975 resultados para Gastric biopsies
Background: Steatosis occurs in more than 50% of patients with chronic hepatitis C and is associated with increased hepatic fibrosis. In many of these patients the pathogenesis of steatosis appears to be the some as for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-that is, related to visceral adiposity and obesity. Methods: The effect of a three month weight reduction programme on liver biochemistry and metabolic parameters was examined in 19 subjects with steatosis and chronic hepatitis C. Paired liver biopsies were performed in 10 subjects, prior to and 3-6 months following the intervention, to determine the effect of weight loss on liver histology. Results: There was a mean weight loss of 5.9 (3.2) kg and a mean reduction in waist circumference of 9.0 (5.0) cm. In 16 of the 19 patients, serum alanine aminotransferase levels fell progressively with weight loss. Mean fasting insulin fell from 16 (7) to 11 (4) mmol/l (p
A retrospective review of ultrasound guided breast excisional biopsies performed in a Surgical Unit of Princess Alexandra Hospital in 1998-99 was undertaken to assess the use of ultrasound specimen radiography. In this series a total of 55 localization biopsies were performed for impalpable lesions in 53 women. In 21 patients (38%), specimen ultrasound was used to confirm that the lesion in question had been excised, whereas for 34 lesions (62%), specimen X-ray was undertaken. In a total of six cases (10.9% overall) the radiographic abnormality was seen on ultrasound only. Real-time specimen sonography is a technique which is very appropriately utilized in conjunction with ultrasound guided excisions and can be easily performed either in the radiology department or the operative suite With minimal time delay. It could have particular application for lesions that are detected in younger women with dense breast parenchyma. The results of this review confirm specimen sonography to be a reliable technique. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Proteinase-activated receptor (PAR) type 2 (PAR-2) has been shown to mediate ion secretion in cultured epithelial cells and rat jejunum. With the use of a microUssing chamber, we demonstrate the role of PAR-2 for ion transport in native human colonic mucosa obtained from 30 normal individuals and 11 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Trypsin induced Cl- secretion when added to the basolateral but not luminal side of normal epithelia. Activation of Cl- secretion by trypsin was inhibited by indomethacin and was further increased by cAMP in normal tissues but was not present in CF colon, indicating the requirement of luminal CF transmembrane conductance regulator. Effects of trypsin were largely reduced by low Cl-,by basolateral bumetanide, and in the presence of barium or clotrimazole, but not by tetrodotoxin. Furthermore, trypsin-induced secretion was inhibited by the Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid and in low-Ca2+ buffer. The effects of trypsin were almost abolished by trypsin inhibitor. Thrombin, an activator of PAR types 1, 3, and 4, had no effects on equivalent short-circuit currents. The presence of PAR-2 in human colon epithelium was confirmed by RT-PCR and additional experiments with PAR-2-activating peptide. PAR-2-mediated intestinal electrolyte secretion by release of mast cell tryptase and potentiation of PAR-2 expression by tumor necrosis factor-alpha may contribute to the hypersecretion observed in inflammatory processes such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
Background: A case of Crohn's disease (CD) was diagnosed following recognition of oral and systemic signs and symptoms in a 19-year-old male patient. Methods: Clinical investigation utilized included blood tests (full blood count, electrolytes, urea, creatinine, liver function tests), computed tomogrphy scans, magnetic resonance imaging scans, oral biopsies, colonoscopy and biopsies of the terminal ileum and colon. Results: A diagnosis of CD was made which then allowed appropriate medical treatment to be initiated. Conclusion: The importance of a thorough medical history and full physical examination with appropriate investigations as dictated by clinical findings is demonstrated.
Mucosal presentation of Actinomyces viscosus results in antigen-specific systemic immune suppression, known as oral tolerance. The aim of the present study was to determine the mechanism by which this oral tolerance is induced. DBA/2 mice were gastrically immunized with A. viscosus. Serum, Peyer's patch (PP) and spleen cells were transferred to syngeneic recipients which were then systemically challenged with the sameiA. viscosus strain. To determine antigen-specificity of cells from gastrically immunized mice, recipients which received immune spleen cells were also challenged with Porphyromonas gingivalis. One week after the last systemic challenge, the delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response was determined by footpad swelling and the level of serum IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies to A. viscosus or P. gingivalis measured by an ELISA. No suppression of DTH response or of specific serum antibodies was found in recipients which received serum from gastrically immunized mice. Systemic immune suppression to A. viscosus was observed in recipients which had been transferred with PP cells obtained 2 days but not 4 and 6 days after gastric immunization with A. viscosus. Conversely, suppressed immune response could be seen in recipients transferred with spleen cells obtained 6 days after gastric immunization. The immune response to P. gingivalis remained unaltered in mice transferred with A. viscosus-gastrically immunized cells. The results of the present study suggest that oral tolerance induced by A. viscosus may be mediated by antigen-specific suppressor cells which originate in the PP and then migrate to the spleen.
Expression of metallothionein, an antioxidant induced by a variety of stimuli including ultraviolet light, was quantitated by immunohistochemistry in the skin of males aged over 50 who had known short- and long-term exposures to sunlight. Skin punch biopsies were taken from two sites in each subject: the hand in all subjects and a range of other sites matched to patients with a previously excised primary melanoma. Metallothionein expression (strongest in the basal layers of the epidermis and primarily nuclear) was associated with both short- and long-term exposure to sunlight. A plateau of staining intensity was reached after 3 h sun exposure, within the previous 3 d before biopsy. Expression was also elevated in the nonexposed skin sites of subjects who had recent sun exposure, indicating a systemic response to exposure of remote sites. Using the skin of the hand to normalize responses to chronic exposure between individuals, the systemically modulated response to sunlight was significantly greater on the unexposed back than on other sites. The possibility of ultraviolet-induced cytokines selectively modifying the response of skin on a site-specific basis was investigated. The circulating leukocytes, but not lymphocytes, of two individuals exposed to 1 minimal erythema dose whole-body solar-simulated ultraviolet showed increased interleukin-6 mRNA 4 h after exposure. Interleukin-6 was not directly induced in these cell populations 4 h after ultraviolet A or ultraviolet B irradiation ex vivo . Leukocytes may therefore contribute to and amplify the systemic effects of ultraviolet-induced interleukin-6 and metallothionein expression.
Objetivo: Analisar a padronização da coleta do lavado gástrico para diagnóstico de tuberculose em crianças. Métodos: Estudo de revisão sistemática referente aos anos de 1968 a 2008. O levantamento de artigos científicos foi feito nas bases de dados Lilacs, SciELO e Medline, utilizando-se a estratégia de busca ("gastric lavage and tuberculosis" ou "gastric washing and tuberculosis", com o limite "crianças com idade até 15 anos"; e "gastric lavage and tuberculosis and childhood" ou "gastric washing and tuberculosis and childhood"). A análise dos 80 artigos recuperados baseou-se nas informações sobre o protocolo de coleta de lavado gástrico para diagnóstico da tuberculose em crianças: preparo da criança e horas de jejum, horário da coleta, aspiração do resíduo gástrico, volume total aspirado, solução usada para aspiração do conteúdo gástrico, solução descontaminante, solução tampão, e tempo de encaminhamento das amostras para o laboratório. Desses, foram selecionados 14 artigos após análise criteriosa. Resultados: Nenhum artigo explicava detalhadamente todo o procedimento. Em alguns artigos não constavam: quantidade de aspirado gástrico, aspiração antes ou após a instilação de uma solução, solução usada na aspiração gástrica, solução tampão utilizada, tempo de espera entre coleta e processamento do material. Esses resultados mostram inconsistências entre os protocolos de coleta de lavado gástrico. Conclusões: Embora este seja um método secundário no Brasil, reservado a casos que não alcançaram pontuação diagnóstica pelo sistema preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde, é necessário padronizar a coleta de lavado gástrico para diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar na infância.
The profile of 247 patients with erythroderma during a 23 year period from January, 1962 through March, 1985, with a follow-up period ranging from 1 to 26 years were analysed. The patients presented with diffuse erythema, scaling and pruritus of more than 2 months' duration, and the age ranged from 16 to 60 years. Psoriasis was the most frequent underlying disease with an estimated frequency of 44.9%, the reaction to the use of drugs appeared in 7.3% of total cases and association with reticulosis showed a frequency of 4.1%. The cause of the erythroderma could not be determined in 29.2% of the cases. Sex differences in terms of underlying diseases were not observed. One or more skin biopsies along with the clinical findings were diagnostic or suggestive of the underlying disease in 63.6% of the cases. Repeated skin biopsies are recommended as the best method for etiologic diagnosis of erythroderma. At P=0.05 significance level, masculine/feminine ratio of 2 : 1 was found. The question arises wether causal agent of erythroderma may not be somehow related to different exposure by sex to environmental antigens.
A Ressonância Magnética Mamaria (RMM), ao longo da década, tem demonstrado um franco desenvolvimento no diagnóstico e caracterização do Carcinoma Mamário. O objectivo deste trabalho científico é demonstrar, através de uma revisão bibliográfica, os avanços desta modalidade na avaliação das lesões da mama, tendo em conta as características: elasticidade (Elastografia), bioquímicas (Espectroscopia), celularidade (Difusão) e vascularização (Perfusão). A avaliação destas em consonância com as morfológicas e cinéticas (RMM), permitem um aumento da especificidade da RMM, reduzindo assim o número de biopsias desnecessárias. Contudo estas evoluções técnicas devem estar em consonância com a inovação em questões de software de processamento de Imagem e hardware dos equipamentos de Ressonância Magnética.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introdução: A cirurgia abdominal acarreta grande risco de complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias. As alterações pós-cirúrgicas abdominais, reflectem-se na dinâmica ventilatória, de modo particular nos volumes e capacidades pulmonares, e na capacidade de tosse. Objectivos: Compreender qual a variação dos volumes e capacidades pulmonares e da capacidade de tosse antes e depois da cirurgia abdominal (estômago e cólon), e qual a correlação dessa variação com o nível de dor percepcionada. Desenho do estudo: Unicêntrico, prospectivo e observacional. Amostra: 10 indivíduos, propostos para cirurgia abdominal – estômago e cólon. Metodologia: Dois momentos de avaliação: um nas 24h préoperatórias em que se mediu a capacidade vital forçada (CVF) e o volume expirado máximo no primeiro segundo (VEMS1) com espirometria, e do pico de fluxo de tosse (PCF); e um segundo momento nas 24h pós-operatórias onde se repetiram as medições do primeiro momento com o acréscimo da avaliação da dor. Resultados: No pós-operatorio imediato há uma diminuição significativa da CVF de 44,30%±17,24 (p=0,005), do VEMS1 de 35,50%±28,47 (p=0,009) e do PCF de 38,97%±38,66 (p=0,012). Não se verificou nenhuma relação entre a dor percepcionada na realização das manobras de espirometria e tosse com diminuição a da CVF e do VEMS1 e do PCF respectivamente. O sexo apresentou uma relação significativa com a variação da CRF e do VEMS1 (p=0,046 e p=0,008 respectivamente). A frequência respiratória apresentou um aumento significativo no pós-operatório de 10±11,22 cpm (p=0,019). A saturação periférica de oxigénio apresentou uma diminuição significativa no pós-operatório de 3,52±2,47 (p=0,011) Conclusão: No estudo efectuado fica demonstrado o impacto negativo da cirurgia abdominal na dinâmica respiratória. A diminuição dos valores da CVF, do VEMS1 e do PCF podem contribuir de forma significativa para o aumento do risco de complicações respiratória pós-operatórias. No entanto seria importante a realização deste estudo com uma amostra maior.
A glomerulonefrite membranosa faz parte das doenças glomerulares que provocam glomerulonefrite crônica, apresentando-se como uma das causas da doença renal terminal. As técnicas de imunofluorescência são o gold standard no estudo imunológico desta patologia em biópsia renal, através da deteção de imunocomplexos (e.g. IgG e C3) e do seu padrão de distribuição granular característico. No entanto, a imunofluorescência não permite uma contextualização histológica e os fluorocromos utilizados possuem um reduzido tempo de atividade, ao contrário das técnicas imunoenzimáticas que utilizam cromogénios coloridos precipitados que permitem a obtenção de uma marcação permanente e a sua contextualização histológica por via da utilização de eficientes colorações de contraste. Com a finalidade de contribuir para a qualidade do diagnóstico da glomerulonefrite membranosa, em biópsias renais, procurou-se, com esta pesquisa, identificar uma técnica imunoenzimática, através da conjugação entre diferentes cromogênios e colorações de contraste, que permita a deteção de depósitos de IgG e C3, com padrão granular. Foram constituídos diferentes binômios cromogênio + coloração, com os cromogênios 3,3›- Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride e 3-Amino-9-ethylcarbazole e as colorações Periodic Acid Schiff, Periodic Acid Methenamine Silver e Hematoxilina. Foram utilizadas 72 secções de tecido provenientes de seis de casos de biópsias renais com diagnóstico de glomerulonefrite membranosa, fixados em formalina a 10% e incluídos em parafina. A recolha de dados foi realizada por observação microscópica com preenchimento de uma grelha de classificação dos parâmetros: preservação da morfologia, intensidade da marcação específica, quantidade relativa de estruturas marcadas, marcação inespecífica/fundo, contraste e padrão da marcação, que permitiu a classificação dos binómios estudados num score quantitativo de 0-100 pontos. O binômio que apresentou melhores resultados foi 3-Amino-9-ethylcarbazole + Hematoxilina (score 71,81) e o binômio 3,3›- Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride+Periodic Acid Methenamine Silver (score 7,81), apresentou os piores resultados. O resultado do teste Kruskal-Wallis indica-nos a presença de diferenças estatísticas entre os binómios em estudo (p=0,000). A Hematoxilina pode ser considerada a coloração mais eficaz, pois cumpriu a sua função de auxiliar e facilitar a observação do tipo de padrão com os dois cromogênios utilizados. O cromogênio 3-Amino-9-ethylcarbazole apresentou resultados semelhantes aos produzidos pelo 3,3›-Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride, no entanto, permitiu identificar em todos os casos o padrão granular de imunomarcação, ao contrário do que aconteceu com este último.
Outbreaks of rapidly growing mycobacteria have been occasionally described. The article reports an outbreak of cutaneous abscesses due to Mycobacterium chelonae following mesotherapy in Lima, Peru. From December 2004 through January 2005, 35 subjects who had participated in mesotherapy training sessions presented with persistent cutaneous abscesses. Thirteen (37%) of these suspected cases consented to underwent clinical examination. Skin punch-biopsies were collected from suspicious lesions and substances injected during mesotherapy were analyzed. Suspected cases were mainly young women and lesions included subcutaneous nodules, abscesses and ulcers. Mycobacterium chelonae was isolated from four patients and from a procaine vial. In conclusion, it is important to consider mesotherapy as a potential source of rapidly growing mycobacteria infections.
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are lifelong disorders predominantly present in developed countries. In their pathogenesis, an interaction between genetic and environmental factors is involved. This practice guide, prepared on behalf of the European Society of Pathology and the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation, intends to provide a thorough basis for the histological evaluation of resection specimens and biopsy samples from patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Histopathologically, these diseases are characterised by the extent and the distribution of mucosal architectural abnormality, the cellularity of the lamina propria and the cell types present, but these features frequently overlap. If a definitive diagnosis is not possible, the term indeterminate colitis is used for resection specimens and the term inflammatory bowel disease unclassified for biopsies. Activity of disease is reflected by neutrophil granulocyte infiltration and epithelial damage. The evolution of the histological features that are useful for diagnosis is time- and disease-activity dependent: early disease and long-standing disease show different microscopic aspects. Likewise, the histopathology of childhood-onset IBD is distinctly different from adult-onset IBD. In the differential diagnosis of severe colitis refractory to immunosuppressive therapy, reactivation of latent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection should be considered and CMV should be tested for in all patients. Finally, patients with longstanding IBD have an increased risk for the development of adenocarcinoma. Dysplasia is the universally used marker of an increased cancer risk, but inter-observer agreement is poor for the categories low-grade dysplasia and indefinite for dysplasia. A diagnosis of dysplasia should not be made by a single pathologist but needs to be confirmed by a pathologist with expertise in gastrointestinal pathology.