975 resultados para Engineering geology Queensland Brisbane Metropolitan Area
Imports of manganese ore probably supply a major proportion of the needs of the United States. Domestic production is reported to be higher than pre-war levels, but does not equal that of the peak production year of 1943. In 1946, the Anaconda Copper Mining Company accounted for 90 percent of the total shipments of manganese nodules, and this company is the largest producer of domestic metallurgical ore in the United States.
The manganese minerals occur in the peripheral zone of the Butte district with quartz in veins, which at depth contain galena and sphalerite closely associated with silver-bearing minerals. The manganese oxides are all oxidation products formed by weathering of primary rhodochrosite or rhodonite.
The Fort Union formation is one of the most important and best known geologic formations of the northern Great Plains, and is found lying almost horizontal at the surface over large areas in this region.
The minerals sillimanite, kyanite, andalusite, dumortierite, and topaz comprise a group of minerals whose high alumina content and physical properties are particularly desirable in the manufacture of refractory products. Sillimanite is the least plentiful of the minerals of this group, and for this reason it is not used extensively at the present time. However, it would be very desirable to the refractory industry if a suitable domestic source of supply could be established.
The mechanics of intrusion and the processes involved are becoming of more and more interest to contemporary geologists, because most of our mineral deposits are associated with igneous intrusions, and unknown-outcropping deposits are thought to be a thing of the past. If, by studying these processes, we could understand why some igneous masses are barren, while others of similar composition carry economic mineral deposits, geological prospecting for hidden mineral concentration would see a new era.
Electrolytic silver refining was not perfected until the end of the nineteenth century. During the process of development, two systems of silver refining have come into prominence: the Moebius and the Thum types.
During the last few years a great deal of research has been done in connection with the black manganese oxide minerals. This is especially true of the so called mineral psilomelane. It has been proven without a doubt that the name psilomelane has been used in the past to include a great variety of similar black manganese oxide minerals. By the use of X-ray equipment these minerals have been definitely identified.
In this investigation, attention is directed to the phases covered by a 28 per cent tin alloy. When the investigation was started, consideration was given to the possibility of making a Time - Temperature - Transformation curve for this particular alloy. As the work progressed and further research was carried on, this phase of the work was abandoned.
In recent years, considerable thought and study have been given to the use of chromized articles in place of chromium stainless steel articles. The present extensive application of chromizing, indeed, helps greatly to conserve this valuable metal.
Chromite is the most important ore used for the production of chromium and chromium alloys. At present, the domestic production is insignificant as compared with the amount of chromite consumed in the United States.
The experiments which were preformed showed that sulfur dioxide would reduce the ferric ion content of the mine waters to a very low figure. The reduction in the ferric ion content would improve the efficiency of the precipitation process, and also increase the recovery of copper.
A problem of metallurgy during the last part of the Nineteenth and the early Twentieth Century, and one that stood very near the front, was investigations of methods to produce a non-corrosive surface on iron and steel without affecting the physical properties of these base metals.
Cobalt, as well as copper, cadmium, and other impurities, is removed by selective precipitation with zinc during the zinc electrolyte purification cycle, and the purification residue may be treated by a Cadmium Plant for the recovery of cadmium.
To better acquaint seniors in Geology and mining with actual field practice, the Montana School of Mines offer a course in Geologic Field Mapping, during the three weeks preceding the opening of the fall semester. The first two weeks are spent in actual field mapping of the geologic formations near Whitehall, Montana, while the third week is spent back on the campus compiling data and finishing maps started in the field.
The smelting of complex lead ores is a difficult operation, especially when they contain considerable amounts of iron and zinc. When these ores are smelted, all of the zinc, which is valuable and well worth recovering, goes into the slag. With the advent of the flotation processes, and the ability of these processes to concentrate the lead and zinc minerals into separate products, the smelting of complex lead ores was to a great extent simplified.