreased p53 activity and decreased capability to respond to DNA damage and prevent cell proliferation. Our data indicate that Mycoplasma could be involved in cancer formation and the mechanism(s) has the potential to be a target for cancer diagnosis and treatment(s).


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La presente tesi di dottorato ha riguardato l'indagine fitochimica della biodiversità spontanea di Humulus lupulus L. in Emilia Romagna e la valutazione degli effetti del clima dell'Italia settentrionale sul metabolismo secondario di cultivar di luppolo. In particolare, lo studio ha previsto l'individuazione di ecotipi di luppolo provenienti da zone planiziali e collinari di'Emilia Romagna e Lombardia, la loro messa a dimora in un campo collezione appositamente allestito, e il monitoraggio della resa di campo e della produzione di metaboliti secondari di natura polare (acilfluoroglucinoli, flavonidi isoprenilati) e apolare (terpeni e sequiterpeni). Gli obiettivi primari sono stati la valutazione di entità da portare direttamente in coltivazione o da introdurre in percorsi di breeding del luppolo in Italia, oltre all'ottimizzazione di metodi innovativi per lo screening dell'intero germoplasma italiano. Per definire le caratteristiche fitochimiche dei coni di luppolo sono stati messi a punto metodi cromatografici HPLC-UV, HPLC-MS/MS e GC-MS e metodi spettroscopici 1H-NMR. Nel corso del triennio i metodi sono stati applicati a 10 cultivar e oltre 30 ecotipi , alcuni dei quali hanno fornito dati anche a conclusione dell'intero periodo di acclimatazione. Per tutti si è anche verificata la resilienza alle diverse condizioni climatiche incontrate Le analisi chimiche hanno permesso di individuare una sostanziale differenza tra gli ecotipi e le cultivar, con i primi che si caratterizzano per una produzione modesta di α-acidi e β-acidi e un profilo aromatico ricco di isomeri del selinene. Questo risultato può essere interessante per l’industria della birra nazionale e in particolare per il settore dei microbirrifici artigianali, in quanto i luppoli più pregiati sono proprio quelli con un basso contenuto di acidi amari e ricchi di oli essenziali che possano impartire alle birre prodotte note aromatiche particolari e legate al territorio. L’indagine agronomica monitorata su tre anni di produzione ha anche fatto emergere la resistenza degli ecotipi italiani al clima caldo e siccitoso e ha evidenziato invece come le cultivar estere abbiano limiti fisiologici a queste condizioni. Confrontando il profilo fitochimico delle cultivar coltivate in Italia con i prodotti acquistati nei paesi d’origine è emerso che il metabolismo secondario per alcune cultivar è particolarmente differente, come nel caso della cultivar Marynka, che rispetto agli standard commerciali ha prodotto in Italia coni ricchi di oli essenziali con alte quantità di trans-β-farnesene, cambiandone le caratteristiche da varietà amaricante ad aromatica. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano la fattibilità della coltivazione di Humulus lupulus L. sul territorio nazionale con ottime prospettive di produttività per gli ecotipi italiani. Inoltre da questi primi risultati è ora possibile intraprendere un programma di breeding per la creazione di nuove varietà, più resistenti al caldo e con le caratteristiche desiderate in base all’utilizzo del prodotto, sia per quanto riguarda l’industria della birra, sia la cosmetico-farmaceutica per la produzione di estratti.


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The application of an antiserum to ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-damaged DNA is presented. A novel experimental system was employed to ascertain the limits of detection for this antiserum. Using a DNA standard containing a known amount of dimer, the limits of detection were found to be 0.9 fmol of dimer. This was compared to a limit of 20-50 fmol dimer using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Induction of thymine dimers in DNA following UVR exposure, as assessed using this antiserum in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), was compared with GC-MS measurements. The ELISA method successfully demonstrated the induction of lesions in DNA irradiated either with UVC or UVB, although despite high sensitivity, no discernible binding was seen to UVA-irradiated DNA. The antiserum was also shown to be applicable to immunocytochemistry, localising damage in the nuclei of UVR exposed keratinocytes in culture. The ability of the antiserum to detect DNA damage in skin biopsies of individuals exposed to sub-erythemal doses of UVR was also demonstrated. Moreover, the subsequent removal of this damage, as evidenced by a reduction in antiserum staining, was noted in sections of biopsies taken in the hours following irradiation. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (80HDG) is a specific marker of oxidative damage to DNA. We have observed that patients with SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), have undetectable levels of urinary 80HDG by HPLC. Further analysis by GC-MS confirmed that levels of 80HDG in SLE urine were 10(3)-fold lower than in an age- and sex-matched control group. Experiments utilising cultures of SLE and normal lymphocytes exposed to H2O2 confirmed the impaired ability of SLE lymphocytes to repair 80HDG. We subsequently observed in SLE patients that 80HDG had accumulated in low molecular weight DNA associated with circulating immune complexes. We suggest that oxygen radicals may induce pathology in SLE by maintaining the presence of an antigenic form of DNA in the circulation.


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The involvement of oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the development of CHD is widely described. We have produced two antibodies, recognizing the lipid oxidation product malondialdehyde (MDA) on whole LDL or ApoB-100. The antibodies were utilized in the development of an ELISA for quantitation of MDA-LDL in human plasma. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation (% CV) were measured as 4.8 and 7.7%, respectively, and sensitivity of the assay as 0.04 μg/ml MDA-LDL. Recovery of standard MDA-LDL from native LDL was 102%, indicating the ELISA to be specific with no interference from other biomolecules. Further validation of the ELISA was carried out against two established methods for measurement of lipid peroxidation products, MDA by HPLC and F2-isoprostanes by GC-MS. Results indicated that MDA-LDL is formed at a later stage of oxidation than either MDA or F2- isoprostanes. In vivo analysis demonstrated that the ELISA was able to determine steady-state concentrations of plasma MDA-LDL (an end marker of lipid peroxidation). A reference range of 34.3 ± 8.8 μg/ml MDA-LDL was established for healthy individuals. Further, the ELISA was used to show significantly increased plasma MDA-LDL levels in subjects with confirmed ischemic heart disease, and could therefore possibly be of benefit as a diagnostic tool for assessing CHD risk. © 2003 Elsevier Inc.