966 resultados para Explosives, Military


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Based on our reading of the minutes of the parliamentary sessions, we shall attempt in this study to analyze the performance of army officers in the Chamber of Deputies, which, from 1851 to 1870, represented one of the most important settings for the military’s participation in politics


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The Education Oversight Committee, working with the State Board of Education established a comprehensive annual report concerning the performance of military-connected children who attend primary, elementary, middle, and high schools in this State. The annual comprehensive report addresses attendance, academic performance in reading, math, and science, and graduation rates of military connected children. This report does not address military-connected students educated in Department of Defense schools, private schools and home school settings.


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Why do states facing high levels of international threat sometimes have militaries that are heavily involved in politics and at other times relatively apolitical, professional militaries? I argue that the answer to this puzzle lies in a state's history of 'acute' international crises rather than its 'chronic' threat environment. Major international crises lead to professionalization and de-politicization of militaries in both the short- and long-term. International crises underscore the need for the military to defend the state and highlight military deficiencies in this regard. Accordingly, major international crises lead to military professionalization and withdrawal from politics in order to increase military effectiveness. This effect persists years, and decades, later due to generational shifts in the officer corps. As the "Crisis Generation" of officers become generals, they bring with them a preference for professionalization and de-politicization. They guide the military towards abstention from politics. I test this theory using a new global dataset on military officers in national governing bodies from 1964-2008 and find strong support for the theory. Major international crises lead to two waves of military withdrawal from government, years apart. Further statistical analysis finds that this effect is most strongly felt in the non-security areas of governing, while in some cases, international crises may lead to militaries increasing their involvement in security policy-making. Further, international crises that end poorly for a state — i.e., defeats or stalemates — are found to drive more rapid waves of military withdrawal from government. The statistical analysis is supported by a case illustration of civil-military relations in the People's Republic of China, which demonstrates that the crisis of the Korean War (1950-53) led to two waves of military professionalization and de-politicization, decades apart. The first occurred immediately after the war. The second wave, occurring in the 1980s, involved wholesale military withdrawal from governing bodies, which was made possible by the ascent of the "Crisis Generation" of officers in the military, who had served as junior officers in the Korean War, decades prior.


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No âmbito do Relatório Científico Final do Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada, o presente trabalho com o título “Os Recursos Cinotécnicos e a sua necessidade no Exército Português” estuda o emprego operacional atual, fruto das valências cinotécnicas existentes e as tarefas operacionais que podem, pelos referidos recursos, ser apoiadas. O autor considera também as características físicas do cão, as implicações logísticas e financeiras e a doutrina que concorrem para o referido emprego operacional, elencando lacunas existentes que, quando colmatadas poderão concorrer para um emprego operacional eficiente dos recursos cinotécnicos do Exército Português. Para obtenção de dados foi conduzida análise documental e bibliográfica e efetuados inquéritos por entrevista a comandantes de Batalhão/ Grupo com meios cinotécnicos na sua orgânica ou em apoio aos mesmos, aos comandantes das unidades cinotécnicas do Exército Português e dos restantes ramos das Forças Armadas e Forças de Segurança, ainda a comandantes da Força de Operações Especiais. O objetivo deste trabalho passa por avaliar de que forma podem os recursos cinotécnicos do Exército Português contribuir para o melhor desempenho das suas unidades operacionais. Para a consecução do mesmo o autor fez uso do método indutivo onde, com base no emprego operacional junto dos Paraquedistas e da Polícia do Exército, generalizou o que poderia ser profícuo para todas as unidades operacionais do Exército Português, bem como todas as lacunas que devem ser colmatadas para apoio ao mesmo. No âmbito da doutrina é importante o fornecimento aos comandantes das unidades apoiadas informação sobre as capacidades, limitações e regras de segurança relativos ao emprego dos binómios em apoio a cada tarefa das tipologias de operações, fornecendo informações precisas e detalhadas sobre o que cada tipo de cão consegue fazer, durante quanto tempo e em que condições ambientais pois, mesmo havendo atualmente a PDE 0-20-18, sendo a cinotecnia uma área muito técnica, a falta da referida doutrina pode se transformar numa condicionante ao emprego dos binómios. A referida PDE, atualmente, assume-se como um potenciador do emprego dos recursos cinotécnicos. No âmbito logístico pode ser pensada uma rede logística própria tendo em conta o emprego operacional e a projeção dos binómios, explícitando desde a forma de aquisição dos cães até ao suporte à sua projeção, contudo deve-se pesar, por outro lado, se o emprego dos binómios em treinos operacionais ou em missões assume um peso significativo na manobra logística global de modo a exigir criação de uma rede própria. As características naturais do cão são um potenciador da ação e sentimento de segurança, podendo, ainda, ser usadas para colmatar a falta de efetivos. Quanto ao emprego operacional importa salientar a deteção de explosivos e estupefacientes, os cães de sentinela, binómios de guarda e binómios de exploração (que em simultâneo executam patrulhas de segurança).


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The goal of the thesis "Conversion of a Micro, Glow-Ignition, Two-Stroke Engine from Nitromethane-Methanol Blend Fuel to Military Jet Propellant (JP-8)" was to demonstrate the ability to operate a small engine on JP-8 and was completed in two phases. The first phase included choosing, developing a test stand for, and baseline testing a nitromethane-methanol-fueled engine. The chosen engine was an 11.5 cc, glow-ignition, two-stroke engine designed for remote-controlled helicopters. A micro engine test stand was developed to load and motor the engine. Instrumentation specific to the low flow rates and high speeds of the micro engine was developed and used to document engine behavior. The second phase included converting the engine to operate on JP-8, completing JP-8-fueled steady-state testing, and comparing the performance of the JP-8-fueled engine to the nitromethane-methanol-fueled engine. The conversion was accomplished through a novel crankcase heating method; by heating the crankcase for an extended period of time, a flammable fuel-air mixture was generated in the crankcase scavenged engine, which greatly improved starting times. To aid in starting and steady-state operation, yttrium-zirconia impregnated resin (i.e. ceramic coating) was applied to the combustion surfaces. This also improved the starting times of the JP-8-fueled engine and ultimately allowed for a 34-second starting time. Finally, the steady-state data from both the nitromethane-methanol and JP-8-fueled micro engine were compared. The JP-8-fueled engine showed signs of increased engine friction while having higher indicated fuel conversion efficiency and a higher overall system efficiency. The minimal ability of JP-8 to cool the engine via evaporative effects, however, created the necessity of increased cooling air flow. The conclusion reached was that JP-8-fueled micro engines could be viable in application, but not without additional research being conducted on combustion phenomenon and cooling requirements.