981 resultados para Electronic mail systems - Standards


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This thesis concerns the study of complex conformational surfaces and tautomeric equilibria of molecules and molecular complexes by quantum chemical methods and rotational spectroscopy techniques. In particular, the focus of this research is on the effects of substitution and noncovalent interactions in determining the energies and geometries of different conformers, tautomers or molecular complexes. The Free-Jet Absorption Millimeter Wave spectroscopy and the Pulsed-Jet Fourier Transform Microwave spectroscopy have been applied to perform these studies and the obtained results showcase the suitability of these techniques for the study of conformational surfaces and intermolecular interactions. The series of investigations of selected medium-size molecules and complexes have shown how different instrumental setups can be used to obtain a variety of results on molecular properties. The systems studied, include molecules of biological interest such as anethole and molecules of astrophysical interest such as N-methylaminoethanol. Moreover halogenation effects have been investigated on halogen substituted tautomeric systems (5-chlorohydroxypyridine and 6-chlorohydroxypyridine), where it has shown that the position of the inserted halogen atom affects the prototropic equilibrium. As for fluorination effects, interesting results have been achieved investigating some small complexes where a molecule of water is used as a probe to reveal the changes on the electrostatic potential of different fluorinated compounds: 2-fluoropyridine, 3-fluoropyridine and penta-fluoropyridine. While in the case of the molecular complex between water and 2-fluoropyridine and 3-fluoropyridine the geometry of the complex with one water molecule is analogous to that of pyridine with the water molecule linked to the pyridine nitrogen, the case of pentafluoropyridine reveals the effect of perfluorination and the water oxygen points towards the positive center of the pyridine ring. Additional molecular adducts with a molecule of water have been analyzed (benzylamine-water and acrylic acid-water) in order to reveal the stabilizing driving forces that characterize these complexes.


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Die Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Anwendung einer alternativen Probenzuführungstechnik für flüssige Proben in der Massenspektrometrie. Obwohl bereits einige Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung unternommen wurden, weisen konventionelle pneumatische Zerstäuber- und Sprühkammersysteme, die in der Elementspurenanalytik mittels induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma (ICP) standardmäßig verwendet werden, eine geringe Gesamteffizienz auf. Pneumatisch erzeugtes Aerosol ist durch eine breite Tropfengrößenverteilung gekennzeichnet, was den Einsatz einer Sprühkammer bedingt, um die Aerosolcharakteristik an die Betriebsbedingungen des ICPs anzupassen.. Die Erzeugung von Tropfen mit einer sehr engen Tropfengrößenverteilung oder sogar monodispersen Tropfen könnte die Effizienz des Probeneintrags verbessern. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit ist daher, Tropfen, die mittels des thermischen Tintenstrahldruckverfahrens erzeugt werden, zum Probeneintrag in der Elementmassenspektrometrie einzusetzen. Das thermische Tintenstrahldruckverfahren konnte in der analytischen Chemie im Bereich der Oberflächenanalytik mittels TXRF oder Laserablation bisher zur gezielten, reproduzierbaren Deposition von Tropfen auf Oberflächen eingesetzt werden. Um eine kontinuierliche Tropfenerzeugung zu ermöglichen, wurde ein elektronischer Mikrokontroller entwickelt, der eine Dosiereinheit unabhängig von der Hard- und Software des Druckers steuern kann. Dabei sind alle zur Tropfenerzeugung relevanten Parameter (Frequenz, Heizpulsenergie) unabhängig voneinander einstellbar. Die Dosiereinheit, der "drop-on-demand" Aerosolgenerator (DOD), wurde auf eine Aerosoltransportkammer montiert, welche die erzeugten Tropfen in die Ionisationsquelle befördert. Im Bereich der anorganischen Spurenanalytik konnten durch die Kombination des DOD mit einem automatischen Probengeber 53 Elemente untersucht und die erzielbare Empfindlichkeiten sowie exemplarisch für 15 Elemente die Nachweisgrenzen und die Untergrundäquivalentkonzentrationen ermittelt werden. Damit die Vorteile komfortabel genutzt werden können, wurde eine Kopplung des DOD-Systems mit der miniaturisierten Fließinjektionsanalyse (FIA) sowie miniaturisierten Trenntechniken wie der µHPLC entwickelt. Die Fließinjektionsmethode wurde mit einem zertifizierten Referenzmaterial validiert, wobei für Vanadium und Cadmium die zertifizierten Werte gut reproduziert werden konnten. Transiente Signale konnten bei der Kopplung des Dosiersystems in Verbindung mit der ICP-MS an eine µHPLC abgebildet werden. Die Modifikation der Dosiereinheit zum Ankoppeln an einen kontinuierlichen Probenfluss bedarf noch einer weiteren Reduzierung des verbleibenden Totvolumens. Dazu ist die Unabhängigkeit von den bisher verwendeten, kommerziell erhältlichen Druckerpatronen anzustreben, indem die Dosiereinheit selbst gefertigt wird. Die Vielseitigkeit des Dosiersystems wurde mit der Kopplung an eine kürzlich neu entwickelte Atmosphärendruck-Ionisationsmethode, die "flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow" Desorptions/Ionisations Ionenquelle (FAPA), aufgezeigt. Ein direkter Eintrag von flüssigen Proben in diese Quelle war bislang nicht möglich, es konnte lediglich eine Desorption von eingetrockneten Rückständen oder direkt von der Flüssigkeitsoberfläche erfolgen. Die Präzision der Analyse ist dabei durch die variable Probenposition eingeschränkt. Mit dem Einsatz des DOD-Systems können flüssige Proben nun direkt in die FAPA eingetragen, was ebenfalls das Kalibrieren bei quantitativen Analysen organischer Verbindungen ermöglicht. Neben illegalen Drogen und deren Metaboliten konnten auch frei verkäufliche Medikamente und ein Sprengstoffanalogon in entsprechend präpariertem reinem Lösungsmittel nachgewiesen werden. Ebenso gelang dies in Urinproben, die mit Drogen und Drogenmetaboliten versetzt wurden. Dabei ist hervorzuheben, dass keinerlei Probenvorbereitung notwendig war und zur Ermittlung der NWG der einzelnen Spezies keine interne oder isotopenmarkierte Standards verwendet wurden. Dennoch sind die ermittelten NWG deutlich niedriger, als die mit der bisherigen Prozedur zur Analyse flüssiger Proben erreichbaren. Um im Vergleich zu der bisher verwendeten "pin-to-plate" Geometrie der FAPA die Lösungsmittelverdampfung zu beschleunigen, wurde eine alternative Elektrodenanordnung entwickelt, bei der die Probe länger in Kontakt mit der "afterglow"-Zone steht. Diese Glimmentladungsquelle ist ringförmig und erlaubt einen Probeneintrag mittels eines zentralen Gasflusses. Wegen der ringförmigen Entladung wird der Name "halo-FAPA" (h-FAPA) für diese Entladungsgeometrie verwendet. Eine grundlegende physikalische und spektroskopische Charakterisierung zeigte, dass es sich tatsächlich um eine FAPA Desorptions/Ionisationsquelle handelt.


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Die causa finalis der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das Verständnis des Phasendiagramms von Wasserstoff bei ultrahohen Drücken, welche von nichtleitendem H2 bis hin zu metallischem H reichen. Da die Voraussetzungen für ultrahohen Druck im Labor schwer zu schaffen sind, bilden Computersimulationen ein wichtiges alternatives Untersuchungsinstrument. Allerdings sind solche Berechnungen eine große Herausforderung. Eines der größten Probleme ist die genaue Auswertung des Born-Oppenheimer Potentials, welches sowohl für die nichtleitende als auch für die metallische Phase geeignet sein muss. Außerdem muss es die starken Korrelationen berücksichtigen, die durch die kovalenten H2 Bindungen und die eventuellen Phasenübergänge hervorgerufen werden. Auf dieses Problem haben unsere Anstrengungen abgezielt. Im Kontext von Variationellem Monte Carlo (VMC) ist die Shadow Wave Function (SWF) eine sehr vielversprechende Option. Aufgrund ihrer Flexibilität sowohl lokalisierte als auch delokalisierte Systeme zu beschreiben sowie ihrer Fähigkeit Korrelationen hoher Ordnung zu berücksichtigen, ist sie ein idealer Kandidat für unsere Zwecke. Unglücklicherweise bringt ihre Formulierung ein Vorzeichenproblem mit sich, was die Anwendbarkeit limitiert. Nichtsdestotrotz ist es möglich diese Schwierigkeit zu umgehen indem man die Knotenstruktur a priori festlegt. Durch diesen Formalismus waren wir in der Lage die Beschreibung der Elektronenstruktur von Wasserstoff signifikant zu verbessern, was eine sehr vielversprechende Perspektive bietet. Während dieser Forschung haben wir also die Natur des Vorzeichenproblems untersucht, das sich auf die SWF auswirkt, und dabei ein tieferes Verständnis seines Ursprungs erlangt. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in vier Kapitel unterteilt. Das erste Kapitel führt VMC und die SWF mit besonderer Ausrichtung auf fermionische Systeme ein. Kapitel 2 skizziert die Literatur über das Phasendiagramm von Wasserstoff bei ultrahohem Druck. Das dritte Kapitel präsentiert die Implementierungen unseres VMC Programms und die erhaltenen Ergebnisse. Zum Abschluss fasst Kapitel 4 unsere Bestrebungen zur Lösung des zur SWF zugehörigen Vorzeichenproblems zusammen.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung und Verbesserung von linear skalierenden Algorithmen für Elektronenstruktur basierte Molekulardynamik. Molekulardynamik ist eine Methode zur Computersimulation des komplexen Zusammenspiels zwischen Atomen und Molekülen bei endlicher Temperatur. Ein entscheidender Vorteil dieser Methode ist ihre hohe Genauigkeit und Vorhersagekraft. Allerdings verhindert der Rechenaufwand, welcher grundsätzlich kubisch mit der Anzahl der Atome skaliert, die Anwendung auf große Systeme und lange Zeitskalen. Ausgehend von einem neuen Formalismus, basierend auf dem großkanonischen Potential und einer Faktorisierung der Dichtematrix, wird die Diagonalisierung der entsprechenden Hamiltonmatrix vermieden. Dieser nutzt aus, dass die Hamilton- und die Dichtematrix aufgrund von Lokalisierung dünn besetzt sind. Das reduziert den Rechenaufwand so, dass er linear mit der Systemgröße skaliert. Um seine Effizienz zu demonstrieren, wird der daraus entstehende Algorithmus auf ein System mit flüssigem Methan angewandt, das extremem Druck (etwa 100 GPa) und extremer Temperatur (2000 - 8000 K) ausgesetzt ist. In der Simulation dissoziiert Methan bei Temperaturen oberhalb von 4000 K. Die Bildung von sp²-gebundenem polymerischen Kohlenstoff wird beobachtet. Die Simulationen liefern keinen Hinweis auf die Entstehung von Diamant und wirken sich daher auf die bisherigen Planetenmodelle von Neptun und Uranus aus. Da das Umgehen der Diagonalisierung der Hamiltonmatrix die Inversion von Matrizen mit sich bringt, wird zusätzlich das Problem behandelt, eine (inverse) p-te Wurzel einer gegebenen Matrix zu berechnen. Dies resultiert in einer neuen Formel für symmetrisch positiv definite Matrizen. Sie verallgemeinert die Newton-Schulz Iteration, Altmans Formel für beschränkte und nicht singuläre Operatoren und Newtons Methode zur Berechnung von Nullstellen von Funktionen. Der Nachweis wird erbracht, dass die Konvergenzordnung immer mindestens quadratisch ist und adaptives Anpassen eines Parameters q in allen Fällen zu besseren Ergebnissen führt.


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In the last 10 years the number of mobile devices has grown rapidly. Each person usually brings at least two personal devices and researchers says that in a near future this number could raise up to ten devices per person. Moreover, all the devices are becoming more integrated to our life than in the past, therefore the amount of data exchanged increases accordingly to the improvement of people's lifestyle. This is what researchers call Internet of Things. Thus, in the future there will be more than 60 billions of nodes and the current infrastructure is not ready to keep track of all the exchanges of data between them. Therefore, infrastructure improvements have been proposed in the last years, like MobileIP and HIP in order to facilitate the exchange of packets in mobility, however none of them have been optimized for the purpose. In the last years, researchers from Mid Sweden University created The MediaSense Framework. Initially, this framework was based on the Chord protocol in order to route packets in a big network, but the most important change has been the introduction of PGrids in order to create the Overlay and the persistence. Thanks to this technology, a lookup in the trie takes up to 0.5*log(N), where N is the total number of nodes in the network. This result could be improved by further optimizations on the management of the nodes, for example by the dynamic creation of groups of nodes. Moreover, since the nodes move, an underlaying support for connectivity management is needed. SCTP has been selected as one of the most promising upcoming standards for simultaneous multiple connection's management.


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Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Kombination verschiedener numerischer Methoden, sowie deren Anwendung auf Probleme stark korrelierter Elektronensysteme. Solche Materialien zeigen viele interessante physikalische Eigenschaften, wie z.B. Supraleitung und magnetische Ordnung und spielen eine bedeutende Rolle in technischen Anwendungen. Es werden zwei verschiedene Modelle behandelt: das Hubbard-Modell und das Kondo-Gitter-Modell (KLM). In den letzten Jahrzehnten konnten bereits viele Erkenntnisse durch die numerische Lösung dieser Modelle gewonnen werden. Dennoch bleibt der physikalische Ursprung vieler Effekte verborgen. Grund dafür ist die Beschränkung aktueller Methoden auf bestimmte Parameterbereiche. Eine der stärksten Einschränkungen ist das Fehlen effizienter Algorithmen für tiefe Temperaturen.rnrnBasierend auf dem Blankenbecler-Scalapino-Sugar Quanten-Monte-Carlo (BSS-QMC) Algorithmus präsentieren wir eine numerisch exakte Methode, die das Hubbard-Modell und das KLM effizient bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen löst. Diese Methode wird auf den Mott-Übergang im zweidimensionalen Hubbard-Modell angewendet. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien können wir einen Mott-Übergang bei endlichen Temperaturen und endlichen Wechselwirkungen klar ausschließen.rnrnAuf der Basis dieses exakten BSS-QMC Algorithmus, haben wir einen Störstellenlöser für die dynamische Molekularfeld Theorie (DMFT) sowie ihre Cluster Erweiterungen (CDMFT) entwickelt. Die DMFT ist die vorherrschende Theorie stark korrelierter Systeme, bei denen übliche Bandstrukturrechnungen versagen. Eine Hauptlimitation ist dabei die Verfügbarkeit effizienter Störstellenlöser für das intrinsische Quantenproblem. Der in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Algorithmus hat das gleiche überlegene Skalierungsverhalten mit der inversen Temperatur wie BSS-QMC. Wir untersuchen den Mott-Übergang im Rahmen der DMFT und analysieren den Einfluss von systematischen Fehlern auf diesen Übergang.rnrnEin weiteres prominentes Thema ist die Vernachlässigung von nicht-lokalen Wechselwirkungen in der DMFT. Hierzu kombinieren wir direkte BSS-QMC Gitterrechnungen mit CDMFT für das halb gefüllte zweidimensionale anisotrope Hubbard Modell, das dotierte Hubbard Modell und das KLM. Die Ergebnisse für die verschiedenen Modelle unterscheiden sich stark: während nicht-lokale Korrelationen eine wichtige Rolle im zweidimensionalen (anisotropen) Modell spielen, ist in der paramagnetischen Phase die Impulsabhängigkeit der Selbstenergie für stark dotierte Systeme und für das KLM deutlich schwächer. Eine bemerkenswerte Erkenntnis ist, dass die Selbstenergie sich durch die nicht-wechselwirkende Dispersion parametrisieren lässt. Die spezielle Struktur der Selbstenergie im Impulsraum kann sehr nützlich für die Klassifizierung von elektronischen Korrelationseffekten sein und öffnet den Weg für die Entwicklung neuer Schemata über die Grenzen der DMFT hinaus.


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BACKGROUND: The adequacy of thromboprophylaxis prescriptions in acutely ill hospitalized medical patients needs improvement. OBJECTIVE: To prospectively assess the efficacy of thromboprophylaxis adequacy of various clinical decision support systems (CDSS) with the aim of increasing the use of explicit criteria for thromboprophylaxis prescription in nine Swiss medical services. METHODS: We randomly assigned medical services to a pocket digital assistant program (PDA), pocket cards (PC) and no CDSS (controls). In centers using an electronic chart, an e-alert system (eAlerts) was developed. After 4 months, we compared post-CDSS with baseline thromboprophylaxis adequacy for the various CDSS and control groups. RESULTS: Overall, 1085 patients were included (395 controls, 196 PC, 168 PDA, 326 eAlerts), 651 pre- and 434 post-CDSS implementation: 472 (43.5%) presented a risk of VTE justifying thromboprophylaxis (31.8% pre, 61.1% post) and 556 (51.2%) received thromboprophylaxis (54.2% pre, 46.8% post). The overall adequacy (% patients with adequate prescription) of pre- and post-CDSS implementation was 56.2 and 50.7 for controls (P = 0.29), 67.3 and 45.3 for PC (P = 0.002), 66.0 and 64.9 for PDA (P = 0.99), 50.5 and 56.2 for eAlerts (P = 0.37), respectively, eAlerts limited overprescription (56% pre, 31% post, P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: While pocket cards and handhelds did not improve thromboprophylaxis adequacy, eAlerts had a modest effect, particularly on the reduction of overprescription. This effect only partially contributes to the improvement of patient safety and more work is needed towards institution-tailored tools.


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Background Through this paper, we present the initial steps for the creation of an integrated platform for the provision of a series of eHealth tools and services to both citizens and travelers in isolated areas of thesoutheast Mediterranean, and on board ships travelling across it. The platform was created through an INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED project called INTERMED. Methods The support of primary healthcare, home care and the continuous education of physicians are the three major issues that the proposed platform is trying to facilitate. The proposed system is based on state-of-the-art telemedicine systems and is able to provide the following healthcare services: i) Telecollaboration and teleconsultation services between remotely located healthcare providers, ii) telemedicine services in emergencies, iii) home telecare services for "at risk" citizens such as the elderly and patients with chronic diseases, and iv) eLearning services for the continuous training through seminars of both healthcare personnel (physicians, nurses etc) and persons supporting "at risk" citizens. These systems support data transmission over simple phone lines, internet connections, integrated services digital network/digital subscriber lines, satellite links, mobile networks (GPRS/3G), and wireless local area networks. The data corresponds, among others, to voice, vital biosignals, still medical images, video, and data used by eLearning applications. The proposed platform comprises several systems, each supporting different services. These were integrated using a common data storage and exchange scheme in order to achieve system interoperability in terms of software, language and national characteristics. Results The platform has been installed and evaluated in different rural and urban sites in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. The evaluation was mainly related to technical issues and user satisfaction. The selected sites are, among others, rural health centers, ambulances, homes of "at-risk" citizens, and a ferry. Conclusions The results proved the functionality and utilization of the platform in various rural places in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. However, further actions are needed to enable the local healthcare systems and the different population groups to be familiarized with, and use in their everyday lives, mature technological solutions for the provision of healthcare services.


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The nature of vibrational anharmonicity has been examined for the case of small water clusters using second-order vibrational perturbation theory (VPT2) applied on second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) potential energy surfaces. Using a training set of 16 water clusters (H2O)n=2–6,8,9 with a total of 723 vibrational modes, we determined scaling factors that map the harmonic frequencies onto anharmonic ones. The intermolecular modes were found to be substantially more anharmonic than intramolecular bending and stretching modes. Due to the varying levels of anharmonicity of the intermolecular and intramolecular modes, different frequency scaling factors for each region were necessary to achieve the highest accuracy. Furthermore, new scaling factors for zero-point vibrational energies (ZPVE) and vibrational corrections to the enthalpy (ΔHvib) and the entropy (Svib) have been determined. All the scaling factors reported in this study are different from previous works in that they are intended for hydrogen-bonded systems, while others were built using experimental frequencies of covalently bonded systems. An application of our scaling factors to the vibrational frequencies of water dimer and thermodynamic functions of 11 larger water clusters highlights the importance of anharmonic effects in hydrogen-bonded systems.


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This is the first part of a study investigating a model-based transient calibration process for diesel engines. The motivation is to populate hundreds of parameters (which can be calibrated) in a methodical and optimum manner by using model-based optimization in conjunction with the manual process so that, relative to the manual process used by itself, a significant improvement in transient emissions and fuel consumption and a sizable reduction in calibration time and test cell requirements is achieved. Empirical transient modelling and optimization has been addressed in the second part of this work, while the required data for model training and generalization are the focus of the current work. Transient and steady-state data from a turbocharged multicylinder diesel engine have been examined from a model training perspective. A single-cylinder engine with external air-handling has been used to expand the steady-state data to encompass transient parameter space. Based on comparative model performance and differences in the non-parametric space, primarily driven by a high engine difference between exhaust and intake manifold pressures (ΔP) during transients, it has been recommended that transient emission models should be trained with transient training data. It has been shown that electronic control module (ECM) estimates of transient charge flow and the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) fraction cannot be accurate at the high engine ΔP frequently encountered during transient operation, and that such estimates do not account for cylinder-to-cylinder variation. The effects of high engine ΔP must therefore be incorporated empirically by using transient data generated from a spectrum of transient calibrations. Specific recommendations on how to choose such calibrations, how many data to acquire, and how to specify transient segments for data acquisition have been made. Methods to process transient data to account for transport delays and sensor lags have been developed. The processed data have then been visualized using statistical means to understand transient emission formation. Two modes of transient opacity formation have been observed and described. The first mode is driven by high engine ΔP and low fresh air flowrates, while the second mode is driven by high engine ΔP and high EGR flowrates. The EGR fraction is inaccurately estimated at both modes, while EGR distribution has been shown to be present but unaccounted for by the ECM. The two modes and associated phenomena are essential to understanding why transient emission models are calibration dependent and furthermore how to choose training data that will result in good model generalization.


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This is the second part of a study investigating a model-based transient calibration process for diesel engines. The first part addressed the data requirements and data processing required for empirical transient emission and torque models. The current work focuses on modelling and optimization. The unexpected result of this investigation is that when trained on transient data, simple regression models perform better than more powerful methods such as neural networks or localized regression. This result has been attributed to extrapolation over data that have estimated rather than measured transient air-handling parameters. The challenges of detecting and preventing extrapolation using statistical methods that work well with steady-state data have been explained. The concept of constraining the distribution of statistical leverage relative to the distribution of the starting solution to prevent extrapolation during the optimization process has been proposed and demonstrated. Separate from the issue of extrapolation is preventing the search from being quasi-static. Second-order linear dynamic constraint models have been proposed to prevent the search from returning solutions that are feasible if each point were run at steady state, but which are unrealistic in a transient sense. Dynamic constraint models translate commanded parameters to actually achieved parameters that then feed into the transient emission and torque models. Combined model inaccuracies have been used to adjust the optimized solutions. To frame the optimization problem within reasonable dimensionality, the coefficients of commanded surfaces that approximate engine tables are adjusted during search iterations, each of which involves simulating the entire transient cycle. The resulting strategy, different from the corresponding manual calibration strategy and resulting in lower emissions and efficiency, is intended to improve rather than replace the manual calibration process.


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PURPOSE: To describe the implementation and use of an electronic patient-referral system as an aid to the efficient referral of patients to a remote and specialized treatment center. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A system for the exchange of radiotherapy data between different commercial planning systems and a specially developed planning system for proton therapy has been developed through the use of the PAPYRUS diagnostic image standard as an intermediate format. To ensure the cooperation of the different TPS manufacturers, the number of data sets defined for transfer has been restricted to the three core data sets of CT, VOIs, and three-dimensional dose distributions. As a complement to the exchange of data, network-wide application-sharing (video-conferencing) technologies have been adopted to provide methods for the interactive discussion and assessment of treatments plans with one or more partner clinics. RESULTS: Through the use of evaluation plans based on the exchanged data, referring clinics can accurately assess the advantages offered by proton therapy on a patient-by-patient basis, while the practicality or otherwise of the proposed treatments can simultaneously be assessed by the proton therapy center. Such a system, along with the interactive capabilities provided by video-conferencing methods, has been found to be an efficient solution to the problem of patient assessment and selection at a specialized treatment center, and is a necessary first step toward the full electronic integration of such centers with their remotely situated referral centers.


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Interest in the study of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayered structures took a giant leap since Grünberg and his group established that the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) is a function of the non-magnetic spacer width. This interest was further fuelled by the discovery of the phenomenal Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) effect. In fact, in 2007 Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their contribution to the discovery of GMR. GMR is the key property that is being used in the read-head of the present day computer hard drive as it requires a high sensitivity in the detection of magnetic field. The recent increase in demand for device miniaturization encouraged researchers to look for GMR in nanoscale multilayered structures. In this context, one dimensional(1-D) multilayerd nanowire structure has shown tremendous promise as a viable candidate for ultra sensitive read head sensors. In fact, the phenomenal giant magnetoresistance(GMR) effect, which is the novel feature of the currently used multilayered thin film, has already been observed in multilayered nanowire systems at ambient temperature. Geometrical confinement of the supper lattice along the 2-dimensions (2-D) to construct the 1-D multilayered nanowire prohibits the minimization of magnetic interaction- offering a rich variety of magnetic properties in nanowire that can be exploited for novel functionality. In addition, introduction of non-magnetic spacer between the magnetic layers presents additional advantage in controlling magnetic properties via tuning the interlayer magnetic interaction. Despite of a large volume of theoretical works devoted towards the understanding of GMR and IEC in super lattice structures, limited theoretical calculations are reported in 1-D multilayered systems. Thus to gauge their potential application in new generation magneto-electronic devices, in this thesis, I have discussed the usage of first principles density functional theory (DFT) in predicting the equilibrium structure, stability as well as electronic and magnetic properties of one dimensional multilayered nanowires. Particularly, I have focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire structures and the role of non-magnetic Pt spacer in modulating the magnetic properties of the wire. It is found that the average magnetic moment per atom in the nanowire increases monotonically with an ~1/(N(Fe)) dependance, where N(Fe) is the number of iron layers in the nanowire. A simple model based upon the interfacial structure is given to explain the 1/(N(Fe)) trend in magnetic moment obtained from the first principle calculations. A new mechanism, based upon spin flip with in the layer and multistep electron transfer between the layers, is proposed to elucidate the enhancement of magnetic moment of Iron atom at the Platinum interface. The calculated IEC in the Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire is found to switch sign as the width of the non-magnetic spacer varies. The competition among short and long range direct exchange and the super exchange has been found to play a key role for the non-monotonous sign in IEC depending upon the width of the Platinum spacer layer. The calculated magnetoresistance from Julliere's model also exhibit similar switching behavior as that of IEC. The universality of the behavior of exchange coupling has also been looked into by introducing different non-magnetic spacers like Palladium, Copper, Silver, and Gold in between magnetic Iron layers. The nature of hybridization between Fe and other non-magnetic spacer is found to dictate the inter layer magnetic interaction. For example, in Fe/Pd nanowire the d-p hybridization in two spacer layer case favors anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) configuration over ferromagnetic (FM) configuration. However, the hybridization between half-filled Fe(d) and filled Cu(p) state in Fe/Cu nanowire favors FM coupling in the 2-spacer system.


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The remarkable advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology over the last two decades allow one to manipulate individuals atoms, molecules and nanostructures, make it possible to build devices with only a few nanometers, and enhance the nano-bio fusion in tackling biological and medical problems. It complies with the ever-increasing need for device miniaturization, from magnetic storage devices, electronic building blocks for computers, to chemical and biological sensors. Despite the continuing efforts based on conventional methods, they are likely to reach the fundamental limit of miniaturization in the next decade, when feature lengths shrink below 100 nm. On the one hand, quantum mechanical efforts of the underlying material structure dominate device characteristics. On the other hand, one faces the technical difficulty in fabricating uniform devices. This has posed a great challenge for both the scientific and the technical communities. The proposal of using a single or a few organic molecules in electronic devices has not only opened an alternative way of miniaturization in electronics, but also brought up brand-new concepts and physical working mechanisms in electronic devices. This thesis work stands as one of the efforts in understanding and building of electronic functional units at the molecular and atomic levels. We have explored the possibility of having molecules working in a wide spectrum of electronic devices, ranging from molecular wires, spin valves/switches, diodes, transistors, and sensors. More specifically, we have observed significant magnetoresistive effect in a spin-valve structure where the non-magnetic spacer sandwiched between two magnetic conducting materials is replaced by a self-assembled monolayer of organic molecules or a single molecule (like a carbon fullerene). The diode behavior in donor(D)-bridge(B)-acceptor(A) type of single molecules is then discussed and a unimolecular transistor is designed. Lastly, we have proposed and primarily tested the idea of using functionalized electrodes for rapid nanopore DNA sequencing. In these studies, the fundamental roles of molecules and molecule-electrode interfaces on quantum electron transport have been investigated based on first-principles calculations of the electronic structure. Both the intrinsic properties of molecules themselves and the detailed interfacial features are found to play critical roles in electron transport at the molecular scale. The flexibility and tailorability of the properties of molecules have opened great opportunity in a purpose-driven design of electronic devices from the bottom up. The results that we gained from this work have helped in understanding the underlying physics, developing the fundamental mechanism and providing guidance for future experimental efforts.


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Wind power based generation has been rapidly growing world-wide during the recent past. In order to transmit large amounts of wind power over long distances, system planners may often add series compensation to existing transmission lines owing to several benefits such as improved steady-state power transfer limit, improved transient stability, and efficient utilization of transmission infrastructure. Application of series capacitors has posed resonant interaction concerns such as through subsynchronous resonance (SSR) with conventional turbine-generators. Wind turbine-generators may also be susceptible to such resonant interactions. However, not much information is available in literature and even engineering standards are yet to address these issues. The motivation problem for this research is based on an actual system switching event that resulted in undamped oscillations in a 345-kV series-compensated, typical ring-bus power system configuration. Based on time-domain ATP (Alternative Transients Program) modeling, simulations and analysis of system event records, the occurrence of subsynchronous interactions within the existing 345-kV series-compensated power system has been investigated. Effects of various small-signal and large-signal power system disturbances with both identical and non-identical wind turbine parameters (such as with a statistical-spread) has been evaluated. Effect of parameter variations on subsynchronous oscillations has been quantified using 3D-DFT plots and the oscillations have been identified as due to electrical self-excitation effects, rather than torsional interaction. Further, the generator no-load reactance and the rotor-side converter inner-loop controller gains have been identified as bearing maximum sensitivity to either damping or exacerbating the self-excited oscillations. A higher-order spectral analysis method based on modified Prony estimation has been successfully applied to the field records identifying dominant 9.79 Hz subsynchronous oscillations. Recommendations have been made for exploring countermeasures.