968 resultados para Efficient edge dominating set


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The quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) for the boiling point (Tb) of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) was investigated. The molecular distance-edge vector (MDEV) index was used as the structural descriptor. The quantitative relationship between the MDEV index and Tb was modeled by using multivariate linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN), respectively. Leave-one-out cross validation and external validation were carried out to assess the prediction performance of the models developed. For the MLR method, the prediction root mean square relative error (RMSRE) of leave-one-out cross validation and external validation was 1.77 and 1.23, respectively. For the ANN method, the prediction RMSRE of leave-one-out cross validation and external validation was 1.65 and 1.16, respectively. A quantitative relationship between the MDEV index and Tb of PCDD/Fs was demonstrated. Both MLR and ANN are practicable for modeling this relationship. The MLR model and ANN model developed can be used to predict the Tb of PCDD/Fs. Thus, the Tb of each PCDD/F was predicted by the developed models.


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The objective of this work is to demonstrate the efficient utilization of the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) as a method to pre-process the original multivariate data, that is rewrite in a new matrix with principal components sorted by it's accumulated variance. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with backpropagation algorithm is trained, using this pre-processed data set derived from the PCA method, representing 90.02% of accumulated variance of the original data, as input. The training goal is modeling Dissolved Oxygen using information of other physical and chemical parameters. The water samples used in the experiments are gathered from the Paraíba do Sul River in São Paulo State, Brazil. The smallest Mean Square Errors (MSE) is used to compare the results of the different architectures and choose the best. The utilization of this method allowed the reduction of more than 20% of the input data, which contributed directly for the shorting time and computational effort in the ANN training.


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä tarkastellaan idea- ja innovaatioportfolion hallintaa, portfoliojohtamista sekä näihin soveltuvia erilaisia menetelmiä yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena on luoda yleiskatsaus yleisimpiin käytettyihin menetelmiin ja viitekehyksiin. Lähteinä työssä on käytetty sähköisiä tietokantoja ja alan kirjallisuutta. Käytetyimmät portfolion hallintamenetelmät voidaan jakaa neljään ryhmään: taloudelliset ja rahamääräiset mittarit, liiketoimintastrategiat, portfoliokartat tai kupla-diagrammit, scorecard:it eli pisteytystaulukot sekä tarkistuslistat. Idea- ja innovaatioportfolion hallinnan tavoitteena on luoda yrityksen kannalta mahdollisimman tehokas ja tuottava portfolio, joka on kuitenkin linjassa yrityksen strategian kanssa. Portfolion projekteille jaettavissa olevat resurssit ovat niukat, joten resurssien jakoon ja tehokkaaseen hyödyntämiseen tulee kiinnittää huomiota. Portfolion tasapainottamiseksi on hyvä tarkastella kehitys- ja tutkimusprojektien määrää, kokoa ja riskiä. Teknologiatiekartta on yrityksen strateginen työkalu, jolla se voi suunnata toimintaansa kohti sen visiota. Teknologiatiekartta koostuu yrityksen valitsemista markkinoista, niille suunnatuista tuotteista tai palveluista, sekä näiden vaatimista tuotekehitysprojekteista ja teknologioista. Projektien etenemistä voidaan tarkastella stage-gate -mallin avulla. Stage-gate jakaa projektin porteilla eri vaiheisiin. Jokaisen portin läpäistäkseen projektin tulee täyttää sille asetetut vaatimukset. Menetelmät eivät takaa menestystä, vaan yrityksen on valittava itselleen sopivat menetelmät siten, että ne tukevat portfoliojohtamista ja sopivat yhteen yrityskulttuurin kanssa. Pelkkä mittareihin tuijottaminen ei riitä, vaan niiden taakse on myös osattava katsoa ja huomioida yrityksen strategia.


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Learning from demonstration becomes increasingly popular as an efficient way of robot programming. Not only a scientific interest acts as an inspiration in this case but also the possibility of producing the machines that would find application in different areas of life: robots helping with daily routine at home, high performance automata in industries or friendly toys for children. One way to teach a robot to fulfill complex tasks is to start with simple training exercises, combining them to form more difficult behavior. The objective of the Master’s thesis work was to study robot programming with visual input. Dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) were chosen as a tool for motion learning and generation. Assuming a movement to be a spring system influenced by an external force, making this system move, DMPs represent the motion as a set of non-linear differential equations. During the experiments the properties of DMP, such as temporal and spacial invariance, were examined. The effect of the DMP parameters, including spring coefficient, damping factor, temporal scaling, on the trajectory generated were studied.


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Cutting of thick section stainless steel and mild steel, and medium section aluminium using the high power ytterbium fibre laser has been experimentally investigated in this study. Theoretical models of the laser power requirement for cutting of a metal workpiece and the melt removal rate were also developed. The calculated laser power requirement was correlated to the laser power used for the cutting of 10 mm stainless steel workpiece and 15 mm mild steel workpiece using the ytterbium fibre laser and the CO2 laser. Nitrogen assist gas was used for cutting of stainless steel and oxygen was used for mild steel cutting. It was found that the incident laser power required for cutting at a given cutting speed was lower for fibre laser cutting than for CO2 laser cutting indicating a higher absorptivity of the fibre laser beam by the workpiece and higher melting efficiency for the fibre laser beam than for the CO2 laser beam. The difficulty in achieving an efficient melt removal during high speed cutting of the 15 mmmild steel workpiece with oxygen assist gas using the ytterbium fibre laser can be attributed to the high melting efficiency of the ytterbium fibre laser. The calculated melt flow velocity and melt film thickness correlated well with the location of the boundary layer separation point on the 10 mm stainless steel cut edges. An increase in the melt film thickness caused by deceleration of the melt particles in the boundary layer by the viscous shear forces results in the flow separation. The melt flow velocity increases with an increase in assist gas pressure and cut kerf width resulting in a reduction in the melt film thickness and the boundary layer separation point moves closer to the bottom cut edge. The cut edge quality was examined by visual inspection of the cut samples and measurement of the cut kerf width, boundary layer separation point, cut edge squareness (perpendicularity) deviation, and cut edge surface roughness as output quality factors. Different regions of cut edge quality in 10 mm stainless steel and 4 mm aluminium workpieces were defined for different combinations of cutting speed and laserpower.Optimization of processing parameters for a high cut edge quality in 10 mmstainless steel was demonstrated


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The development of correct programs is a core problem in computer science. Although formal verification methods for establishing correctness with mathematical rigor are available, programmers often find these difficult to put into practice. One hurdle is deriving the loop invariants and proving that the code maintains them. So called correct-by-construction methods aim to alleviate this issue by integrating verification into the programming workflow. Invariant-based programming is a practical correct-by-construction method in which the programmer first establishes the invariant structure, and then incrementally extends the program in steps of adding code and proving after each addition that the code is consistent with the invariants. In this way, the program is kept internally consistent throughout its development, and the construction of the correctness arguments (proofs) becomes an integral part of the programming workflow. A characteristic of the approach is that programs are described as invariant diagrams, a graphical notation similar to the state charts familiar to programmers. Invariant-based programming is a new method that has not been evaluated in large scale studies yet. The most important prerequisite for feasibility on a larger scale is a high degree of automation. The goal of the Socos project has been to build tools to assist the construction and verification of programs using the method. This thesis describes the implementation and evaluation of a prototype tool in the context of the Socos project. The tool supports the drawing of the diagrams, automatic derivation and discharging of verification conditions, and interactive proofs. It is used to develop programs that are correct by construction. The tool consists of a diagrammatic environment connected to a verification condition generator and an existing state-of-the-art theorem prover. Its core is a semantics for translating diagrams into verification conditions, which are sent to the underlying theorem prover. We describe a concrete method for 1) deriving sufficient conditions for total correctness of an invariant diagram; 2) sending the conditions to the theorem prover for simplification; and 3) reporting the results of the simplification to the programmer in a way that is consistent with the invariantbased programming workflow and that allows errors in the program specification to be efficiently detected. The tool uses an efficient automatic proof strategy to prove as many conditions as possible automatically and lets the remaining conditions be proved interactively. The tool is based on the verification system PVS and i uses the SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) solver Yices as a catch-all decision procedure. Conditions that were not discharged automatically may be proved interactively using the PVS proof assistant. The programming workflow is very similar to the process by which a mathematical theory is developed inside a computer supported theorem prover environment such as PVS. The programmer reduces a large verification problem with the aid of the tool into a set of smaller problems (lemmas), and he can substantially improve the degree of proof automation by developing specialized background theories and proof strategies to support the specification and verification of a specific class of programs. We demonstrate this workflow by describing in detail the construction of a verified sorting algorithm. Tool-supported verification often has little to no presence in computer science (CS) curricula. Furthermore, program verification is frequently introduced as an advanced and purely theoretical topic that is not connected to the workflow taught in the early and practically oriented programming courses. Our hypothesis is that verification could be introduced early in the CS education, and that verification tools could be used in the classroom to support the teaching of formal methods. A prototype of Socos has been used in a course at Åbo Akademi University targeted at first and second year undergraduate students. We evaluate the use of Socos in the course as part of a case study carried out in 2007.


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Bakgrunden och inspirationen till föreliggande studie är tidigare forskning i tillämpningar på randidentifiering i metallindustrin. Effektiv randidentifiering möjliggör mindre säkerhetsmarginaler och längre serviceintervall för apparaturen i industriella högtemperaturprocesser, utan ökad risk för materielhaverier. I idealfallet vore en metod för randidentifiering baserad på uppföljning av någon indirekt variabel som kan mätas rutinmässigt eller till en ringa kostnad. En dylik variabel för smältugnar är temperaturen i olika positioner i väggen. Denna kan utnyttjas som insignal till en randidentifieringsmetod för att övervaka ugnens väggtjocklek. Vi ger en bakgrund och motivering till valet av den geometriskt endimensionella dynamiska modellen för randidentifiering, som diskuteras i arbetets senare del, framom en flerdimensionell geometrisk beskrivning. I de aktuella industriella tillämpningarna är dynamiken samt fördelarna med en enkel modellstruktur viktigare än exakt geometrisk beskrivning. Lösningsmetoder för den s.k. sidledes värmeledningsekvationen har många saker gemensamt med randidentifiering. Därför studerar vi egenskaper hos lösningarna till denna ekvation, inverkan av mätfel och något som brukar kallas förorening av mätbrus, regularisering och allmännare följder av icke-välställdheten hos sidledes värmeledningsekvationen. Vi studerar en uppsättning av tre olika metoder för randidentifiering, av vilka de två första är utvecklade från en strikt matematisk och den tredje från en mera tillämpad utgångspunkt. Metoderna har olika egenskaper med specifika fördelar och nackdelar. De rent matematiskt baserade metoderna karakteriseras av god noggrannhet och låg numerisk kostnad, dock till priset av låg flexibilitet i formuleringen av den modellbeskrivande partiella differentialekvationen. Den tredje, mera tillämpade, metoden kännetecknas av en sämre noggrannhet förorsakad av en högre grad av icke-välställdhet hos den mera flexibla modellen. För denna gjordes även en ansats till feluppskattning, som senare kunde observeras överensstämma med praktiska beräkningar med metoden. Studien kan anses vara en god startpunkt och matematisk bas för utveckling av industriella tillämpningar av randidentifiering, speciellt mot hantering av olinjära och diskontinuerliga materialegenskaper och plötsliga förändringar orsakade av “nedfallande” väggmaterial. Med de behandlade metoderna förefaller det möjligt att uppnå en robust, snabb och tillräckligt noggrann metod av begränsad komplexitet för randidentifiering.


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Avhandlingen behandlar temat territoriell autonomi ur ett globalt perspektiv. Syftet är dels att kartlägga de territoriella autonomierna i världen och dels att visa hur en ny metod som fuzzy-set kan användas inom ämnesområdet jämförande politik. Forskningsproblemet är att försöka finna de bakgrundsfaktorer som förklarar uppkomsten av territoriell autonomi som sådant. Territoriella autonomier ses som särlösningar inom stater. Dessa regioner har erhållit en specialställning i förhållande till andra regioner inom respektive stat och även i förhållande till centralmakten i övrigt. Regionerna kan därför ses som undantag inom det enhetliga federala, regionala eller decentraliserade systemet inom en viss stat ifråga. En kartläggning visar att det finns 65 specialregioner fördelade på 25 stater i världen. De flesta av dessa utgörs av öar. Resultaten visar att det finns två vägar vilka leder till territoriell autonomi i allmänhet. Den ena vägen är en kombination av etnisk särprägel och liten befolkningsmängd, medan den andra vägen utgörs av kombinationen av historiska orsaker och geografiskt avstånd. Båda vägar är lika giltiga och förutsättningen är en demokratisk miljö.