1000 resultados para Exclusão social: Portugal


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Secular trends in height and weight are reasonably well documented in Europe. Corresponding observations for skeletal maturation are lacking. Aim: To assess secular trends in height, body mass and skeletal maturity of Portuguese children and adolescents and to provide updated reference values for skeletal maturity scores (SMSs). Subjects and methods: Data for 2856 children and adolescents of 4–17 years, 1412 boys and 1444 girls, from The ‘Madeira Growth Study’ (MGS; 1996–1998) and from the‘Healthy Growth of Madeira Children Study’ (CRES; 2006) were used. Height and body mass were measured. Skeletal maturity was assessed with the Tanner-Whitehouse 2 and 3 methods. Results: Children from CRES were taller and heavier than peers from MGS. Differences in height reached 5.8cm in boys and 5.5cm in girls. RUS SMSs did not differ consistently between surveys boys, while higher RUS scores were observed in CRES girls. Adult RUS SMSs for MGS and CRES combined were attained at 15.8 years in boys and 14.8 years in girls. Corresponding ages for adult Carpal SMSs were 14.4 and 14.0, respectively. Conclusion: The short-term trends for height and mass were not entirely consistent with the trends in RUS and Carpal SMSs and SAs.


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O objectivo central do presente estudo foi construir valores de referência para as habilidades de locomoção e de manipulação em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. A amostra envolveu 853 crianças, 426 rapazes e 427 raparigas, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 aos 10 anos, que participaram na pesquisa ‘Crescer com Saúde na Região Autónoma da Madeira’. As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas através do ‘Test of Gross Motor Development’. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram uma melhoria de resultados com a idade, na quase totalidade das habilidades motoras. Os rapazes foram mais proficientes do que as raparigas nas habilidades de manipulação. O maior número de crianças madeirenses foi classificado na categoria ‘médio’ nas habilidades de locomoção (51.5%) e de manipulação (37.7%). As crianças madeirenses apresentaram equivalentes etários abaixo da média nas habilidades de locomoção (86.5%) e de manipulação (87.7%). Um aumento de mestria com a idade foi observado na corrida, galope, deslocamento lateral, drible, agarrar e lançamento por cima do ombro. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram desempenhos inferiores relativamente às norte-americanas. Os resultados da presente pesquisa devem fomentar a investigação e conduzir à implementação de programas na escola e demais instituições com o objectivo de promover o normal crescimento e desenvolvimento motor das nossas crianças.


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O objectivo foi estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesi dade em crianças e adolescentes da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. Um procedimento estratificado proporcional foi usado para obter uma amostra representativa de crianças e adolescentes madeirenses dos 7 aos 18 anos. No total, 2503 sujeitos, 1266 rapazes e 1237 raparigas, participaram no estudo. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade foi definida a partir do índice de massa corporal e de acordo com os pontos de corte propostos pela ‘International Obesity TaskForce’. A prevalência de sobrepeso foi de 14.22% e 10.99% para os rapazes e raparigas dos 7-18 anos, respectivamente. Os valores correspondentes para a obesidade foram 2.61% e 1.86%. Na maioria dos grupos etários, os elementos do sexo mas culino apresentaram uma prevalência mais elevada de sobrepeso e obesidade do que o sexo feminino. Percentagens mais baixas ou ausência de sobrepeso e obesidade foram obser vadas aos 16-17 anos. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesid ade para as crianças e adolescentes madeirenses foi similar ou inferior a pesquisas desenvolvidas em Portugal e em outros países europeus. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, embora baixa, requer prevenção adequada.


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Portugal, in particular, and Europe in general are paradigms of diversity in unity and of the need for intercultural mediation and social intervention policies enabling the reception, hospitality, respect for others and their training in a more inclusive society. From a research and sociological and anthropological level of knowledge, the ESECS-IPLeiria invested, in 2013, on a Master program in Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention that is a unique example in Portugal. In this paper, in addition to present the Master’s curriculum, we invest in the distinction between preventive mediation, transformative and social empowerment, rather than focusing on solving, typical of conflict resolution, based on the questionable pillar of neutrality and impartiality.


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Background: The number of centenarians is rapidly increasing in Europe. In Portugal, it has almost tripled over the last 10 years and constitutes one of the fastest-growing segments of the population. This paper aims to describe the health and sociodemographic characteristics of Portuguese centenarians as given in the 2011 census and to identify sex differences. Methods: All persons living in Portugal mainland and Madeira and Azores islands aged 100 years old at the time of the 2011 census (N = 1,526) were considered. Measures include sociodemographic characteristics and perceived difficulties in six functional domains of basic actions (seeing, hearing, walking, cognition, self-care, and communication) as assessed by the Portuguese census official questionnaires. Results: Most centenarians are women (82.1 %), widowed (82 %), never attended school (51 %), and live in private households (71 %). The majority show major constraints in seeing (67.4 %), hearing (72.3 %), and particularly in their mobility (83.7 % cannot/have great difficulties in walking/climbing stairs and 80.7 % in bathing/dressing). In general, a better outcome was found for reported memory/concentration and understanding, with 39.1 % and 42.5 % presenting no or mild difficulty, respectively. Top-level functioning (no/mild difficulties in all dimensions concurrently) was observed in a minority of cases (5.96 %). Women outnumber men by a ratio of 4.6, and statistically significant differences were found between men and women for all health-related variables, with women presenting a higher percentage of difficulties. Conclusion: Portuguese centenarians experience great difficulties in sensory domains and basic daily living activities, and to a lesser extent in cognition and communication. The obtained profile, though self-reported, is important in considering the potential of social and family participation of this population regardless of their functional and sensory limitations. Based on the observed differences between men and women, gender-specific and gender-sensitive interventions are recommended in order to acknowledge women’s worse overall condition.


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Research into families of children and young people with disability maintain that parents or caregivers seem to experience higher levels of global stress than parents of children without disabilities, thereby presenting a high risk of developing disorders in their health and quality of life. The aim of this study is to understand the differences in parental stress and social support among groups of parents whose children have different disabilities in the context of parental adjustment to disability. Considering that adjustment is related to the effectiveness with which the family uses its resources and the support of their social network, we intend to analyse the differences of stress and social support among groups of parents of children with different problems and to clarify the relationships between the variables under study in order to adapt family intervention strategies. For this purpose a comparative, descriptive-correlational study was undertaken. The convenience sample included 152 parents of children with different disabilities (82 with intellectual disability, 37 with motor problems and 33 with autism) supported by schools and institutions in Viseu. The instruments used were: a Portuguese version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995), the Social Support Questionnaire – short version (Pinheiro & Ferreira, 2001) and a Parental Questionnaire (demographic and family data). Data were collected in schools and institutions that support people with disabilities, located in the Municipality of Viseu (Portugal). The results revealed significant differences between groups of parents in the partial results of parental stress, specifically in the Hyperactivity/Distract (DI), Acceptability (AC) and Adaptability (AD), dimensions of the Child Domain subscale (CD stress) and the Role Restriction (RO), dimension of Parent Domain subscale (PD stress). With regard to social support dimensions, we found significant differences between parents in the extent and availability of the social support network (SSQN).


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Objectives: Serra da Estrela native (SEN) breed of sheep is one of the most important in Portugal, standing responsible for the production of one of the most internationally recognized cheeses in the world, "Queijo Serra da Estrela” (protected designation of origin). One of the major risks to the sustainability of SEN dairy flocks if footrot, an infectious diseases that causes lameness, decrease in milk production, weight loss and decrease in fertility. The aim of this work was to determine which parameters become decisive for the appearance of footrot in SEN dairy flocks, while establishing associations with environmental and nutritional variables. Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out by performing an especially designed 27 multiple choice questionnaire, based on the underlying causes of lameness in livestock and in the clinical diagnosis performed by the vet techinichian of the clinical cases evaluated at the moment of the inquiry. The survey was performed during the execution of the oficial veterinary health program between February and September of 2014 by a veterinarian team from the Association of SEN Sheep Breeders (ANCOSE). The ovine producers (N=30, with a total of 1270 animals) were randomly selected from the extense area of production of “Queijo Serra da Estrela”. The parameters evaluated in the study were: season and consequent weather changes during the period of the study, floor types, hygiene conditions, bed types, the existence and use of footbaths, location of footbaths, foot trimming and foot hygiene procedures. After the construction of the database and using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16.0 the frequency response for each item was calculated. Results: All SEN livestock producers are proactive in the treatment of lameness (70%). About 99.7% of lameness was related with footroot and most appeared in winter (36.7%). In some occasions there was not a specific season distribution (56.7% rainiest years). From the analyzed farms, 70% use straw as a floor bed, followed by bush (21%). 45.6% of animals were clinically diagnosed with footrot and were sheltered in straw floor. Bed quality is good in 40%, however frequent changes in the floor bed in the preceding 15 days had a higher rate of footroot diagnosed cases (33,23%) compared to monthly changes. Regarding sheepfold animal number, the distribution is proper in 36.7%, elevated in 30%, overcrowded in 6.7% and low in 23.3%. Clinically ill diagnosed animals in last category were the lowest observed (3%). Concerning hoof trimming, 76.7% trims while 23.3% reported not to perform that task. From those that perform trimming, 73.9% do it only when necessary, 21.7% at the time of clipping and 4.4% when the animal is affected. One curious result was that animals who perform trimming at clipping had higher footrot cases (52.6%), unlike those who trim only when necessary (40.2%) or even when animals are clinically ill (0.91%). Mostly all in the presence of footrot choose a local treatment (95.2%) using antibiotic sprays, instead of parenteral antibiotic treatment. Footbath is rarely used in the prevention (13.3%) of this disease and when it is misconceived (25%) and incorrectly formulated (100%). Conclusions: This study was the first performed in Portugal focusing footrot caracterization in native SEN flocks.Economic impact in SEN dairy flocks is atributed to factors such as direct decrease in milk and meat production,early slaughter of affected animals due to non responsive treatment and medical expenses.The most effective eradication method combines first of all the ability to understand the problems of SEN producers and implementation of preventive measures and treatment of footrot.Often linked to lack of formation, the advance age of portuguese producers the mentality and social factors block the advance of veterinarian intervention itself.


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This research aims to present an analysis on the absence of innovative social responses related with continuing care, taking into account the need to answer to all kind of social needs. Our main goal is not only a theoretical approach about the social challenges and social policies, but also present a study on the potentialities of the Fundação Elísio Ferreira Afonso, our case study, can apply for funding of an UCC (Continuing Care Unit) in order to meet the needs of the local population on one hand, and on the other, in order to contribute to the self-sustainability of the Foundation. This paper is divided into three parts: theoretical framework and characterization of our social organization, according to an exploratory research, structuring a strategic plan of the organization, through field research, and as final result, to present a proposal for funding and implementation of an innovative UCC, according to the underlying legislation to Portugal 2020. The sample is focused on the population of Sátão municipality. To conclude, it is important to make this local approach, because of the increasing demand for this kind of caring services.


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This research aims to present an analysis on the absence of social responses that address the problem of domestic violence in Alijó. Our main goal is not only a theoretical approach about the issue of domestic violence, regional conditions in relation to domestic violence, but also present a study on the potentialities of Centro Social Recreativo e Cultural de Vilar de Maçada, our case study, can apply for funding of an emergency housing for victims of domestic violence. This paper is divided into three parts: theoretical framework and characterization of our social organization, according to an exploratory research, structuring a strategic plan of the organization, through field research, and as final result, to present a proposal for funding and implementation of an innovative social response, according to the underlying legislation to Portugal 2020. The sample is focused on the population of Alijó municipality. To conclude, it is important to make this local approach, because of the increasing number of cases not detected and reported. Thus, the quality of life is increased, reducing the incidence of violence in the family.


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Nos últimos anos, diferentes estudos têm demonstrado que um nível inadequado de literacia em saúde pode ter implicac¸ões significativas nos resultados em saúde, na utilizac¸ão dos servic¸os de saúde e, consequentemente, nos gastos em saúde. O conceito de literacia em saúde evoluiu de uma definic¸ão meramente cognitiva para uma definic¸ão que engloba as componentes pessoal e social do indivíduo, assumindo-se como a capacidade de tomar decisões fundamentadas no seu dia-a-dia. O presente estudo transversal analítico teve como objetivo traduzir e validar para a populac¸ão portuguesa o European Health Literacy Survey (HLS-EU). O HLS-EU-PT foi aplicado em todo o território nacional, incluindo as regiões autónomas, através de investigadores de uma rede académica. A recolha de dados foi realizada por entrevista presencial. A amostra final ficou constituída por 1.004 indivíduos com idades ≥ 16 anos. Este estudo disponibilizou o instrumento de avaliac¸ão do nível de literacia para a saúde em Portugal, tão importante na gestão da saúde. O HLS-EU-PT apresenta-se como um instrumento adequado para aferir o nível de literacia em saúde da populac¸ão portuguesa e evidencia propriedades psicométricas comparáveis às versões utilizadas nos outros países. Em Portugal, 61% da populac¸ão inquirida apresenta um nível de literacia geral em saúde problemático ou inadequado, situando-se a média dos 9 países em 49,2%. Relativamente à dimensão cuidados de saúde, apenas 44,2% apresenta um nível suficiente ou excelente de literacia em saúde. No que respeita à prevenc¸ão da doenc¸a, cerca de 45% dos inquiridos revela ter um nível suficiente ou excelente de literacia em saúde, comparativamente com a média dos 9 países, que nesta dimensão apresenta o valor de 54,5%. Na dimensão promoc¸ão da saúde, 60,2% da populac¸ão auscultada apresenta um nível de literacia em saúde problemático ou inadequado, sendo que a média se situa nos 52,1%. Assim, considera-se fundamental e urgente a conceção e implementação de uma estratégia nacional de literacia em saúde.


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O envelhecimento da população portuguesa na Europa e em Portugal é um tema que tem vindo a merecer especial interesse por parte de diferentes cientistas sociais que o têm abordado de forma distinta. A sua análise, longe de ser encarada como um fenómeno isolado, deve ser feita tendo em conta a evolução de outros fenómenos sociais desencadeados pelo processo de industrialização e urbanização, responsáveis pela alteração dos valores e das tradições na nossa sociedade. Os indicadores relativos ao agravamento do fenómeno de envelhecimento da população, pela sua extensão e repercussões nacionais, exigem o seu acompanhamento e um conjunto de investimentos e de medidas de política demográfica e social, baseadas no reforço da solidariedade intergeracional e na participação cívica da população sénior.


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Although there is a vast amount of literature on website evaluation, relatively little has been written about the analysis of websites of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). This paper examines a comprehensive set of content and design features of 915 websites of Portuguese SME, as well as the relationship between these features and enterprise size. The results indicate that the majority of the websites are used to convey information, rather than to make transactions, support networking and collaboration or to interact dynamically with users. Accessibility or privacy and security features are not common among websites. Web 2.0 features have a low presence in SME websites, but social media emerged as a construct. In contrast with existing literature, the study has found that website content and design features are positively related with enterprise size. The contributions and implications are discussed together with avenues for further research.


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A transparência é considerada universalmente como um elemento de boa governação. A nova forma de atuação dos governos locais, designadamente na prestação de contas destes aos eleitores/contribuintes, média, organismos de controlo e a outras partes interessadas em acompanhar as atividades dos governos acentuam a atenção dada à transparência e seus determinantes. O contexto económico, social e financeiro a que os governos locais estão sujeitos obriga a que estes sejam o mais transparentes possível no sentido de criar um maior envolvimento dos cidadãos nos assuntos da vida política e, simultaneamente, promover uma maior responsabilização (accountability) dos eleitos locais perante esses mesmos cidadãos. Porém, os níveis de transparência estão frequentemente abaixo dos padrões exigidos para os órgãos públicos ou governamentais. Particularmente, a nível local, as práticas de transparência podem variar substancialmente de um município para outro. Apesar dos esforços mais recentes, a pesquisa empírica atual ainda não fornece respostas definitivas sobre as razões que justificam as flutuações nos níveis de transparência. O objetivo principal deste estudo consistiu na identificação dos fatores determinantes de transparência nos municípios portugueses. Recorrendo ao Índice de Transparência Municipal dos anos2013 e 2014procurou-se estudar as variáveis sociodemográficas, política e económico-financeiras para o universo de 308municípios portugueses, através do teste às hipóteses de investigação previamente formuladas à luz da teoria da agência. Os resultados estatísticos obtidos indicam que a dimensão populacional, os indivíduos com idade entre os 15 e 74 anos que utilizam internet, nível de escolaridade, índice de envelhecimento, taxa de desemprego, autonomia financeira e endividamento líquido são fatores determinantes da transparência nos municípios portugueses. Não se encontrou evidência empírica para as variáveis socioeconómicas estudadas.


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Abstract: The implementation of Fundamental Constitutional Health and Social Rights is necessary, appropriate and proportionate, following the demands of the population. Accountability and self-responsibility play a very important role. This requires the development of constitutional principles that protect public funds against corruption and offer a constitutional right to health protection. Financial and criminal liability might provide an incentive to improve the management of public funds and reinforce fundamental constitutional principles, particularly regarding the right to health. Constitutional, administrative and criminal issues, as well as public management and administration and the science of good governance, should be articulated in a single strategy also in the health sector. In Portugal and Brazil, as examples, the Federal Court / Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court / High Court of Justice or the Court of Auditors should be considered together.


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Aims: Investigating tracking of fatness from childhood to adolescence, early adolescence to young adulthood and late adolescence to young adulthood. Subjects and methods: Participants from the Madeira Growth Study were followed during an average period of 7.2 years. Height, body mass, skin-folds and circumferences were measured, nine health- and performance-related tests were administered and the Baecke questionnaire was used to assess physical activity. Skeletal maturity was estimated using the TW3 method. Results: The prevalence of overweight plus obesity ranged from 8.2–20.0% at baseline and from 20.4–40.0% at followup, in boys. Corresponding percentages for girls were 10.6– 12.0% and 13.2–18.0%. Inter-age correlations for fatness indicators ranged from 0.43–0.77. BMI, waist circumference and sum of skin-folds at 8, 12 and 16-years old were the main predictors of these variables at 15, 19 and 23-years old, respectively. Strength, muscular endurance and aerobic fitness were negatively related to body fatness. Physical activity and maturation were independently associated with adolescent (15 years) and young adult (19 years) fatness. Conclusions: Over 7.2 years, tracking was moderate-to-high for fatness. Variance was explained by fatness indicators and to a small extent by physical fitness, physical activity and maturation.