970 resultados para Gall Mite


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Obesity has become a global epidemic. Approximately 15% of the world population is either overweight or obese. This figure rises to 75% in many westernised countries including the United Kingdom. Health costs in the UK to treat obesity and associated disease are conservatively estimated at 6% of the National Health Service (NHS) budget equating to 3.33 billion Euros. Excess adiposity, especially in visceral depots, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gall stones, hypertension and cancer. Type 2 diabetes mellitus accounts for >90% of all cases of diabetes of which the majority can be attributed to increased adiposity, and approximately 70% of cardiovascular disease has been attributed to obesity in the US. Weight loss reduces risk of these complications and in some cases can eliminate the condition. However, weight loss by conventional non-medicated methods is often unsuccessful or promptly followed by weight regain. This thesis has investigated adipocytes development and adipokine signalling with a view to enhance the understanding of tissue functionality and to identify possible targets or pathways for therapeutic intervention. Adipocyte isolation from human tissue samples was undertaken for these investigative studies, and the methodology was optimised. The resulting isolates of pre-adipocytes and mature adipocytes were characterised and evaluated. Major findings from these studies indicate that mature adipocytes undergo cell division post terminal differentiation. Gene studies indicated that subcutaneous adipose tissue exuded greater concentrations and fluctuations of adipokine levels than visceral adipose tissue, indicating an important adiposensing role of subcutaneous adipose tissue. It was subsequently postulated that the subcutaneous depot may provide the major focus for control of overall energy balance and by extension weight control. One potential therapeutic target, 11ß-hydrosteroid dehydrogenase (11ß-HSD1) was investigated, and prospective inhibitors of its action were considered (BVT1, BVT2 and AZ121). Selective reduction of adiposity of the visceral depot was desired due to its correlation with the detrimental effects of obesity. However, studies indicated that although the visceral depot tissue was not unaffected, the subcutaneous depot was more susceptible to therapeutic inhibition by these compounds. This was determined to be a potentially valuable therapeutic intervention in light of previous postulations regarding long-term energy control via the subcutaneous tissue depot.


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Tatyana F. Sergeeva - Basic problems of school mathematical education are analysed in the paper and key factors of its development are designed. Experience of productive international cooperation is described – the Bulgarian-Russian project "MITE" in the field of techniques of training in Mathematics, improvement of professional skills of teachers and work with mathematically gifted students.


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Tanulmányunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a jelzálogpiaci válsághoz köthető hírek milyen hatással vannak a Közép-Kelet-Európában aktív nagybankokra. A vizsgálathoz tíz Közép-Kelet-Európában aktív, tőzsdei nagybankot választottunk ki, amelyek közül hat nyugat-európai, míg négy közép-kelet-európai székhelyű bank volt. A tíz pénzintézettel kapcsolatosan 128 hírt gyűjtöttünk össze a 2007. június 1. és 2009. december 31. közötti időszakból. A híreket öt kategóriába csoportosítottuk, és az egyes kategóriáknak a részvényárfolyamokra gyakorolt, rövid távú hatását külön vizsgáltuk. Számításaink alapján a jelzálogpiaci válság során a befektetők pozitívan fogadták az állami feltőkésítéssel kapcsolatos bejelentéseket és a kielégítő védelmet nyújtó, átfogó kormányzati bankmentő csomagokat. A veszteségekkel, a leminősítéssel és az ECB intézkedéseivel kapcsolatos hírek esetén rövid távon nem tudtunk szignifikáns hatást kimutatni. A kutatás során a hírek számosságában igen, de a hírek által kiváltott hatás nagyságrendjében nem észleltünk jelentős különbséget a nyugat-európai és a középkelet- európai bankok között. ______ The research measures the impact of the subprime crisis on the shareholders of the banks being active in Central and Eastern Europe. The analysis focuses on the ten largest banks of the region measured by the asset size. The authors address the question whether the crisis affected more signifi cantly the large banks headquartered in Western Europe or the banks domiciled in Central and Eastern Europe. With the aim of capturing the short-term impact of various news on the shareholders of the banks, the popular event-study methodology with a one-day event window is employed. Within the period of 1 June 2007 and 31 December 2009, altogether 128 news were collected and grouped into fi ve categories (downgrades, loss, capital strengthening, governmental rescue packages, interventions of the ECB). Among others, the authors found empirical evidence that the shareholders appreciated the interventions of the governments: their capital injections resulted in signifi cant positive abnormal returns. Governmental rescue packages also resulted in signifi cant abnormal returns in the share price, however, the sign of the returns was unambiguous. No empirical evidence was found that in the short run the news in connection with loss announcements, downgrades and ECB interventions resulted in signifi cant abnormal returns. We concluded that although Western European banks and banks domiciled in Central and Eastern Europe differed in the number of news announced, the crisis affected the banks in both regions in a similar manner.


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Several methods and indicators can be used to evaluate the coenological state of a given habitat, the ones which can be created simply, quickly, standardizably and reliably and which can be used to exactly quantify the state of a given habitat in point of numbers can be of outstanding practical importance in ecology. One possible method is the examination of the genera which can be found in a given habitat in great abundance and have little number of species and various ecological characteristics. For this purpose one of the most appropriate groups is that of ground-dwelling oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida). In our research, joining the bioindication methodological project of the “Adaptation to Climate Change” Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the indication strength of genus-level taxon lists and the effects of the main pattern-generating factors creating similarity patterns were analysed with the help of data series on oribatid mites collected by us and originating from literature. Our aim was to develop a method with the help of which the difference expressed with distance functions between two oribatid mite genus lists originating from any sources can correspond to spatial and temporal scales. Our results prove that these genus lists are able to express the spatial distance of the habitats. With the help of this base of comparison changes in disturbed or transformed habitats can be expressed by means of oribatid mite communities, with spatial and temporal distances.


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By the strengthening of environmental protection and food safety efforts in Hungary, integrated and especially biological pest control methods should increasingly put forward, for which a solid knowledge on the life course and efficiency of natural enemies applied against certain pests is necessary. Pepper has distinguished significance in domestic vegetable forcing, and the profitability of production is determined primarily by the efficiency of the control of thrips pests. This is why we attached great importance to study what results may be expected by introducing arthropod predators (Amblyseius cucumeris, Orius laevigatus) to control thrips species under domestic conditions on rock wool in a long vegetation period pepper culture. We also liked to find out what kind of role the cultivars play in the change of phytophagous and zoophagous populations. The A. cucumeris predatory mite introduced in late January proved to be effective in controlling thrips pests until mid-April. Despite repeated introductions, the predatory bug O. laevigatus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) did not proliferate. Among the three pepper cultivars (Hó, Keceli, Titán) grown at Ráckeve, thrips species proliferated in the highest number on cultivar ‘Hó’, while the population of predatory mites was lowest on the cultivar ‘Titán’, compared to the other two cultivars.


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The National Center for Family Literacy (2003a) and the National Even Start Association (2005) have stated that the single most effective and influential factor in increasing student academic achievement is parental involvement. The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine how participation in adult literacy courses influences parent-child interaction in various educationally related activities known as Interactive Literacy Activities (ILAs). This study investigated ILAs from the mothers? perspective, and examines the changes that occur in parental involvement or ILAs when immigrant parents of a limited educational background participate in an adult education program. The principal method of data collection was key informant interviews (Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996). Other methods of data collection included observations of parent-child interactions and field observations. Data analysis methods included Memo-ing (Miles & Huberman, 1994), within case analysis and cross-case analysis. ^ Findings demonstrate that changes occurred in the parent-child relationship when mothers of a limited educational background participated in an adult literacy course. When participating in ILAs or English literacy activities related to second language acquisition (including reading and speaking for comprehension and pronunciation), the children of these mothers took on the role of the adult. Participation in literacy activities was often initiated by the child and the children were frequently concerned with their mother's literacy acquisition. Mothers reported that their children were more confident, worked harder on school related activities and were more open to communication. ^ It can be concluded from this study that, in the case of these immigrant families, a mother's participation in adult literacy classes is influential in the relationship between mother and child. These children participated in ILAs for the benefit of their mothers and initiated literacy activities more frequently. The children responded better to their parents during literacy activities because there was a positive change in the relationship between mother and child. The relationship between mother and child appeared to be strengthened by greater trust, a sense of pride and more communication. ^


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Infectious diarrhea results in 2 to 5 million deaths worldwide per year, and treatments that are safe, effective, and readily available are under investigation. The field of medicinal ethnobotany focuses on plants that are used by different cultural groups for treating various diseases and evaluates these plants for efficacy and cytotoxicity. In the present study, ethnobotanical research was conducted with Central Anatolian villagers in Turkey. Folk concepts and etiologies surrounding diarrhea were analyzed, as were salient plant-based remedies for diarrhea. Reviewing the literature, 91 plant species were described as anti-diarrheal in all of Turkey. In Central Anatolia, villagers described 35 species. For continued research via bactericidal and bacteriostatic bioassays, 15 plants were selected. Methanolic and aqueous extracts of medicinally used plant parts were evaluated for inhibitory properties against 10 diarrhea-causing bacteria in the first bioassay, and later 21 bacteria in a second assay utilizing spectrophotometry. The cytotoxic properties were also evaluated in an Alamar Blue Assay using HepG-2, PC-3, and SkMEL-5 human cell lines. While several extracts showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, the methanolic extract of R. canina galls inhibited the most bacteria at the lowest concentrations. They were not cytotoxic. Thus, R. canina methanolic gall extracts were selected for bio-assay guided fractionation. Antibacterial activity was maintained in the third fraction which was composed of almost pure ellagic acid. The bioassay was repeated with standard ellagic acid, and the polyphenol retained potency in inhibiting multiple bacterial strains. Several other extracts showed promise for safe, effective anti-bacterial remedies for diarrhea.


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von Lic.Dr. Freiherr von Gall, Lehrer am Realgymnasium und an der Realschule zu Mainz


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von August Freiherr von Gall, Lic.theol., Dr.phil., Professor am Gymn. und Privatdozent a.d. Univ. in Gießen


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El huerto-jardín en el Alto Medioevo manifiesta la capacidad humana para domesticar una naturaleza salvaje y hostil y para transformarla en un lugar apacible, acogedor. Tanto en el ámbito citadino en las casas privadas, como en el ámbito rural en los monasterios, en estos recintos se cultivaban variados vegetales, legumbres, árboles frutales y también flores, ya sea para el consumo como para la delectación. Ahora bien, nuestra propuesta se centrará en los huertos-jardines que integraban la estructura monástica en cuanto espacios privilegiados en donde se pone en acto la consigna que sustenta la Regla de san Benito, el ora et labora. Para ello analizaremos un plano realizado en el período carolingio, conservado en la abadía benedictina de Saint-Gall. Este documento icónico nos permitirá acercarnos virtualmente a los espacios abaciales ya que el paso del tiempo y los sucesivos actos de vandalismo y de pillaje destruyeron total o parcialmente la arquitectura monacal alto medieval. Plano "ideal" que da cuenta de los conocimientos teórico-prácticos sobre la agricultura y la horticultura pero que además nos acerca la concepción filosófica-teológica de la época