988 resultados para Digital libraries -- TFC
In this review, we summarize how the new concept of digital optics applied to the field of holographic microscopy has allowed the development of a reliable and flexible digital holographic quantitative phase microscopy (DH-QPM) technique at the nanoscale particularly suitable for cell imaging. Particular emphasis is placed on the original biological information provided by the quantitative phase signal. We present the most relevant DH-QPM applications in the field of cell biology, including automated cell counts, recognition, classification, three-dimensional tracking, discrimination between physiological and pathophysiological states, and the study of cell membrane fluctuations at the nanoscale. In the last part, original results show how DH-QPM can address two important issues in the field of neurobiology, namely, multiple-site optical recording of neuronal activity and noninvasive visualization of dendritic spine dynamics resulting from a full digital holographic microscopy tomographic approach.
The SHRP Modified Georgia Digital Faultmeter was loaned to the Iowa Department of Transportation in January 1993 for evaluation. A study was undertaken comparing the faultmeter to Iowa's current method of fault measurement. The following conclusions were made after comparing the faultmeter to Iowa's gauge: The faultmeter was lighter and easier to maneuver and position. The faultmeter's direct readout was quicker to read. The faultmeter has increased precision. The faultmeter gave consistently lower fault readings than the Iowa gauge.
This document contains statistics and reports about Iowa public libraries. It includes tables, graphs, maps and information about the use of public libraries, loans, holdings, data by region and population and much more. The information was compiled for a consultants meeting for the Iowa State Traveling Library.
These guidelines were created by a Task Force appointed by the State Library of Iowa and the Iowa Department of Education to provide assistance to local school districts in developing school library programs. These include a summary of the data collected annually by the State Library of Iowa in its Survey of School Libraries. This data will allow local schools to compare themselves in terms of collections, budgets and staffing to schools of similar size throughout the state.
This document contains statistics and reports about Iowa public libraries, particularly in the areas of reference and information services. It includes tables, graphs, maps and information about the use of public libraries, loans, holdings, data by region and population and much more. The information was compiled for a consultants meeting for the Iowa State Traveling Library.
Commercially available instruments for road-side data collection take highly limited measurements, require extensive manual input, or are too expensive for widespread use. However, inexpensive computer vision techniques for digital video analysis can be applied to automate the monitoring of driver, vehicle, and pedestrian behaviors. These techniques can measure safety-related variables that cannot be easily measured using existing sensors. The use of these techniques will lead to an improved understanding of the decisions made by drivers at intersections. These automated techniques allow the collection of large amounts of safety-related data in a relatively short amount of time. There is a need to develop an easily deployable system to utilize these new techniques. This project implemented and tested a digital video analysis system for use at intersections. A prototype video recording system was developed for field deployment. A computer interface was implemented and served to simplify and automate the data analysis and the data review process. Driver behavior was measured at urban and rural non-signalized intersections. Recorded digital video was analyzed and used to test the system.
El present treball exposa la planificació, disseny, anàlisi i arquitectura d'una aplicació creada amb tecnologia JEE. L'aplicació pretén ser una eina de suport psicològic a nens i nenes que tenen difícil accés a aquests professionals. La idea inicial es va inspirar en els infant d'un orfenat de Katmandú. Les tecnologies emprades per la realització del treball han estat Struts2, JSP i EJB3.0. Com a base de dades s'ha seleccionat MySQL, i el servidor d'aplicacions Jboss.
Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) is a widely used approach for transcript identification. Random clone selection from the RACE mixture, however, is an ineffective sampling strategy if the dynamic range of transcript abundances is large. To improve sampling efficiency of human transcripts, we hybridized the products of the RACE reaction onto tiling arrays and used the detected exons to delineate a series of reverse-transcriptase (RT)-PCRs, through which the original RACE transcript population was segregated into simpler transcript populations. We independently cloned the products and sequenced randomly selected clones. This approach, RACEarray, is superior to direct cloning and sequencing of RACE products because it specifically targets new transcripts and often results in overall normalization of transcript abundance. We show theoretically and experimentally that this strategy leads indeed to efficient sampling of new transcripts, and we investigated multiplexing the strategy by pooling RACE reactions from multiple interrogated loci before hybridization.
Els present document te com objectiu detallar el procés que s¿ha dut a terme per la implementació d¿una aplicació que permeti a un esportista l¿enregistrament tant de entrenaments com competicions. Per la implementació de dita aplicació s¿ha escollit Java com a llenguatge de programació i concretament J2EE com la arquitectura a utilitzar.
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació de gestió d'un videoclub amb Microsoft .NET (TFC).
Treball final de carrera en ASP.NET i AJAX de una web de venta online de SAI's.
El trabajo muestra un estudio comparativo de las soluciones que plantean diferentes soluciones comerciales y/o libres para la adecuación o no a su integración en un entorno como es el campus virtual de la UOC. Para esto se ha elaborado una lista de indicadores clave y más adelante se ha hecho una valoración de la integración en el entorno UOC, relacionando los indicadores anteriores con los requerimientos de la UOC. Investigando previamente cuales son estos. Por último se ha comprobado y corroborado la posible integración de la solución elegida al campus virtual, con el desarrollo de una pequeña aplicación web.