1000 resultados para Federação Portuguesa de Futebol


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente trabalho busca trazer um olhar mais humano para a formação de jovens jogadores de futebol. A carreira é uma das mais almejadas pelas crianças em um país onde a educação primária ainda é deficitária. Soma-se isso à cultura enraizada na parte massiva da população de que estudar não é substancial. Deslumbrados pela fama e a importância dos jogadores profissionais, evidenciadas pela mídia esportiva e presentes na sociedade brasileira, estes garotos passam a buscar o mesmo para si, sem saber dos riscos e dificuldades que a carreira pode oferecer. Muitos deles esquecem-se da vida escolar e, caso não tenham sucesso na carreira profissional futebolística - o que acontece com a maioria, correm sérios riscos de ficarem marginalizados perante a sociedade. Este trabalho busca mostrar a visão de jovens que já estiveram envolvidos no universo das categorias de base do futebol e não prosseguiram no esporte, mas souberam priorizar os estudos e ter uma profissão alternativa. Mostra também depoimentos de profissionais que lidam com jovens que ainda alimentam esse sonho. Por último, traz notícias em geral do mundo do futebol de base


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O presente trabalho buscará verificar a noção (ou as noções) de brasilidade no jornalismo de revista nacional - e como essas noções contribuem para a construção (e a reafirmação) de determinados discursos acerca da cultura e da identidade brasileira. Analisaremos os discursos das revistas Veja e Época em textos (veiculados entre novembro de 2013 e novembro de 2014) a respeito da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014. A pesquisa partirá de fundamentos da Análise do Discurso (AD) Francesa e de uma concepção intercultural de sociedade (que enxerga as relações sociais como processos de negociação de conflitos culturais entre os grupos sociais). Pretende-se mostrar de que forma os discursos das revistas repercutiram a noção de brasilidade -se de maneira homogeneizadora, ou se de maneira plural- nos textos a respeito da organização do país para o megaevento, bem como nas reportagens a respeito do desenvolvimento do torneio em si. Indicaremos a influência da ideologia na produção discursiva (textual e imagética) dessas revistas quando abordam aspectos da cultura e da identidade brasileira nos textos sobre o Mundial - especialmente, quando tratam de nossa alteridade, a partir de uma perspectiva hegeliana de inferioridade da cultura latina em relação à cultura europeia. Ademais, indicar-se-ão algumas noções de brasilidade construídas pelos principais nomes da historiografia nacional do século XX - noções, essas, que revivem no discurso jornalístico sobre o Brasil e os brasileiros


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Based on the relationship between the concept of Historical Consciousness, as Jörn Rüsen and Reinhart Koselleck proposed, and the concept of Historical Explanation, proposed by Isabel Barca, the article presents an analytical course that allows you to check levels of explanation in historical narratives produced by students Brazilian and Portuguese from the interpretation of sources related to a historical fact: the transfer of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil (1808).


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Didactic texts compose communication and representation systems. By them societies communicate with their children, their youth, transmit them live representations, symbols, ways of understanding speeches and delimit their study fields. This article presents a discussion about the medias used by Portuguese language text books selected by the Ministry of Education Textbook National Program (PNDL – in Portuguese), in order to observe the foundation of actions, movements and media insertion at school. The analysis allows us to see the consolidation of an individualist profile among the strategies of using medias at school, among others aspects.


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In the early XX century scene, the poem writer Cecilia Meireles was the voice of the Portuguese Literature in Brazil. Probably as the writer´s fi rst husband, the Portuguese artist Fernando Dias, was in contact with the intellectuals from the Portuguese cultural universe, Cecilia certainly had access to Portuguese publishing before they were popular in Brazil. So, by printing, in 1944 the anthology Poetas novos de Portugal, by Dois Mundos Publishing house (directed by Jaime Cortesão), Cecília could spread the Portuguese poetry which had never been published in books in our country. As it has never been printed again, the anthology shows a detailed view about the Portuguese literature scene at that time. My work aims at looking thoroughly this volume, in order to understand the criteria used by Cecilia when selecting the authors and poems, in the light of such piece indicates certain understanding of the Portuguese Literature relations with Brazil.


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This paper aims at rescuing some critical appraisals found in the high school anthology Autores Contemporâneos (1931), by the critic, philologist and writer João Ribeiro, one of the main Brazilian intellectual representatives of the first decades of the twentieth century. João Ribeiro, along with Coelho Neto and, Laudelino Freire, among others, took part in of the panel which compiled, in 1921, the Dicionário da Academia Brasileira de Letras. Therefore, we find the analytical process João Ribeiro, their theoretical observations, concepts and dilemmas which are appointed by him in literary history and criticism of the early twentieth century.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil and one of the most popular in the world. Within this context, the practice of university soccer has increased the number of practitioners. A methodology widely used in the training of high performance teams are games reduced field ( JCR). The objective of this study was to evaluate the intensity of physical effort of football players during a small side game, 4x4, check the correlation between [La], HR PSE and the players and the floater influence on the intensity of the small side game. We analyzed eight players of UNESP in Bauru mean age 21.2+1.5 years, weight 75.8+11.6 kg, height 1.77±8cm, body fat percentage 12.3+5.5%, VO2max 37.1 ml/kg/min. The training was performed in 4 x 6 min with an interval of between one minute for recovery. The [La] and PSE were collected between the second and third time and after the end of training, the HR was measured every five seconds throughout the training through the RS400 heart rate monitor. A training session player floater participation (4x4+1) and the other not (4x4). The results presented showed no correlation with the HR [La] and PSE. HR significantly different, being 157+10 in the game 4x4+1 and 146+13 in the game 4x4. The percentage of HRmax in the game with floater was 81.3% and 75.7% in the game without. The players were most of the time in a higher intensity in the JCR with a floater, 37.8% of playing time over 85% HRmax, and 22.5% of playing time over 85% of HRmax in the JCR without floater, demonstrating that the use of a floater player made the game more intense and efficient to increase the intensity of the game


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This paper is a literature review where we analyzed articles within the five magazines Top-rated Physical Education, seeking as a central theme the women's game regarding the Physical Education classes. According to the literature studied approach the position of women within football, recall some historical facts as well as girls are seen within football in the school environment, where we can cite the difficulties that teachers still have mixed classes when they are given within physical education, making seek alternatives to the practice of team sports, focusing on football practice