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The diet of Powerful Owls (Ninox strenua) living at Christmas Hills, 35km north-east of Melbourne was examined by analysis of 686 regurgitated pellets collected over two years. An aid was also developed to help identify potential mammalian prey species based on hair and skeletal characteristics. The following features were found to be most useful in distinguishing between the three species of arboreal marsupials - Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps): - Cross-sectional width of primary guard hairs. - The size and shape of the nasal, frontal, parietal and squamosal bones of the skull. - Dentition. The size and shape of the upper incisor, canine and premolar teeth. The size and shape of the lower incisor and premolar teeth. - The size of the humerus. The Sugar Glider has a much smaller humerus than that of the Common Ringtail Possum and the Common Brushtail Possum. In the Common Brushtail Possum the entepicondyle ends in a very sharp point but the Common Ringtail Possum this point is not as sharp. - The Common Ringtail Possum’s femur has a very prominent trochanter which projects further than that in the Common Brushtail Possum. The femur of the Sugar Glider is distinguished by having a very large depression between the condyle and the trochanter. - The Common Brushtail Possum’s scapula has a narrower lower blade (relative to length) than that in the Common Ringtail Possum. The scapula of the Sugar Glider is smaller in size than that of the other two possums.The pelvic girdle Of the Common Brushtail Possum has a much wider ischium than those of the Common Brushtail Possum and the Sugar Glider. The ilium of the Sugar is much narrower and smaller than that of the other two possums Mammalian prey was found in 89%, insects in 13% and birds in 10% of the pellets. Of the mammals, Common Ringtail Possums occurred most frequently in the pellets over the year. There was no seasonal difference in the frequency of occurrence of Common Ringtail Possums and Sugar Gliders in pellets. However, Common Brushtail Possums were more likely to be taken in spring than in the other seasons. More adult Common Ringtail Possums were taken as prey than were other age classes over the year, except in summer when high numbers of young were consumed by the owls. The habitat of the Powerful Owl was examined by ground surveys and spotlight surveys in sixteen sites within the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Link. Four categories of survey sites were chosen with the following features. Category A - Sites with a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees, as well as many old trees (>10/ha) which might be suitable for nest hollows. Category B - Sites which lacked a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees and containing few or no old trees suitable for nest hollows. Category C - Sites with a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees but containing few or no old trees suitable for nest hollows. Category D - Sites which lacked a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees but having old trees (>10/ha) which might be suitable for nest hollows. High prey densities strongly correlated with the presence of hollows at these sites. In the light of the results, management recommendations were made for the future conservation of the Powerful Owls living at Christmas Hills. The following recommendations were particularly important: 1. Cleared or semi - cleared land within the Warrandyte Kinglake Nature Conservation Link be revegetated using indigenous species of eucalypts and waffles in order to provide a contiguous native forest corridor for the movement of possums and gliders between the Yarra River Valley and the Kinglake Plateau. 2. Continued planting of Eucalyptus spp. and Acacia spp. in the forested areas of the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Link. 3. Continued protection of healthy living trees to provide a continuous supply of hollow trees. 4. No falling of dead standing trees for firewood collecting as these can provide nest hollows for prey species of the Powerful Owl.


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The population dynamics of the infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba was investigated at three sites situated within close proximity to the mouth of the Hopkins River estuary. The initial study design was planned to examine the importance of winter flooding to the persistence of this bivalve mollusc within the Hopkins estuary, since mass mortalities have been observed during previous years coincident with periods of winter flooding. Unfortunately, the climatic conditions experienced during this study were atypical compared to the long-term average, so detailed sampling was limited to two, unanticipated, non-flood years rather than two, highly anticipated, flood years. This hampered my ability to conduct complete tests of the importance of winter flooding. Patterns of river discharge and the frequency and duration of mouth opening and closing differed greatly from that expected. Unexpectedly, periods of mouth closure were not always associated with periods of minimal river discharge; low salinities were another unexpected result during an extended period of mouth closure during 1998. As expected, salinities varied considerably with increasing water depth when the estuary mouth was open. Mouth closure lead to salinities becoming more uniform between water depths but hypoxic and anoxic conditions became evident via stratification in the water column at 1 m below the Australian Height Datum (AHD). Other than trends associated with increased water depth, significant variation was not evident between measurements of salinity taken from three sites within close proximity of the estuary mouth (approximately 500 m), or during changes in tide. The most pertinent anomaly was the absence of winter flooding. The distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult S. alba was variable across all Dates, Sites and Channel elevations (i.e. water depths) sampled during this study. An experimental test comparing the recruitment of juveniles at different channel elevations and in sediments of varying particle size was conducted during an exceptionally successful period of recruitment during 1999. The results of these tests showed that recruitment was greatest at the shallowest channel elevation used, and there was little evidence that sediment particle size influenced recruitment. In contrast to 1999, recruitment during 1997 or 1998 was extremely poor. Growth rates were monitored using tagged individuals held in caged and uncaged plots, which revealed that growth was highly variable among individuals, but not between Sites. These tests also revealed that growth was negligible during the colder, winter months, and that the fastest growing individuals were capable of growing 0.2 mm/day. Mixed results were obtained for tests of potential cage artifacts and the influence of handling. Caging and differing amounts of handling did not appear to influence growth, but there was evidence that cages and handling influenced bivalve condition and number of mortalities. These direct tests appeared to be the most appropriate method for determining growth rates of this species, since attempts to analyse length-frequency data were made difficult by the apparent convergence of cohorts, and shell aging is difficult due to the thin, fragile nature of the shell. As expected, mass mortalities were observed during the flood of 1996, but not during the two non-flood years of 1997 and 1998. There were, however, some considerable declines in abundances at some channel elevations during the two non-flood years. However, these declines were attributable to the complete disappearance of individuals, rather than the sudden presence of numerous, recently dead individuals that typify observed declines during winter flooding. The complete disappearance of individuals suggest that S. alba may be capable of post-settlement emigration, or that they were consumed by an unknown predator. Salinity tolerance tests showed that bivalves exposed to low salinities (≤6 ppt), exhibited poorer condition and took longer to re-burrow into sediments than those exposed to greater salinities (≥14 ppt), while death of bivalves exposed to salinities ≤1 ppt occurred after 8 days of exposure. These tests provide evidence that low salinities are probably the principal cause of mass mortalities during winter flooding, although the interaction between salinity, temperature and turbidity also deserve consideration. The results of this study indicate that certain aspects of winter flooding, especially salinity, are responsible for the mass mortalities of S. alba rather than the result of a short-lived life history. I hypothesise that the survival of very young juveniles (between 0.5 and 1 mm shell length) and rapid growth rates are important features of the life history of S. alba that explain its successful persistence within the Hopkins River estuary. The rapid rates of growth suggest that it may be possible for juveniles that survive winter flooding to grow, reach sexual maturity, and reproduce before the onset of the next flood event. Unfortunately, the increased survivorship of juveniles during periods of winter flooding was not demonstrated by this study because of the absence of winter flooding and also relatively poor recruitment. It is highly likely that this species is capable of completing it entire life cycle within the estuary since the absence of other nearby populations, together with periods of mouth closure, are likely to greatly limit the potential contribution made by larvae entering from the surrounding marine environment. This study has added considerably to our knowledge of how infauna cope with life in the intermittently closing estuaries that typify semi-arid coastlines in the Southern Hemisphere.


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Sensor nodes are closely tied with their geographic location and their connectivity. In recent years many routing protocols have been developed to provide efficient strategy. But most of them are either focus on the geographic proximity or on connectivity. However in sparse network, Geographic routing would fail at local dead ends where a node has no neighbour closer to destination. In contrast, connectivity-based routing may result in non-optimal path and overhead management. In this paper we designed a scalable and distributed routing protocol, GeoConnect, which considers geographic proximity and connectivity for choosing next hop. In GeoConnecl, we construct a new naming system that integrates geographic and connectivity information into a node identification. We use dissimilarity function to compute the dissimilarity and apply a distributed routing algorithm to route packets. The experimental results show that GeoConnect routing provides robust and better performance than sole geographic routing or connectivity routing.


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We developed a new content routing based on the virtual backbone structure, which groups wireless nodes and contents into a virtual architecture. Our approach is scalable, works with local information, and does not rely on address information. The naming system uses flat naming to identify nodes and contents, and organizes these identifiers together. Backbone nodes can be selected automatically or predefined to direct their associated normal nodes in a local area. The normal nodes are guided by the backbone nodes to full fill the searching and routing processes. With a virtual structure, the searching performance can be improved by using the DHT technique.

Experiments using ns2 simulator demonstrate that this virtual backbone routing architecture has the following significances: workable without being aware address in a mobile situation; scalable with the size of network; efficient in terms of the reduced hop counts and short end-to-end delay, and also resistant to the dead-end problem.


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On 19 November 2004, an Aboriginal man was arrested on Palm Island, off the coast of Townsville in northern Queensland. He was taken to the local watch house on a drunk and disorderly charge. An hour later, he lay dead on a cell floor. His liver, an autopsy showed, had been split in half and his spleen ruptured. But when that autopsy report also found that Mulrunji Doomadgee’s severe injuries were not caused by force, the Palm Island Indigenous community, enraged and grief-stricken, went looking for payback.

The Palm Island “riots” ensured that this Aboriginal death in custody made international news headlines where others barely got a mention, if at all (Hollinsworth, 2005). The ensuing Coronial Inquest and criminal prosecution of the arresting Queensland police officer, Chris Hurley, also were covered consistently by the news media. Senior Sergeant Hurley has, however, so far escaped punishment and the Queensland media’s most recent report of the case was to tell how the Qld Police Union now funds a legal bid to clear his name. Meanwhile, little is heard in the news media of the Doomadgee family, the Palm Island community, or of other deaths in custody occurring steadily through the 18 years since the Royal Commission that was supposed to implement a raft of preventative recommendations.

While the news media’s framing of these issues has most often followed historically predictable and ultimately racist lines, a work of creative non-fiction tells the story with warranted complexity and power. Chloe Hooper’s The Tall Man: Death and Life on Palm Island documents Cameron Doomadgee’s death, the riots, and the ensuing legal farce from the front row. Hooper, in the tradition of Truman Capote, arrived at Palm Island as a white writer from a big city. But by “walking the talk” – being with the Doomadgee family and their community through the hearings and after, Hooper was given extraordinary access to community, history, and significant cultural nuance barely identified by, let alone understood by, non-Indigenous readers.

By focussing on Hooper’s experience with sources and court reporting, compared with some print media coverage, this paper will consider the comparative roles of journalism and creative non-fiction in re-framing the Palm Island “riot”. It will suggest that Hooper’s work subverts some dominant (and racist) news media representations of Australian Indigenous peoples through its use of source relationships in an extended narrative structure.


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This article presents the numerical and experimental analysis of a dielectrophoretic-activated cell sorter (DACS), which is equipped with curved microelectrodes. Curved microelectrodes offer unique advantages, since they create strong dielectrophoretic (DEP) forces over the tips and maintain it over a large portion of their structure, as predicted by simulations. The performance of the system is assessed using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells as model organisms. The separation of the live and dead cells is demonstrated at different medium conductivities of 0.001 and 0.14 S/m, and the sorting performance was assessed using a second array of microelectrodes patterned downstream the microchannel. Further, microscopic cell counting analysis reveals that a single pass through the system yields a separating efficiency of ~80% at low medium conductivities and ~85% at high medium conductivities.


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Objective: To determine the independent contributions of family and neighbourhood environments to changes in youth physical activity and body mass index (BMI) z-score over 5 years.

Methods: In 2001, 2004 and 2006, 301 children (10–12 years at baseline) had their height and weight measured (BMI was converted to z-scores using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reference charts; see http://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) assessed using accelerometers. In 2001, parents reported on the home environment (social support, role modelling, rules and restrictions, physical environment) and perceived neighbourhood environment (local traffic, road safety, sporting venues, public transport), and Geographic Information Systems were used to map features of the neighbourhood environment (destinations, road connectivity, traffic exposure). Generalized estimating equations were used to predict average BMI z-score and MVPA over time from baseline home and perceived and objective neighbourhood environment factors.

Results: Among boys, maternal education and heavy traffic were inversely associated, and sibling physical activity, maternal role modelling of MVPA and the presence of dead-end roads were positively associated with MVPA. Having unmarried parents, maternal MVPA role modelling and number of home sedentary items were positively associated with BMI z-score among boys. Among girls, having siblings, paternal MVPA role modelling, physical activity rules and parental physical activity co-participation were positively associated with MVPA. Having unmarried parents and maternal sedentary behaviour role modelling were positively associated, and number of sedentary behaviour rules and physical activity items were inversely associated with BMI z-score among girls.

Conclusion: The home environment seems more important than the neighbourhood environment in influencing children's physical activity and BMI z-score over 5 years. Physical activity and weight gain programmes among youth should focus on parental role modelling, rules around sedentary and active pursuits, and parental support for physical activity. Intervention studies to investigate these strategies are warranted.


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The effects of animal species (AS; Angora goats, Merino sheep or goats and sheep mixed grazed together at ratio 1:1) and stocking rate (SR; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 animals/ha) on the availability, botanical composition and sward characteristics of annual temperate pastures under continuous grazing were determined in a replicated experiment from 1981 to 1984. AS and SR had significant effects on pasture availability and composition and many AS SR interactions were detected. The pastures grazed by sheep had significantly reduced content and proportion of subterranean clover and more undesirable grasses compared with those grazed by goats. There were no differences in dry matter availabilities between goat- and sheep-grazed pastures at 7.5/ha, but at 10 and 12.5/ha goat pastures had significantly increased availabilities of green grass, dead and green clover and less weeds compared with sheep pastures. There was a significant AS SR interaction for the density of seedlings in May following pasture germination. Between July and January, the height of pastures was greater under goats than sheep but from January to March pasture height declined more on goat-grazed than on sheep-grazed pastures. There was an AS SR interaction for incidence of bare ground. Increasing the SR increased bare ground in pastures grazed by sheep but no change occurred on pastures grazed by goats. Changes in pasture characteristics due to increased SR were minimised on pastures grazed by goats but the grazing of sheep caused larger and faster changes and the pastures were damaged at the highest SR. Goats did not always select the same herbage material as sheep, changed their selection between seasons and were not less selective than sheep. Angora goats were flexible grazers and continually adapted their grazing behaviour to changing herbage conditions. Goat grazing led to an increase in subterranean clover, an accumulation of dead herbage at the base of the sward, reduced bare ground, taller pastures in spring and a more stable botanical composition. Mixed-grazed pasture characteristics were altered with SR. With careful management Angora goats on sheep farms may be used to manipulate pasture composition, to speed up establishment of subterranean clover, to decrease soil erosion and to reduce weed invasion.


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Membrane is usually subject to fouling by various organic foulants, such as yeast, protein and sodium alginate during filtration. Backwashing is a common practice to reduce membrane fouling. It is essential to evaluate the effects of backwashing on fouling in order to optimize operational parameters. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter organic foulants from suspensions in a dead-end stirred cell. Three types of organic foulants including yeast, protein and sodium alginate which were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration were used with different combinations in the experiments. After filtration, the PVDF membrane was backwashed.

Consequently, a stack of images, instrumental data and sample data were captured from the fouling layers on the PVDF membrane surface using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated image acquisition software LAS AF. Then, the quality of the images was enhanced for better visualization and a set of quantitative fouling data were derived by using the software code developed by the project team at Deakin University.

This collection contains raw image data of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane’s fouling layer when three types of organic foulants present, which are captured by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and its software, and the instrumental and sample metadata, the processed image data and the geometrical structure properties of the fouling layer. By comparing with the same membrane without backwashing, the efficiency of backwashing was computed.

This data collection would be useful to evaluate the backwashing efficiency of PVDF membrane in order to optimize frequency and operational conditions of backwashing by membrane materials researchers and water researchers.


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This data was obtained from an experiment, where polycarbonate (PC) membranes were used to filter two types of organic foulants, including protein and sodium alginate, from suspension in a dead-end filtration cell. These model foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. Consequently, a stack of images were captured from the fouling layers on the PC membrane surface using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). This data collection contains 105 2D images of polycarbonate (PC) membranes fouling layer. This data collection would be useful to investigate membrane fouling mechanism by membrane materials researchers and water researchers.


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Norman Brown, a coalminer engaged in picketing the Rothbury colliery, was shot dead by police in 1929. The Rothbury incident and the police suppression which followed became part of both union folklore and the personal legend of one police officer, William John MacKay, later New South Wales Police Commissioner. This article probes beneath the layers of myth that surround Rothbury and argues that the initial tragedy was largely the result of police incompetence, and that MacKay’s association with the shooting is deeply ironic. The more measured police actions that followed the shootings were Mackay’s responsibility, however, and they had damaging long-term consequences.


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This article presents a model of growth of naturally occurring heterotrophic bacteria in the bulk water phase in the absence of disinfectant. The model considers growth with carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen balance, death and lysis of bacteria, and conversion of less biodegradable organic carbon to assimilable organic carbon. Experimental data from two raw and two treated waters were used to test the model. The model describes the increase of live and dead bacterial cells in the water phase, and its output closely matches the experimental data. Such a model has the ability to characterize water nutrient status as well as to predict behavior of indigenous heterotrophic bacteria. The ability to predict bacterial population dynamics with respect to nutrients is beneficial for water treatment optimization. The model, based on microbiological measurements, helps to characterize treated water quality and project performance in terms of water quality into a distribution system.


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Male fertility in flowering plants is dependent on production of viable pollen grains within the anther. Genes expressed exclusively in the anther are likely to include those that control male fertility. On the basis of their tissue specificity, such genes have been isolated, yet in none of them has this function been demonstrated. Here we report that one such gene, Bcp1, is active in both diploid tapetum and haploid microspores and is required for pollen fertility. Perturbation of this gene in either tapetum or microspores prevents production of fertile pollen in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. When tapetum expression of this gene is perturbed, mature anthers contain dead shriveled pollen. On the other hand, when microspore expression is perturbed, anthers show 1:1 segregation of viable/aborted pollen. These findings identify a class of sporophytic/gametophytic genes controlling male fertility and, hence, reproduction in flowering plants.


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Background Grass pollen allergens are known to be present in the atmosphere in a range of particle sizes from whole pollen grains (approx. 20 to 55 μim in diameter) to smaller size fractions < 2.5 μ (fine particles, PM2.5). These latter particles are within the respirable range and include allergen-containing starch granules released from within the grains into the atmosphere when grass pollen ruptures in rainfall and are associated with epidemics of thunderstorm asthma during the grass pollen season. The question arises whether grass pollen allergens can interact with other sources of fine particles, particularly those present during episodes of air pollution.

Objective We propose the hypothesis that free grass pollen allergen molecules, derived from dead or burst grains and dispersed in microdroplets of water in aerosols, can bind to fine particles in polluted air.

Methods We used diesel exhaust carbon particles (DECP) derived from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine, natural highly purified Lol p 1, immunogold labelling with specific monoclonal antibodies and a high voltage transmission electron -microscopic imaging technique

Results DECP are visualized as small carbon spheres, each 30–60 nm in diameter, forming fractal aggregates about 1–2μ in diameter. Here we test our hypothesis and show by in vitro experiments that the major grass pollen allergen, Lol p I. binds to one defined class of fine particles, DECP.

Conclusion DECP are in the respirable size range, can bind to the major grass pollen allergen Lol p I under in vitro conditions and represent a possible mechanism by which allergens can become concentrated in polluted air and thus trigger attacks of asthma.


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This sub-collection is the result of an investigation into the mechanism of organic fouling in membrane filtration processes. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter two types of organic foulants, protein and yeast with a concentration of 50mg/l and 20 mg/l, respectively, from suspension in a dead-end filtration cell. These model foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. This dataset contains a stack of images of the fouling layer on the PVDF membrane surface captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated acquisition software. This dataset would be useful to researchers who are investigating the membrane organic fouling mechanism so that new membrane materials and new anti-fouling surface treatment technologies can be developed for water and wastewater industry in the future.