980 resultados para Doxorubicin -- adverse effects
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is changing, and this may affect the type and occurrence of side effects. We examined the frequency of lipodystrophy (LD) and weight changes in relation to the use of specific drugs in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). METHODS: In the SHCS, patients are followed twice a year and scored by the treating physician as having 'fat accumulation', 'fat loss', or neither. Treatments, and reasons for change thereof, are recorded. Our study sample included all patients treated with cART between 2003 and 2006 and, in addition, all patients who started cART between 2000 and 2003. RESULTS: From 2003 to 2006, the percentage of patients taking stavudine, didanosine and nelfinavir decreased, the percentage taking lopinavir, nevirapine and efavirenz remained stable, and the percentage taking atazanavir and tenofovir increased by 18.7 and 22.2%, respectively. In life-table Kaplan-Meier analysis, patients starting cART in 2003-2006 were less likely to develop LD than those starting cART from 2000 to 2002 (P<0.02). LD was quoted as the reason for treatment change or discontinuation for 4% of patients on cART in 2003, and for 1% of patients treated in 2006 (P for trend <0.001). In univariate and multivariate regression analysis, patients with a weight gain of >or=5 kg were more likely to take lopinavir or atazanavir than patients without such a weight gain [odds ratio (OR) 2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3-2.9, and OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.3-2.1, respectively]. CONCLUSIONS: LD has become less frequent in the SHCS from 2000 to 2006. A weight gain of more than 5 kg was associated with the use of atazanavir and lopinavir.
Factor D is an essential enzyme of the alternative pathway of complement. Its catabolism is mainly renal. The concentration of factor D increases with renal failure, and is approximately 10-fold higher in patients with end-stage renal disease. The accumulation of factor D is responsible for an enhancement of alternative pathway activation. Whether this excess of factor D has pathophysiological consequences remains to be determined, however, complement activation might participate in adverse effects during hemodialysis and in the progression of renal injury.
PURPOSE: As no curative treatment for advanced pancreatic and biliary cancer with malignant ascites exists, new modalities possibly improving the response to available chemotherapies must be explored. This phase I study assesses the feasibility, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of a regional treatment of gemcitabine administered in escalating doses by the stop-flow approach to patients with advanced abdominal malignancies (adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, n = 8, and cholangiocarcinoma of the liver, n = 1). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Gemcitabine at 500, 750 and 1,125 mg/m(2) was administered to three patients at each dose level by loco-regional chemotherapy, using hypoxic abdominal stop-flow perfusion. This was achieved by an aorto-caval occlusion by balloon catheters connected to an extracorporeal circuit. Gemcitabine and its main metabolite 2',2'-difluorodeoxyuridine (dFdU) concentrations were measured by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection in the extracorporeal circuit during the 20 min of stop-flow perfusion, and in peripheral plasma for 420 min. Blood gases were monitored during the stop-flow perfusion and hypoxia was considered stringent if two of the following endpoints were met: pH </= 7.2, pO(2) nadir ratio </=0.70 or pCO(2) peak ratio >/=1.35. The tolerability of this procedure was also assessed. RESULTS: Stringent hypoxia was achieved in four patients. Very high levels of gemcitabine were rapidly reached in the extracorporeal circuit during the 20 min of stop-flow perfusion, with C (max) levels in the abdominal circuit of 246 (+/-37%), 2,039 (+/-77%) and 4,780 (+/-7.3%) mug/ml for the three dose levels 500, 750 and 1,125 mg/m(2), respectively. These C (max) were between 13 (+/-51%) and 290 (+/-12%) times higher than those measured in the peripheral plasma. Similarly, the abdominal exposure to gemcitabine, calculated as AUC(t0-20), was between 5.5 (+/-43%) and 200 (+/-66%)-fold higher than the systemic exposure. Loco-regional exposure to gemcitabine was statistically higher in presence of stringent hypoxia (P < 0.01 for C (max) and AUC(t0-20), both normalised to the gemcitabine dose). Toxicities were acceptable considering the complexity of the procedure and were mostly hepatic; it was not possible to differentiate the respective contributions of systemic and regional exposures. A significant correlation (P < 0.05) was found between systemic C (max) of gemcitabine and the nadir of both leucocytes and neutrophils. CONCLUSIONS: Regional exposure to gemcitabine-the current standard drug for advanced adenocarcinoma of the pancreas-can be markedly enhanced using an optimised hypoxic stop-flow perfusion technique, with acceptable toxicities up to a dose of 1,125 mg/m(2). However, the activity of gemcitabine under hypoxic conditions is not as firmly established as that of other drugs such as mitomycin C, melphalan or tirapazamine. Further studies of this investigational modality, but with bioreductive drugs, are therefore warranted first to evaluate the tolerance in a phase I study and later on to assess whether it does improve the response to chemotherapy.
The availability of stored red blood cells (RBCs) for transfusion remains an important aspect of the treatment of polytrauma, acute anemia or major bleedings. RBCs are prepared by blood banks from whole blood donations and stored in the cold in additive solutions for typically six weeks. These far from physiological storage conditions result in the so-called red cell storage lesion that is of importance both to blood bankers and to clinical practitioners. Here we review the current state of knowledge about the red cell storage lesion from a proteomic perspective. In particular, we describe the current models accounting for RBC aging and response to lethal stresses, review the published proteomic studies carried out to uncover the molecular basis of the RBC storage lesion, and conclude by suggesting a few possible proteomic studies that would provide further knowledge of the molecular alterations carried by RBCs stored in the cold for six weeks.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the only secondary cause of osteoporosis that is considered independent of bone density in the FRAX(®) algorithm. Although input for rheumatoid arthritis in FRAX(®) is a dichotomous variable, intuitively, one would expect that more severe or active disease would be associated with a greater risk for fracture. We reviewed the literature to determine if specific disease parameters or medication use could be used to better characterize fracture risk in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Although many studies document a correlation between various parameters of disease activity or severity and decreased bone density, fewer have associated these variables with fracture risk. We reviewed these studies in detail and concluded that disability measures such as HAQ (Health Assessment Questionnaire) and functional class do correlate with clinical fractures but not morphometric vertebral fractures. One large study found a strong correlation with duration of disease and fracture risk but additional studies are needed to confirm this. There was little evidence to correlate other measures of disease such as DAS (disease activity score), VAS (visual analogue scale), acute phase reactants, use of non-glucocorticoid medications and increased fracture risk. We concluded that FRAX(®) calculations may underestimate fracture probability in patients with impaired functional status from rheumatoid arthritis but that this could not be quantified at this time. At this time, other disease measures cannot be used for fracture prediction. However only a few, mostly small studies addressed other disease parameters and further research is needed. Additional questions for future research are suggested.
The transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TA-TAVI) in degenerated aortic bioprosthesis is an emerging therapy for surgically non-amenable patients. However, the presence of different types of aortic bioprostheses (stented and stentless), available in different sizes (19-27 mm), can be at the origin of important mismatches between the malfunctioning, degenerated aortic valves and the inner stent-valves implanted through transapical accesses (23 and 26 mm Edwards Sapien transcatheter stent-valves). We report an emergency TA-TAVI treatment of a severely regurgitant degenerated 23 mm Mitroflow aortic bioprosthesis (Sorin Group, Milano, Italy) implanted seven years earlier in an 80-year-old lady, and we reviewed the current available literature about transapical 'valve-in-valve' procedures to analyze the hemodynamic results and the ideal 'prosthesis-to-prosthesis' match.
BACKGROUND: Exposure to particles (PM) induces adverse health effects (cancer, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases). A key-role in these adverse effects seems to be played by oxidative stress, which is an excess of reactive oxygen species relative to the amount of reducing species (including antioxidants), the first line of defense against reactive oxygen species. The aim of this study was to document the oxidative stress caused by exposure to respirable particles in vivo, and to test whether exposed workers presented changes in their urinary levels for reducing species.METHODS: Bus depot workers (n = 32) exposed to particles and pollutants (respirable PM4, organic and elemental carbon, particulate metal content, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, NOx, O3) were surveyed over two consecutive days. We collected urine samples before and after each shift, and quantified an oxidative stress biomarker (8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine), the reducing capacity and a biomarker of PAH exposure (1-hydroxypyrene). We used a linear mixed model to test for associations between the oxidative stress status of the workers and their particle exposure as well as with their urinary level of reducing species.RESULTS: Workers were exposed to low levels of respirable PM4 (range 25-71 μg/m3). However, urinary levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine increased significantly within each shift and between both days for non-smokers. The between-day increase was significantly correlated (p < 0.001) with the concentrations of organic carbon, NOx, and the particulate copper content. The within-shift increase in 8OHdG was highly correlated to an increase of the urinary reducing capacity (Spearman ρ = 0.59, p < 0.0001).CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm that exposure to components associated to respirable particulate matter causes a systemic oxidative stress, as measured with the urinary 8OHdG. The strong association observed between urinary 8OHdG with the reducing capacity is suggestive of protective or other mechanisms, including circadian effects. Additional investigations should be performed to understand these observations.
Two cases of a benign form of optic disc edema after successful trabeculectomy are reported. In both patients, optic disc edema was noted 2 to 4 weeks after trabeculectomy. The edema occurred without loss of visual acuity or field. The absolute intraocular pressure and intracranial pressure were normal--that is, the edema was not a syndrome of hypotony or pseudotumor cerebri. However, both patients had intracranial pressure in the high-normal range. The decrease in intraocular pressure into the low normal range after trabeculectomy may have altered the intracranial pressure:intraocular pressure ratio at the lamina cribrosa enough to produce optic disc edema.
OBJECTIVES: Smoking is the most prevalent modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases among HIV-positive persons. We assessed the effect on smoking cessation of training HIV care physicians in counselling. METHODS: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) is a multicentre prospective observational database. Our single-centre intervention at the Zurich centre included a half day of standardized training for physicians in counselling and in the pharmacotherapy of smokers, and a physicians' checklist for semi-annual documentation of their counselling. Smoking status was then compared between participants at the Zurich centre and other institutions. We used marginal logistic regression models with exchangeable correlation structure and robust standard errors to estimate the odds of smoking cessation and relapse. RESULTS: Between April 2000 and December 2010, 11 056 SHCS participants had 121 238 semi-annual visits and 64 118 person-years of follow-up. The prevalence of smoking decreased from 60 to 43%. During the intervention at the Zurich centre from November 2007 to December 2009, 1689 participants in this centre had 6068 cohort visits. These participants were more likely to stop smoking [odds ratio (OR) 1.23; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.07-1.42; P=0.004] and had fewer relapses (OR 0.75; 95% CI 0.61-0.92; P=0.007) than participants at other SHCS institutions. The effect of the intervention was stronger than the calendar time effect (OR 1.19 vs. 1.04 per year, respectively). Middle-aged participants, injecting drug users, and participants with psychiatric problems or with higher alcohol consumption were less likely to stop smoking, whereas persons with a prior cardiovascular event were more likely to stop smoking. CONCLUSIONS: An institution-wide training programme for HIV care physicians in smoking cessation counselling led to increased smoking cessation and fewer relapses.
Diabetes mellitus occurs more frequently in schizophrenic patients. The use of a novel antipsychotic drug seems to be concomitant to a further increase in imbalance of blood glucose homeostasis. Such cases have already been reported in the literature indicating that diabetes mellitus might be a real side effect of this novel class of neuroleptics. In conclusion, it seems that schizophrenic patients under such treatment would greatly benefit from a closer clinical and biological follow up regarding glucose metabolism. Further randomised studies would be needed.
BACKGROUND: In myasthenia gravis, antibody-mediated blockade of acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction abolishes the naturally occurring 'safety factor' of synaptic transmission. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors provide temporary symptomatic treatment of muscle weakness, but there is controversy about their long-term efficacy, dosage and side effects. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in all forms of myasthenia gravis. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched The Cochrane Neuromuscular Disease Group Specialized Register (5 October 2009), The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2009), MEDLINE (January 1966 to September 2009), EMBASE (January 1980 to September 2009) for randomised controlled trials and quasi-randomised controlled trials regarding usage of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in myasthenia gravis. Two authors scanned the articles for any study eligible for inclusion. We also contacted the authors and known experts in the field to identify additional published or unpublished data. SELECTION CRITERIA: Types of studies: all randomised or quasi-randomised trials.Types of participants: all myasthenia gravis patients diagnosed by an internationally accepted definition.Types of interventions: treatment with any form of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.Types of outcome measuresPrimary outcome measureImprovement in the presenting symptoms within 1 to 14 days of the start of treatment.Secondary outcome measures(1) Improvement in the presenting symptoms more than 14 days after the start of treatment.(2) Change in impairment measured by a recognised and preferably validated scale, such as the quantitative myasthenia gravis score within 1 to 14 days and more than 14 days after the start of treatment.(3) Myasthenia Gravis Association of America post-intervention status more than 14 days after start of treatment.(4) Adverse events: muscarinic side effects. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: One author (MMM) extracted the data, which were checked by a second author. We contacted study authors for extra information and collected data on adverse effects from the trials. MAIN RESULTS: We did not find any large randomised or quasi-randomised trials of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in generalised myasthenia gravis. One cross-over randomised trial using intranasal neostigmine in a total of 10 subjects was only available as an abstract. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Except for one small and inconclusive trial of intranasal neostigmine, no randomised controlled trial has been conducted on the use of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in myasthenia gravis. Response to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in observational studies is so clear that a randomised controlled trial depriving participants in the placebo arm of treatment would be difficult to justify.
BACKGROUND: Interleukin 6 is involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis via its broad effects on immune and inflammatory responses. Our aim was to assess the therapeutic effects of blocking interleukin 6 by inhibition of the interleukin-6 receptor with tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS: In this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel group phase III study, 623 patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis were randomly assigned with an interactive voice response system, stratified by site with a randomisation list provided by the study sponsor, to receive tocilizumab 8 mg/kg (n=205), tocilizumab 4 mg/kg (214), or placebo (204) intravenously every 4 weeks, with methotrexate at stable pre-study doses (10-25 mg/week). Rescue therapy with tocilizumab 8 mg/kg was offered at week 16 to patients with less than 20% improvement in both swollen and tender joint counts. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with 20% improvement in signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis according to American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR20 response) at week 24. Analyses were by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00106548. FINDINGS: The intention-to-treat analysis population consisted of 622 patients: one patient in the 4 mg/kg group did not receive study treatment and was thus excluded. At 24 weeks, ACR20 responses were seen in more patients receiving tocilizumab than in those receiving placebo (120 [59%] patients in the 8 mg/kg group, 102 [48%] in the 4 mg/kg group, 54 [26%] in the placebo group; odds ratio 4.0 [95% CI 2.6-6.1], p<0.0001 for 8 mg/kg vs placebo; and 2.6 [1.7-3.9], p<0.0001 for 4 mg/kg vs placebo). More people receiving tocilizumab than those receiving placebo had at least one adverse event (143 [69%] in the 8 mg/kg group; 151 [71%] in the 4 mg/kg group; 129 [63%] in the placebo group). The most common serious adverse events were serious infections or infestations, reported by six patients in the 8 mg/kg group, three in the 4 mg/kg group, and two in the placebo group. INTERPRETATION: Tocilizumab could be an effective therapeutic approach in patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis. FUNDING: F Hoffmann-La Roche, Chugai Pharmaceutical.