982 resultados para Fossil Bivalves


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La présente recherche traite des défis posés à l'action publique territoriale par la transition énergétique, transition désormais érigée au rang de priorité par les autorités françaises et suisses, comme plus globalement européennes. Elle prend pour cela appui sur une analyse des démarches de planification énergétique territoriale menées entre 2007 et 2014 sur le territoire franco-valdo-genevois (agglomération du « Grand-Genève »). Considérées comme des laboratoires d'expérimentation de la territorialisation des politiques énergétiques, ces démarches sont ici examinées selon une perspective institutionnaliste et pragmatiste visant à mettre lumière les éléments qui interviennent dans la délimitation du champ des possibles en matière d'action publique énergétique et territoriale. Ce positionnement découle des évolutions observées sur le territoire franco-valdo-genevois durant la période d'étude (chapitre 1). Il découle plus précisément du constat de récurrence de certains points de blocage rencontrés aussi bien dans les démarches de planification énergétique elles-mêmes que dans les travaux méthodologiques qui ont pu être réalisés parallèlement à ces démarches, dans le but d'en affiner les outils techniques et organisationnels de mise en oeuvre. Ainsi, le point de départ de la présente recherche est le constat selon lequel on peine tout autant à construire des solutions énergétiques appropriables et réalisables par les acteurs des territoires concernés qu'à reconfigurer les outils de production de ces solutions. De ce constat découle l'intérêt porté aux cadres institutionnels qui régissent ces planifications énergétiques territoriales. Définis comme l'ensemble des repères - formels et informels - qui rendent possibles en même temps qu'ils contraignent les interactions territorialisées entre les acteurs, ces cadres institutionnels sont placés au coeur de la grille de (re)lecture des expériences de planification énergétique territoriale établie au chapitre 2 de la thèse. En référence aux concepts institutionnalistes et pragmatistes sur lesquels elle prend appui, cette grille conduit à appréhender ces expériences comme autant d'enquêtes contribuant, à travers le travail de mobilisation et construction de représentations territoriales auquel elles donnent lieu, à l'équipement sociocognitif d'un champ d'intervention territorial spécifique. Partant de l'hypothèse selon laquelle les potentialités comme les limites associées à l'équipement sociocognitif de ce champ orientent les possibilités d'action collective, la réflexion consiste en une application de cette grille à une trentaine d'expériences de planification énergétique territoriale. Cette application s'effectue en deux temps, correspondant à deux niveaux de lecture de ces démarches. Le premier porte sur les dispositifs organisationnels et les modalités d'interactions entre les cultures d'action qu'elles réunissent (chapitre 3). Le second se concentre davantage sur les supports cognitifs (représentations territoriales) autour desquels se structurent ces interactions (chapitre 4). Présentés dans le dernier chapitre de la thèse (chapitre 5), les enseignements tirés de ce travail de réexamen des démarches franco-valdo-genevoises de planification énergétique territoriale sont de deux ordres. Ils portent d'abord sur les caractéristiques des cadres institutionnels existants, la manière dont ils orientent ces démarches et délimitent les évolutions possibles dans les modes d'action collective et plus particulièrement d'action publique qui y sont associés. Mais ils portent aussi sur les potentiels de changement associés à ces démarches, et sur les pistes envisageables pour mieux valoriser es potentiels, dont l'activation passe par des évolutions profondes des systèmes institutionnels en place. -- In France as in Switzerland, local authorities stand out as leading players of energy transition, a transition that requires an important renewal of public intervention instruments. It is the stakes and the conditions of such a renewal that the present work aims to examine, based on the experiments of territorial energy planning led on the franco-valdo-genevan cross-border territory. Conceived as initiatives of relocation of the energy supply system, these energy planning initiatives are examined through an institutionalist and pragmatic « reading template ». This « reading template » consists of seeing these energy planning initiatives as pragmatist inquiries aiming, through a collective work of cognitive equipment of the territorial franco-valdo-genevan field of intervention, at the reconstruction of the means of coordination between people about their material, organizational and political territory. It opens towards a double reading of the energy planning initiatives. The first one concentrates on the organizational dimension of these inquiries - i.e. on the cultures of action which they gather and the modalities of interaction between them - whereas the second focuses on the cognitive substance which represents the medium of the interactions. This double reading provides insights at various levels. The first one concerns the (cognitive) territorial field of intervention that these energy-planning experiments contribute to draw. A field which, although better and better characterized in its technical dimensions, remains at the same time limited and " deformed " so that it values more the fossil energy systems, from which we want to release ourselves, than the renewable ones, which we would like to replace them with. The second level of teaching concerns the processes of production of territorial knowledge (PPTK) which presides over the demarcation and « equipment » of the territorial field of intervention. Examined through the institutional norms and the culture of action at stake in them, this PPTK turns out to create a sociocognitive "cross-border" area, the kind of area that could shelter the desired reconfigurations...on the condition that they are beforehand correctly "equipped", in cognitive and also in organizational terms. The determining factor for the quality of this equipment is concentrated in the third category of teaching. Starting with the opportunities created by these energy planning experiments concerning the renewal of public intervention instruments, these elements also allow us to take a new look at the urban area project under construction in this cross-border territory, a project th t shows itself closely linked to the energy experiments through a common challenge of territorialisation.


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AimUnderstanding the relative contribution of diversification rates (speciation and extinction) and dispersal in the formation of the latitudinal diversity gradient - the decrease in species richness with increasing latitude - is a main goal of biogeography. The mammalian order Carnivora, which comprises 286 species, displays the traditional latitudinal diversity gradient seen in almost all mammalian orders. Yet the processes driving high species richness in the tropics may be fundamentally different in this group from that in other mammalian groups. Indeed, a recent study suggested that in Carnivora, unlike in all other major mammalian orders, net diversification rates are not higher in the tropics than in temperate regions. Our goal was thus to understand the reasons why there are more species of Carnivora in the tropics. LocationWorld-wide. MethodsWe reconstructed the biogeographical history of Carnivora using a time-calibrated phylogeny of the clade comprising all terrestrial species and dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis models. We also analysed a fossil dataset of carnivoran genera to examine how the latitudinal distribution of Carnivora varied through time. ResultsOur biogeographical analyses suggest that Carnivora originated in the East Palaearctic (i.e. Central Asia, China) in the early Palaeogene. Multiple independent lineages dispersed to low latitudes following three main paths: toward Africa, toward India/Southeast Asia and toward South America via the Bering Strait. These dispersal events were probably associated with local extinctions at high latitudes. Fossil data corroborate a high-latitude origin of the group, followed by late dispersal events toward lower latitudes in the Neogene. Main conclusionsUnlike most other mammalian orders, which originated and diversified at low latitudes and dispersed out of the tropics', Carnivora originated at high latitudes, and subsequently dispersed southward. Our study provides an example of combining phylogenetic and fossil data to understand the generation and maintenance of global-scale geographical variations in species richness.


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L"estudi ha estat realitzat sobre restes dentals recuperades al jaciment de Forat de Conqueta. La majoria de les dents s"han trobat aïllades, fora del suport ossi, la qual cosa n"ha dificultat la identificació i l"estudi. Entre els objectius de l"estudi paleodontològic, volem destacar la determinació d"un nombre mínim i màxim d"individus a partir de les restes. L"estudi ha estat molt limitat a causa de la tipologia funerària (enterrament col·lectiu en cova) i del ritual d"enterrament (cremació parcial). El resultats provisionals assenyalen que el nombre mínim d"individus representats per la mostra estudiada és de 41 i que, d"aquests, fins a sis individus podrien pertànyer a un grup d"edat infantil o juvenil


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The Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) is a worldwide cultured bivalve species with important commercial value. Diseases affecting this species can result in large economic losses. Because knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of the immune response in bivalves, especially clams, is scarce and fragmentary, we sequenced RNA from immune-stimulated R. philippinarum hemocytes by 454-pyrosequencing to identify genes involved in their immune defense against infectious diseases.


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Despite the successful retrieval of genomes from past remains, the prospects for human palaeogenomics remain unclear because of the difficulty of distinguishing contaminant from endogenous DNA sequences. Previous sequence data generated on high-throughput sequencing platforms indicate that fragmentation of ancient DNA sequences is a characteristic trait primarily arising due to depurination processes that create abasic sites leading to DNA breaks.


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Los análisis de Fourier permiten caracterizar el contorno del diente y obtener una serie de parámetros para un posterior análisis multivariante. Sin embargo, la gran complejidad que presentan algunas formas obliga a determinar el error de medición intrínseco que se produce. El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar y validar los análisis de Fourier en el estudio de la forma dental del segundo molar inferior (M2) de cuatro especies de primates Hominoidea para explorar la variabilidad morfométrica interespecífica, así como determinar el error de medición a un nivel intra e interobservador. El contorno de la superficie oclusal del diente fue definido digitalmente y con las funciones derivadas del análisis de Fourier se realizaron Análisis Discriminantes y Test de Mantel (correlaciones de Pearson) para determinar las diferencias de forma a partir de las mediciones tomadas. Los resultados indican que el análisis de Fourier muestra la variabilidad de forma en dientes molares en especies de primates Hominoidea. Adicionalmente, los altos niveles de correlación a nivel intra (r>0,9) como interobservador (r>0,7) sugieren que la descripción morfométrica del diente a partir de métodos de Fourier realizados por diferentes observadores puede ser agrupada para posteriores análisis.


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Metsäpolttoaineiden käyttö kasvaa lämpö- ja voimalaitoksissa ja mahdollisissa biojalostamoissa. Metsäpolttoaineilla voidaan saavuttaa päästövähennyksiä korvaamalla päästöintensiivisempiä polttoaineita. Metsäpolttoaineen kysynnän kasvu suurkäyttöpaikoilla luo uusia vaatimuksia metsäbiomassan hankintaan. Metsäpolttoaineiden vesitiekuljetuksen sisältämiä logistiikkajärjestelmiä kehittämällä toimitusvarmuutta pystytään parantamaan ja hankintaa laajentamaan kustannustehokkaasti ja ympäristöystävällisesti. Kuljetuskokeilut antoivat uutta tietoa vesitiekuljetuksen sisältämästä hankinnasta. Lastikapasiteetti nykyisen kaltaisessa Eurooppa IIa -suurproomussa vaihtelee 1200 tonnista jopa 1800 tonniin (kosteus 40 %) riippuen tiivistymisestä ja proomun modifiointiasteesta. Metsähakkeen energiatiheys oli suurproomukuljetuksissa keskimäärin 1 MWh/i-m3, joka oli 25 % parempi kuin vertailun hakerekkakuljetuksissa. Vesitiekuljetuksen kustannukset olivat kuljetuskokeiluissa lastauksineen ja purkuineen 0,02 €/MWh/km, ollen noin 20 % ketjun kokonaiskustannuksista. Simuloinnin edullisimpien vesitiekuljetusvaihtoehtojen vaihteluvälin kustannukset olivat vastaavasti 0,013 - 0,026 €/MWh/km. Lastauksen ja purun kustannus oli 0,4 - 0,6 €/MWh ja vesitiekuljetus 0,9 - 2,0 €/MWh (100 km). Ketjun kokonaiskustannukset hakkuutähdehakkeelle vaihtelivat simuloinnin edullisimpien vaihtoehtojen perusteella välillä 10,8 - 12,1 €/MWh (30 km rekka, 100 km proomu). Kuljetusketjujen simuloinnin kustannukset osoittivat proomukuljetusketjun olevan kilpailukykyinen vaihtoehto hakerekkakuljetusketjulle kalustosta ja vuosittaisista käyttötunneista riippuen kuljetusetäisyyden ylittäessä 100 km. Kustannustehokkain ratkaisu vesitiekuljetuksessa saavutettiin pienen aluksen ja suuren kokoluokan proomuyksikön kytkyeellä. Haketus kannattaa toteuttaa ennen proomukuljetuksen osuutta metsähakkeen paremman tiiviyden ja käsiteltävyyden perusteella. Logistiikkajärjestelmiä pitää kehittää tapauskohtaisesti käyttöpaikan tarpeet ja olosuhteet huomioon ottaen. Metsäpolttoaineiden vesitiekuljetuksen sisältämän logistiikan liiketoimintamallien vertailussa arvioitiin vaihtoehtoiset ulkoistetut toimintamallit paremmaksi kuin nykyinen urakointimalli. Tämä mahdollistaa paremman metsähakkeen saatavuuden ja logistiikan tehokkuuden lastausterminaaleissa. Terminaalitoiminnot ja proomukuljetukset lisäävät uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ja mahdollistavat metsäpolttoaineiden


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Stirling-moottori on ns. kuumailma moottori, joka toimii kaasun lämpötilaeron avulla. Kuumailma moottorin erityispiirteitä on laitteen ulkopuolella tapahtuva palaminen, josta lämpö johdetaan moottorille. Yleensä polttoaineena on käytetty vähän likaavaa polttoainetta esim. maakaasua mutta fossiilisten polttoaineiden kallistumisen ja niistä aiheutuvien päästöjen vuoksi niiden korvaaminen biopolttoaineella on tullut ajankohtaiseksi aiheeksi. Biopolttoaineiden likaavuuden takia niillä ei kuitenkaan voida lämmittää Stirling-moottoria suoraan vaan tarvitaan ylimääräinen lämmönsiirrin. Tämä diplomityö suoritettiin Lappeenrannan teknilliselle yliopistolle ja sen tarkoituksena oli tutkia juuri tähän laitteistoon suunnitellun, Stirling-moottorin ja polttokammion välisen lämmönsiirtimen suoritusarvoja ja likaantumista. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin lämmönsiirtimeltä Stirling-moottorille menevien ilmaputkien lämpöhäviöitä. Työssä tultiin siihen tulokseen, että tämän tyyppinen lämmönsiirrin on suoritusarvoiltaan keskiverto kaasu-kaasu lämmönsiirrintä parempi ja ei likaannu erityisen nopeasti. Lämpöhäviöt olivat toisaalta merkittävämmässä asemassa kuin likaantuminen. Suurista lämpötiloista johtuva eristeiden lämmöneristyskyvyn heikkeneminen tai lämmönsiirtimen vuoto aiheutti merkittäviä lämpöhäviöitä.


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Throughout history indigo was derived from various plants for example Dyer’s Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) in Europe. In the 19th century were the synthetic dyes developed and nowadays indigo is mainly synthesized from by-products of fossil fuels. Indigo is a so-called vat dye, which means that it needs to be reduced to its water soluble leucoform before dyeing. Nowadays, most of the industrial reduction is performed chemically by sodium dithionite. However, this is considered environmentally unfavourable because of waste waters contaminating degradation products. Therefore there has been interest to find new possibilities to reduce indigo. Possible alternatives for the application of dithionite as the reducing agent are biologically induced reduction and electrochemical reduction. Glucose and other reducing sugars have recently been suggested as possible environmentally friendly alternatives as reducing agents for sulphur dyes and there have also been interest in using glucose to reduce indigo. In spite of the development of several types of processes, very little is known about the mechanism and kinetics associated with the reduction of indigo. This study aims at investigating the reduction and electrochemical analysis methods of indigo and give insight on the reduction mechanism of indigo. Anthraquinone as well as it’s derivative 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone were discovered to act as catalysts for the glucose induced reduction of indigo. Anthraquinone introduces a strong catalytic effect which is explained by invoking a molecular “wedge effect” during co-intercalation of Na+ and anthraquinone into the layered indigo crystal. The study includes also research on the extraction of plant-derived indigo from woad and the examination of the effect of this method to the yield and purity of indigo. The purity has been conventionally studied spectrophotometrically and a new hydrodynamic electrode system is introduced in this study. A vibrating probe is used in following electrochemically the leuco-indigo formation with glucose as a reducing agent.


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This work considers mainly the problem of environmental pollution due to the production of energy by burning fossil fuels, particularly in urban vehicles. Electrochemical energy conversion is proposed as a partial solution to this problem, through the use of hydrogen in fuel cells. In both the production of hydrogen by electrolysis and in the electrochemical processes in fuel cells, the key factor is electrocatalysis. The concept of electrocatalysis, the production of catalysts and supported catalysts and their use in practical systems for the conversion of energy is discussed.


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Maapallon ilmasto lämpenee koko ajan kasvihuonekaasujen määrän lisääntyessä ilmakehässä. Merkittävin ihmisten aiheuttama päästöjen lähde on fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttö energiantuotannossa ja liikenteessä, jonka vuoksi on tärkeää lisätä uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttöä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää esimerkkialueena olevan maaseutuyhteiskunnan mahdollisuutta olla energiaomavarainen ja materiaalikierroiltaan suljettu, jos alueen tarvitsema sähkö ja lämpö tuotettaisiin paikallisilla biomassavaroilla kahdella rinnakkaisella pienen mittakaavan CHP-laitoksella. Tarkastellut laitokset olivat anaerobisen mädätyksen ja polttokennojen yhdistelmä sekä termisen käsittelyn ja ORC-prosessin yhdistelmä. Työssä tehdyt laskelmat osoittivat, että esimerkkialue saisi tuotettua omilla biomassavaroillaan tarvitsemastaan sähköstä 75 % ja lämmöstä 90 % esimerkkilaitosten avulla. Laskelmissa ei kuitenkaan huomioitu kesä- ja talvikuukausien välistä eroa lämmön kulutuksessa, jonka vuoksi molemmat laitokset eivät voisi toimia koko ajan täydellä teholla. Lisäksi tuotetun lämmön hyötykäyttöä rajoittaa riittävän laajan kaukolämpöverkon puuttuminen esimerkkialueelta. Nykyisen kaukolämpöverkon avulla saataisiin hyödynnettyä vain kolmasosa ORC-prosessilla tuotetusta lämpöenergiasta. Laskelmat osoittivat myös, että alueen kasvihuonekaasupäästöt pienenisivät 21 % eli noin 6 000 hiilidioksidiekvivalenttitonnia vuodessa, jos suurin osa energiasta tuotettaisiin omista biomassavaroista CHP-laitosten avulla ja mädätyksen seurauksena syntyvä reaktorijäännös korvaisi kemiallisten lannoitteiden käytön.


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Adopting the perspective of human health risk assessment, an interdisciplinary research group has been investigating since 1998 the quality of mussels and oysters cultivated in coastal zones of Santa Catarina State. Evaluation of physico-chemical parameters considered relevant in measuring the degree of eutrophication showed values compatible with the dynamics of well balanced environmental systems. Concentrations of metallic and semi-metallic elements in seawater and bivalves were found to be similar to or lower than those found in Chile, Greenland and the USA. Further investigations focusing upon sediments will provide new and useful data for the management of sustainable mariculture strategies in Brazil.


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Traditionally, fossil fuels have always been the major sources of the modern energy production. However prices on these energy sources have been constantly increasing. The utilization of local biomass resources for energy production can substitute significant part of the required energy demand in different energy sectors. The introduction of the biomass usage can easily be started in the forest industry first as it possesses biomass in a large volume. The forest industry energy sector has the highest potential for the fast bioenergy development in the North-West Russia. Therefore, the question concerning rational and effective forest resources use is important today as well as the utilization of the forestry by-products. This work describes and analyzes the opportunities of utilising biomass, mainly, in the form of the wood by-products, for energy production processes in general, as well as for the northwest Russian forest industry conditions. The study also covers basic forest industry processes and technologies, so, the reader can get familiar with the information about the specific character of the biomass utilization. The work gives a comprehensive view on the northwest forest industry situation from the biomass utilisation point of view. By presenting existing large-scale sawmills and pulp and paper mills the work provides information for the evaluation of the future development of CHP investments in the northwest Russian forest industry.


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The Grande Coupure represents a major terrestrial faunal turnover recorded in Eurasia associated with the overall climate shift at the Eocene-Oligocene transition. During this event, a large number of European Eocene endemic mammals became extinct and new Asian immigrants appeared. The absolute age of the Grande Coupure, however, has remained controversial for decades. The Late Eocene-Oligocene continental record of the Eastern Ebro Basin (NE Spain) constitutes a unique opportunity to build a robust magnetostratigraphy- based chronostratigraphy which can contribute with independent age constraints for this important turnover. This study presents new magnetostratigraphic data of a 495-m-thick section (Moià-Santpedor) that ranges from 36.1 Ma to 33.3 Ma. The integration of the new results with previous litho- bio- and magnetostratigraphic records of the Ebro Basin yields accurate ages for the immediately pre- and post-Grand Coupure mammal fossil assemblages found in the study area, bracketing the Grande Coupure to an age embracing the Eocene-Oligocene transition, with a maximum allowable lag of 0.5 Myr with respect to this boundary. The shift to drier conditions that accompanied the global cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene transition probably determined the sedimentary trends in the Eastern Ebro Basin. The occurrence and expansion of an amalgamated-channel sandstone unit is interpreted as the forced response of the fluvial fan system to the transient retraction of the central-basin lake systems. The new results from the Ebro Basin allow us to revisit correlations for the controversial Eocene-Oligocene record of the Hampshire Basin (Isle of Wight, UK), and their implications for the calibration of the Mammal Palaeogene reference levels MP18 to MP21.


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The general striving to bring down the number of municipal landfills and to increase the reuse and recycling of waste-derived materials across the EU supports the debates concerning the feasibility and rationality of waste management systems. Substantial decrease in the volume and mass of landfill-disposed waste flows can be achieved by directing suitable waste fractions to energy recovery. Global fossil energy supplies are becoming more and more valuable and expensive energy sources for the mankind, and efforts to save fossil fuels have been made. Waste-derived fuels offer one potential partial solution to two different problems. First, waste that cannot be feasibly re-used or recycled is utilized in the energy conversion process according to EU’s Waste Hierarchy. Second, fossil fuels can be saved for other purposes than energy, mainly as transport fuels. This thesis presents the principles of assessing the most sustainable system solution for an integrated municipal waste management and energy system. The assessment process includes: · formation of a SISMan (Simple Integrated System Management) model of an integrated system including mass, energy and financial flows, and · formation of a MEFLO (Mass, Energy, Financial, Legislational, Other decisionsupport data) decision matrix according to the selected decision criteria, including essential and optional decision criteria. The methods are described and theoretical examples of the utilization of the methods are presented in the thesis. The assessment process involves the selection of different system alternatives (process alternatives for treatment of different waste fractions) and comparison between the alternatives. The first of the two novelty values of the utilization of the presented methods is the perspective selected for the formation of the SISMan model. Normally waste management and energy systems are operated separately according to the targets and principles set for each system. In the thesis the waste management and energy supply systems are considered as one larger integrated system with one primary target of serving the customers, i.e. citizens, as efficiently as possible in the spirit of sustainable development, including the following requirements: · reasonable overall costs, including waste management costs and energy costs; · minimum environmental burdens caused by the integrated waste management and energy system, taking into account the requirement above; and · social acceptance of the selected waste treatment and energy production methods. The integrated waste management and energy system is described by forming a SISMan model including three different flows of the system: energy, mass and financial flows. By defining the three types of flows for an integrated system, the selected factor results needed in the decision-making process of the selection of waste management treatment processes for different waste fractions can be calculated. The model and its results form a transparent description of the integrated system under discussion. The MEFLO decision matrix has been formed from the results of the SISMan model, combined with additional data, including e.g. environmental restrictions and regional aspects. System alternatives which do not meet the requirements set by legislation can be deleted from the comparisons before any closer numerical considerations. The second novelty value of this thesis is the three-level ranking method for combining the factor results of the MEFLO decision matrix. As a result of the MEFLO decision matrix, a transparent ranking of different system alternatives, including selection of treatment processes for different waste fractions, is achieved. SISMan and MEFLO are methods meant to be utilized in municipal decision-making processes concerning waste management and energy supply as simple, transparent and easyto- understand tools. The methods can be utilized in the assessment of existing systems, and particularly in the planning processes of future regional integrated systems. The principles of SISMan and MEFLO can be utilized also in other environments, where synergies of integrating two (or more) systems can be obtained. The SISMan flow model and the MEFLO decision matrix can be formed with or without any applicable commercial or free-of-charge tool/software. SISMan and MEFLO are not bound to any libraries or data-bases including process information, such as different emission data libraries utilized in life cycle assessments.