970 resultados para GENE DELETION


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Most human ACTA1 skeletal actin gene mutations cause dominant, congenital myopathies often with severely reduced muscle function and neonatal mortality. High sequence conservation of actin means many mutated ACTA1 residues are identical to those in the Drosophila Act88F, an indirect flight muscle specific sarcomeric actin. Four known Act88F mutations occur at the same actin residues mutated in ten ACTA1 nemaline mutations, A138D/P, R256H/L, G268C/D/R/S and R372C/S. These Act88F mutants were examined for similar muscle phenotypes. Mutant homozygotes show phenotypes ranging from a lack of myofibrils to almost normal sarcomeres at eclosion. Aberrant Z-disc-like structures and serial Z-disc arrays, ‘zebra bodies’, are observed in homozygotes and heterozygotes of all four Act88F mutants. These electron-dense structures show homologies to human nemaline bodies/rods, but are much smaller than those typically found in the human myopathy. We conclude that the Drosophila indirect flight muscles provide a good model system for studying ACTA1 mutations.


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Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is a critical enzyme in folate metabolism and is involved in DNA synthesis, DNA repair and DNA methylation. Genetic polymorphisms of this enzyme have been shown to impact several diseases, including cancer. Leukemias are malignancies arising from rapidly proliferating hematopoietic cells having great requirement of DNA synthesis. This case-control study was undertaken to analyze the association of the MTHFR gene polymorphisms 677 C"T and 1298 A"C and the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. Materials and Methods: Eighty-six patients aged below 15 years with a confirmed diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 99 matched controls were taken for this study. Analysis of the polymorphisms was done using the polymerase chain reaction -restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Results: Frequency of MTHFR 677 CC and CT were 85.9% and 14.1% in the controls, and 84.9% and 15.1% in the cases. The 'T' allele frequency was 7% and 7.5% in cases and controls respectively. The frequency of MTHFR 1298 AA, AC, and CC were 28.3%, 55.6% and 16.1% for controls and 23.3%, 59.3% and 17.4% for cases respectively. The 'C' allele frequency for 1298 A→C was 43.9% and 47% respectively for controls and cases. The odds ratio (OR) for C677T was 1.08 (95% CI 0.48- 2.45, p = 0.851) and OR for A1298C was 1.29(95% CI 0.65-2.29, p = 0.46) and OR for 1298 CC was 1.31 (95% CI 0.53-3.26, p =0.56). The OR for the combined heterozygous status (677 CT and 1298 AC) was 1.94 (95% CI 0.58 -6.52, p = 0.286). Conclusion: The prevalence of 'T' allele for 677 MTHFR polymorphism was low in the population studied. There was no association between MTHFR 677 C→T and 1298 A→C gene polymorphisms and risk of ALL, which may be due to the small sample size.


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During the course of genome studies in a rural community in the South Indian state of Karnataka, DNA-based investigations and counselling for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) were requested via the community physician. The proposita died in 1940 and FAP had been clinically diagnosed in 2 of her 5 children, both deceased. DNA samples from 2 affected individuals in the third generation were screened for mutations in the APC gene, and a frame-shift mutation was identified in exon 15 with a common deletion at codon 1061. Predictive testing for the mutation was then organized on a voluntary basis. There were 11 positive tests, including confirmatory positives on 2 persons diagnosed by colonoscopy, and to date surgery has been successfully undertaken on 3 previously undiagnosed adults. The ongoing success of the study indicates that, with appropriate access to the facilities offered by collaborating centres, predictive testing is feasible for diseases such as FAP and could be of significant benefit to communities in economically less developed countries.


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The pattern of expression of the genes involved in the utilization of aryl beta-glucosides such as arbutin and salicin is different in the genus Shigella compared to Escherichia coli. The results presented here indicate that the homologue of the cryptic bgl operon of E. coli is conserved in Shigella sonnei and is the primary system involved in beta-glucoside utilization in the organism. The organization of the bgl genes in 5. sonnei is similar to that of E. coli; however there are three major differences in terms of their pattern of expression. (i) The bglB gene, encoding phospho-beta-glucosidase B, is insertionally inactivated in 5. sonnei. As a result, mutational activation of the silent bgl promoter confers an Arbutin-positive (Arb(+)) phenotype to the cells in a single step; however, acquiring a Salicin-positive (Sal(+)) phenotype requires the reversion or suppression of the bglB mutation in addition. (ii) Unlike in E. coli, a majority of the activating mutations (conferring the Arb(+) phenotype) map within the unlinked hns locus, whereas activation of the E. coli bgl operon under the same conditions is predominantly due to insertions within the bglR locus. (iii) Although the bgl promoter is silent in the wild-type strain of 5. sonnei (as in the case of E. coli), transcriptional and functional analyses indicated a higher basal level of transcription of the downstream genes. This was correlated with a 1 bp deletion within the putative Rho-independent terminator present in the leader sequence preceding the homologue of the bglG gene. The possible evolutionary implications of these differences for the maintenance of the genes in the cryptic state are discussed.


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The cloned DNA fragment of the cytochrome P-450b/e gene containing the upstream region from position -179 through part of the first exon is faithfully transcribed in freeze-thawed rat liver nuclei. Phenobarbitone treatment of the animal strikingly increases this transcription, and the increase is blocked by cycloheximide (protein synthesis inhibitor) or CoCl2 (heme biosynthetic inhibitor) treatment of animals. This picture correlates very well with the reported cytochrome P-450b/e mRNA levels in vivo and run-on transcription rates in vitro under these conditions. The upstream region (from position -179) was assessed for protein binding with nuclear extracts by nitrocellulose filter binding, gel retardation, DNase I treatment ("footprinting"), and Western blot analysis. Phenobarbitone treatment dramatically increases protein binding to the upstream region, an increase once again blocked by cycloheximide or CoCl2 treatments. Addition of heme in vitro to heme-deficient nuclei and nuclear extracts restores the induced levels of transcription and protein binding to the upstream fragment, respectively. Thus, drug-mediated synthesis and heme-modulated binding of a transcription factor(s) appear involved in the transcriptional activation of the cytochrome P-450b/e genes, and an 85-kDa protein may be a major factor in this regard.


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Purpose: Limbal stem cell deficiency is a challenging clinical problem and the current treatment involves replenishing the depleted limbal stem cell (LSC) pool by either limbal tissue transplantation or use of cultivated limbal epithelial cells (LEC). Our experience of cultivating the LEC on denuded human amniotic membrane using a feeder cell free method, led to identification of mesenchymal cells of limbus (MC-L), which showed phenotypic resemblance to bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC-BM). To understand the transcriptional profile of these cells, microarray experiments were carried out.Methods: RNA was isolated from cultured LEC, MC-L and MSC-BM and microarray experiments were carried out by using Agilent chip (4x44 k). The microarray data was validated by using Realtime and semiquntitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: The microarray analysis revealed specific gene signature of LEC and MC-L, and also their complementary role related to cytokine and growth factor profile, thus supporting the nurturing roles of the MC-L. We have also observed similar and differential gene expression between MC-L and MSC-BM.Conclusions: This study represents the first extensive gene expression analysis of limbal explant culture derived epithelial and mesenchymal cells and as such reveals new insight into the biology, ontogeny, and in vivo function of these cells.


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Inhibitors of heme biosynthesis such as CoCl2, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, and thioacetamide block the 3-methylcholanthrene-mediated induction of cytochrome P-450 (c + d) messenger RNAs and their transcription in rat liver. This effect is specific, since the messenger RNA levels for albumin and glutathione transferase (Ya + Yc) and their transcription are not significantly influenced under conditions of heme depletion. Exogenous administration of heme at very low doses (50 μg/100 g body wt) is able to completely counteract the effects of the heme biosynthetic inhibitors on cytochrome P-450 (c + d) messenger RNA levels and their transcription. This constitutes a direct proof for the role of heme as a positive regulator of cytochrome P-450 gene transcription.


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Administration of 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) to rats results in a striking increase in the transcription of cytochrome P-450 (c+d) messenger RNA with isolated nuclei, which is blocked by the simultaneous administration of cobalt chloride, an inhibitor of heme biosynthesis. Transcription of cytochrome P-450 (c+d) mRNAs with nuclei isolated from MC treated rats shows a linear increase with time of incubation, whereas it shows a progressive decrease with incubation time in the case of nuclei isolated from MC+CoCl2 treated rats. Addition of heme in vitro (10−6M) to the latter nuclei results in a significant counteraction of the decreased cytochrome P-450 (c+d) mRNA transcription. The inhibition in transcription rates observed in MC+CoCl2 treated rat liver nuclei is more pronounced with the seventh exon probe than with the second exon probe. Once again, in vitro heme addition can counteract the inhibition observed with both the probes. Since run off transcription with isolated nuclei represents essentially elongation of the initiated transcripts, the data obtained can be interpreted on the basis that heme regulates cytochrome P-450 gene transcription elongation.


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The 2.3 kb BamHI fragment from the colitis bacteriophage DNA was transcribed and translated into a 20 kd structural protein P6, in a coupled transcription-translation system derived from Escherichia coli. This protein was expressed in vivo by the 2.3 kb DNA cloned in pBR322. The gene with the regulatory elements for this protein was located on the 680 bp AvaII fragment of the insert DNA. It hybridized with two RNAs of sizes 520 and 1630 nucleotides indicating that both are messengers for the 20 kd protein. Dot-blot hybridization showed that the transcripts for P6 reached a maximum level at 12 min after phage infection.


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A human primary lung carcinoma cell line (HPL-R1) established from the tumor biopsy of a lung cancer patient, lacking in cytochrome P1-450 [aryl hydrocarbon (benzo[a]pyrene) hydroxylase (AHH)], was cloned and used to obtain variants deficient in the expression of thymidine-kinase via treatment with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, and selection for drug resistance phenotype. The variant cell line, precharacterized for thymidine kinase negative phenotype, was transfected with the thymidine kinase gene bearing p R-tk and px1-tk plasmids. Transfections from both the plasmids, demonstrated a frequency of 5.5 X 10(-5). The transfectants showed a 76-100% retention of the transferred phenotype. These data suggest that transfection in variant human cells can approach significant levels of stability observed with rodent cell recipients.