975 resultados para Embryonic Fibroblasts
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de doutor em Biologia pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Among the Cyanoprokaryota, the genera Synechocystis and Synechococcus have rarely been studied with respect to potential toxicity. This is particularly true with marine environments where studies about the toxicity of cyanobacteria are restricted to filamentous forms at the warmer temperate and tropical regions and also to filamentous forms at cold seas such as the Baltic Sea. In this study, we describe the effects of cyanobacterial strains of the Synechocystis and Synechococcus genera isolated from the marine coast of Portugal, on marine invertebrates. Crude and partially purified extracts at a concentration of 100 mg/ml of freeze-dried material of the marine strains were tested for acute toxicity in nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia salina, in the rotifer Brachionus plicatillis and in embryos of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. The cyanobacterial extracts, especially the crude extract, had an impact on A. salina nauplii. No significant toxic effects were registered against the rotifer. A negative impact of all strains was recorded on the embryonic development of the sea urchin, with toxic effects resulting in an inhibition of embryogenesis or development of smaller larvae. To the mussel embryos, the effects of cyanobacterial extracts resulted in a complete inhibition of embryogenesis. The results of all assays indicate that Synechocystis and Synechococcus marine strains contained toxic compounds to marine invertebrates.
O vírus da hepatite delta (HDV) é o agente etiológico de uma das formas mais graves de hepatite viral e é ainda endémico em diversas regiões do globo, nomeadamente em África, na Amazónia e no Extremo Oriente. O HDV co-infecta ou super-infecta hepatócitos infectados com o vírus da hepatite B (HBV) aumentando em cerca de 10 vezes o risco de cirrose e hepatite fulminante. A associação clínica entre os dois vírus deve-se ao facto do invólucro do HDV ser constituído pelos antigénios de superfície do HBV (HBsAgs) que são necessários para a propagação da infecção. O genoma do HDV é constituído por uma molécula de RNA de cadeia simples, circular, com cerca de 1.7 Kb, que possui cerca de 70% de emparelhamento interno. Foi identificada uma única grelha de leitura aberta (ORF) no RNA viral que codifica para o antigénio delta (HDAg). A ocorrência de um mecanismo de editing do RNA, resulta na expressão de duas formas do HDAg, a pequena (S-HDAg) e a grande (L-HDAg). Várias funções essenciais para a replicação do HDV têm sido atribuídas a ambas as formas do HDAg, sendo a S-HDAg essencial para a acumulação de RNA viral e a L-HDAg responsável pela interacção com os HBsAgs para formar partículas virais. No entanto, dada a simplicidade dos seus componentes, admite-se que a replicação viral depende das interacções estabelecidas entre os HDAgs e factores celulares do hospedeiro. Apesar do número considerável de factores celulares descritos como interactores dos HDAgs ou RNA virais, a importância de muitas destas interacções não foi elucidada e muitas etapas do ciclo de replicação do HDV permanecem pouco claras. Para além disso, dado o número limitado de factores do hospedeiro que estão envolvidos na sua replicação, é muito provável que um número elevado de interactores do HDV permaneça por identificar. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a identificação de proteínas de fígado humano capazes de interagir com os HDAgs, utilizando o sistema yeast Two-Hybrid (YTH). Identificaram-se trinta proteínas com capacidade de interagir com a S-HDAg no sistema YTH, sendo que estas proteínas se encontram envolvidas em diferentes processos celulares. Com base nas características funcionais, foram seleccionadas três destas proteínas e as suas interacções com a S-HDAg foram investigadas com maior detalhe. As três proteínas seleccionadas foram a ribonucleoproteína nuclear heterogénea C (hnRNPC), a embryonic lethal abnormal vision like1 (ELAVL1/HuR) e a proteína 2 de ligação a EBNA1 (EBP2). As duas primeiras são proteínas de ligação a RNA, previamente descritas como envolvidas em processos de replicações de outros vírus com genoma RNA, enquanto a EBP2, é uma proteína de localização preferencialmente nucleolar, tal como por vezes acontece com os HDAgs. As interacções foram analisadas recorrendo a vários ensaios bioquímicos. No caso da hnRNPC e da HuR, após validação no sistema YTH, a capacidade de interacção com a S-HDAg foi confirmada quer in vitro por blot overlay quer in vivo por co-imunoprecipitação em células de hepatoma humano. Nas mesmas células, observou-se uma co-localização considerável entre os HDAgs e os RNAs virais. Finalmente, de modo a investigar a contribuição das proteínas hnRNPC e HuR na replicação do HDV, procedeu-se ao silenciamento destas proteínas pela utilização de short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) específicos para os mRNAs correspondentes Observou-se que o silenciamento de ambas as proteínas hnRNPC e HuR endógenas, individualmente resultou numa diminuição acentuada nos níveis de expressão dos HDAgs. No que respeita à EBP2, a interacção com a S-HDAg foi confirmada em condições in vitro com recurso a ensaios de blot overlay e de cromatografia de afinidade. A análise por imunofluorescência indirecta e microscopia confocal revelou co-localização elevada entre os HDAgs e a EBP2, principalmente nos nucléolos de células de hepatoma humano. Finalmente, foi ainda utilizado o sistema YTH para estudar os mecanismos de importação dos HDAgs. Assim, este sistema foi utilizado com o propósito de identificar proteínas celulares capazes de interagir com um domínio específico dos HDAgs, o sinal de localização nuclear (NLS). Na pesquisa YTH realizada obtiveram-se 161 clones positivos, sendo que um deles mostrou codificar para a carioferina α4 (KPNA4). A interacção da KPNA4 com a S-HDAg foi reproduzida em condições in vitro através de um ensaio de cromatografia de afinidade tendo sido utilizadas formas recombinantes das duas proteínas. Este trabalho permitiu identificar várias proteínas celulares que interagem com a S-HDAg. Obtiveram-se evidências sugestivas de que algumas das proteínas identificadas podem desempenhar funções importantes no ciclo de replicação do HDV e que abrem novas perspectivas para o estudo do ciclo de replicação do vírus.
This study evaluates the transmission of CMV infection in 120 children aged 1 to 15 years with Down syndrome who attended a day-care center for handicapped children in São Paulo, Brazil. A blood sample was obtained from each children at the beginning of the study for detection of IgG and IgM cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibodies by an immunofluorescence assay. Samples of saliva and urine were obtained every 3 months from the children with CMV antibodies to detect shedding of the virus by culture in human foreskin fibroblasts, by detection of pp65 CMV-antigen and by a nested PCR assay. The prevalence of anti CMV-IgG antibodies was 76.6% (92/120), and IgM anti-CMV antibodies were detected in 13% (12/92) of the seropositive children. During the first viral evaluation, CMV was detected in the urine and/or saliva in 39/90 (43.3%) of the seropositive children. In the second and third evaluations, CMV was detected in 41/89 (46%) and in 35/89 (39.3%) children, respectively. Detection of CMV was shown both in urine and saliva in 28/39 (71.8%), 19/41(46.3%) and 20/35 (57.1%) of the children excreting the virus, respectively. Additionally, in 33/49 (67.4%) of the excreters CMV could be demonstrated in urine or saliva in at least two out of the three virological evaluations carried out sequentially in a six month period. Of the 28 initially seronegative children, 26 were re-examined for anti-CMV IgG antibodies about 18 months after the negative sample; seroconversion was found in 10/26 (38.5%). Taking all 536 samples of urine or saliva examined by virus culture and pp65 antigen detection during the study into account, 159 (29.6%) were positive by virus culture and 59 (11%) gave a positive result with the pp65 assay. These data demonstrate the high prevalence of CMV shedding and the high risk of CMV infection in children with Down syndrome attending a day-care center for mentally handicapped patients. The virus culture was more sensitive than the pp65 CMV antigen assay for CMV detection in both urine and saliva samples.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Biotechnology
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
RESUMO: O aborto recorrente (AR) é um evento extremamente traumático com grande impacto na vida dos casais. Apesar de avanços significativos verificados na investigação médica, cerca de 50% dos casos continua sem uma causa identificada. Alguns aspectos como a caracterização inadequada das doentes e das perdas gestacionais, assim como diferentes metodologias utilizadas no seu estudo, têm influenciado a prevalência de alguns dos factores causais e dificultado a compreensão do AR. Da mesma forma, pouco se sabe sobre as diferenças de género na vivência psicológica do aborto recorrente e das suas eventuais repercussões para o relacionamento do casal, centrando-se os poucos estudos existentes preferencialmente na mulher. Por esta razão, o objectivo desta tese foi a caracterização dos factores médicos associados ao AR e das consequências psicológicas desta entidade, contribuindo para promover estratégias clínicas baseadas na evidência específica. Na primeira parte desta tese (capítulos 1 e 2), após uma breve introdução geral e através de uma revisão da literatura, efectua-se uma reflexão sobre o tema, abordando a epidemiologia do aborto recorrente, os factores médicos e os aspectos psicológicos associados. Nos capítulos 3 e 4 descrevemos três estudos efectuados em mulheres portuguesas com aborto recorrente. O primeiro estudo teve por objectivo caracterizar os factores médicos e determinar o padrão da perda recorrente de gravidez, numa coorte de mulheres submetidas a um protocolo de diagnóstico definido. As participantes foram agrupadas de acordo com a paridade (AR primário ou secundário) e a idade gestacional das perdas (embrionárias ou fetais). As anomalias da cavidade uterina, a SAAF e as translocações equilibradas parentais foram os factores mais prevalentes. 15,6% das participantes eram obesas. Em 55,5% dos casos não foi identificado nenhum factor. A história obstétrica materna influenciou significativamente os resultados encontrados: os factores anatómicos e a SAAF foram mais prevalentes em nulíparas e as perdas inexplicadas foram mais frequentes em mulheres com AR secundário. Assim, os nossos dados reforçam os resultados de pesquisas anteriores sobre a importância da obesidade, da síndrome de anticorpos antifosfolípidos e das anomalias uterinas estruturais como factores associados ao AR e mostram que os a paridade é um moderador da importância desses factores. Capítulo 6 94 A ausência de resultados consensuais na literatura sobre a etiologia do AR condiciona a pesquisa sistemática de alguns factores, envolvendo exames dispendiosos, muitas vezes sem que exista evidência que suporte a sua associação com esta entidade. A trombofilia hereditária é uma das condições frequentemente investigadas nestas doentes. O nosso segundo estudo pretende contribuir para clarificar o papel de duas mutações (factor V Leiden e protrombina G20210A) na perda recorrente de gravidez e esclarecer a necessidade do seu rastreio nestas situações. Foi efectuada a pesquisa destes polimorfismos em 100 mulheres com AR inexplicado e num grupo de controlo de multíparas sem história de perdas de gravidez. Na nossa amostra não se verificou uma associação entre perdas embrionárias recorrentes e estas mutações. Nas mulheres com este tipo de perdas, a prevalência do FLV foi inclusive menor do que a verificada nos controlos. Pelo contrário, nas participantes com perdas fetais a prevalência destes polimorfismos foi muito superior à verificada nos controlos, sugerindo uma possível associação entre estas duas entidades. A pequena dimensão deste último subgrupo de mulheres, não nos permitiu contudo tirar conclusões. Uma investigação prospectiva multicêntrica é necessária antes de recomendar a pesquisa da trombofilia hereditária na investigação do AR. Procurámos incluir também nesta tese uma dimensão psicológica e contribuir assim para o conhecimento dos processos relacionais originados pelo AR. No terceiro estudo foram investigadas as diferenças de género na vivência do AR e o seu impacto no relacionamento e sexualidade do casal. Participaram neste estudo 30 casais sem filhos, com pelo menos 3 abortos espontâneos consecutivos. Cada membro do casal respondeu a um conjunto de questionários (Impact of Events Scale, Perinatal Grief Scale, Partnership Questionnaire e Intimate Relationship Scale). Os resultados mostram que as mulheres sofrem mais intensamente do que os homens com o AR, relacionando-se a intensidade do seu sofrimento com a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal. A sexualidade do casal é também afectada pelo stress e pelo sofrimento associados ao AR. Uma avaliação e acompanhamento deste tipo de problemas são imprescindíveis para ajudar estes casais a manterem a qualidade afectiva e sexual da sua relação. Finalmente, no capítulo 5 sumariámos as conclusões de toda a contribuição pessoal para a investigação sobre os factores associados e repercussões para o casal da perda recorrente de gravidez.-------------------ABSTRACT: Recurrent miscarriage (RM), a rare condition, has been described as a traumatic event for couples. Parental chromosomal anomalies, maternal thrombophilic disorders and structural uterine anomalies have been directly associated with RM. However, despite significant advances in medical research, the vast majority of cases remain unexplained. Aspects as the ethnic diversity of the population with different expression of genes, the inappropriate characterization of patients and of pregnancy losses, as well as different methodologies used in their study, have influenced the prevalence of etiological factors and have hampered the understanding of this problem. Similarly, little is known about gender differences in psychological experience of RM and its implications for the relationship of the couple. The first objective of this thesis is the characterization of the medical factors and of the psychological consequences related with RM, in the Portuguese population, helping to promote specific evidence-based clinical strategies. In the first part of this thesis, and after a brief general introduction (Chapter 1), a critical review of literature on the definition, the epidemiology and the dimensions involved, with a special emphasis on associated medical and psychological aspects of recurrent miscarriage, is presented (Chapter 2). In Chapters 3 and 4 we describe three studies carried out in Portuguese couples with RM. The first study aimed to investigate the etiological factors and the pattern of pregnancy loss in a cohort of women with RM. Subjects were divided in groups according to their parity (primary or secondary RM) and time of pregnancy loss (embryonic or fetal). Parental chromosome anomalies, uterine anomalies and antiphospholipid syndrome were the most prevalent medical factors. 15.6% of the women were obese. In the majority of cases (55.5%) no identifiable cause was detected. Parity influenced significantly our results. There was a higher prevalence of anatomic factors and antiphospholipid syndrome in primary RM. On the other hand, unexplained losses were more frequent in secondary RM. Except for the parental chromosomal abnormalities; the frequency of risk factors was similar among women with fetal or embryonic losses. Our data emphasizes the results of previous research on the importance of obesity, antiphospholipid syndrome and structural uterine abnormalities as known risk factors for RM, and shows that parity is an important moderator of the weight of those risk factors. Our second study aims to clarify the role of two mutations (factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A) and elucidate the need for their screening in Portuguese women with RM. FVL and PT G20210A analysis was carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and a control group of 100 parous controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal loss). Overall the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in RM women compared with controls. In the RM embryonic subgroup of women, FVL prevalence was inclusively lower than that of controls. Conversely in women with fetal losses both polymorphisms were much more frequent, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of this subgroup of patients. These data indicate that inherited maternal thrombophilia is not associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with RM and a negative personal history of thromboembolic.96 Our second study aims to clarify the role of two mutations (factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A) and elucidate the need for their screening in Portuguese women with RM. FVL and PT G20210A analysis was carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and a control group of 100 parous controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal loss). Overall the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in RM women compared with controls. In the RM embryonic subgroup of women, FVL prevalence was inclusively lower than that of controls. Conversely in women with fetal losses both polymorphisms were much more frequent, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of this subgroup of patients. These data indicate that inherited maternal thrombophilia is not associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with RM and a negative personal history of thromboembolic. In our third study, we investigate gender differences in RM experience and its impact on the couple's relationship and sexuality. Each member of 30 couples with RM answered a set of questionnaires, including the Impact of Events Scale (Horowitz et al., 1979), the Perinatal Grief Scale (Toedter et al., 1988), the Partnership Questionnaire (Hahlweg, 1979) and the Intimate Relationship Scale (Hetherington e Soeken, 1990). Results showed that men do grieve, but less intensely than women. Although the quality of the couple‟s relationship seemed not to be adversely affected by RM, both partners described sexual changes after those events. Grief was related to the quality of communication in the couple for women, and to the quality of sex life for men. An understanding of such issues is critical in helping these couples to maintain sexual and affective quality of their relationship. Finally, in Chapter 5, conclusions and clinical implications of all personal contribution to the investigation on associated factors and relational consequences of recurrent miscarriage are presented.
Soil contamination by embryonic eggs of Toxocara canis is the main source of human infection by this ascarid larvae resulting, sometimes, in the occurrence of visceral larva migrans syndrome. The objective of the present research is to determine the frequency of T. canis eggs in soil samples monthly collected in nine public places, located at the South Region of São Paulo municipality in a 18-month period, from February 2004 to July 2005. The soil samples collected were treated with a 30% antiformine solution and with a sodium dichromate solution (d = 1.40) and microscopic slides were prepared and examined under light microscopy for searching T. canis eggs. Two peaks of higher frequency had been found, one in February - May 2004 and the other in April - July 2005.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioengenharia
During myocardial ischemia and reperfusion both purines and pyrimidines are released into the extracellular milieu, thus creating a signaling wave that propagates to neighboring cells via membrane-bound P2 purinoceptors activation. Cardiac fibroblasts (CF) are important players in heart remodeling, electrophysiological changes and hemodynamic alterations following myocardial infarction. Here, we investigated the role UTP on calcium signaling and proliferation of CF cultured from ventricles of adult rats. Co-expression of discoidin domain receptor 2 and -smooth muscle actin indicate that cultured CF are activated myofibroblasts. Intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) signals were monitored in cells loaded with Fluo-4 NW. CF proliferation was evaluated by the MTT assay. UTP and the selective P2Y4 agonist, MRS4062, caused a fast desensitizing [Ca2+]i rise originated from thapsigargin-sensitive internal stores, which partially declined to a plateau providing the existence of Ca2+ in the extracellular fluid. The biphasic [Ca2+]i response to UTP was attenuated respectively by P2Y4 blockers, like reactive blue-2 and suramin, and by the P2Y11 antagonist, NF340. UTP and the P2Y2 receptor agonist MRS2768 increased, whereas the selective P2Y11 agonist NF546 decreased, CF growth; MRS4062 was ineffective. Blockage of the P2Y11receptor or its coupling to adenylate cyclase boosted UTP-induced CF proliferation. Confocal microscopy and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of P2Y2, P2Y4 and P2Y11 receptors. Data indicate that besides P2Y4 and P2Y2 receptors which are responsible for UTP-induced [Ca2+]i transients and growth of CF, respectively, synchronous activation of the previously unrecognized P2Y11 receptor may represent an important target for anti-fibrotic intervention in cardiac remodeling.
Introduction: Globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease) is caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal galactocerebrosidase that results in progressive demyelination. The sole treatment is hematopoietic cell transplantation, which is only effective if performed before the onset of signs. In the absence of treatment, most children with early infantile Krabbe disease die within 2 years. Case Report: Female patient, first child of non-consanguineous parents, apparently normal till the fifth month of age when she presented with irritability, stiffness with clenched fists, developmental delay and feeding difficulties that progressed rapidly to failure to thrive, apathy, psychomotor regression, few spontaneous movements and spastic tetraparesis. Cerebral MRI showed extensive cerebral white matter abnormalities, relatively sparing the U-fibers, with a pattern of radiating stripes. Galactocerebrosidase activity in leukocytes and fibroblasts and molecular studies confirmed the diagnosis of Krabbe disease. After the rapid and regressive initial phase, she showed no further clinical progression of the disorder and although she did not grow she even showed regression of irritability and had a stable evolution and good visual contact until death over the age of 5 years. Comments: Our case shows that patients may have a stabilized form of disease and that a longer survival than described in the literature without transplant is possible in some patients.
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine
Individuals with mosaic trisomy 18, only approximately 5% of all trisomy 18 cases, carry both a trisomy 18 and an euploid cell line. Their clinical findings are highly variable, from the absence of dysmorphic features to the complete trisomy 18 syndrome. A five month old daughter of a 38-year-old mother, with vomiting and feeding problems, was referred to our department. She was undernourished and had axial hypotony and developmental delay, an irregular pattern of hypopigmentation on the right side of the abdomen, and moderate sagittal body asymmetry with left-side muscular hemihypotrophy.Mild craniofacial dysmorphy included dolichocephaly, frontal bossing, prominent occiput, long downslanting palpebral fissures, hypertelorism, and retrognathia. A complex heart defect with atrial and ventricular septal defects, pulmonary artery stenosis, and bicuspid aortic valve was identified. Cytogenetic analysis revealedmosaic trisomy 18with trisomy in 90%of peripheral lymphocytes and 17%of skin fibroblasts.This case adds to our knowledge of the phenotypic spectrum and the natural history of mosaic trisomy 18 by adding a dysmorphic feature and a cardiac abnormality that, to the best of our knowledge, had not been previously described.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of factor V Leiden (FVL) and prothrombin (PT) G20210A mutations in Portuguese women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage (RM) and a control group of parous women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: FVL and PT G20210A analysis were carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and 100 controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal losses). RESULTS: Overall, the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in women with RM (5 and 3%) compared with controls (5 and 1%) OR 1.36 (CI 95% 0.45-4.08). In RM embryonic subgroup, PT G20210A was observed in 1.3% of women and FVL prevalence (2.6%) was inclusively lesser than that of controls. Both polymorphisms were more prevalent in women with fetal losses than in controls, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of the >10 weeks' subgroup. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that neither FVL nor PT G20210A is associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with embryonic RM and negative personal thromboembolic history.