976 resultados para FP
BACKGROUND Catecholamine-O-methyl-tranferase (COMT) initiates dopamine degradation. Its activity is mainly determined by a single nucleotide polymorphism in the COMT gene (Val158Met, rs4680) separating high (Val/Val, COMT(HH)), intermediate (Val/Met, COMT(HL)) and low metabolizers (Met/Met, COMT(LL)). We investigated dopaminergic denervation in the striatum in PD patients according to COMT rs4680 genotype. METHODS Patients with idiopathic PD were assessed for motor severity (UPDRS-III rating scale in OFF-state), dopaminergic denervation using [123I]-FP-CIT SPECT imaging, and genotyped for the COMT rs4680 enzyme. [123I]-FP-CIT binding potential (BP) for each voxel was defined by the ratio of tracer-binding in the region of interest (striatum, caudate nucleus and putamen) to that in a region of non-specific activity. Genotyping was performed using TaqMan(®) SNP genotyping assay. We used a regression model to evaluate the effect of COMT genotype on the BP in the striatum and its sub-regions. RESULTS Genotype distribution was: 11 (27.5%) COMT(HH), 26 (65%) COMT(HL) and 3 (7.5%) COMT(LL). There were no significant differences in disease severity, treatments, or motor scores between genotypes. When adjusted to clinical severity, gender and age, low and intermediate metabolizers showed significantly higher rates of striatal denervation (COMT(HL+LL) BP = 1.32 ± 0.04) than high metabolizers (COMT(HH), BP = 1.6 ± 0.08; F(1.34) = 9.0, p = 0.005). Striatal sub-regions showed similar results. BP and UPDRS-III motor scores (r = 0.44, p = 0.04) (p < 0.001) were highly correlated. There was a gender effect, but no gender-genotype interaction. CONCLUSIONS Striatal denervation differs according to COMT-Val158Met polymorphism. COMT activity may play a role as a compensatory mechanism in PD motor symptoms.
This research documents the perspective of 100 parents who had an open case with the Department of Children and Family Service’s (DCFS) regarding their family’s well-being, reasons for referral and satisfaction with services. Two DCFS services, Family Preservation (FP) and routine Family Maintenance (FM) were examined using standardized instruments. Parents’ responses regarding reasons for involvement with the system differed from DCFS administrative data. FP parents had more children, were more likely to be monolingual Spanish speakers, and perceived greater improvement in discipline and emotional care of children and housing than FM parents. FP parents reported being satisfied with services. Implications include supporting community based culturally competent FP programs.
Phytoplankton carbon assimilation has been measured near monthly using the 14C method at DYFAMED France JGOFS time-series station from 1993 to 1999. Data were obtained using the "LET GO" technique, which allowed in situ injection of bicarbonate and incubation in enclosures at 10 depths. Incubation duration was 4 h around noon, from which daily production was estimated. The seasonal variation of the depth-integrated carbon assimilation exhibits a marked cycle. Maximum values reach 1.8 g C/m**2/d in March or April; constant lower values were observed from August to January, in the range 100-300 mg C/m**2/d. The annual primary production vary in the range 86-232 g C/m**2/yr, in the upper range of older estimations. Primary production normalized to chlorophyll a shows maximum values in the period of oligotrophy. This increase of carbon assimilation rate per unit of chlorophyll a appears as linked to the period of phosphorus-limited ecosystem, and vertical distribution of taxonomic pigments suggests a possible role of cyanobacteria. Potential export production has been estimated from primary production data and Fp ratio based on pigments concentrations. These estimates (which imply biological steady state conditions) vary in a wide range, from 19 to 71 g C/m**2/yr. There is a decoupling between years with high potential export production and years with high measured particulate fluxes, which highlights the question of balance by resupply of the limiting nutrients and the role of dissolved organic carbon. A possible shift of primary production towards a more regeneration-dominated system is suggested for recent years.
A high-resolution history of paleoceanographic changes in the subpolar waters of the southern margin of the Subtropical Convergence Zone during the last 130 kyr, is present in foraminiferal assemblages of DSDP Site 594. The foraminifera indicate that sea-surface temperatures during the Last Interglacial Climax were warmer than today, and that between substage 5d through to the end of isotope stage 2, temperatures were mostly cooler than Holocene temperatures. The paleotemperatures suggest that (1) the Subtropical Convergence was located over the site during substage 5e, later moving further north, then moving southwards to near the site during the Holocene, and (2) the Polar Front was positioned over the Site during glacial stages 6, 4, 2 and possibly parts of stage 3. Several major events are indicated by the nannofloral assemblages during these large changes in sea-surface temperature and associated reorganization of ocean circulation. First, the time-progressive trends between E. huxleyi and medium to large Gephyrocupsa are unique to this site, with E. huxleyi dominating over medium Gephyrocupsa during stages 5c-a, middle part of stage 4 and after the middle point of stage 3. This unusual trend may (at least partly) be caused by the shift of the Polar Front across the site. Second, upwelling flora (E. huxleyi and small placoliths) increase in abundance during stages 1, 3 and 5, suggesting that upwelling or disturbance of water stratification took place during the interglacials. Thirdly, there are no significant differences between the distribution patterns of the various morphotypes of medium to large Gephyrocupsu, and the combined value of all medium Gephyrocupsu increases in abundance during glacials (stages 2 and 4 and the end of stage 6), similar to the abundance trends in benthic foraminifera. Finally, subordinate nannofossil taxa also show distinctive climatic trends during the last glacial cycle: (1) Syrucosphaera spp. are present in increased abundance during warmer extremes in climate (substages 5e, 5a, and stage 1); (2) Coccolithus pelagicus and Culcidiscus leptoporus dominate the subordinate nannofossil taxa, and their relative proportions seem to provide a useful paleoceanographic index, with C. pelagicus dominating when the Polar Front Zone is over the site (stages 6, 4 and 2), whilst C. leptoporus is relatively more abundant when the STC is positioned over the site (stages 1 and 5e). Increased abundance of C. pelagicus also can indicate intensified coastal upwelling.
The vertical distribution of copepods, fecal pellets and the fecal pellet production of copepods were measured at seven stations across the Southern Indian Ocean from productive areas off South Africa to oligotrophic waters off Northern Australia during October/November 2006. We quantified export of copepod fecal pellet from surface waters and how much was retained. Furthermore, the potential impact of Oncaea spp. and harpacticoid copepods on fecal pellets degradation was evaluated and found to be regional substantial. The highest copepod abundance and fecal pellet production was found in the western nutrient-rich stations close to South Africa and the lowest at the central oligotrophic stations. The in situ copepod fecal pellet production varied between 1 and 1,000 µg C/m**3/day. At all stations, the retention of fecal pellets in the upper 400 m of the water column was more than 99% and the vertical export of fecal pellets was low (<0.02 mg/m**2/day).