1000 resultados para Dynamique de ponte
Résumé Le trouble somatoforme douloureux persistant et le syndrome de fatigue chronique constituent des entités cliniques qui incarnent la position particulière du corps dans notre société actuelle. Tous les deux se situent dans un carrefour entre le psychique et le somatique, en interaction étroite avec l'entourage socioculturel, soulignant ainsi la nécessité de considérer l'être humain dans son intégralité. La société actuelle, pauvre en repères collectifs, où l'exaltation de l'individualité est un critère primordial et où le corps social réparateur n'existe pas, provoque une grand mal être. Le sentiment de ne pas être reconnu dans son intériorité est incorporé et après s'exprime ensuite sous la forme d'une plainte douloureuse. Le contexte de l'émigration et celui des systèmes de prévoyance sociale dans les pays occidentaux, sont des exemples de conditions qui favorisent le changement dans la dynamique de la maladie. En s'appuyant sur la représentation du corps dans un moment historique précis, l'homme cherche à exprimer une souffrance profonde dans le vécu de soi-même, qui n'a pas accès à d'autres voies d'expression. Le contexte social, culturel, médical, professionnel, lui facilite les moyens d'obtenir la reconnaissance de son affliction sans être exclu du groupe d'appartenance sociale. Les deux symptômes, douleur et fatigue, rassemblent les conditions nécessaires, dans la conception actuelle du corps, sociale et médicale, pour transporter le désir et la demande d'une partie de la société qui ne peut pas exprimer sa souffrance.
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur le vécu et l'adaptation des couples âgés séparés par l'entrée de l'un des conjoints en institution. Notre démarche se fonde sur le paradigme compréhensif en sciences humaines. Nous avons rencontré sept couples dont l'un des conjoints vivait dans un Etablissement Médico-Social (EMS) de Suisse Romande, alors que l'autre continuait de vivre dans la communauté. Pour chaque situation, nous avons mené une interview individuelle de chacun des conjoints ainsi qu'une interview de couple. Nous avons effectué une analyse thématique du discours des interviewés. En outre, adoptant une perspective à la fois scientifique et clinique, nous avons étudié la dynamique conjugale des couples. Enfin, nous avons élaboré une typologie des différentes trajectoires de ces couples, en mettant en évidence les liens entre la dynamique de couple antérieure à l'hébergement, le vécu du moment de l'hébergement et le vécu lors des interviews. Nous avons montré le rôle central de l'ambivalence, vis-à-vis de la relation conjugale ou vis-à-vis de l'hébergement, dans les difficultés d'adaptation des couples à leur nouvelle situation de vie. -- This thesis is about the experience and adaptation of older couples separated by the accommodation of one spouse in a specialised institution. Our approach is based on the comprehensive paradigm in human sciences. We have met seven couples, of which one spouse was living in an institution (EMS) in the French speaking part of Switzerland, as the other spouse was still living in the community. In every situations, we have interviewed each spouse individually and both spouses together. We have carried out a thematic analysis of the discourses. Moreover, taking a scientific as well as a clinical perspective, we have studied the spousal dynamics of the couples. Finally, we have elaborated a typology of couples' trajectories, from earlier spousal dynamics to their experience of the transition and their experience in the time of the interviews. We have showed the crucial role of ambivalence, towards the couple relation or towards the accommodation, in couples' difficulties to adapt to their new living situation.
Se estudia la dinámica de erosión por escorrentía superficial en unas laderas montañosas de la cabecera de la Ribera Salada (cuenca del Sagre), distinguiendo tres usos de suelo: (1) sotobosque de quejigo, (2) terrazas agrícolas y (3) márgenes de matorral. Se analiza la aplicabilidad de los modelos Erosion2D y EUROSEM. En cuanto al diseño experimental, durante seis meses se controlaron episodios naturales mediante un pluviógrafo y quince parcelas con canales Gerlach. Se realizaron, asimismo, seis simulaciones de lluvia que permitieron estudiar episodios de alta intensidad. De manera complementaria se llevaron a cabo las mediciones topográficas, los muestreos y las experimentaciones necesarias para caracterizar hidrológicamente la zona y aplicar los modelos de erosión. Como principales conclusiones se pueden señalar las siguientes: a) las tasas de escorrentía y erosión registradas fueron muy bajas, y se constató la importancia de procesos diferentes al flujo hortoniano, lo cual condiciona el uso de estos modelos, b) el modelo E2D no permite estudiar episodios de baja magnitud como los registrados, y su aplicación se debería restringir a terrenos menos porosos, c) la aplicación directa del modelo EUROSEM origina errores importantes; se ha calibrado un parámetro para reducir el error en el cálculo de la escorrentía, y d) el estudio de la variabilidad de la humedad precedente del suelo resulta de gran importancia para la modelización de estos procesos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar quanto tempo após a realização da enxertia hipocotiledonar ocorre a soldadura ou adesão entre enxerto e porta-enxerto, e também a formação da ponte de calo, verificada pelo total preenchimento da fenda por tecido meristemático secundário (calo). Foram produzidas 56 mudas de maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.) pela enxertia hipocotiledonar em fenda cheia no topo sobre dois porta-enxertos (P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg. e P. alata Dryander). Aos 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 e 18 dias após a enxertia, coletou-se a região da enxertia de quatro mudas de cada combinação. O material coletado foi fixado em solução de glutaraldeído a 3%, pós-fixado em tetróxido de ósmio a 2%, desidratado em uma série de álcool etílico (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100%), levado ao secador de ponto crítico (CO2), montado, metalizado com ouro - paládio (35 nm) e, por fim, observados e eletromicrografados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura JEOL JSM 5410 (operado em 15 kV). Verificou-se que, aos seis dias após a enxertia, a soldadura para o porta-enxerto Passiflora alata já havia ocorrido, o que só foi constatado para Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa aos nove dias. Também, aos nove dias, observou-se para ambos os porta-enxertos a completa formação da ponte de calo, indicando que, a partir daí, pode-se iniciar o processo de aclimatação da muda, para levá-la a um ambiente de menor umidade.
Challenging the view of asymmetrical power relations between China and Africa, this thesis questions the "Chinese comparative advantages" (monolithic state power and economic advantages) of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Africa. It argues that the power dynamics between Chinese and African actors are dialectical and pluralistic, with localized social capital representing the true Chinese competitive advantage in Africa. Based on ethnographical fieldwork conducted in Ghana, this thesis shows that Chinese SOEs pursue their globalization in a double context - that of the deliberate "retreat" of the Chinese state, and more importantly, that of Ghanaian governance and society (characterized by political party patronage, extraversion dynamics, and worker agency). The trajectories of Chinese expatriates' expatriation/ social promotion and their SOEs' globalization/ localization are mutually influenced and reinforced. By cultivating local relationships and knowledge, a provincial Chinese SOE in Ghana can outperform a large Chinese central SOE, even if the latter has more support from the Chinese state. Moreover, the recent effort to build a "socially acceptable Chinese community" in Ghana has renewed the power dynamics between the Chinese state and the SOEs. All these observations provide for constructing a new perspective of Chinese SOEs in Africa - a "second-class" Chinese globalization - the SOEs may begin with few privileges, but promotion over time is possible. -- A contre pied des approches postulant des relations de pouvoir asymétriques entre la Chine et l'Afrique, cette thèse interroge les « avantages comparatifs chinois » (pouvoir de l'État monolithique et avantages économiques) des entreprises publiques chinoises (EPC) en Afrique. Elle soutient l'idée selon laquelle les dynamiques de pouvoir entre les acteurs chinois et africains est dialectique et pluraliste, et le capital social localisé étant le véritable avantage compétitif chinois en Afrique. S'appuyant sur un travail de terrain ethnographique au Ghana, cette thèse montre que les EPC poursuivent leur mondialisation dans un double contexte - celui de la «retraite» délibérée de l'État chinois, et, de façon plus importante, celui de la gouvernance et de la société ghanéennes (caractérisées par un clientélisme des partis politiques, une dynamique d'extraversion et le pouvoir de négociation des travailleurs). Les trajectoires d'expatriation / de promotion sociale des expatriés chinois et la mondialisation / localisation de leurs EPC s'influencent et se renforcent mutuellement. En cultivant des relations et des connaissances locales, une EPC provinciale au Ghana peut surpasser une grande EPC centrale, même si cette dernière reçoit plus de soutien de l'État chinois. En outre, les efforts récents visant à construire une «communauté chinoise socialement acceptable» au Ghana ont renouvelé la dynamique du pouvoir entre l'État chinois et les EPC. Ces observations permettent de construire une nouvelle perspective des EPC en Afrique - la globalisation chinoise de « deuxième classe » - les EPC peuvent débuter avec peu de privilèges, mais leur promotion reste possible avec le temps.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto da redução do inóculo no controle da podridão-'olho-de-boi' (POB) causada por Cryptosporiopsis sp. em maçãs e minimização de perdas. Os experimentos foram realizados em Vacaria-RS, nos ciclos 2006/07 e 2007/08. Na fase de dormência de macieiras Pink Lady®, foram aplicados os seguintes tratamentos erradicantes (dose p.i.): calda sulfocálcica (3,0%); oxicloreto de cobre (0,5%); hidróxido de cobre (0,3%); óxido cuproso (0,3%) e testemunha sem pulverização. A redução do inóculo foi avaliada em solução oriunda da lavagem de ramos, gemas floríferas e frutos, semeados em meio semisseletivo. Na colheita, a incidência da POB foi avaliada em quatro categorias de frutos: caídos sob a área de projeção da copa; nas plantas; infecções latentes, e após três meses de armazenamento em câmara frigorífica. Houve relação linear positiva entre os níveis de inóculo de Cryptosporiopsis sp. em gemas e os danos por POB (R² = 0,948; P = 0,001). O uso da calda sulfocálcica possibilitou a maior redução de inóculo nas gemas, com redução em 50% dos danos totais ocasionados por POB na safra de 2006/07. Nos frutos, o inóculo apresentou um incremento linear ao longo do ciclo, sendo relativamente maior em 2007/08, onde os tratamentos erradicantes possibilitaram controle superior a 40% nos danos com benefício econômico pela redução do inóculo.
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has a key role in osmoregulation by facilitating water transport in the collecting duct. Recent evidence suggests that AVP may have additional effects on renal function and favor cyst growth in polycystic kidney disease. Whether AVP also affects kidney structure in the general population is unknown. We analyzed the association of copeptin, an established surrogate for AVP, with parameters of renal function and morphology in a multicentric population-based cohort. Participants from families of European ancestry were randomly selected in three Swiss cities. We used linear multilevel regression analysis to explore the association of copeptin with renal function parameters as well as kidney length and the presence of simple renal cysts assessed by ultrasound examination. Copeptin levels were log-transformed. The 529 women and 481 men had median copeptin levels of 3.0 and 5.2 pmol/L, respectively (P<0.001). In multivariable analyses, the copeptin level was associated inversely with eGFR (β=-2.1; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], -3.3 to -0.8; P=0.002) and kidney length (β=-1.2; 95% CI, -1.9 to -0.4; P=0.003) but positively with 24-hour urinary albumin excretion (β=0.11; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.20; P=0.03) and urine osmolality (β=0.08; 95% CI, 0.05 to 0.10; P<0.001). A positive association was found between the copeptin level and the presence of renal cysts (odds ratio, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.4; P=0.02). These results suggest that AVP has a pleiotropic role in renal function and may favor the development of simple renal cysts.
A pilot study identifying a set of microRNAs as precise diagnostic biomarkers of acute kidney injury
In the last decade, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) diagnosis and therapy have not notably improved probably due to delay in the diagnosis, among other issues. Precocity and accuracy should be critical parameters in novel AKI biomarker discovery. microRNAs are key regulators of cell responses to many stimuli and they can be secreted to the extracellular environment. Therefore, they can be detected in body fluids and are emerging as novel disease biomarkers. We aimed to identify and validate serum miRNAs useful for AKI diagnosis and management. Using qRT-PCR arrays in serum samples, we determined miRNAs differentially expressed between AKI patients and healthy controls. Statistical and target prediction analysis allowed us to identify a panel of 10 serum miRNAs. This set was further validated, by qRT-PCR, in two independent cohorts of patients with relevant morbi-mortality related to AKI: Intensive Care Units (ICU) and Cardiac Surgery (CS). Statistical correlations with patient clinical parameter were performed. Our results demonstrated that the 10 selected miRNAs (miR-101-3p, miR-127-3p, miR-210-3p, miR-126-3p, miR-26b-5p, miR-29a-3p, miR-146a-5p, miR-27a-3p, miR-93-3p and miR-10a-5p) were diagnostic biomarkers of AKI in ICU patients, exhibiting areas under the curve close to 1 in ROC analysis. Outstandingly, serum miRNAs estimated before CS predicted AKI development later on, thus becoming biomarkers to predict AKI predisposition. Moreover, after surgery, the expression of the miRNAs was modulated days before serum creatinine increased, demonstrating early diagnostic value. In summary, we have identified a set of serum miRNAs as AKI biomarkers useful in clinical practice, since they demonstrate early detection and high diagnostic value and they recognize patients at risk.
A duração do período de molhamento foliar (DPM) é um importante parâmetro para a determinação do risco de doenças da macieira, especialmente a sarna, principal doença da cultura. O clima regional e as características de implantação e manejo de pomares são fatores determinantes da ocorrência do molhamento foliar. Em função do microclima do dossel, é necessário conhecer a posição com maior DPM, para dar suporte a modelos de previsão de doenças. Poucos trabalhos avaliaram a DPM em pomares de macieira, sendo que inexistem estudos nas condições de cultivo do Sul do Brasil, em particular na região produtora de Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar a variação espacial da DPM em dosséis de macieiras em céu aberto e sob tela antigranizo, na região de Vacaria. O experimento foi desenvolvido em pomares de macieiras 'Royal Gala', conduzidos em líder central com apoio (espaçamento de 1m x 3m), sendo um coberto por tela antigranizo e o outro em céu aberto. A DPM foi monitorada nos estratos superior, médio e inferior dos dosséis de macieira. A duração do molhamento foliar foi superior no estrato inferior do dossel, tanto em céu aberto quanto sob tela antigranizo. Houve tendência de mais alta DPM no pomar coberto para todos os estratos do dossel, com diferença significativa entre ambientes nos estratos superior e médio. Os valores de DPM foram mais similares entre os estratos no dossel coberto por tela antigranizo do que no dossel a céu aberto.
Objetivou-se determinar os modelos que melhor descrevem a relação entre as dimensões lineares e a área foliar da mangueira, cultivar Tommy Atkins, além de estabelecer o fator de correção. A pesquisa foi conduzida na Fazenda Experimental da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, na vila de Cuiarana, município de Salinópolis. Foram analisadas de 90 a 150 folhas, em 11 árvores de um campo experimental, determinando-se o comprimento e a largura máxima das folhas. A área foliar real foi determinada usando o integrador de área foliar "Area Meter" (AM 300). O fator de correção foi obtido pela divisão da área foliar real pela área foliar calculada. A área foliar foi também estimada por meio de modelos linear e não linear. Os modelos gerados apresentaram ótimo desempenho, com valores de R² entre 90 e 97%. O fator de correção de 0,71 pode ser utilizado para estimar a área foliar real da mangueira, multiplicado pelas medidas lineares. Os modelos que utilizaram o produto das dimensões como variável independente apresentaram valores de R² superiores aos que utilizaram apenas uma das dimensões, sendo o tipo cúbico o mais preciso.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar as temperaturas basais e a exigência térmica da mangueira, na região nordeste do Estado do Pará. Um experimento foi realizado em um pomar de mangueiras de 25 hectares, durante as safras de 2010/2011 e 2011/2012, sendo acompanhadas diariamente a fenologia e as condições meteorológicas desde a floração até a colheita. As duas safras experimentaram diferentes condições meteorológicas, e, por isso, a duração do ciclo e a exigência térmica diferiram significativamente. As temperaturas basal inferior e superior para a cultura da mangueira foram de 13 °C e 32 °C, respectivamente, a exigência térmica média encontrada para a mangueira atingir o ponto de colheita comercial foi de 1.024,23 °C dia-1 a 1.157,99 °C dia-1 e a duração média do ciclo da mangueira foi de 110 a 112 dias.
OBJECTIVE: Systolic blood pressure (BP) has been associated with urinary caffeine and its metabolites such as paraxanthine and theophylline. Caffeine and caffeine metabolites could influence arterial pulse pressure (PP) via sympathomimetic effects, smooth muscle relaxation, and phosphodiesterase inhibition. The purpose of this analysis was to explore the association of ambulatory PP with urinary caffeine and its related metabolites in a large population-based sample. DESIGN AND METHOD: Families were randomly selected from the general population of three Swiss cities (2009-2013). Ambulatory BP monitoring was conducted using validated Diasys Integra devices. PP was defined as the difference between the systolic and diastolic ambulatory BP. Urinary caffeine, paraxanthine, theophylline, and theobromine excretions were measured in 24 h urine using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Urinary excretions were log-transformed to satisfy regression assumptions. We used linear mixed models to explore the associations of urinary caffeine and caffeine metabolite excretions with 24-hour, day- and night-time PP while adjusting for major confounders. RESULTS: The 836 participants (48.9% men) included in this analysis had mean (±SD) age of 47.8 (±17.5), and mean 24-hour systolic and diastolic BP of 120.1 mmHg (±13.9) and 78.0 (±8.6). Except theobromine, log transformed urinary caffeine and caffeine metabolite excretions were associated negatively with 24-hour, daytime and night-time ambulatory PP. 24-hour, daytime, and night-time ambulatory PP decreased by -0.804 mmHg (SE, 0.209), -0.749 (0.215), and -0.968 (0.243) (all P values <0.005), for each doubling excretion of caffeine. Strong negative associations with night-time ambulatory PP were observed for paraxanthine and theophylline.(Figure is included in full-text article.) CONCLUSIONS: : The negative associations of PP with caffeine, paraxanthine, and theophylline excretions suggest that caffeine and its metabolites do lower BP, possibly by modifying arterial stiffness.
OBJECTIVE: Electrolytes handling by the kidney is essential for volume and blood pressure (BP) homeostasis but their distribution and heritability are not well described. We estimated the heritability of kidney function as well as of serum and urine concentrations, renal clearances and fractional excretions for sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium in a Swiss population-based study. DESIGN AND METHOD: Nuclear families were randomly selected from the general population in Switzerland. We estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) using the CKD-EPI and MDRD equations. Urine was collected separately during day and night over 24-hour. We used the ASSOC program (S.A.G.E.) to estimate narrow sense heritability, including as covariates in the model: age, sex, body mass index and study center. RESULTS: The 1128 participants (537 men and 591 women from 273 families), had mean (sd) age of 47.4(17.5) years, body mass index of 25.0 (4.5) kg/m2 and CKD-EPI of 98.0(18.5) mL/min/1.73 m2. Heritability estimates (SE) were 46.0% (0.06), 48.0% (0.06) and 18.0% (0.06) for CKD-EPI, MDRD and 24-hour creatinine clearance (P < 0.05), respectively. Heritability [SE] of serum concentration was highest for calcium (37%[0.06]) and lowest for sodium (13%[0.05]). Heritabilities [SE] of 24-h urine concentrations and excretions, and of fractional excretions were highest for calcium (51%[0.06], 44%[0.06] and 51%[0.06], respectively) and lowest for potassium (11%[0.05], 10%[0.05] and 16%[0.06], respectively). All results were statistically different from zero.(Figure is included in full-text article.) CONCLUSIONS: : Serum and urine levels, urinary excretions and renal handling of electrolytes, particularly calcium, are heritable in the general adult population. Identifying genetic variants involved in electrolytes homeostasis may provide useful insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in common chronic diseases such as kidney diseases, hypertension and diabetes.
4B.05: Plasma Lasma copeptin is associated with insulin resistance in a Swiss population-based study
OBJECTIVE: Previous studies suggest that arginine vasopressin may have a role in metabolic syndrome (MetS) and diabetes by altering liver glycogenolysis, insulin, and glucagon secretion and pituitary ACTH release. We tested whether plasma copeptin, the stable C-terminal fragment of arginine vasopressin prohormone, was associated with insulin resistance and MetS in a Swiss population-based study. DESIGN AND METHOD: We analyzed data from the population-based Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension. Copeptin was assessed by an immunoluminometric assay. Insulin resistance was derived from the HOMA model and calculated as follows: (FPI x FPG)/22.5, where FPI is fasting plasma insulin concentration (mU/L) and FPG fasting plasma glucose (mmol/L). Subjects were classified as having the MetS according to the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Mixed multivariate linear regression models were built to explore the association of insulin resistance with copeptin. In addition, multivariate logistic regression models were built to explore the association between MetS and copeptin. In the two analyses, adjustment was done for age, gender, center, tobacco and alcohol consumption, socioeconomic status, physical activity, intake of fruits and vegetables and 24 h urine flow rate. Copeptin was log-transformed for the analyses. RESULTS: Among the 1,089 subjects included in this analysis, 47% were male. Mean (SD) age and body mass index were 47.4 (17.6) years 25.0 (4.5) kg/m2. The prevalence of MetS was 10.5%. HOMA-IR was higher in men (median 1.3, IQR 0.7-2.1) than in women (median 1.0, IQR 0.5-1.6,P < 0.0001). Plasma copeptin was higher in men (median 5.2, IQR 3.7-7.8 pmol/L) than in women (median 3.0, IQR 2.2-4.3 pmol/L), P < 0.0001. HOMA-IR was positively associated with log-copeptin after full adjustment (β (95% CI) 0.19 (0.09-0.29), P < 0.001). MetS was not associated with copeptin after full adjustment (P = 0.92). CONCLUSIONS: Insulin resistance, but not MetS, was associated with higher copeptin levels. Further studies should examine whether modifying pharmacologically the arginine vasopressin system might improve insulin resistance, thereby providing insight into the causal nature of this association.
OBJECTIVE: Renal resistive index (RRI) varies directly with renal vascular stiffness and pulse pressure. RRI correlates positively with arteriolosclerosis in damaged kidneys and predicts progressive renal dysfunction. Matrix Gla-protein (MGP) is a vascular calcification inhibitor that needs vitamin K to be activated. Inactive MGP, known as desphospho-uncarboxylated MGP (dp-ucMGP), can be measured in plasma and has been associated with various cardiovascular (CV) markers, CV outcomes and mortality. In this study we hypothesize that increased RRI is associated with high levels of dp-ucMGP. DESIGN AND METHOD: We recruited participants via a multi-center family-based cross-sectional study in Switzerland exploring the role of genes and kidney hemodynamics in blood pressure regulation. Dp-ucMGP was quantified in plasma samples by sandwich ELISA. Renal doppler sonography was performed using a standardized protocol to measure RRIs on 3 segmental arteries in each kidney. The mean of the 6 measures was reported. Multiple regression analysis was performed to estimate associations between RRI and dp-ucMGP adjusting for sex, age, pulse pressure, mean pressure, renal function and other CV risk factors. RESULTS: We included 1035 participants in our analyses. Mean values were 0.64 ± 0.06 for RRI and 0.44 ± 0.21 (nmol/L) for dp-ucMGP. RRI was positively associated with dp-ucMGP both before and after adjustment for sex, age, body mass index, pulse pressure, mean pressure, heart rate, renal function, low and high density lipoprotein, smoking status, diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol lowering drugs, and history of CV disease (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: RRI is independently and positively associated with high levels of dp-ucMGP after adjustment for pulse pressure and common CV risk factors. Further studies are needed to determine if vitamin K supplementation can have a positive effect on renal vascular stiffness and kidney function.