981 resultados para Europe, Southern--Maps--Early works to 1800


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Geology is the science that studies the Earth, its composition, structure and origin in addition to past and present phenomena that leave their mark on rocks. So why does society need geologists? Some of the main reasons are listed below: - Geologists compile and interpret information about the earth’s surface and subsoil, which allows us to establish the planet’s past history, any foreseeable changes and its relationship with the rest of the solar system. - Society needs natural resources (metals, non-metals, water and fossil fuels) to survive. The work of geologists is therefore a key part of finding new deposits and establishing a guide for exploring and managing resources in an environmentally-friendly way. - The creation of geological maps allows us to identify potential risk areas and survey different land uses; in other words, they make an essential contribution to land planning and proposing sustainable development strategies in a region. - Learning about Geology and the proper use of geological information contributes to saving lives and reducing financial loss caused by natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, flooding and landslides, while also helping to develop construction projects, public works, etc. Through the proposed activities we aim to explain some of the basic elements of the different specialities within the field of Geological Sciences. In order to do this, four sessions have been organised that will allow for a quick insight into the fields of Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonics.


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Os Aulopiformes são peixes marinhos com amplitude temporal do Eocretáceo ao Recente. Os táxons fósseis são encontrados em depósitos sedimentares das Américas do Sul e do Norte, Europa, Ásia e África. Os representantes viventes podem ser encontrados desde águas rasas costeiras, estuários, até profundidades abissais, excedendo 3.000 m. Os limites do grupo, suas intra e inter-relações são objeto de muitos estudos. O objetivo central desta tese é aplicar métodos de Biogeografia Histórica como Panbiogeografia e a Análise de Parcimônia de Endemismos aos peixes Aulopiformes. Adicionalmente, foi realizada a análise filogenética dos Aulopiformes. Como resultado foram obtidos: 21 traços generalizados de Synodontoidei, 28 de Chlorophthalmoidei, 3 de Giganturoidei e 7 de Enchodontoidei. O clado Synodontoidei apresenta um padrão de distribuição primordialmente em águas tropicais e subtropicais, associado à borda de placas tectônicas e ao tipo de substrato. O clado Chlorophthalmoidei apresenta padrões de distribuição associados a cadeias de montanhas submarinas e corais de profundidade. O clado Giganturoidei possui uma distribuição vicariante com a família Giganturidae ocupando águas mais quentes e Bathysauridae as regiões mais frias. O clado Enchodontoidei foi associado a recifes de coral e zonas de ressurgência pretéritos. Adicionalmente, foi analisada uma matriz de dados com 84 táxons e 105 caracteres morfológicos não ordenados e sem pesagem a priori. Como resultado foram obtidas sete árvores igualmente parcimoniosas com 1214 passos, índice de consistência de 0,1129 e índice de retenção de 0,4970. A ordem Aulopiformes não constituiu um grupo monofilético, com as famílias Chlorophthalmidae, Notosudidae, Synodontidae, Paraulopidae, Pseudotrichonotidae e Ipnopidae mais proximamente relacionados ao Myctophidea que aos Alepisauroidei. Assim a partir da combinação dos resultados alcançados conclui-se que a Biogeografia Histórica funcionou como uma ferramenta na identificação dos problemas taxonômicos dos Aulopiformes e a sua análise filogenética permitiu identificar controvérsias sistemáticas, indicando que são necessários maiores estudos sobre a anatomia dos aulopiformes, a fim de esclarecer suas inter-relações.


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Esta tese desenvolvida na linha de pesquisa Política e Cultura destaca o interesse pelos fenômenos da transmissão do conhecimento intelectual. A tese reconstrói a expressão da cultura política medieval germânica pela ótica de dois poetas, Walther von der Vogelweide e Wolfram von Eschenbach, integrantes da aristocracia guerreira. Os suportes teóricos dos Sprüche, sentenças de natureza política de Vogelweide e do Parzifal de Eschenbach, foram fundamentais para compreender o posicionamento político e cultural alemão frente às transformações que afetaram a Cristandade no período de fins do século XII ao início do século XIII. Esse período foi marcado pelo confronto de Papas e Imperadores em torno do direito de exercer a autoridade no âmbito do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico. O movimento cruzadista, o renascimento urbano e a ascensão de novos atores sociais burgueses integram o conjunto dos elementos a serem levados em conta na elaboração da tese. A ideia norteadora do trabalho tornou necessário recorrer a obras literárias com objetivo de elucidar questões de natureza histórica, tendo claro que a Literatura não é um contraponto da História e o texto resultante contribua para ressignificar a produção política da cultura medieval e um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos do poder na Alemanha medieval. No plano teórico-metodológico recorremos à chamada História Cultural fornecendo uma visão integradora dos planos político, social e econômico.


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El presente trabajo se ha preparado en el seno de los intereses de los proyectos de investigación: HAR2011-26364 “Las Comunidades humanas de la alta Cuenca del Ebro en la Transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno” del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y CGL2009-12703-C03-03 “Geología, geocronología y paleobiología de los Yacimientos de la Sierra de Atapuerca” del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Así mismo se encuadra en el trabajo del Grupo de Investigación en Prehistoria de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) IT-288-07/ UFI 11-09.


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Microcohorts of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, were sampled with a cast net at fortnightly intervals in the Mar Muerto Lagoon, Southern Mexico. Shrimp recruited to the lagoon throughout the sampling period (January to August 1993). Mean growth rates of microcohorts ranged from 0.21 to 1.21 mm total length (TL) per day. Juvenile shrimp mainly between the sizes of 70 to 80 mm TL emigrated from the lagoon. Growth and the onset of emigration appeared to be related to water salinity.


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The purpose of this study was to validate aging results of juvenile Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) by vertebral band counts. Vertebrae of 29 juvenile Shortfin Mako marked with oxytetracycline (OTC) were obtained from tag-recapture activities to determine centrum growth-band deposition. Tagging occurred off southern California from 1996 to 2010, and time at liberty of the 29 sharks ranged from 4 months to 4.4 years (mean=1.3 years). Growth information also was obtained from length-frequency modal analyses (MULTIFAN and MIXDIST) by using a 29-year data set of commercial and research catch data, in addition to a tag-recapture growth model (e.g, the GROTAG model). For vertebrae samples used for age validation, shark size at time of release ranged from 79 to 142 cm fork length (FL) and from 98 to 200 cm FL at recapture. Results from band counts of vertebrae distal to OTC marks indicate 2 band pairs (2 translucent and 2 opaque) are formed each year for Shortfin Mako of the size range examined. Length-frequency analyses identified 3 age class modes. Growth rate estimates from 26.5 to 35.5 cm/year were calculated for the first age-class mode (85 cm FL) and from 22.4 to 28.6 cm/year for the second age-class mode (130 cm FL). Results from the tag-recapture growth model revealed fast growth during time at liberty for tagged fish of the 2 youngest age classes. Collectively, these methods suggest rapid growth of juvenile Shortfin Mako in the southern California study area and indicate biannual deposition of growth bands in vertebrae for the first 5 years.


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Teeth of 71 estuarine dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) incidentally caught on the coast of Paraná State, southern Brazil, were used to estimate age. The oldest male and female dolphins were 29 and 30 years, respectively. The mean distance from the neonatal line to the end of the first growth layer group (GLG) was 622.4 ±19.1 μm (n=48). One or two accessory layers were observed between the neonatal line and the end of the first GLG. One of the accessory layers, which was not always present, was located at a mean of 248.9 ±32.6 μm (n=25) from the neonatal line, and its interpretation remains uncertain.The other layer, located at a mean of 419.6 ±44.6 μm (n=54) from the neonatal line, was always present and was first observed between 6.7 and 10.3 months of age. This accessory layer could be a record of weaning in this dolphin. Although no differences in age estimates were observed between teeth sectioned in the anterior-posterior and buccal-lingual planes, we recommend sectioning the teeth in the buccal-lingual plane in order to obtain on-center sections more easily. We also recommend not using teeth from the most anterior part of the mandibles for age estimation. The number of GLGs counted in those teeth was 50% less than the number of GLGs counted in the teeth from the median part of the mandible of the same animal. Although no significant difference (P>0.05) was found between the total lengths of adult male and female estuarine dolphins, we observed that males exhibited a second growth spurt around five years of age. This growth spurt would require that separate growth curves be calculated for the sexes. The asymptotic length (TL∞), k, and t0 obtained by the von Bertalanffy growth model were 177.3 cm, 0.66, and –1.23, respectively, for females and 159.6 cm, 2.02, and –0.38, respectively, for males up to five years, and 186.4 cm, 0.53 and –1.40, respectively, for males older than five years. The total weight (TW)/total length (TL) equations obtained for male and female estuarine dolphins were TW = 3.156 × 10−6 × TL 3.2836 (r=0.96), and TW = 8.974 × 10−5 × TL 2.6182 (r=0.95), respectively.


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Technology roadmapping has been applied successfully in many industrial organizations. Designed to facilitate and communicate technology strategy and planning, roadmaps (or, as in Europe, route maps) can take a variety of specific forms, depending on the type (opportunities, capabilities, products, technologies, etc.) and particular company context. While roadmaps are generally manifest in a number of "program elements or levels" superimposed upon a timeline, experienced mappers often claim that it is "roadmapping" rather than "the roadmap" that generates the value. This special report focuses primarily on product and technology roadmaps. Following an introduction to the evolution, purpose and applications of corporate/industry roadmapping, four industry-developed articles examine roadmapping in Lucent Technologies, Rockwell Automation, the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry, and UK-based Domino Printing Sciences.


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Different chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) slurries are used to obtain single-damascene Cu-wires with different surface fluctuations as well as pre-existing surface-defects in wires with rougher surfaces. The presence of such pre-existing defects strongly increases the rate of early failures to almost 100%, reduces electromigration lifetime rapidly to the level of early failures, and changes the multimodal failure distribution into monomodal. The activation energy (0. 74±0.02eV) for the failure mechanism associated with these pre-existing defects confirms a dominant surface diffusion. It shows how a weakest link approximation analysis can he applied to a single wire by dividing the wire into relevant segments and assigning different failure mechanisms to the various segments. The analysis confirms that, although surface-defects are not the fastest early failure mechanism, the ten times higher surface-defectdensity in the rougher wires is responsible for the observed high early-failure rate and unreliable performance.


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We use the hydrographic data obtained during the joint survey of the Yellow Sea by the First Institute of Oceanography, China and the Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Korea, to quantify the spatial structures and temporal evolution of the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM). It is indicated that the southern YSCWM is a water mass that develops in summer and decays in fall. In winter, due to the intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), the central area (approximately between 34 degrees N and 35 degrees N, 122 degrees E and 124 degrees E) of the Yellow Sea is mainly occupied by relatively high temperature water (T > 10 degrees C). By contrast, from early summer to fall, under the seasonal thermocline, the central area of Yellow Sea is occupied by cold water (T < 10 degrees C). In summer, the southern YSCWM has two cold cores. One is formed locally southeast of Shandong Peninsula, and the other one has a tongue-like feature occupying the area approximately between 34 degrees N and 37 degrees N, 123 degrees E and 126 degrees E. The bottom layer temperature anomalies from February to July in the cold tongue region, along with the trajectories of the bottom floaters, suggest that the cold water mass in the northeast region has a displacement from the north to the central area of the Yellow Sea during the summer. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It has been long known that intense multiple Mesozoic-Cenozoic intracontinental deformations have controlled the grand scale basin-range structural evolution of the Tianshan and its adjacent basins. So it is important to study the sedimentary records of the piedmont basins along the two sides of the Tianshan synthetically for the continental geodynamic research.We carried out a magnetostratigraphy study on Cretaceous- Tertiary succession and U-Pb dating analysis of detrital zircons from the representative sandstone samples of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits in Kuqa Subbasin, northern Tarim Basin, combining our previous results of multiple depositional records from different profiles including paleocurrent data, conglomerate clast, sandstone framswork grains, detrital heavy minerals and geochemistry analysis, so the multiple intracontinental tectonic processes of Tianshan and their depositional response in the Kuqa Subbasin can be revealed. The results show that the tectonic evolution of the Tianshan Orogen and the sedimentary processes of the Kuqa Subbasin can be divided into four periods: early Triassic(active period), from middle Triassic to late Jurassic(placid period), from early Cretaceous to Tertiary Paleocene(active period) and from Neogene to present (intensely active period). Simultaneously,the depositional records reveal the provenance types and tectonic attributes in different periods. As follows, the lower Triassic with a dominant age ranging from 250 to 290Ma of the Zircons, which were principally derived from alkali feldspar granites and alkaline intrusion obviously, relative to the magma activity in Permian. In middle Triassic-late Jurassic, the two samples collected from the Taliqike formation and the Qiakemake formation respectively show the age peak at 350~450Ma, which was relative to the subduction of the Tarim Block to Yili-Central Tianshan Plate. In this period the provenance of the Kuqa deposits was the Central Tianshan arc orogenic belts distantly with little height predominance.During early Cretaceous-Paleogene, two major zircons age spectra at 240~330Ma and 370~480Ma have been acquired, with some other not dominant age ranges, indicating complicated provenance types. In Neogene, the detrital zircons age dating ranges from 460 to 390 Ma primarily. What’s more, the newer chronology of the stratigraphy and the older source age, indicating that Tianshan was uplifted and exhumated further strongly. Further study on the heavy mineral and the detrital zircons age dating of the Mesozoic-Paleogene representative profiles in southern Junggar Basin, combined with the published results of the sandstone framework grains, we consider that it occurred obvious sedimentary and tectonic changes occurred in the inside of Jurassic, from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous and form early Cretaceous to late Cretaceous. On this faces, there are remarkable changes of the steady minerals and unstable minerals, the sandstone maturity and the age spectra of the detrital zircons. Compared the sedimentary records from the two sides of the Tianshan, We find that they are different obviously since Middle Jurassic. It can be concluded that Tianshan have uplifted highly enough to influence the paleo-climatic. According to the current strata division, the structural activity apparently showed a migration from north to south. That is to say, the South Tianshan uplift later than the north, especially from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous , but it was uplifted and exhumated more strongly. Furthermore, correlating the depositional records and tectonic styles in the Kuqa-South Tianshan basin-range conjugation site in the east with the west, the obvious differentiation between the west and the east from the Cretaceous especially in Tertiary along the Tianshan-Kuqa belt was revealed, probably showing earlier uplifting in the east while greater exhumation depth and sediment rates in the west. In addition, the contacting style of Kuqa subbasin to the Tianshan Orogenic belts and the basement structure are also inconsistent at different basin-range conjugation sites. It is probably controlled by a series of N-S strike adjusting belts within the Kuqa subbasin, or probably correlated with the material difference at the complicated basin-range boundary. The research on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic-depositional response in the piedmont basins along the two sides of the Tianshan shows that the basin-filling process was controlled by the intracontinental multicyclic basin-range interactions, especially affected by the intense tectonic differentiations of basin-range system, which can’t be illuminated using a single evolutionary model.


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The petroleum migration, happening in the geologic past, is the very important and complex dynamic processes in the petroleum systems. It plays a linking role among all static factors in a system. The accumulation is in fact the result of the petroleum migration. For the petroleum geology, the dynamics research of the petroleum migration refers to the mechanism and process research, as well as the use of the quantitative methods. In this thesis, combining with the qualitative analysis and quantitative modeling, the author manages to discuss theoretically some key problems dealing with migration processes, which have not been solved yet, and to apply the studied results in petroleum system analysis in actual basins. The basin analysis offers the base of the numerical modeling for geological phenomena occurring in sedimentary basins, that consists of the sedimentary facies analysis, the section reconstructing technique, eroded thickness estimating, etc. The methods to construct the geologic model, which is needed in the research of oil and gas migration and accumulation, are discussed. The basin analysis offers also the possibility for the latter modeling works to get and select the parameters, such as stratum's thickness, age, stratigraphy etc. Modeling works were done by using two basin modeling softwares: Basin_Mod and TPC_Mod. The role of compaction during the secondary migration and the heterogeneity of migrating paths within the clastic carrier are modeled. And the conclusions were applied in the migration studies in the Jungaer Basin, lying on the Northwest part of the China. To construct a reliable migration model, the author studied the characteristics of the sedimentation, the pore fluid pressure evolution, as well as the distribution and the evolution of fluid potential, following the tectonic evolution of the Jungaer Basin. The geochemical prospecting results were used to evidence and to calibrate the migration processes: the oil-source correlation, the distribution of the properties of oil, gas and water. Finally, two important petroleum systems, Permian one and Jurassic one were studied and identified, according, principally, to the studies on the petroleum migration within the Jungaer Basin. Since the oil, as well as the gas, moves mainly in separate phase during the secondary migration, their migrating behaviors would be determined by the dynamics conditions of migration, including the driving forces and pathways. Based on such a consideration, the further understandings may be acquired: the roles played by permeable carriers and low-permeable source rock would be very different in compaction, overpressure generation, petroleum migration, and so on. With the numerical method, the effect of the compaction on the secondary migration was analyzed and the results show that the pressure gradient and the flux resulted from compaction are so small that could be neglected by comparing to the buoyancy of oil. The main secondary migration driving forces are therefore buoyancy and capillary within a hydrostatic system. Modeling with the commercial software-Basin_Mod, the migration pathways of petroleum in clastic carriers seem to be inhomogeneous, controlled by heterogeneity of the driving force, which in turn resulted from the topography of seals, the fabrics and the capillary pressure of the clastic carriers. Furthermore, the direct and indirect methods to study fault-sealing properties in the course of migration were systemically summarized. They may be characterized directly by lithological juxtaposition, clay smear and diagenesis, and indirectly the comparing the pressures and fluid properties in the walls at two apartments of a fault. In Jungaer Basin, the abnormal pressures are found in the formations beneath Badaowan or Baijantan Formation. The occurrence of the overpressure seems controlled by the stratigraphy. The rapid sedimentation, tectonic pressuring, clay sealing, chemical diagensis were considered as the principal pressuring mechanisms. The evolution of fluid pressure is influenced differently at different parts of the basin by the tectonic stresses. So the basin appears different pressure evolution cycles from each part to another during the geological history. By coupling the results of thermal evolution, pressure evolution and organic matter maturation, the area and the period of primary migration were acquired and used to determine the secondary migration time and range. The primary migration in Fengcheng Formation happened from latter Triassic to early Jurassic in the main depressions. The main period of lower-Wuerhe Formation was at latter Jurassic in Changji, Shawan and Pen-1-jing-xi Depression, and at the end of early Cretaceous in Mahu Depression. The primary migration in Badaowan and Sangonghe Formation is at the end of early-Cretaceous in Changji Depression. After then, the fluid potential of oil is calculated at the key time determined from area and time of the primary migration. Generally, fluid potential of oil is high in the depressions and low at the uplifts. Synthetically, it is recognized that the petroleum migration in the Jungaer Basin is very complex, that leads us to classify the evolution of petroleum systems in Northwestern China as a primary stage and a reformed one. The remigration of accumulated petroleum, caused by the reformation of the basin, results in the generation of multiple petroleum systems. The faults and unconformities are usually the linkers among the original petroleum systems. The Permian petroleum system in Jungaer Basin is such a multiple petroleum system. However, the Jurassic petroleum system stays still in its primary stage, thought the strong influences of the new tectonic activities.


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Earlier studies on the distribution of geological environmental indicators in China revealed drastic changes from a zonal climate pattern (planetary-wave-dominant pattern) in the Paleogene to a monsoon-dominant one in the Neogene, which suggested an inception of the initial East-Asian summer monsoon. However, there are different views about the time and causes of the changes.Here, we attempt to compile a series of paleoenvironmental maps based on newly collected climate indicators from the literatures and chronologically constrained evidence of geological maps in order to re-examine the temporal and spatial evolution of climate belts in China during the Cenozoic with special emphasis on the changes of the arid belt. These indicators include mammalian fauna, coal, carbonate concretions, jarosite, salt, gypsum deposits and pollen assemblages etc, with chronological controls that we believe reliable. Pollen assemblages and mammalian fauna have been classified into three categories (arid, semi-arid/sub-humid, humid) to reflect the intensity of aridity/humidity. Salt, jarosite and gypsum deposits are classified as the arid indicators. Carbonate concretions and coal are classified into the semi-arid/sub-humid and humid one respectively. Paleoenvironmental maps at 8 time slices have been reconstructed. They are the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Early Miocene, Middle Miocene, Late Miocene and Pliocene.And furthermore, we attempt to use IAP^AGCM to simulate the evolution of climate belts in emphasizing on the changes of the rain band, and compare the results with the paleoenvironmental maps in order to examine the causes of the drastic paleoenvironmental changes near the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. 36 sensitive numerical experiments are carried out using the IAP__AGCM to analyze the impacts of the uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan complex, shrinkage of the Paratethys Sea, expansion of the South China Sea and the development of the polar ice sheets on rain band in China.The main conclusions are as follows:The obtained results essentially confirm the earlier conclusions about a zonal climate pattern in the Paleogene and a different pattern in the Neogene, and illustrate that a monsoon-dominant environmental pattern with inland aridity formed by the Early Miocene, which is temporally consist with the onset of eolian deposits in China.Cenozoic cooling and the formation of polar ice sheets are unlikely the main causes to the changes of environmental patterns mentioned above in China. But northern hemispheric cooling and the ice-sheets can intensify the Siberian High Pressure, and strengthen the winter monsoon circulations and enhance the aridity in the west part of China. These results support the earlier studies.Shrinkage of the Paratethys Sea and uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan complex played important roles in strengthening the East Asian monsoon and induceing the above changes of environmental pattern, which is consistent with the earlier studies. Furthermore, "the monsoon-dominant pattern" appears when the Himalayan-Tibetan complex reaches to about 1000-2000 meters high and the Paratethys Sea retreats to the Turan Plate.4) Expansion of the South China Sea is another significant factor that drives the evolution of environmental patterns. We believe that the above three factors co-act and drive the change of the environmental patterns from a planetary-wave-dominant one to a monsoon-dominant one. However, the impacts of each factor vary by regions. The uplift mainly increases the humidity in Southwestern China and the aridity in northwestern country. The shrinkage mainly increases the humidity in Northern China and also enhances the aridity in the northwestern country. The expansion greatly increases the humidity in the south part of China.


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Pyatt, B. Gilmore, G. Grattan, J. Hunt, C. McLaren, S. An imperial legacy? An exploration of the environmental impact of ancient metal mining and smelting in southern Jordan. Journal of Archaeological Science. 2000. 27 pp 771-778


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Francis, Matthew, New Collected Poems of W. S. Graham, (London: Faber and Faber, 2004 RAE2008