996 resultados para Financial engineering


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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The purpose of this Interstate Corridor Plan (plan) is to provide the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) with an initial screening and prioritization of interstate corridors/segments. This process evaluates the entire interstate system, independent of current financial constraints, using a select group of criteria weighted in terms of their relative significance. The resulting segments would then represent those areas that should be considered for further study (e.g., environmental, design, engineering), with the possibility of being considered for programming by the Iowa Transportation Commission. There was a dominant theme present in conversations with those department stakeholders who have a keen interest in the product of this planning effort. A statement that was often heard was that staff needed more information to help answer the question, “Where do we need to be looking to next, and when?” There was a strong desire to be able to use this plan to help populate that initial pool of candidate segments that would progress towards further study, as discussed below. It was this theme that framed the need for this plan and ultimately guided its development. Further study: As acknowledged at the beginning of this section, the product of this planning effort will be an initial screening and prioritization of interstate corridors/segments. While this initial screening will assist the Iowa DOT in identifying those areas that should be considered for further study, the plan will not identify specific projects or alternatives that could be directly considered as part of the programming process. Bridging the gap between this plan and the programming process are a variety of environmental, design, and engineering activities conducted by various Iowa DOT offices. It is these activities that will further refine the priority corridors/segments identified in this plan into candidate projects. In addition, should the evaluation process developed through this planning effort prove to be successful, it is possible that there will be additional applications, such as future primary system highway plans and statewide freight plans.


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Audit report of the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business type activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the State of Iowa as of and for the year ended June 30, 2014


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The primary purposes of this investigation are: 1) To delineate flood plain deposits with different geologic and engineering properties. 2) To provide basic data necessary for any attempt at stabilizing flood plain deposits. The alluvial valley of the Missouri River adjacent to Iowa was chosen as the logical place to begin this study. The river forms the western boundary of the state for an airline distance of approximately 139 miles; and the flood plain varies from a maximum width of approximately 18 miles (Plates 2 and 3, Sheets 75 and 75L) to approximately 4 miles near Crescent, Iowa (Plate 8, Sheet 66). The area studied includes parts of Woodbury, Monona, Harrison, Pottawattamie, Mills, and Fremont counties in Iowa and parts of Dakota, Thurston, Burt, Washington, Douglas, Sarpy, Cass and Otoe counties in Nebraska. Plate l is an index map of the area under consideration.


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Six subject areas prompted the broad field of inquiry of this mission-oriented dust control and surface improvement project for unpaved roads: • DUST--Hundreds of thousands of tons of dust are created annually by vehicles on Iowa's 70,000 miles of unpaved roads and streets. Such dust is often regarded as a nuisance by Iowa's highway engineers. • REGULATIONS--Establishment of "fugitive dust" regulations by the Iowa DEQ in 1971 has created debates, conferences, legal opinions, financial responsibilities, and limited compromises regarding "reasonable precaution" and "ordinary travel," both terms being undefined judgment factors. • THE PUBLIC--Increased awareness by the public that regulations regarding dust do in fact exist creates a discord of telephone calls, petitions, and increasing numbers of legal citations. Both engineers and politicians are frustrated into allowing either the courts or regulatory agencies to resolve what is basically a professional engineering responsibility. • COST--Economics seldom appear as a tenet of regulatory strategies, and in the case of "fugitive dust," four-way struggles often occur between the highway professions, political bodies, regulatory agencies, and the general public as to who is responsible, what can be done, how much it will cost, or why it wasn't done yesterday. • CONFUSION--The engineer lacks authority, and guidelines and specifications to design and construct a low-cost surf acing system are nebulous, i.e., construct something between the present crushed stone/gravel surface and a high-type pavement. • SOLUTION--The engineer must demonstrate that dust control and surface improvement may be engineered at a reasonable cost to the public, so that a higher degree of regulatory responsibility can be vested in engineering solutions.


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An ACC overlay is most often the rehabilitative effort used to maintain the serviceability of either an ACC or PCC pavement. The major problem in durability of this ACC overlay comes from reflective cracking. These cracks usually open, allowing water to enter the unsealed crack and strip the ACC in the overlay. The stripping of the ACC allows accelerated deterioration at the crack. Two engineering fabrics were evaluated in this project in order to determine their effectiveness in reducing reflective cracking. These two materials are: • PavePrep, Contech Construction Products Inc. • ProGuard, Phillips Fiber Corporation The data indicated a statistically significant decrease in reflective crack formation in the ProGuard fabric sections compared to control. There was little evidence of a similar effect from the PavePrep fabric sections compared to control. However, the rate of cracking (the rate of formation of new cracks) for both fabrics and control tended to be similar after three years. The benefits of using these fabrics (possible delay of some crack formation by two years) on this project did not outweigh the costs of up to $4200.00 per mile.


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The aim of this study was to culture human fetal bone cells (dedicated cell banks of fetal bone derived from 14 week gestation femurs) within both hyaluronic acid gel and collagen foam, to compare the biocompatibility of both matrices as potential delivery systems for bone engineering and particularly for oral application. Fetal bone cell banks were prepared from one organ donation and cells were cultured for up to 4 weeks within hyaluronic acid (Mesolis(®)) and collagen foams (TissueFleece(®)). Cell survival and differentiation were assessed by cell proliferation assays and histology of frozen sections stained with Giemsa, von Kossa and ALP at 1, 2 and 4 weeks of culture. Within both materials, fetal bone cells could proliferate in three-dimensional structure at ∼70% capacity compared to monolayer culture. In addition, these cells were positive for ALP and von Kossa staining, indicating cellular differentiation and matrix production. Collagen foam provides a better structure for fetal bone cell delivery if cavity filling is necessary and hydrogels would permit an injectable technique for difficult to treat areas. In all, there was high biocompatibility, cellular differentiation and matrix deposition seen in both matrices by fetal bone cells, allowing for easy cell delivery for bone stimulation in vivo. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The present paper is aimed at providing a general strategic overview of the existing theoretical models that have applications in the field of financial innovation. Whereas most financialdevelopments have relied upon traditional economic tools, a new stream of research is defining a novel paradigm in which mathematical models from diverse scientific disciplines are being applied to conceptualize and explain economic and financial behavior. Indeed, terms such as ‘econophysics’ or ‘quantum finance’ have recently appeared to embrace efforts in this direction. As a first contact with such research, the project will present a brief description of some of the main theoretical models that have applications in finance and economics, and will try to present, if possible, potential new applications to particular areas in financial analysis, or new applicable models. As a result, emphasiswill be put on the implications of this research for the financial sector and its future dynamics.


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Soil treated with self-cementing fly ash is increasingly being used in Iowa to stabilize fine-grained pavement subgrades, but without a complete understanding of the short- and long-term behavior. To develop a broader understanding of fly ash engineering properties, mixtures of five different soil types, ranging from ML to CH, and several different fly ash sources (including hydrated and conditioned fly ashes) were evaluated. Results show that soil compaction characteristics, compressive strength, wet/dry durability, freeze/thaw durability, hydration characteristics, rate of strength gain, and plasticity characteristics are all affected by the addition of fly ash. Specifically, Iowa selfcementing fly ashes are effective at stabilizing fine-grained Iowa soils for earthwork and paving operations; fly ash increases compacted dry density and reduces the optimum moisture content; strength gain in soil-fly ash mixtures depends on cure time and temperature, compaction energy, and compaction delay; sulfur contents can form expansive minerals in soil–fly ash mixtures, which severely reduces the long-term strength and durability; fly ash increases the California bearing ratio of fine-grained soil–fly ash effectively dries wet soils and provides an initial rapid strength gain; fly ash decreases swell potential of expansive soils; soil-fly ash mixtures cured below freezing temperatures and then soaked in water are highly susceptible to slaking and strength loss; soil stabilized with fly ash exhibits increased freeze-thaw durability; soil strength can be increased with the addition of hydrated fly ash and conditioned fly ash, but at higher rates and not as effectively as self-cementing fly ash. Based on the results of this study, three proposed specifications were developed for the use of self-cementing fly ash, hydrated fly ash, and conditioned fly ash. The specifications describe laboratory evaluation, field placement, moisture conditioning, compaction, quality control testing procedures, and basis of payment.


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The chemical functionalization of cell-surface proteins of human primary fetal bone cells with hydrophilic bioorthogonal intermediates was investigated. Toward this goal, chemical pathways were developed for click reaction-mediated coupling of alkyne derivatives with cellular azido-expressing proteins. The incorporation via a tetraethylene glycol linker of a dipeptide and a reporter biotin allowed the proof of concept for the introduction of cell-specific peptide ligands and to follow the reaction in living cells. Tuning the conditions of the click reaction resulted in chemical functionalization of living human fetal osteoblasts with excellent cell survival.