969 resultados para ENOS HAPLOTYPES
OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that, similar to idiopathic hip osteonecrosis, the T-786C mutation of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene affecting nitric oxide (NO) production was associated with neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis of the jaws (NICO). DESIGN: In 22 NICO patients, not having taken bisphosphonates, mutations affecting NO production (eNOS T-786C, stromelysin 5A6A) were measured by polymerase chain reaction. Two healthy normal control subjects were matched per case by race and gender. RESULTS: Homozygosity for the mutant eNOS allele (TT) was present in 6 out of 22 patients (27%) with NICO compared with 0 out of 44 (0%) race and gender-matched control subjects; heterozygosity (TC) was present in 8 patients (36%) versus 15 control subjects (34%); and the wild-type normal genotype (CC) was present in 9 patients (36%) versus 29 controls (66%) (P = .0008). The mutant eNOS T-786C allele was more common in cases (20 out of 44 [45%]) than in control subjects (15 out of 88 [17%]) (P = .0005). The distribution of the stromelysin 5A6A genotype in cases did not differ from control subjects (P = .13). CONCLUSIONS: The eNOS T-786C polymorphism affecting NO production is associated with NICO, may contribute to the pathogenesis of NICO, and may open therapeutic medical approaches to treatment of NICO through provision of L-arginine, the amino-acid precursor of NO.
Addback of donor T cells following T cell-depleted stem cell transplantation (SCT) can accelerate immune reconstitution and be effective against relapsed malignancy. After haploidentical SCT, a high risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) essentially precludes this option, unless the T cells are first depleted of alloreactive precursor cells. Even then, the risks of severe GVHD remain significant. To increase the safety of the approach and thereby permit administration of larger T cell doses, we used a suicide gene, inducible caspase 9 (iCasp9), to transduce allodepleted T cells, permitting their destruction should administration have adverse effects. We made a retroviral vector encoding iCasp9 and a selectable marker (truncated CD19). Even after allodepletion (using anti-CD25 immunotoxin), donor T cells could be efficiently transduced, expanded, and subsequently enriched by CD19 immunomagnetic selection to >90% purity. These engineered cells retained antiviral specificity and functionality, and contained a subset with regulatory phenotype and function. Activating iCasp9 with a small-molecule dimerizer rapidly produced >90% apoptosis. Although transgene expression was downregulated in quiescent T cells, iCasp9 remained an efficient suicide gene, as expression was rapidly upregulated in activated (alloreactive) T cells. We have demonstrated the clinical feasibility of this approach after haploidentical transplantation by scaling up production using clinical grade materials.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a valuable tool for the detection and quantification of HIV-1 variants in vivo. However, these technologies require detailed characterization and control of artificially induced errors to be applicable for accurate haplotype reconstruction. To investigate the occurrence of substitutions, insertions, and deletions at the individual steps of RT-PCR and NGS, 454 pyrosequencing was performed on amplified and non-amplified HIV-1 genomes. Artificial recombination was explored by mixing five different HIV-1 clonal strains (5-virus-mix) and applying different RT-PCR conditions followed by 454 pyrosequencing. Error rates ranged from 0.04-0.66% and were similar in amplified and non-amplified samples. Discrepancies were observed between forward and reverse reads, indicating that most errors were introduced during the pyrosequencing step. Using the 5-virus-mix, non-optimized, standard RT-PCR conditions introduced artificial recombinants in a fraction of at least 30% of the reads that subsequently led to an underestimation of true haplotype frequencies. We minimized the fraction of recombinants down to 0.9-2.6% by optimized, artifact-reducing RT-PCR conditions. This approach enabled correct haplotype reconstruction and frequency estimations consistent with reference data obtained by single genome amplification. RT-PCR conditions are crucial for correct frequency estimation and analysis of haplotypes in heterogeneous virus populations. We developed an RT-PCR procedure to generate NGS data useful for reliable haplotype reconstruction and quantification.
Clubfoot is a common birth defect that affects 135,000 newborns each year worldwide. It is characterized by equinus deformity of one or both feet and hypoplastic calf muscles. Despite numerous study approaches, the cause(s) remains poorly understood although a multifactorial etiology is generally accepted. We considered the HOXA and HOXD gene clusters and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) as candidate genes because of their important roles in limb and muscle morphogenesis. Twenty SNPs from the HOXA and HOXD gene clusters and 12 SNPs in IGFBP3 were genotyped in a sample composed of non-Hispanic white and Hispanic multiplex and simplex families (discovery samples) and a second sample of non-Hispanic white simplex trios (validation sample). Four SNPs (rs6668, rs2428431, rs3801776, and rs3779456) in the HOXA cluster demonstrated altered transmission in the discovery sample, but only rs3801776, located in the HOXA basal promoter region, showed altered transmission in both the discovery and validation samples (P = 0.004 and 0.028). Interestingly, HOXA9 is expressed in muscle during development. An SNP in IGFBP3, rs13223993, also showed altered transmission (P = 0.003) in the discovery sample. Gene-gene interactions were identified between variants in HOXA, HOXD, and IGFBP3 and with previously associated SNPs in mitochondrial-mediated apoptotic genes. The most significant interactions were found between CASP3 SNPS and variants in HOXA, HOXD, and IGFBP3. These results suggest a biologic model for clubfoot in which perturbation of HOX and apoptotic genes together affect muscle and limb development, which may cause the downstream failure of limb rotation into a plantar grade position.
Lake Tanganyika, Africa’s oldest lake, harbours an impressive diversity of cichlid fishes. Although diversification in its radiating groups is thought to have been initially rapid, cichlids from Lake Tanganyika show little evidence for ongoing speciation. In contrast, examples of recent divergence among sympatric colour morphs are well known in haplochromine cichlids from Lakes Malawi and Victoria. Here, we report genetic evidence for recent divergence between two sympatric Tanganyikan cichlid colour morphs. These Petrochromis morphs share mitochondrial haplotypes, yet microsatellite loci reveal that their sympatric populations form distinct genetic groups. Nuclear divergence between the two morphs is equivalent to that which arises geographically within one of the morphs over short distances and is substantially smaller than that among other sympatric species in this genus. These patterns suggest that these morphs diverged only recently, yet that barriers to gene flow exist which prevent extensive admixture despite their sympatric distribution. The morphs studied here provide an unusual example of active diversification in Lake Tanganyika’s generally ancient cichlid fauna and enable comparisons of speciation processes between Lake Tanganyika and other African lakes.
I studied the apolipoprotein (apo) B 3$\sp\prime$ variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) and did computer simulations of the stepwise mutation model to address four questions: (1) How did the apo B VNTR originate? (2) What is the mutational mechanism of repeat number change at the apo B VNTR? (3) To what extent are population and molecular level events responsible for the determination of the contemporary apo B allele frequency distribution? (4) Can VNTR allele frequency distributions be explained by a simple and conservative mutation-drift model? I used three general approaches to address these questions: (1) I characterized the apo B VNTR region in non-human primate species; (2) I constructed haplotypes of polymorphic markers flanking the apo B VNTR in a sample of individuals from Lorrain, France and studied the associations between the flanking-marker haplotypes and apo B VNTR size; (3) I did computer simulations of the one-step stepwise mutation model and compared the results to real data in terms of four allele frequency distribution characteristics.^ The results of this work have allowed me to conclude that the apo B VNTR originated after an initial duplication of a sequence which is still present as a single copy sequence in New World monkey species. I conclude that this locus did not originate by the transposition of an array of repeats from somewhere else in the genome. It is unlikely that recombination is the primary mutational mechanism. Furthermore, the clustered nature of these associations implicates a stepwise mutational mechanism. From the high frequencies of certain haplotype-allele size combinations, it is evident that population level events have also been important in the determination of the apo B VNTR allele frequency distribution. Results from computer simulations of the one-step stepwise mutation model have allowed me to conclude that bimodal and multimodal allele frequency distributions are not unexpected at loci evolving via stepwise mutation mechanisms. Short tandem repeat loci fit the stepwise mutation model best, followed by microsatellite loci. I therefore conclude that there are differences in the mutational mechanisms of VNTR loci as classed by repeat unit size. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Any functionally important mutation is embedded in an evolutionary matrix of other mutations. Cladistic analysis, based on this, is a method of investigating gene effects using a haplotype phylogeny to define a set of tests which localize causal mutations to branches of the phylogeny. Previous implementations of cladistic analysis have not addressed the issue of analyzing data from related individuals, though in human studies, family data are usually needed to obtain unambiguous haplotypes. In this study, a method of cladistic analysis is described in which haplotype effects are parameterized in a linear model which accounts for familial correlations. The method was used to study the effect of apolipoprotein (Apo) B gene variation on total-, LDL-, and HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, and Apo B levels in 121 French families. Five polymorphisms defined Apo B haplotypes: the signal peptide Insertion/deletion, Bsp 1286I, XbaI, MspI, and EcoRI. Eleven haplotypes were found, and a haplotype phylogeny was constructed and used to define a set of tests of haplotype effects on lipid and apo B levels.^ This new method of cladistic analysis, the parametric method, found significant effects for single haplotypes for all variables. For HDL-cholesterol, 3 clusters of evolutionarily-related haplotypes affecting levels were found. Haplotype effects accounted for about 10% of the genetic variance of triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol levels. The results of the parametric method were compared to those of a method of cladistic analysis based on permutational testing. The permutational method detected fewer haplotype effects, even when modified to account for correlations within families. Simulation studies exploring these differences found evidence of systematic errors in the permutational method due to the process by which haplotype groups were selected for testing.^ The applicability of cladistic analysis to human data was shown. The parametric method is suggested as an improvement over the permutational method. This study has identified candidate haplotypes for sequence comparisons in order to locate the functional mutations in the Apo B gene which may influence plasma lipid levels. ^
This research characterized a serologically indistinguishable form of HLA-DR1 that: (1) cannot stimulate some DR1-restricted or specific T-lymphocyte clones; (2) displays an unusual electrophoretic pattern on two dimensional gels; and (3) is marked by a polymorphic restriction site of the alpha gene. Inefficient stimulation of some DR1-restricted clones was a property of DR1$\sp{+}$ cells that shared HLA-B14 on the same haplotype and/or were carriers of 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) deficiency. Nonclassical 21-OH deficiency frequently demonstrates genetic linkage with HLA-B14;DR1 haplotypes and associates with duplications of C4B and one 21-OH gene. Cells having both stimulatory (DR1$\sb{\rm n}$) and nonstimulatory (DR1$\sb{\rm x}$) parental haplotypes did not mediate proliferation of these clones. However, heterozygous DR1$\sb{\rm x}$, 2 and DR1$\sb{\rm x}$, 7 cells were efficient stimulators of DR2 and DR7 specific clones, respectively, suggesting that a trans acting factor may modify DR1 alleles or products to yield a dominant DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ phenotype. Incompetent stimulator populations did not secrete an intercellular soluble or contact dependent suppressor factor nor did they express interleukin-2 receptors competing for T-cell growth factors. Two dimensional gel analysis of anti-DR immunoprecipitates revealed, in addition to normal DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$ chains, a 50kD species from DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ but not from the majority of DR1$\sb{\rm n}$ or non-DR1 cells. The 50kD structure was stable under reducing conditions in SDS and urea, had antigenic homology with DR, and dissociated after boiling into 34kD and 28kD peptide chains apparently identical with DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$ as shown by limited digest peptide maps. N-linked glycosylation and sialation of DRgp50 appeared to be unchanged from normal DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$. Bg1II digestion and $DR\alpha$ probing of DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ genomic DNA revealed a 4.5kb fragment while DR1$\sb{\rm n}$ DNA yielded 3.8 and 0.76kb fragments; all restriction sites mapped to the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region of $DR\alpha$. Collectively, these data suggest that DRgp50 represents a novel combinatorial association between constitutive chains of DR that may interfere with or compete for normal T cell receptor recognition of DR1 as both an alloantigen and restricting element. Furthermore, extensive chromosomal abnormalities previously mapped to the class III region of B14;DR1 haplotypes may extend into the adjacent class II region with consequent intrusion on immune function. ^
Background: Atazanavir boosted with ritonavir (ATV/r) and efavirenz (EFV) are both recommended as first-line therapies for HIV-infected patients. We compared the 2 therapies for virologic efficacy and immune recovery. Methods: We included all treatment-naïve patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study starting therapy after May 2003 with either ATV/r or EFV and a backbone of tenofovir and either emtricitabine or lamivudine. We used Cox models to assess time to virologic failure and repeated measures models to assess the change in CD4 cell counts over time. All models were fit as marginal structural models using both point of treatment and censoring weights. Intent-to-treat and various as-treated analyses were carried out: In the latter, patients were censored at their last recorded measurement if they changed therapy or if they were no longer adherent to therapy. Results: Patients starting EFV (n = 1,097) and ATV/r (n = 384) were followed for a median of 35 and 37 months, respectively. During follow-up, 51% patients on EFV and 33% patients on ATV/r remained adherent and made no change to their first-line therapy. Although intent-to-treat analyses suggest virologic failure was more likely with ATV/r, there was no evidence for this disadvantage in patients who adhered to first-line therapy. Patients starting ATV/r had a greater increase in CD4 cell count during the first year of therapy, but this advantage disappeared after one year. Conclusions: In this observational study, there was no good evidence of any intrinsic advantage for one therapy over the other, consistent with earlier clinical trials. Differences between therapies may arise in a clinical setting because of differences in adherence to therapy.