986 resultados para Dean Adami


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A national innovation system is concerned with the full process of converting new knowledge into commercially viable results. Governments are policy-active in trying to create productive national innovation systems. This paper reviews ways of thinking about entrepreneurship as the commercialisation component of Australia’s innovation system. The paper explores the impact and relevance of selected existing Australian Commonwealth, and to a lesser extent State government, programs for the commercialisation channels so identified, using four frameworks for the analysis: financial, management/start-up, innovation and entrepreneurial. The analysis indicates program initiatives covering the later development and commercialization phases, but serious gaps in the support available for the entrepreneurship phase involving the act of new entry. This gap is covered by research provider business development people and to a limited extent by incubator and State government initiatives. A critical issue has been and is access to smaller amounts of seed finance. The critical human component is the education of public servants and politicians about the nature and operation of entrepreneurship.


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The crystal structures of several low-melting salts containing trihalide ions, namely 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tribromide ([C2mim][Br3]), 1-ethyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium tribromide ([C2mpyr][Br3]), and 1-propyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium triiodide ([C3mpyr][I3]), are reported for the first time. Thermal analysis reveals that the tribromide salts are lower-melting than their monohalide analogues. Analysis of the crystal structures allows examination of the influence of the anions on the physical properties of the salts.


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Use of New Product Development (NPD) methods may benefit New Zealand SMEs and entrepreneurial firms in gaining greater market share. In this paper we review the literature on New Product Development, NPD theory and methods for early stage product design and development. Our reading suggests that product design has greater success when the customer is involved in the design effort. It also recommends methods of approach to new markets in the (NPD) life cycle. The literature further elucidates methods for identification of product design criteria based on customer needs identification. In essence, customer-product interaction in the early stages of product development is important to product success in new markets for entrepreneurial firms and SMEs. Of particular interest are early-stage NPD research methods and their influence on the company’s marketing strategy.


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This article reviews how current social network analysis might be used to investigate individual and group behavior in sporting teams. Social network analysis methods permit researchers to explore social relations between team members and their individual-level qualities simultaneously. As such, social network analysis can be seen as augmenting existing approaches for the examination of intra-group relations among teams and provide detail of team members' informal connections to others within the team. Social network analysis is useful in addressing the issue of interdependencies in the data inherent in team structures. Social network terms are introduced and explained by way of an example team, software and resources are discussed, and a statistical approach to social network analysis is introduced.


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The Clp chaperones and proteases play an important role in protein homeostasis in the cell. They are highly conserved across prokaryotes and found also in the mitochondria of eukaryotes and the chloroplasts of plants. They function mainly in the disaggregation, unfolding and degradation of native as well as misfolded proteins. Here, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the Clp chaperones and proteases in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The parasite contains four Clp ATPases, which we term PfClpB1, PfClpB2, PfClpC and PfClpM. One PfClpP, the proteolytic subunit, and one PfClpR, which is an inactive version of the protease, were also identified. Expression of all Clp chaperones and proteases was confirmed in blood-stage parasites. The proteins were localized to the apicoplast, a non-photosynthetic organelle that accommodates several important metabolic pathways in P. falciparum, with the exception of PfClpB2 (also known as Hsp101), which was found in the parasitophorous vacuole. Both PfClpP and PfClpR form mostly homoheptameric rings as observed by size-exclusion chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. The X-ray structure of PfClpP showed the protein as a compacted tetradecamer similar to that observed for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpPs. Our data suggest the presence of a ClpCRP complex in the apicoplast of P. falciparum.


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Visionnaire 2010 : A screening of 15 postgraduate and masters films.

Two hundred and two - Daniella Said, Adam Green, Phoebe Beasley, Juntra Santitarangkun, Olexander Barnes & Rhett Ortlipp.
Gone to see - Sean Rafter.
Hippocratic oath - Nathan Primer, Daniel Merei, Melina Flood, Michael Dearnley, Mathew Karanicolas & Nicholas White.
The other voices - Tania Raouf.
Standover - Nicholas Hancock, Ryan Thomas, David Hurley, Nicholas Weller, Mitch McTaggart & Djorvan Caro.
Sisters - Kailai Gu.
Escape - Jonathan Burton, Simon Todd, Todd Johnson, Amanda Klimos, James Murphy, Ola Gytri & Max Reed.
Welcome to the Anderson's - Maneesha Jacob.
Hannah - Jodi Deutrom, Ardimas Andi, Ben Engeset, Kim Han Law, Steffen Hagen & Timotius.
Hour3 - Akanksha Shakya.
3-25-6 - Syamsul Azhar, Ethan Bottomley, Tiffany Dalton, Kane Gloury, Alexandra Latimer & Lene Moerch.
Seher and others - Bircan Eral.
Edward Barsky - Breidi Boyle, Bree Mansell, Simon DeNatris & Murphy McLachlan.
Detecting Calvin - Kara Tyson, Aimee Linossier, Jessica Ruffino, Seamus Parkinson, Dean Sacco & Simon Holt.
Double date - Adriana Bizzarri, Matthew Smolen, Effie Telianidis, Oliver Kerr, Lucy Ramshaw & Luisa Tascone.


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Intermittent wetlands are particularly at risk from secondary salinisation because salts are concentrated during drawdown. We conducted a field experiment to examine the effect of adding salt at two different concentrations (to achieve nominal conductivities of 1000 μS cm–1 (low salt) and 3000 μS cm–1 (high salt)) on water quality, freshwater plants and epiphytic diatoms in an intermittent wetland during a 3.3-month drawdown. Conductivity increased to 3000 and 8500 μS cm–1 in low-salt and high-salt treatments respectively. Salt was apparently lost to the sediments, causing protons to be released from the sediments and reducing water column pH from 6.9 to 5.5 in the low-salt treatment and to 4.0 in the high-salt treatments. Forty days after adding the salt, biomass, %cover and flower production in Potamogeton cheesmanii were significantly reduced, whereas Amphibromus fluitans was not significantly affected. The salt effect on Triglochin procera was intermediate between the other two macrophytes. Significant reductions in the density, species richness and diversity of epiphytic diatoms occurred in the high-salt, but not in the low-salt, treatments. Our work shows that increases in salinity, and thus conductivity (up to 8500 μS cm–1), in low-alkalinity intermittent wetlands can change water quality, with significant adverse effects on some macrophyte and diatom communities.


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Australia's asylum seeker policies are not widely understood. They are complex, and have changed many times, particularly since 2001. This chapter outlines Australia's policies towards asylum seekers and refugees. First, it highlights the fundamental tenets of the Refugee Convention, which forms the basis of Australia's obligations to refugees. It then explaines the different categories of intake, and the different procedures asylum seekers and refugees encounter to start a new life in Australia. We demonstrate that Australia's policies are based on a distinction between two groups of people needing protection: 'offshore' refugees and 'onshore' asylum seekers. The different reception of these two groups by the Australian government could not be greater. The result is a system of two classes of refugees - a distinction that contravenes our international obligations.