997 resultados para Environmental Dependence


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Abstract Environmental changes may have an impact on life conditions of the fish, e.g. food supply for the fish. The prevailing environmental conditions apply evenly to all age groups of one stock. Small fish have high growth rates, whereas large fish grow with low rates. But, it can be shown on the basis of the von Bertalanffy-growth model that it is sufficient to know only the growth rate of one single age group to compute the growth rates of all other age groups. The growth rate of a reference fish GRF (e.g. a fish with a body mass of 1 kg) was introduced as a reference growth describing the current food condition of all age groups of the stock. As an example a time series of the reference-growth rate of the northern cod stock (NAFO, 3K) was computed for the time span 1979 to 1999. For the northern cod stock it can be observed that environmental conditions caused growth rates below the long-term mean for seven years in a row. After a prolonged hunger period the fish stock collapsed in 1992 also by the impact of fisheries - and this was probably not a coincidence. Now, with the reference-growth rate GRF a simple and handy parameter was found to summarize the influence of the environmental conditions on growth and other derived models and therefore makes it easier to compute the influence of environmental changes within stock assessment. Zusammenfassung Veränderungen der Umwelt können Auswirkungen auf die Lebensbedingungen der Fische haben, z. B. auf das Nahrungsangebot der Fische. Die vorherrschenden Umgebungsbedingungen wirken gleichmäßig auf alle Altersgruppen eines Bestandes, wobei typischer Weise kleineFische hohe Wachstumsraten haben, während die großen Fische mit niedrigen Raten wachsen. Auf der Grundlage des von Bertalanffy-Wachstumsmodells kann gezeigt werden, dass es ausreicht, nur die Wachstumsrate von einer einzigen Altersgruppe zu kennen, um die Wachstumsraten von allen anderen Altersgruppen berechnen zu können. Die Wachstumsrate eines Referenz-Fisches (z.B. eines Fisches mit einer Körpermasse von 1 kg) wurde als Referenz-Wachstum GRF eingeführt, die den aktuellen Zustand des Nahrungsangebots füralle Altersgruppen des Bestandes beschreibt. Als Beispiel wurde einer Zeitreihe der Referenz-Wachstumsraten des nördlichen Kabeljaubestandes (NAFO, 3K) für die Zeitsraum 1979 bis 1999 berechnet. Für diesen Kabeljaubestand war zu beobachten, dass Umgebungsbedingungen für sieben Jahre in Folge Wachstumsraten unter dem langjährigen Mittelwert verursachten. Nach einer längeren Hungerperiode kollabierte dieser Fischbestand im Jahr 1992 auch durch den Einfluß der Fischerei - und dies war sicher kein Zufall. Jetzt, mit der Referenz-Wachstumsrate GRF, ist ein einfacher und handlicher Parameter gefunden, der es gestattet den Einfluss der Umweltbedingungen auf die Wachstumsbedingungen und andere davon abgeleitete Modelle zusammenzufassen. Dies macht es einfach, den Einfluss von Umweltveränderungen innerhalb der Bestandsabschätzungen zu berechnen.


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The dispersion compensation characteristics of the chirped fiber grating (CFG) for different dispersion compensation positions are analyzed in externally modulated cable television (CATV) lightwave system and the analytic expression of the composite second order (CSO) distortion is derived. The analyses give a reasonable explanation for the position-dependent effect of CFG dispersion compensator, which was found in practical systems. Moreover, the theoretical result is also verified by an experiment. It is believed that the theory will be helpful in designing optical CATV fiber links with nodes at proper positions both for intensity amplification and dispersion compensation.


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From the tunneling characteristics of a tin-tin oxide-lead junction, a direct measurement has been made of the energy-gap variation for a superconductor carrying a current in a compensated geometry. Throughout the region investigated – several temperatures near Tc and down to a reduced temperature t = 0.8 –the observed current dependence agrees quite well with predictions based on the Ginzburg-Landau-Gor’kov theory. Near Tc the predicted temperature dependence is also well verified, though deviations are observed at lower temperatures; even for the latter, the data are internally consistent with the temperature dependence of the experimental critical current. At the lowest temperature investigated, t = 0.8, a small “Josephson” tunneling current allowed further a direct measurement of the electron drift velocity at low current densities. From this, a preliminary experimental value of the critical velocity, believed to be the first reported, can be inferred in the basis of Ginzburg-Landau theory. For tin at t = 0.8, we find vc = 87 m/sec. This value does not appear fully consistent with those predicted by recent theories for superconductors with short electronic mean-free-paths.


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A review article detailing the background, development and functionality of the Windermere Profiler, a multi parameter environmental monitoring instrument for use in lakes, reservoirs and rivers. The article explains the requirement for regular data collection by the Freshwater Biological Association at Windermere. The article covers the requirements of a profiling instrument, the design considerations, the electronic circuitry, the computer program, the operation of the computer software, the profiler in use and further developments to the design. A number of figures and images accompany the article.


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No atual contexto ambiental é grande a demanda por informações consistentes que subsidiem o planejamento territorial, permitindo realizar avaliações ambientais e desta forma, subsidiar os setores público e privado. Essa demanda pode ser satisfeita com a integração de informações em um sistema, com propriedades e funções de processamento, possibilitando sua utilização em ambiente integrado. Assim, nesta dissertação é proposta uma metodologia para a avaliação ambiental de bacias hidrográficas que atua desde a escolha de indicadores e definição dos pesos de sua contribuição, até a execução de avaliações e espacialização de resultados em ambiente SIG. Esta metodologia é composta por duas fases distintas: avaliação da vulnerabilidade ambiental da bacia hidrográfica a partir do uso de sistemas de suporte à decisão espacial, e, avaliação da sustentabilidade da bacia através do cálculo do indicador Pegada Ecológica. Na primeira fase são adotados sistemas de suporte à decisão, bases de conhecimento, SIG e uma ferramenta que integra estes resultados permitindo a geração de avaliações, análises e/ou cenários prospectivos. Na segunda fase, a sustentabilidade da bacia é retratada a partir do cálculo da pegada ecológica que consiste na contabilização da área que uma população necessita para produzir os recursos consumidos e absorver os resíduos gerados. A comparação entre áreas mais vulneráveis e menos sustentáveis, pode nortear projetos de recuperação e conservação ambiental.


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Two aspects of the environmental record in the sediments of Blelham Tarn have been investigated: (1) the ecological history of the catchment, and lake-catchment relationships, by detailed analysis of the preserved pollen (as an indication of vegetation) and sediment composition with respect to a range of inorganic and organic geochemical variables and (2) a detailed investigation of the manner in which sediment is being formed today, including the way in which microfossils (pollen and diatoms) are being recruited and incorporated into sediments. When the record was examined by biological and geochemical analysis, together with radionuclide dating, of closely spaced samples, it was found that the changes of the last 30 yrs represented only the most recent episode in a long history of modification of the lake by man. To find an approach to this it is necessary to go back for at least 2500 yrs.


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Within the wavelength range from 351 to 799 nm, the different reductions of nucleation field induced by the focused continuous laser irradiation are achieved in the 5 mol % MgO-doped congruent LiNbO3 crystals. The reduction proportion increases exponentially with decreasing irradiation wavelength and decreases exponentially with increasing irradiation wavelength. At one given wavelength, the reduction proportion increases exponentially with increasing irradiation intensity. An assumption is proposed that the reduction of nucleation field is directly related to the defect structure of crystal lattice generated by the complex coaction of incident irradiation field and external electric field. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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There is little doubt that both mammalian and teleost growth hormones can accelerate growth and increase food conversion efficiency in all commonly-reared species of salmonid fish. In those vertebrates that have been closely studied (predominantly mammals), the pituitary hormone somatotropin (GH or growth hormone) is a prime determinant of somatic growth. The hormone stimulates protein biosynthesis and tissue growth, enhances lipid utilization and lipid release from the adipose tissues (a protein-sparing effect) and suppresses the peripheral utilization of glucose. The present study is a prerequisite for future work on growth hormone physiology in salmonids and should contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms of growth suppression in stressed fish. Plasma growth hormone (GH) levels were measured in rainbow trout using a radioimmunoassay developed against chinook salmon growth hormone.


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This report presents five batches of data which have been despatched to the Joint Research Centre, Ispra. The data as been allocated to various ECDIN (Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network) files. The data comprises environmental chemicals in the freshwater environment, taking in paricular consideration: aquatic toxicity, bioaccumulation, metabolism and elimination biodegradation.


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Bassenthwaite (Lake) is one of the larger Cumbrian lakes, certainly one of the most distinctive, and of considerable conservation and amenity value. Although its shores lack sizeable settlements, its main inflow receives sewage effluent from a major tourist centre (Keswick) and is subject to episodic floods. These influences, the growing development of leisure activities at the lake (e.g. sailing, time-share units), and recent road-construction, have led to past appraisals of ecological impacts and lake management. The lake has not been the subject of intense and long-term ecological study, but much scattered information exists that is relevant to future management decisions. In the present Report, commissioned by North West Water, such information - published and unpublished - is surveyed. Especial attention is given to evidence bearing on susceptibility to change, affecting the lake environment and its biota or species of conservation interest. Extensive use has been made of the results of a recent (1986-7) seasonal survey by the FBA.


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Bassenthwaite (Lake) is one of the larger Cumbrian lakes, certainly one of the most distinctive, and of considerable conservation and amenity value. Although its shores lack sizeable settlements, its main inflow receives sewage effluent from a major tourist centre (Keswick) and is subject to episodic floods. These influences, the growing development of leisure activities at the lake (e.g. sailing, time-share units), and recent road-construction, have led to past appraisals of ecological impacts and lake management. The lake has not been the subject of intense and long-term ecological study, but much scattered information exists that is relevant to future management decisions. In the present Report, commissioned by North West Water, such information - published and unpublished - is surveyed. Especial attention is given to evidence bearing on susceptibility to change, affecting the lake environment and its biota or species of conservation interest. Extensive use has been made of the results of a recent (1986-7) seasonal survey by the FBA.


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A specklegram in a multimode fiber (MMF) has successfully been used as a sensor for detecting external disturbance. Our experiments showed that the sensitivity in the sensor with a multiple longitudinal-mode laser as its source was much higher than that with a single longitudinal-mode laser. In addition, the near-field pattern observations indicated that the coupling between different transverse modes in the MMF is quite weak. Based on the experimental results, a theoretical model for the speckle formation is proposed, taking a bend-caused phase factor into consideration. It is shown in the theoretical analysis that the interferences between different longitudinal modes make a larger contribution to the specklegram signals. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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This paper presents an account of some current uses of RIVPACS (River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System), a software package developed by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (UK). Background information is also given on the unique data-set on which the system is based. Before discussing RIVPACS, we consider the range of environmental stresses encountered in flowing-water systems and some of the ways in which stresses may affect macroinvertebrate communities. The wide application and relevance of the RIVPACS approach was recognised when it was chosen as the biological method for use throughout the UK in the 1990 River Quality Survey (RQS). In the concluding section we list some lessons learnt both from the 1990 survey and from our own testing exercise, and we outline current developments which will lead to a new version of RIVPACS for use in the 1995 RQS.