998 resultados para Educational exchanges.


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Este trabalho consiste de uma pesquisa narrativa autobiográfica em que realizei uma investigação sobre mudança na minha prática docente, a partir da seguinte questão norteadora: Que contribuições para a mudança na prática docente podem emergir de experiências vividas no contexto da docência de uma professora de Física no Ensino Médio? O estudo foi realizado com base em quatro experiências vividas na atuação docente: no Projeto Pré-Vestibular Solidário (PPVS), em uma escola da rede particular, em duas escolas da rede pública de ensino em Santarém-PA, e na prática pedagógica com o Ensino de Física Através de Temas (EFAT), a qual foi realizada em uma escola da rede estadual de ensino em Ananindeua-PA. Esta última experiência consistiu de um trabalho em cooperação com a professora praticante responsável pela turma de 32 ano noturno, em que foi realizada a prática. Como material de análise fiz uso das memórias de docência das três primeiras experiências e registros construídos a partir da experiência com o EFAT por meio de diários de aula produzidos por mim e pela professora praticante, relatos e depoimentos dos estudantes, além de entrevista com a professora. Interagi com esses materiais de análise no sentido de construir compreensões sobre o processo de mudança em minha prática, na perspectiva dos professores como agentes de mudança educacional, segundo Goodson (2008a, 2008b) e Fullan (2009), e trato de mudanças nas crenças e valores pessoais. Das análises construídas identifiquei como elementos de mudança: rupturas/reconstruções de modelos e concepções de processo ensino-aprendizagem, ser docente, ciência, conhecimento científico e dimensões formativas decorrentes do aprendizado em Física; os desafios referentes a complexidade do cotidiano na sala de aula, as incertezas da prática, a construção de uma relação dialógica com os estudantes, promover a motivação para o processo ensino-aprendizagem em Física, a busca da aprendizagem contínua, reconstrução do papel de professora e estudantes no processo ensino-aprendizagem, desenvolver a prática compartilhada, as dificuldades das condições de produção docente; a interação decorrente das trocas com colegas professores, e estudantes, que propiciaram a construção coletiva e compartilhada da prática, a construção de valores e atitudes como a confiança, receptividade, a flexibilidade; e o movimento interno que diz respeito a inquietação, insatisfação, o conflito relacionados aos modos de condução da prática docente, o olhar constante para si, além das crenças na mudança. Das análises realizadas concluo que a mudança na minha prática docente no ensino de Física tem relação com o modo como enfrentei os conflitos decorrentes dos distanciamentos entre a formação e atuação docente, uma vez que no decurso da formação são construídos modelos e concepções de ciência, docência, processo ensino-aprendizagem, dentre outros que se distanciam do fazer cotidiano nos contextos de atuação e que por vezes necessitam ser reconstruídos. Assim, a mudança na minha prática docente envolveu múltiplas dimensões, aprendizados contínuos, abertura ao diálogo, flexibilidade para construir e reconstruir crenças e valores, modos de ser e agir na docência.


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Esta dissertação consiste em uma etnografia do cotidiano escolar, orientada conceitualmente a partir dos marcadores de diferenciação cor/raça, gênero e classe social. A motivação da pesquisa que iniciou a produção deste trabalho partiu da seguinte indagação: processos ofensivos verbais são processos identitários que se constroem a partir de referencias pedagógicos e de discursos docentes em cada escola? Com base em uma trajetória de pesquisa iniciada em 2006, realizada inicialmente na Escola Alexandre Zacharias de Assumpção e posteriormente estendida ao Colégio Madre Zarife Sales, no bairro do Guamá, periferia de Belém do Pará, tento discutir o alcance destas instituições no cotidiano educacional vivido fora delas por seus discentes, ao identificar práticas dinâmicas de viver os espaços urbanos da cidade a partir do ir e voltar da escola. As duas escolas são definidas como escolas de referência no bairro, pois simbolizam, para as clientelas de estudantes por elas atendidas, a possibilidade de sucesso profissional pós-escola entre muitas famílias no bairro. Por outro lado, tento mostrar as contradições internas nas duas escolas para sugerir a ocorrência de acessos diferenciados aos serviços educacionais e ao próprio capital cultural docente conforme o turno em que se estuda. Discuto destacadamente a ocorrência de trocas de ofensas verbais raciais e não-raciais entre os estudantes conforme os marcadores de diferenciação assinalados, para tentar responder a problematização da pesquisa. Depois tento identificar as várias modalidades simbólicas do discurso de mestiçagem como um discurso abrangente que é por mim concebido como a face inversa das ofensas verbais raciais e do não-reconhecimento do racismo nelas existentes pelo corpo institucional, isto é, por docentes, funcionários e gestores.


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A proposta desta pesquisa foi identificar convergências e divergências nas crenças, metas de socialização e práticas de cuidados parentais em dois contextos ecológicos amazônicos, buscando analisar a relação entre fatores biológicos e ecoculturais. Participaram da pesquisa 99 mães de duas localidades: Belém – capital (CEU – contexto ecológico urbano – N=50) e Santa Bárbara (CENU – contexto ecológico não urbano – N=49), com idade superior a 18 anos com pelo menos uma criança com idade entre 0 e 6 anos . Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas em que se aplicavam questionários e para análise destes foram utilizados critérios estatísticos e o respaldo teórico da Psicologia Evolucionista. Os dados indicaram que as comunidades estudadas em relação aos dados socio-demográficos diferem de forma sistemática uma da outra, em função dos níveis de desenvolvimento tecnológico e diferentes organizações para o contexto social. O mundo social das crianças de CENU e de CEU representam contextos desenvolvimentais que oferecem diferentes oportunidades. A literatura aponta que as trocas sociais estabelecidas entre crianças e cuidadores podem refletir sobre o desenvolvimento da criança em relação ao aspecto cognitivo, emocional e social. Os resultados encontrados indicam que as mães de CEU apesar de terem sido mais autônomas que as de CENU, foram ao mesmo tempo mais relacionais que as mesmas, demonstrando que talvez as mudanças que atingem os contextos, ocorram com mais rapidez em ambientes urbanizados. Além disso, os dados parecem indicar que os contextos por estarem em um momento de transição passam de um modelo interdependente para um modelo autônomo-relacional. Entretanto, foi possível perceber que as idéias que as mães possuem sobre a importância de determinadas ações nem sempre refletem suas práticas. Em relação aos cuidados primários as mães parecem valorizar e realizar de igual modo. Em relação ao Contato corporal as mães de CENU valorizam mais que as mães de CEU. Em estimulação corporal o resultado foi bastante interessante, pois os itens que CEU deu mais importância e praticou menos, foram os mesmos itens em que CENU deu menos importância e praticou mais. No que tange a estimulação por objeto as mães de CEU dão mais importância as praticas do que as realizam e vice-versa acontece em CENU. Ao sistema face-a-face foi atribuída maior importância pelas mães de CEU. Os dados apresentados sugerem que as mães de ambos os contextos estão utilizando estratégias parentais distais e proximais ao mesmo tempo, ou seja, desejam que seus filhos se tornem auto-suficientes, mas também desejam que os mesmos sejam respeitosos e obedientes. Além disso, os resultados aqui encontrados confirmam que os quatro sistemas descrevem as experiências interacionais das crianças e expressam a ênfase cultural de combinações e estilos particulares. Não foram encontradas diferenças marcantes nas crenças e práticas de cuidados maternos entre CEU e CENU, o que nos levou a considerar que as crenças parentais, em consequência à adaptação ao contexto, variaram menos conspicuamente nas cidades escolhidas do que entre outras cidades examinadas em outros estudos. Outra questão bastante interessante encontrada foi o resultado relativo ao nível de instrução das mães de CEU e a valorização de metas relacionais, pois de acordo com a hipótese na literatura o nível educacional das mães torna-se uma variável importante em relação às metas de socialização. CENU demonstrou uma tendência para metas e práticas relacionais. Isso se deve ao modo de vida mais próximo do protótipo de interdependência que este contexto apresenta, no qual as mães tendem a valorizar as normas e regras determinadas pela família ou grupo ao qual pertencem. Os resultados referentes ao CEU não confirmaram a hipótese de que ele apresentaria mais metas e práticas voltadas para a independência, sendo percebido que Belém apresenta tanto características do modelo de independência como de interdependência. Presume-se que CEU e CENU são contextos que passam por mudanças, uma vez que as mães podem acreditar em uma coisa e na realidade agir de outra forma.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As media education concepts and practices have been disseminated and strengthened in European countries and Americas, the policies responsible for that expansion remain little known, particularly in countries where the achievements have been recently noted. That is the case for Brazil, where there have been new opportunities for media education, considered as a valuable resource to help accomplish goals of the educational system. This paper looks into the contribution of media education to the enhancement of teaching and learning in the context of innovations brought by recent policies of the Brazilian Ministry of Education. After educational reform programmes which brought the opportunity for emerging fields such as media education, we produced teaching material and conducted a series of workshops with students and teachers from state secondary schools. By reading and producing multimedia information about local public services available to young people, pupils learned about democracy, citizenship, civic engagement, media language, and identity. Lessons from our experiment are discussed against the backdrop of education policies being implemented to ameliorate harsh conditions resulting from the recent economic crisis. We suggest that media education can help by creating a learning environment in which the students become aware of the value of educational attainments.


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This paper presents an assessment of an educational game for teaching the efficient use of electricity. Developed with Adobe Flash (R), it is a virtual board game where participants choose a car that starts the path and reaches the same final goal, going through a number of track steps defined in terms of a dice that each player rolls in turn. The car moves if the participant is able to correctly answer a question that is randomly generated by the software. The objective of the game is to answer questions related to energy efficiency promoting a healthy and attractive learning process for participants on concepts related to energy efficiency such as: the rational use of energy, the basic concepts of forms of energy generation, among others. The main objective of this paper is to assess the impact of the application of this virtual game in the teaching and learning process of high school students. Therefore, the game was applied in the discipline of physics in a class of junior high public school in the state of Sao Paulo. Initially, the class that had 43 students was divided into 10 groups of 4 students, and 1 group of 3 students. Each student group competed with one another. The idea was that each of them should indicate a student who was the representative of this group until only 4 group leaders were selected for the finals. At this stage, each student could interact with a group of up to ten students that acted as advisers. The adopted assessment process is based on the model proposed by Savi [7]. Then, at the end of the game, the students answered a prepared questionnaire based on the model proposed by Savi. According to Savi, although there are significant studies that show the importance of educational games for the process of cognitive development and learning concepts of students, there are few papers that present forms of assessing the potential of these resources. Thus, the assessment criteria proposed by Savi are based on the model of training evaluation by Kirkpatrick [3], taken as a reference to measure the efficiency of processes of continuing education courses for professionals. The authors assert that the metric of the evaluation proposed to assess the game is based on the first level of the model proposed by Kirkpatrick.


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This paper presents an applied qualitative and quantitative study and seeks to understand egocentric speech according to Vygotsky and Piaget and, through a literature review, the educational implications of Vygotsky and Piaget’s ideas. Additionally, the representations of these ideas by fifteen teachers of basic education are investigated. It is important to understand egocentric speech in Vygotsky and Piaget. Despite the differences in how they conceive its nature, functions and implications, for both, egocentric speech is intrinsically linked to and facilitates our understanding of child development. Regarding the representation of teachers who criticized children who used egocentric language, when teachers established any negative consequences of such language, they attributed it to the affective and moral aspects as well as to cognition. However, their approach was more practically oriented than those found in the psychological theories addressed. Therefore, this study aids in understanding the limits and scope of teacher-training courses.


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Studies show the positive effects that video games can have on student performance and attitude towards learning. In the past few years, strategies have been generated to optimize the use of technological resources with the aim of facilitating widespread adoption of technology in the classroom. Given its low acquisition and maintenance costs, the interpersonal computer allows individual interaction and simultaneous learning with large groups of students. The purpose of this work was to compare arithmetical knowledge acquired by third-grade students through the use of game-based activities and non-game-based activities using an interpersonal computer, with knowledge acquired through the use of traditional paper-and-pencil activities, and to analyze their impact in various socio-cultural contexts. To do this, a quasi-experimental study was conducted with 271 students in three different countries (Brazil, Chile, and Costa Rica), in both rural and urban schools. A set of educational games for practising arithmetic was developed and tested in six schools within these three countries. Results show that there were no significant differences (ANCOVA) in the learning acquired from game-based vs. non-game-based activities. However, both showed a significant difference when compared with the traditional method. Additionally, both groups using the interpersonal computer showed higher levels of student interest than the traditional method group, and these technological methods were seen to be especially effective in increasing learning among weaker students.


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The aim of this paper is to describe the relationship between educational and professional occupation trajectories of Portuguese immigrants in The Netherlands. To this end, the sample used comprises Portuguese immigrants that arrived in The Netherlands in two periods which represent the highest influx of immigrants: around the years 1966 and 2002. The analysis of the data shows a strong relationship between the level of professional education and the level of professional occupation. Furthermore, some exceptions to the generalizations found show that in service training may lead to an improvement of the possibilities to ascend regarding the level of professional occupation.


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The goal of our article is build – including universes to support empirical research in communication – an educational matrix for a different order of analysis, incorporating new possibilities available for the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). For this goal we use the game, as a source of playful learning and formation of being. Introducing the interaction from game plataform as middle convergent, where it is possible the diffusion and expansion of knowled in constant way that enables education and information exchanges oustide the status quo of schools, increasing the e effectiveness of knowledge fixing and interest to acquire it.


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Initial and continuous education for teachers has been studied at Group of Studies and Research on Language, Teaching and Teachers’ narrative (GEPLENP in Portuguese). In order to do so, we use teacher’s narratives from public schools in Assis/SP. Narrative researches have been very widely spread either in Brazil or in any other country. Meaningful papers have shown how important the topic is as well as the method used. This research tries to identify teachers’ social representations, which result from historic, cultural and time constitutions in order to get close to group of teachers’ representations about their initial and continuous education. The individual and singular narrative method gives us the opportunity to access the history told by the participants. The results point out that initial education promotes the opposition between theory and praxis and use of tool is highlighted in continuous education, which limits possibilities of teachers’ reflection on their own school role thus evidencing institutional interests.


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Chromosomal aberrations (CA) and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) were investigated in peripheral lymphocytes of 15 nurses and nurse's aides handling cytostatic agents in hospital oncology units. Significantly increased frequencies were noted for both CA and SCE rates when the exposed individuals were compared with 15 nurses working in other hospital units and to a control sample matched by sex and age. This points to the need for emphasizing protective measures in the handling of anti-neoplastic agents.


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Spontaneous adverse drug events (ADE) reporting is the main source of data for assessing the risk/benefit of drugs available in the pharmaceutical market. However, its major limitation is underreporting, which hinders and delays the signal detection by Pharmacovigilance (PhV). To identify the techniques of educational intervention (EI) for promotion of PhV by health professionals and to assess their impact. A systematic review was performed in the PUBMED, PAHO, LILACS and EMBASE databases, from November/2011 to January/2012, updated in March/2013. The strategy search included the use of health descriptors and a manual search in the references cited by selected papers. 101 articles were identified, of which 16 met the inclusion criteria. Most of these studies (10) were conducted in European hospitals and physicians were the health professionals subjected to most EI (12), these studies lasted from one month to two years. EI with multifaceted techniques raised the absolute number, the rate of reporting related to adverse drug reactions (ADR), technical defects of health technologies, and also promoted an improvement in the quality of reports, since there was increased reporting of ADR classified as serious, unexpected, related to new drugs and with high degree of causality. Multifaceted educational interventions for multidisciplinary health teams working at all healthcare levels, with sufficient duration to reach all professionals who act in the institution, including issues related to medication errors and therapeutic ineffectiveness, must be validated, with the aim of standardizing the Good Practice of PhV and improve drug safety indicators.


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The use of medicinal plants among pregnant women and lactating is a common practice in diverse countries. However, many medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactating, due to various adverse effects, such as teratogenic, embryotoxic and abortive effects, exposing these women, their fetus and babies to health unknown risks. Thus, the purpose of this commentary, was to analyze the perception about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women and lactating registered in the "baby on board" NGO, Araraquara, São Paulo state, Brazil, between 2010 at 2013. The group was constituted by 48 women, between the first and last trimester of pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. Information was collected during group meetings by oral interview, using a questionnaire, as script. The nature of the study was a qualitative analysis. The results were based on reports about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women during group meetings: use, indication of use, knowledge about risks. All participants received written and oral information about the study and they gave a written informed consent. The use of medicinal plants is a reality among pregnant and lactating women of the "baby on board" NGO. They reported that they feel that "natural" products are not harmful for their health. The primary information sources for the majority of women about medicinal plants during pregnancy are family, neighbors and herbalists. The plants most cited (in popular name in Brazil) were: senna, chamomile, boldo, lemon balm, lemon grass. They were used mainly for: nausea, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, intestinal and abdominal pain, anxiety, intestinal constipation and low milk production. The pregnant and lactating women lacked knowledge about the health risks of the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicines in pregnancy and lactation. They also reported difficulties in clarifying some questions about the use of medicinal plants with their doctors. The results of the present study showed that educative actions about the rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and breastfeeding could be part of the operating protocols to promote the maternal and child health programs in Araraquara. Thus, our results also suggest the importance of creating institutionalized places, to the implementation of continued education programs about rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and lactation. These targeted programs are not only for health professionals, but also for community members, pregnant women and breastfeeding. Our results pointed out the importance of guidance of doctors and healthcare professionals on the scientific studies about medicinal plants and herbal medicines and the risk/benefit of using herbs during pregnancy. Finally, it is noted the importance of the health professionals to inform women of childbearing on risks to their health, as well as on possibilities of utilization of herbs during fertile period, giving special attention to the potential risk of self-medication.