992 resultados para Environmental movements


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In recent years, the ecological degradation, loss of technological sustenance and other multidimensional consequences caused by shrimp farming have made the experts and authorities bound to rethink about the development of the industry. The present study describes the water and sediment quality, and culture and management techniques in five selected shrimp farms at Paikgacha, Khulna throughout a production cycle from March to September 1997. The water quality parameters were found to be more or less suitable throughout the cycle. The concentration of the limiting major nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus and minor nutrients such as calcium and magnesium were satisfactorily high, concentrations of the organic matter content were also high. Remarkable negative correlation of shrimp production with secchi depth was observed among the farms. Production per cycle ranged between 273 kg/ha and as low as 63 kg/ha.


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A study was conducted to ascertain the existing farm water, effluent and feed quality of selected giant freshwater prawn farms from major prawn farming areas (Bagerhat Sadar, Noakhali Sadar and Mymensingh) of Bangladesh during July to November 2005. Water quality parameters such as the mean values of dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, nitrite-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorus and ammoniacal nitrogen did not show any significantly differences among the farming areas. Whereas significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the mean values of temperature, secchi disc visibility, pH and chlorophyll a. However, all the water quality parameters in the farming areas were within the suitable range for prawn culture. There was no significant variation in nutrients concentration of discharged effluent among the prawn farming areas. All of the nutrients measured in effluent water were within the acceptable range and did not seem to pose a direct threat to the recipient environment. The analysed crude protein contents of commercial CP, Quality and Saudi-Bangla prawn feeds were 31.84%, 27.21% and 28.97%, respectively, whereas all analysed farm made feeds were less than 25%. The other nutrients of prawn feeds varied largely with the source of feeds and ingredients used to prepare feed. The annual yield of prawn varied from 320.4 to 512.6 kg/ha (mean 412.3 kg/ha) depending on the management system.


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In total 68 phytoplankton species were identified at the mouth of the Maheshkhali channel with the Bay of Bengal, among them 41 belong to Bacillariophyceae, 17 Dinophyceae, 7 Cyanophyceae and 3 to Chlorophyceae. The highest phytoplankton production was observed in November (578.0 x 105 cells/L) and the lowest in June (37.5 x 105 cells/L). Some hydrographic parameters e.g., surface water temperature, salinity and nutrients (N03-N and P04-P) were recorded and their relationship with the occurrence and abundance of phytoplankton population were also studied. Nutrient concentration was higher during the autumn months, when rain water provided the maximum outflow of rivers discharging into the channel. During the nutrient peak period, the total phytoplankton production was maximum. Bacillariophyceae was the dominant group of phytoplankton throughout the study period except in June and September, when Dinophyceae was dominant. Cyanophyceae was abundant in spring months when temperature began to rise.


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To evaluate the benthic diversity of River Gomti in relation to the prevailing environmental conditions, four stations, viz., Maa Chandrika Devi, Daliganj, Ambedkar Park and Aquaduct, were identified from upstream to downstream along the course of the river in Lucknow. Dissolved oxygen was low on many occasions at all the stations except Maa Chandrika Devi and chemical oxygen demand values were high. There was a gradual increase in mean nitrite and phosphate values from up to downstream. Benthic fauna was dominated by oligochaetes and chironomus larvae. Other groups reported were leeches, nematodes, sponges, crustaceans, pelycypodes, gastropods and fish fry. Population density was exceptionally high at Daliganj (20,135 m sub(-1) ) followed by Ambedkar Park (5,199 m sub(-1)) and Aquaduct (3,287 m sub(-1)), and low at Maa Chandrika Devi (264 m sub(-1)). Oligochaete genera common at all the four stations were Lumbricillus, Limnodrillus, Branchiura, Chaetogaster, Nais and Tubifex. Odonates were reported only from Maa Chandrika Devi while sponges were encountered at Daliganj and Aquaduct. On some occasions, fish fry were also found at Ambedkar Park and Aquaduct. Seasonally, maxima for population density were observed during pre-monsoon and minima during monsoon. The organic pollution indicator benthic species reported were tubificids, chironomids, culicoid larvae, Lamellidens sp., Corbicula sp., Lymnaea sp. and leech. Branchiurans, Tubifex sp. and Chironomus larvae were reported at all the stations. Filthy condition with foul smell throughout the length of the river coupled with poor water quality and appearance of indicator organisms at all the stations indicate that the river is under severe pollution stress due to anthropogenic discharges and it has reached an alarming stage.


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In this paper we propose rhetoric as a valuable yet underdeveloped alternative paradigm for examining IT diffusion. Building on recent developments of computerization movements theory, our rhetorical approach proposes that two central elements of the theory, framing and ideology, rather than being treated as separate can be usefully integrated. We suggest that IT diffusion can be usefully explored through examining the interrelationship of the deep structures underlying ideology and the type and sequence of rhetorical claims underpinning actors’ framing strategies. Our theoretical developments also allow us to better understand competing discourses influencing the diffusion process. These discourses reflect the ideologies and shape the framing strategies of actors in the broader field context. We illuminate our theoretical approach by drawing on the history of the diffusion of free and open source software.


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In order to determine effective pulse limits for Salmo irideus, Cyprinus carpio, Gasterosteus aculeatus, Tinca tinca, Salmo fario and ldus melanotus in impulse D. C. for galvanotaxis and galvanonarcosis, studies were carried out with rectangular and square impulses. The narcotizing pulse limits remained constant for each variety in an impulse D. C. of specific wave form. The anodic effect of fishes was better in square wave form and varied with the variation of temperature of surrounding medium. S. fario reacted better when placed parallel to the lines of electrical force. Transversal escape movement occured when the axis of fish body was at right angles to the direction of current.


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Qualitative and quantitative studies on the bacterial flora of two beaches viz., Colva and Siridaon at high tide, mid-tide and low tide levels during the pre-monsoon period were made. Estimations of important nutrients, like inorganic phosphates and nitrates and organic carbon have been made and correlation with the bacterial counts is being attempted. Definite correlation between bacterial population and organic carbon is seen however, no correlation is observed between bacterial counts and other physicochemical parameters.


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This study compared the mechanisms of adaptation to stable and unstable dynamics from the perspective of changes in joint mechanics. Subjects were instructed to make point to point movements in force fields generated by a robotic manipulandum which interacted with the arm in either a stable or an unstable manner. After subjects adjusted to the initial disturbing effects of the force fields they were able to produce normal straight movements to the target. In the case of the stable interaction, subjects modified the joint torques in order to appropriately compensate for the force field. No change in joint torque or endpoint force was required or observed in the case of the unstable interaction. After adaptation, the endpoint stiffness of the arm was measured by applying displacements to the hand in eight different directions midway through the movements. This was compared to the stiffness measured similarly during movements in a null force field. After adaptation, the endpoint stiffness under both the stable and unstable dynamics was modified relative to the null field. Adaptation to unstable dynamics was achieved by selective modification of endpoint stiffness in the direction of the instability. To investigate whether the change in endpoint stiffness could be accounted for by change in joint torque or endpoint force, we estimated the change in stiffness on each trial based on the change in joint torque relative to the null field. For stable dynamics the change in endpoint stiffness was accurately predicted. However, for unstable dynamics the change in endpoint stiffness could not be reproduced. In fact, the predicted endpoint stiffness was similar to that in the null force field. Thus, the change in endpoint stiffness seen after adaptation to stable dynamics was directly related to changes in net joint torque necessary to compensate for the dynamics in contrast to adaptation to unstable dynamics, where a selective change in endpoint stiffness occurred without any modification of net joint torque.


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Humans are able to stabilize their movements in environments with unstable dynamics by selectively modifying arm impedance independently of force and torque. We further investigated adaptation to unstable dynamics to determine whether the CNS maintains a constant overall level of stability as the instability of the environmental dynamics is varied. Subjects performed reaching movements in unstable force fields of varying strength, generated by a robotic manipulator. Although the force fields disrupted the initial movements, subjects were able to adapt to the novel dynamics and learned to produce straight trajectories. After adaptation, the endpoint stiffness of the arm was measured at the midpoint of the movement. The stiffness had been selectively modified in the direction of the instability. The stiffness in the stable direction was relatively unchanged from that measured during movements in a null force field prior to exposure to the unstable force field. This impedance modification was achieved without changes in force and torque. The overall stiffness of the arm and environment in the direction of instability was adapted to the force field strength such that it remained equivalent to that of the null force field. This suggests that the CNS attempts both to maintain a minimum level of stability and minimize energy expenditure.


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It has been shown that during arm movement, humans selectively change the endpoint stiffness of their arm to compensate for the instability in an unstable environment. When the direction of the instability is rotated with respect to the direction of movement, it was found that humans modify the antisymmetric component of their endpoint stiffness. The antisymmetric component of stiffness arises due to reflex responses suggesting that the subjects may have tuned their reflex responses as part of the feedforward adaptive control. The goal of this study was to examine whether the CNS modulates the gain of the reflex response for selective tuning of endpoint impedance. Subjects performed reaching movements in three unstable force fields produced by a robotic manipulandum, each field differing only in the rotational component. After subjects had learned to compensate for the field, allowing them to make unperturbed movements to the target, the endpoint stiffness of the arm was estimated in the middle of the movements. At the same time electromyographic activity (EMG) of six arm muscles was recorded. Analysis of the EMG revealed differences across force fields in the reflex gain of these muscles consistent with stiffness changes. This study suggests that the CNS modulates the reflex gain as part of the adaptive feedforward command in which the endpoint impedance is selectively tuned to overcome environmental instability. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The study was designed to assess the environmental impact of shrimp farming and implications on local livelihoods at the south-west coastal area of Bangladesh. All the stakeholders reported that shrimp farming negatively affected on the environment at the coastal area. The soil and water, fish habitation, agricultural cropland, grazing land, indigenous fish, household vegetations, trees and plants, land fertility and mangroves are affected negatively by the shrimp farming in the coastal area. About 44% of stakeholders agreed that mangroves were destroyed by the extension of shrimp farming in the study area. In the case of positive impact of shrimp farming on environment about 16% of stakeholders agreed that the household vegetations increased due to alternate rice and shrimp-prawn farming.


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Collection of wild tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) seed with non-selective gears and its impact upon the coastal aquatic biodiversity has been investigated. Loss of undesired species as by-catch was estimated to be 1,075 individuals for collection of every desired shrimp seed which amounted to be 132 billion in a study area stretching 3 km long coastline of the Sagar Island under the Sunderban Biosphere, West Bengal, India. Non-penaeid shrimp seed and crab larvae accounted to be maximally destroyed as their overall contribution towards the by-catch were 56.5% and 29.44%, respectively. Though, rate of bycatch loss was found to be inversely correlated with the rate of shrimp seed collected per gear (r=-0.82, p<0.05) during the peak season (May-September), the overall relationship between them exhibited a linear relationship (r=0.73, p<0.05). By-catch loss for every shrimp seed collection tended to increase up to a daily collection of 2,500 numbers of shrimp seeds per gear followed by a decline. Coastal aquatic community was maximally damaged when the heterogeneity and stability as reflected by different diversity indices were higher.