981 resultados para Freight cars.


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In the present paper, the authors describe a case of fatal thoracic impalement in a victim of a road traffic accident, by penetration of a metal handrail. The driver lost control of his car while overtaking three cars. Due to the force of the vehicle collision with a metal railing, the upper cross bar penetrated the front of the car and subsequently the driver was pierced by the center-pillar in the car. Death occurred at the scene of the accident. Postmortem, computed tomography, computed tomography angiography and a magnetic resonance tomography were performed and revealed severe heart destruction and hemorrhage as cause of death. The present case report shows that postmortem imaging might have value as a screening method to decide whether arising forensic questions can be answered just by imaging like in the presented case or if further examinations such as conventional autopsy are required.


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Today the use of concrete ties is on the rise in North America as they become an economically competitive alternative to the historical industry standard wood ties, while providing performance which exceeds its competition in terms of durability and capacity. Similarly, in response to rising energy costs, there is increased demand for efficient and sustainable transportation of people and goods. One source of such transportation is the railroad. To accommodate the increased demand, railroads are constructing new track and upgrading existing track. This update to the track system will increase its capacity while making it a more reliable means of transportation compared to other alternatives. In addition to increasing the track system capacity, railroads are considering an increase in the size of the typical freight rail car to allow larger tonnage. An increase in rail car loads will in turn affect the performance requirements of the track. Due to the increased loads heavy haul railroads are considering applying to their tracks, current designs of prestressed concrete railroad ties for heavy haul applications may be undersized. In an effort to maximize tie capacity while maintaining tie geometry, fastening systems and installation equipment, a parametric study to optimize the existing designs was completed. The optimization focused on maximizing the capacity of an existing tie design through an investigation of prestressing quantity, configuration, stress levels and other material properties. The results of the parametric optimization indicate that the capacity of an existing tie can be increased most efficiently by increasing the diameter of the prestressing and concrete strength. However, researchers also found that current design specifications and procedures do not include consideration of tie behavior beyond the current tie capacity limit of cracking to the first layer of prestressing. In addition to limiting analysis to the cracking limit, failure mechanisms such as shear in deep beams at the rail seat or pullout failure of the prestressing due to lack of development length were absent from specified design procedures, but discussed in this project.


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A great increase of private car ownership took place in China from 1980 to 2009 with the development of the economy. To explain the relationship between car ownership and economic and social changes, an ordinary least squares linear regression model is developed using car ownership per capita as the dependent variable with GDP, savings deposits and highway mileages per capita as the independent variables. The model is tested and corrected for econometric problems such as spurious correlation and cointegration. Finally, the regression model is used to project oil consumption by the Chinese transportation sector through 2015. The result shows that about 2.0 million barrels of oil will be consumed by private cars in conservative scenario, and about 2.6 million barrels of oil per day in high case scenario in 2015. Both of them are much higher than the consumption level of 2009, which is 1.9 million barrels per day. It also shows that the annual growth rate of oil demand by transportation is 2.7% - 3.1% per year in the conservative scenario, and 6.9% - 7.3% per year in the high case forecast scenario from 2010 to 2015. As a result, actions like increasing oil efficiency need to be taken to deal with challenges of the increasing demand for oil.


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In this issue...movie review, Lady Diggers, collegiate volleyball, driverless cars, orientation, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Mount Haggin, HPER, public lecture series


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Fine particulate matter originating from traffic correlates with increased morbidity and mortality. An important source of traffic particles is brake wear of cars which contributes up to 20% of the total traffic emissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate potential toxicological effects of human epithelial lung cells exposed to freshly generated brake wear particles. RESULTS: An exposure box was mounted around a car's braking system. Lung cells cultured at the air-liquid interface were then exposed to particles emitted from two typical braking behaviours ("full stop" and "normal deceleration"). The particle size distribution as well as the brake emission components like metals and carbons was measured on-line, and the particles deposited on grids for transmission electron microscopy were counted. The tight junction arrangement was observed by laser scanning microscopy. Cellular responses were assessed by measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (cytotoxicity), by investigating the production of reactive oxidative species and the release of the pro-inflammatory mediator interleukin-8. The tight junction protein occludin density decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing concentrations of metals on the particles (iron, copper and manganese, which were all strongly correlated with each other). Occludin was also negatively correlated with the intensity of reactive oxidative species. The concentrations of interleukin-8 were significantly correlated with increasing organic carbon concentrations. No correlation was observed between occludin and interleukin-8, nor between reactive oxidative species and interleukin-8. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the metals on brake wear particles damage tight junctions with a mechanism involving oxidative stress. Brake wear particles also increase pro-inflammatory responses. However, this might be due to another mechanism than via oxidative stress.


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Importing integrated supply chains have changed Chinese logistic from simplex freight to the process of product of production、circulation and consumption of logistic system. Different modal of integrated supply chain apply in the different companies, bring activity and efficiency integrated supply chain in China. The trend of Chinese integrated supply chain in the future will stress on e-commerce and customer service, and combined Chinese own logistic system to enlarge Chinese logistic, which will more international and world wild.


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Das operative Torbelegungsproblem (TBP) z. B. an einem Distributions- oder Cross-dockingzentrum ist ein logistisches Problem, bei dem es gilt, an- und abfahrende Fahrzeuge zeitlich und räumlich so auf die Warenein- und -ausgangstore zu verteilen, dass eine mög-lichst kostengünstige Abfertigung ermöglicht wird. Bisherige Arbeiten, die sich mit dem TBP beschäftigen, lassen Aspekte der Kooperation außer Acht. Dieser Beitrag stellt ein Verfahren vor, durch das der Nachteil einseitig optimaler Torbelegungen überwunden werden kann. Dabei wird auf das Mittel der kombinatorischen Auktionen zurückgegriffen und das TBP als Allokationsproblem modelliert, bei dem Frachtführer um Bündel konsekutiver Einheitszeit-intervalle an den Toren konkurrieren. Mittels eines Vickrey-Clarke-Groves-Mechanismus wird einerseits die Anreizkompatibilität, andererseits die individuelle Rationalität des Auk-tionsverfahrens sichergestellt. Das Verfahren wurde in ILOG OPL Studio 3.6.1 implemen-tiert und die durch Testdaten gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Laufzeiten gering genug sind, um das Verfahren für die operative (kurzfristige) Planung einzusetzen und so transportlogistische Prozesse für alle Beteiligten wirtschaftlicher zu gestalten.


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Flurförderzeuge sind aufgrund ihrer Einsatzbedingungen und konstruktiven Merkmale besonderen Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt. Diese elektrischen, mechanischen und thermischen Beanspruchungen unterscheiden sich teilweise deutlich von denen anderer Fahrzeuge wie Personenwagen oder mobilen Baumaschinen. Um Auslegungs- und Dimensionierungsrichtlinien für die im Flurförderzeug verbauten elektronischen Komponenten zu erarbeiten, wurden an einem Schubmaststapler die auf ausgewählte Komponenten einwirkenden Beanspruchungen aufgezeichnet und umfangreich ausgewertet. In verschiedenen Prüfstandsuntersuchungen wurden die angenommenen Beanspruchungen unter Laborbedingungen nachgestellt, um das Verhalten der Elektronikkomponenten näher zu betrachten und Ausfallcharakteristiken, wie beispielsweise die Zusammenhänge zwischen Belastungshöhe und Belastungshäufigkeit bis zum Ausfall, abzuleiten.


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Intermodal rail/road freight transport constitutes an alternative to long-haul road transport for the distribution of large volumes of goods. The paper introduces the intermodal transportation problem for the tactical planning of mode and service selection. In rail mode, shippers either book train capacity on a per-unit basis or charter block trains completely. Road mode is used for short-distance haulage to intermodal terminals and for direct shipments to customers. We analyze the competition of road and intermodal transportation with regard to freight consolidation and service cost on a model basis. The approach is applied to a distribution system of an industrial company serving customers in eastern Europe. The case study investigates the impact of transport cost and consolidation on the optimal modal split.


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While navigation systems for cars are in widespread use, only recently, indoor navigation systems based on smartphone apps became technically feasible. Hence tools in order to plan and evaluate particular designs of information provision are needed. Since tests in real infrastructures are costly and environmental conditions cannot be held constant, one must resort to virtual infrastructures. This paper presents the development of an environment for the support of the design of indoor navigation systems whose center piece consists in a hands-free navigation method using the Microsoft Kinect in the four-sided Definitely Affordable Virtual Environment (DAVE). Navigation controls using the user's gestures and postures as the input to the controls are designed and implemented. The installation of expensive and bulky hardware like treadmills is avoided while still giving the user a good impression of the distance she has traveled in virtual space. An advantage in comparison to approaches using a head mounted display is that the DAVE allows the users to interact with their smartphone. Thus the effects of different indoor navigation systems can be evaluated already in the planning phase using the resulting system


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Diesel exhaust and wood burning are important sources of ambient atmospheric particles due to increasing numbers of diesel cars and the importance of wood as a source of renewable energy. Inhalation is the predominant route of entry and uptake for fine and ultrafine particles into the body. Health effects of atmospheric particles are still not completely understood. There is consistent evidence from epidemiology that particle exposure contributes to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. This study aimed at examining acute responses of airway epithelial cells and luminal macrophages after exposure to freshly emitted and photochemically aged carbonaceous aerosols under realistic atmospheric conditions. In addition to a bronchial epithelial cell line advanced cell cultures namely fully differentiated respiratory epithelia and primary surface macrophages were used. Our results demonstrate that a single exposure of the cells to realistic particle doses of 0.3–3 ng diesel or 3–9 ng wood aerosol per cm2 cell surface induces small, particle-specific responses. The release of interleukin-6 and -8 was found to be decreased in differentiated airway epithelia but not in the other cell models studied. Aerosol exposure decreased macrophage phagocytic activity by 45–90%. Cell and tissue integrity remained unaffected. Overall, primary and aged particles from the same combustion induced similar responses in the cell models tested, whereby particles from diesel exhaust affected the cells more than those from wood combustion.