975 resultados para Gasson Hall (Chestnut Hill, Mass.)
This partial translation of the original paper provides the summary of this study of the mechanism of mass transfer in the formation of hydrothermal deposits of sulphides. For determining the solubility of sulphides of iron, the radioactive isotope Fe59 was used. The solubility of two sulphides was determined.
Mass transfer from wetted surfaces on one-inch cylinders with unwetted approach sections was studied experimentally by means of the evaporation of n-octane and n-heptane into an air stream in axisymmetrical flow, for Reynolds numbers from 5,000 to 310,000. A transition from the laminar to the turbulent boundary layer was observed to occur at Reynolds numbers from 10,000 to 15,000. The results were expressed in terms of the Sherwood number as a function of the Reynolds number, the Schmidt number, and the ratio of the unwetted approach length to the total length. Empirical formulas were obtained for both laminar and turbulent regimes. The rates of mass transfer obtained were higher than theoretical and experimental results obtained by previous investigators for mass and heat transfer from flat plates.
Part I
The latent heat of vaporization of n-decane is measured calorimetrically at temperatures between 160° and 340°F. The internal energy change upon vaporization, and the specific volume of the vapor at its dew point are calculated from these data and are included in this work. The measurements are in excellent agreement with available data at 77° and also at 345°F, and are presented in graphical and tabular form.
Part II
Simultaneous material and energy transport from a one-inch adiabatic porous cylinder is studied as a function of free stream Reynolds Number and turbulence level. Experimental data is presented for Reynolds Numbers between 1600 and 15,000 based on the cylinder diameter, and for apparent turbulence levels between 1.3 and 25.0 per cent. n-heptane and n-octane are the evaporating fluids used in this investigation.
Gross Sherwood Numbers are calculated from the data and are in substantial agreement with existing correlations of the results of other workers. The Sherwood Numbers, characterizing mass transfer rates, increase approximately as the 0.55 power of the Reynolds Number. At a free stream Reynolds Number of 3700 the Sherwood Number showed a 40% increase as the apparent turbulence level of the free stream was raised from 1.3 to 25 per cent.
Within the uncertainties involved in the diffusion coefficients used for n-heptane and n-octane, the Sherwood Numbers are comparable for both materials. A dimensionless Frössling Number is computed which characterizes either heat or mass transfer rates for cylinders on a comparable basis. The calculated Frössling Numbers based on mass transfer measurements are in substantial agreement with Frössling Numbers calculated from the data of other workers in heat transfer.
The bilayer quantum Hall state at total filling factor νT=1, where the total electron density matches the degeneracy of the lowest Landau level, is a prominent example of Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons. A macroscopically ordered state is realized where an electron in one layer is tightly bound to a "hole" in the other layer. If exciton transport were the only bulk transportmechanism, a current driven in one layer would spontaneously generate a current of equal magnitude and opposite sign in the other layer. The Corbino Coulomb drag measurements presented in this thesis demonstrate precisely this phenomenon.
Excitonic superfluidity has been long sought in the νT=1 state. The tunneling between the two electron gas layers exihibit a dc Josephson-like effect. A simple model of an overdamped voltage biased Josephson junction is in reasonable agreement with the observed tunneling I-V. At small tunneling biases, it exhibits a tunneling "supercurrent". The dissipation is carefully studied in this tunneling "supercurrent" and found to remain small but finite.
An experimental method combined with boundary layer theory is given for evaluating the added mass of a sphere moving along the axis of a circular cylinder filled with water or oil. The real fluid effects are separated from ideal fluid effects.
The experimental method consists essentially of a magnetic steel sphere propelled from rest by an electromagnetic coil in which the current is accurately controlled so that it only supplies force for a short time interval which is within the laminar flow regime of the fluid. The motion of the sphere as a function of time is recorded on single frame photographs using a short-arc multiple flash lamp with accurately controlled time intervals between flashes.
A concept of the effect of boundary layer displacement on the fluid flow around a sphere is introduced to evaluate the real fluid effects on the added mass. Surprisingly accurate agreement between experiment and theory is achieved.
The Q values and 0o cross sections of (He3, n) reactions forming seven proton-rich nuclei have been measured with accuracies varying from 6 to 18 keV. The Q values (in keV) are: Si26 (85), S30 (-573), Ar34 (-759), Ti42 (-2865), Cr48 (5550), Ni56 (4513) and Zn60 (818). At least one excited state was found for all but Ti42. The first four nuclei complete isotopic spin triplets; the results obtained agree well with charge-symmetry predictions. The last three, all multiples of the α particle, are important in the α and e-process theories of nucleo-synthesis in stars. The energy available for β decay of these three was found by magnetic spectrometer measurements of the (He3, p) Q values of reactions leading to V48, Co56, and Cu60. Many excited states were seen: V48 (3), Co56 (15), Cu60 (23). The first two states of S30 are probably 0+ and 2+ from (He3, n) angular distribution measurements. Two NaI γ-ray measurements are described: the decay of Ar34 (measured Ƭ1/2 = 1.2 ± 0.3s) and the prompt γ-ray spectrum from Fe54(He3, nγ)Ni56. Possible collective structure in Ni56 and Ca40, both doubly magic, is discussed.
The (He3, n) neutron energy and yield measurements utilized neutron-induced nuclear reactions in a silicon semiconductor detector. Cross sections for the most important detection processes, Si28 (n, α) Mg25 and Si28 (n, p) Al28, are presented for reactions leading to the first four states of both residual nuclei for neutron energies from 7.3 to 16.4 MeV. Resolution and pulse-height anomalies associated with recoil Mg25 and Al28 ions are discussed. The 0o cross section for Be9 (α, n) C12, used to provide calibration neutrons, has been measured with a stilbene spectrometer for no (5.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 12 MeV), n1 (4.3 ≤ Eα ≤ 12.0 MeV) and n2 (6.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 10.1 MeV). Resonances seen in the no yield may correspond to nine new levels in C13.
The subject of this thesis is the measurement and interpretation of thermopower in high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs). These 2DESs are realized within state-of-the-art GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures that are cooled to temperatures as low as T = 20 mK. Much of this work takes place within strong magnetic fields where the single-particle density of states quantizes into discrete Landau levels (LLs), a regime best known for the quantum Hall effect (QHE). In addition, we review a novel hot-electron technique for measuring thermopower of 2DESs that dramatically reduces the influence of phonon drag.
Early chapters concentrate on experimental materials and methods. A brief overview of GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures and device fabrication is followed by details of our cryogenic setup. Next, we provide a primer on thermopower that focuses on 2DESs at low temperatures. We then review our experimental devices, temperature calibration methods, as well as measurement circuits and protocols.
Latter chapters focus on the physics and thermopower results in the QHE regime. After reviewing the basic phenomena associated with the QHE, we discuss thermopower in this regime. Emphasis is given to the relationship between diffusion thermopower and entropy. Experimental results demonstrate this relationship persists well into the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) regime.
Several experimental results are reviewed. Unprecedented observations of the diffusion thermopower of a high-mobility 2DES at temperatures as high as T = 2 K are achieved using our hot-electron technique. The composite fermion (CF) effective mass is extracted from measurements of thermopower at LL filling factor ν = 3/2. The thermopower versus magnetic field in the FQH regime is shown to be qualitatively consistent with a simple entropic model of CFs. The thermopower at ν = 5/2 is shown to be quantitatively consistent with the presence of non-Abelian anyons. An abrupt collapse of thermopower is observed at the onset of the reentrant integer quantum Hall effect (RIQHE). And the thermopower at temperatures just above the RIQHE transition suggests the existence of an unconventional conducting phase.
Recent theoretical developments in the reggeization of inelastic processes involving particles with high spin are incorporated into a model of vector meson production. A number of features of experimental differential cross sections and density matrices are interpreted in terms of this model.
The method chosen for reggeization of helicity amplitudes first separates kinematic zeros and singularities from the parity-conserving amplitudes and then applies results of Freedman and Wang on daughter trajectories to the remaining factors. Kinematic constraints on helicity amplitudes at t = 0 and t = (M – MΔ)2 are also considered.
It is found that data for reactions of types πN→VN and πN→VΔ are consistent with a model of this type in which all kinematic constraints at t = 0 are satisfied by evasion (vanishing of residue functions). As a quantitative test of the parametrization, experimental differential cross sections of vector meson production reactions dominated by pion trajectory exchange are compared with the theory. It is found that reduced residue functions are approximately constant, once the kinematic behavior near t = (M – MΔ)2 has been removed.
The alternative possibility of conspiracy between amplitudes is also discussed; and it is shown that unless conspiracy is present, some amplitudes allowed by angular momentum conservation will not contribute with full strength in the forward direction. An example, γp→π+n in which the data for dσ/dt indicate conspiracy, is studied in detail.
In this thesis we are concerned with finding representations of the algebra of SU(3) vector and axial-vector charge densities at infinite momentum (the "current algebra") to describe the mesons, idealizing the real continua of multiparticle states as a series of discrete resonances of zero width. Such representations would describe the masses and quantum numbers of the mesons, the shapes of their Regge trajectories, their electromagnetic and weak form factors, and (approximately, through the PCAC hypothesis) pion emission or absorption amplitudes.
We assume that the mesons have internal degrees of freedom equivalent to being made of two quarks (one an antiquark) and look for models in which the mass is SU(3)-independent and the current is a sum of contributions from the individual quarks. Requiring that the current algebra, as well as conditions of relativistic invariance, be satisfied turns out to be very restrictive, and, in fact, no model has been found which satisfies all requirements and gives a reasonable mass spectrum. We show that using more general mass and current operators but keeping the same internal degrees of freedom will not make the problem any more solvable. In particular, in order for any two-quark solution to exist it must be possible to solve the "factorized SU(2) problem," in which the currents are isospin currents and are carried by only one of the component quarks (as in the K meson and its excited states).
In the free-quark model the currents at infinite momentum are found using a manifestly covariant formalism and are shown to satisfy the current algebra, but the mass spectrum is unrealistic. We then consider a pair of quarks bound by a potential, finding the current as a power series in 1/m where m is the quark mass. Here it is found impossible to satisfy the algebra and relativistic invariance with the type of potential tried, because the current contributions from the two quarks do not commute with each other to order 1/m3. However, it may be possible to solve the factorized SU(2) problem with this model.
The factorized problem can be solved exactly in the case where all mesons have the same mass, using a covariant formulation in terms of an internal Lorentz group. For a more realistic, nondegenerate mass there is difficulty in covariantly solving even the factorized problem; one model is described which almost works but appears to require particles of spacelike 4-momentum, which seem unphysical.
Although the search for a completely satisfactory model has been unsuccessful, the techniques used here might eventually reveal a working model. There is also a possibility of satisfying a weaker form of the current algebra with existing models.
Surface mass loads come in many different varieties, including the oceans, atmosphere, rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice caps, and snow fields. The loads migrate over Earth's surface on time scales that range from less than a day to many thousand years. The weights of the shifting loads exert normal forces on Earth's surface. Since the Earth is not perfectly rigid, the applied pressure deforms the shape of the solid Earth in a manner controlled by the material properties of Earth's interior. One of the most prominent types of surface mass loading, ocean tidal loading (OTL), comes from the periodic rise and fall in sea-surface height due to the gravitational influence of celestial objects, such as the moon and sun. Depending on geographic location, the surface displacements induced by OTL typically range from millimeters to several centimeters in amplitude, which may be inferred from Global Navigation and Satellite System (GNSS) measurements with sub-millimeter precision. Spatiotemporal characteristics of observed OTL-induced surface displacements may therefore be exploited to probe Earth structure. In this thesis, I present descriptions of contemporary observational and modeling techniques used to explore Earth's deformation response to OTL and other varieties of surface mass loading. With the aim to extract information about Earth's density and elastic structure from observations of the response to OTL, I investigate the sensitivity of OTL-induced surface displacements to perturbations in the material structure. As a case study, I compute and compare the observed and predicted OTL-induced surface displacements for a network of GNSS receivers across South America. The residuals in three distinct and dominant tidal bands are sub-millimeter in amplitude, indicating that modern ocean-tide and elastic-Earth models well predict the observed displacement response in that region. Nevertheless, the sub-millimeter residuals exhibit regional spatial coherency that cannot be explained entirely by random observational uncertainties and that suggests deficiencies in the forward-model assumptions. In particular, the discrepancies may reveal sensitivities to deviations from spherically symmetric, non-rotating, elastic, and isotropic (SNREI) Earth structure due to the presence of the South American craton.
These are definitively exciting times for membrane lipid researchers. Once considered just as the cell membrane building blocks, the important role these lipids play is steadily being acknowledged. The improvement occurred in mass spectrometry techniques (MS) allows the establishment of the precise lipid composition of biological extracts. However, to fully understand the biological function of each individual lipid species, we need to know its spatial distribution and dynamics. In the past 10 years, the field has experienced a profound revolution thanks to the development of MS-based techniques allowing lipid imaging (MSI). Images reveal and verify what many lipid researchers had already shown by different means, but none as convincing as an image: each cell type presents a specific lipid composition, which is highly sensitive to its physiological and pathological state. While these techniques will help to place membrane lipids in the position they deserve, they also open the black box containing all the unknown regulatory mechanisms accounting for such tailored lipid composition. Thus, these results urges to different disciplines to redefine their paradigm of study by including the complexity revealed by the MSI techniques.