984 resultados para Escala de Coma de Glasgow
An answer to Huskisson's speech.
First edition, 1898; reprinted 1899.
Mode of access: Internet.
Con la consolidación de un modelo productivo en base a la extracción de recursos naturales no renovables y contaminación del medio ambiente, comienzan a instalarse emprendimientos mineros a cielo abierto en la región cordillerana Argentina que repercuten negativamente en las economías regionales y en los modos de vida de las poblaciones locales. Se entabla así, una disputa por la apropiación de los territorios signada por la nueva racionalidad económica extractiva y la supervivencia de los "mundos de vida" de los habitantes de estas tierras amenazadas. De esta manera, se conforman asambleas de vecinos autoconvocados a lo largo de la zona cordillerana, en las que predominan mujeres, que le otorgan un sentido particular a la lucha de todos los pobladores. Desde la resistencia, estas mujeres trascienden el lugar que se les ha asignado dentro del "sistema capitalista / colonial / patriarcal / racista" e intentan preservar su identidad territorial, sus formas de habitar, a través de la acción colectiva basada en ?la territorialidad como vida?. La intención de este trabajo es recuperar el sentido de las prácticas, nociones y relaciones sociales que entablan estas mujeres a partir de su participación en estas asambleas socio-ambientales, a través de entrevistas y trabajo etnográfico
Primary Objective: To document the clinical characteristics of acute dysphagia in a group of pediatric patients after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Research Design: Prospective group study. Methods: Fourteen subjects (7 males, 7 females), aged 4 years 1 month to 15 years, with moderate or severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS] < 12). Subjects were assessed via clinical bedside examination documenting cognitive status, oromotor function, feeding function, dietary recommendations, and an indication of overall feeding severity Results: A pattern of impaired cognition, altered behavior related to feeding, severe tonal and postural deficits, oromotor, respiratory, and laryngeal impairments, and oral sensitivity issues was revealed. Conclusions: Swallowing impairment was affected by multilevel deficits, which both individually and in combination had a negative impact on swallowing competence and safety. In light of deficits identified, which could not be observed on videofluoroscopic investigation alone, this study highlighted the importance of the clinical bedside examination in assessing dysphagia in pediatric patients post-TBI for identifying targets for intervention.
Near-hanging is an increasing presentation to hospitals in Australasia. We reviewed the clinical management and outcome of these patients as they presented to public hospitals in Queensland. A retrospective clinical record audit was made at five public hospitals between 1991 and 2000. Of 161 patients enrolled, 82% were male, 8% were Indigenous and 10% had made a previous hanging attempt. Chronic medical illnesses were documented in 11% and previous psychiatric disorders in 42%. Of the 38 patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale score (GCS) of 3 on arrival at hospital, 32% returned to independent living and 63% died. Fifty two patients received CPR, of whom 46% had an independent functional outcome. Independent predictors of mortality were a GCS on hospital arrival of 3 (AOR 150, CI 95% 12.4-1818, P
Resiliência é um termo relativamente novo no campo da psicologia e nos debates acadêmicos e que tem suscitado muito interesse por parte dos pesquisadores, em especial os do campo da Psicologia da Saúde, pois se trata de um conceito que carrega grande potencial em termos de prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde, seja focado no plano social, comunitário ou individual. Em resumo, resiliência consiste na capacidade dos seres humanos de superarem as adversidades da vida e, além disso, saírem fortalecidos após uma situação problema. Estudos têm mostrado que pessoas consideradas resilientes possuem atributos pessoais que as ajudam a obter êxito diante das adversidades. No entanto, as medidas do construto não representam essa abrangência. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi construir e validar uma escala que avalie as características pessoais mais referenciadas na literatura. No total, foram identificados 15 atributos pessoais da resiliência mencionados por mais de cinco autores. Com base neles foi construída a Escala dos Pilares da Resiliência (EPR) com 150 itens. Participaram da coleta de dados 833 estudantes e trabalhadores do Estado de São Paulo e Santa Catarina, com idade média de 30,70 (DP= 10,58), sendo a maioria do gênero feminino (70,5%) e solteiros(as) (59,8%) com escolaridade de ensino fundamental até pós-graduação. Por meio de um questionário coletaram-se dados sociodemográficos dos participantes. Foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas, análise fatorial, correlação item-total e alfa de Cronbach. Os resultados revelaram um modelo de 11 fatores que reuniram 90 itens com boas cargas fatoriais. As correlações item-total tiveram valores considerados satisfatórios e os fatores apresentaram bons índices de precisão. A EPR reuniu o maior número de atributos pessoais da resiliência dentre os instrumentos encontrados na revisão deste trabalho. A escala pode ser utilizada em novos estudos e será normatizada em futuro próximo.
Ansiedade é um conceito estudado desde a antiguidade sendo amplamente pesquisado em diversos ramos da ciência. A ansiedade pode ser compreendida como um sinal de alerta, um estado emocional que, por vezes, se torna desagradável, sendo vivenciada por todos os seres humanos. Uma forma de mensurar a ansiedade é por meio de escalas válidas e precisas. Por isso, o objetivo desse estudo foi construir e validar uma escala para avaliação de ansiedade no ambiente de trabalho. Com base em três dimensões da ansiedade contidas na literatura, foi construída a Escala de Ansiedade no Trabalho (EAT-35). Os dados foram coletados a partir das respostas dadas por 220 trabalhadores do Estado de São Paulo, com idade média de 34,27 (DP=9,83) sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (84,5%) e com ensino superior (64,5%). Foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas, análise fatorial e alfa de Cronbach. Os resultados revelaram um modelo de três dimensões da ansiedade e cujas dimensões obtiveram adequadas cargas fatoriais e índices de precisão. Com os resultados produzidos pelas análises deste estudo é possível concluir que a Escala de Ansiedade no Trabalho (EAT-35) pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta para avaliar a ansiedade no trabalho. Novas pesquisas que realizem a aplicação de análises fatoriais confirmatórias são indicadas com o objetivo de se confirmar os resultados obtidos pelas análises fatoriais exploratórias durante a validação da EAT-35.
Für deutsche Migranten des 19. Jahrhunderts war Großbritannien eines der wichtigsten Zielländer innerhalb Europas. Zum ersten Mal wird eine der zahlreichen deutsch-ethnischen Kolonien einer mikrohistorischen Untersuchung unterzogen. Die Perspektive erlaubt quellengestützt genauere Aussagen zu Themenkomplexen wie Wanderungsverhalten, Berufsstruktur oder ethnischer Selbstorganisation. In Glasgow bildete sich ein dichtes Netz an ethnischen Vereinigungen, das sich nach Kriegsausbruch unter dem germanophoben Druck der britischen Öffentlichkeit sowie staatlichen Maßnahmen wie Internierung, Repatriierung oder Enteignung fast vollständig auflöste. Die Glasgower Fallstudie wird durch zahlreiche Querverweise auf andere Regionen und Länder in einen größeren migrationsgeschichtlichen Rahmen eingeordnet. German migrants of the 19th century. Century Britain was one of the main destination countries within Europe. One of the many German ethnic colonies of a micro historical investigation is subjected for the first time. The perspective allows more detailed statements on topics such as migratory behavior, occupational structure or ethnic self-organization source based. A dense network of ethnic associations that almost completely disbanded after war germanophoben pressure from the British public and Government measures such as detention, repatriation or expropriation was formed in Glasgow. The Glasgow case study are classified by numerous cross-references to other regions and countries within a larger migration history.
One feature of nineteenth-century German migrant communities was a dense network of religious and secular ethnic institutions in virtually all destination countries. The article is a microhistorical study of a representative German community in Britain. Ethnic institutions in Glasgow included two protestant congregations and a variety of associations fostering sociability, culture and philanthropy. The institutions served as a platform to negotiate questions of ethnicity, class and gender. They were mostly financed by a small elite within the German business community which, in turn, used them to exercise power and confirm social stratification. In the pre-war years, ethnic life was increasingly permeated by nationalism. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
During the second half of the nineteenth century, a German business community of about one hundred merchants and commercial clerks developed in Glasgow. Their trade networks extended not only to Germany but also to other world markets. The main arguments and findings of the microhistorical analysis include: numbers were significantly higher than previously assumed; endogenous recruitment based on ethnic and family ties was prevalent; migrants benefited from their migration-induced social capital (training, languages, intercultural competence) to fill a skills-gap in Britain; labour market competition at the junior career level was less pronounced than contemporaneous assessments suggested; naturalisation was taken out for purely pragmatic reasons; there was a sense of community at intra-ethnic level, but also with the local business elite. The case study is embedded into the larger context of Anglo-German economic relations and globalisation. A purely local perspective does not suffice to do justice to the wider significance of expatriate business communities in an age of economic globalisation.
OBJECTIVE: The authors developed and validated a clozapine-specific side-effects scale capable of eliciting the subjectively unpleasant side-effects of clozapine. METHODS: Questions from the original Glasgow Antipsychotic Side-effects Scale (GASS) were compared to a list of the most commonly reported clozapine side-effects and those with a significant subjective burden were included in the GASS for Clozapine (GASS-C). The original authors of the GASS and a group of mental health professionals from the UK and Ireland were enlisted to comment on the questions in the GASS-C based on their clinical experience. 110 clozapine outpatients from two sites completed the GASS-C, the original GASS and a repeat GASS-C. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows version 19. RESULTS: The GASS-C was shown to have construct validity, in that Spearman's correlation coefficient was 0.816 (p<0.001) with the original GASS, whilst Cohen's kappa coefficient was >0.77 (p<0.001) for one question and >0.81 (p<0.001) for remaining relevant questions. GASS-C was also shown to have strong test-retest reliability, in that Cronbach's alpha coefficient was >0.907 (p<0.001), whilst Cohen's kappa coefficient was >0.81 (p<0.001) for 12 questions and >0.61 (p<0.001) for the remaining four questions. CONCLUSION: The GASS-C is a valid and reliable clinical tool to enable a systematic assessment of the subjectively unpleasant side-effects of clozapine. Future research should focus on how the scale can be utilised as a clinical tool to improve real-world outcomes such as adherence to clozapine therapy and quality of life.