993 resultados para Cultural facilities -- Spain -- Madrid -- Contests


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María Jesús Vitón de Antonio Diálogos con Raquel. Praxis pedagógicas y reflexión de saberes para el desarrollo educativo en la diversidad cultural. Madrid: Editorial Popular. 2013. 212 páginas. isbn 978-84-7884-553-8 Recensão por Daniela Gonçalves (en espanhol e português) está disponivel no número 62/2 da RIE (ISSN: 1681-5653) (versión digital). Está disponível a partir de http://www.rieoei.org


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The main contribution of this special issue is to present evaluation studies involving large-scale experiences of implementation of positive parenting programs delivered through home, group-based, and on-line formats in Spain. Two research questions were addressed: (1) what factors affect implementation; and (2) for whom and under which implementation conditions the programs lead to positive outcomes. Target populations were mainly families from low and middle socioeconomic backgrounds, and parents at psychosocial risk attending family support services in need of improving their parenting skills. All the programs fall under the umbrella of the positive parenting initiative launched by the Council of Europe, are evidence-based, follow a collaborative schema with national, regional, or local authorities, have multi-site implementation, and are supported by highly experienced researchers from Spanish universities. Special attention is given to the program adaptations to different contexts, the profile of parents who benefited most from the programs, analyses of the implementation process, and the assessment of parenting programs in the community. The information provided will help to increase our knowledge of evidence-based parenting programs in Spain, their implementation processes and results, and the future challenges that need to be addressed to continue the current expansion of evidence-based parenting programs.


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This paper presents the results of a study aimed at identifying and assessing positive parenting programmes and activities carried out in the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country (ARBC), Spain. The study is a development of the III Inter-institutional Family Support Plan (2011), drafted by the Basque Government's Department of Family Policy and Community Development, and its aim is to offer a series of sound criteria for improving existing programmes and ensuring the correct design and implementation of new ones in the future. It analyses 129 programmes and gathers data relative to institutional management and coordination, format, quality of the established aims, adaptation to the theoretical proposal for an Optimal Positive Parenting Curriculum, scientific base, use of the framework of reference for competences, working method, assessment techniques, budgets and publicity, among others. The results highlight the good quality of the programmes' aims and content, and the poor systematic assessment of these same aspects. The study concludes with a series of recommendations for improving the initiatives, integrated into a proposal for a system of indicators to assess and implement positive parenting programmes.


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Objective: to describe the experience of Latin American working women regarding immigration, taking into account the expectations and conditions in which this process takes place. Method: ethnographic qualitative study. Data collection was performed by means of semi-structured interviews with 24 Latin American immigrant women in Spain. The information collected was triangulated through two focal groups. Results: the expectations of migrant women focus on improving family living conditions. Social support is essential for their settling and to perform daily life activities. They declare they have adapted to the settlement country, although they live with stress. They perceive they have greater sexual freedom and power with their partners but keep greater responsibility in childcare, combining that with the role of working woman. Conclusions: migrant women play a key role in the survival of households, they build and create new meanings about being a woman, their understanding of life, their social and couple relationships. Such importance is shaped by their expectations and the conditions in which the migration process takes place, as well as their work integration.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.


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This study analyzes howhard and soft conditions influence the development of entrepreneurship in cultural and creative industries (CCIs). The study further examines what influence the context has on the effect of these conditions. A multiplemultivariate regression analysis examines the importance of both the hard and soft conditions to explain the differences between the United Kingdom and the Mediterranean countries of Portugal, Spain, and Greece. The sample comprises 123 entrepreneurs from the four countries. The use of this method represents an important contribution to the understanding of entrepreneurship dynamics and for the further fine-tuning of entrepreneurship policies in CCIs in different contexts.


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Taking into account the cultural and literary wealth of the first third of the twentieth century in Spain, this doctoral dissertation aims to increase our knowledge of literary journalism during that period through a monographic study of one of its greatest champions, the journalist and writer Luis Bello Trompeta (1872-1935). Although Bello enjoyed noteworthy success and popularity in life, he has since fallen into an almost complete yet unjustifiable oblivion. Bello’s lifetime coincided with a brilliant period of Spanish culture, one that is almost unanimously considered not simply a Silver Age but a veritable golden age of journalism in Spain. Nevertheless, the period is often unjustly reduced to a short list of names and works of extremely well known and well studied writers. There is a tendency to forget that such writers emerged within a vast, influential context comprising numerous cultural products, writers, and works that need to be recovered. More specifically, the general inclination to privilege the book as a period’s sole bearer of literary or testimonial significance often deprives us of richly complementary journalistic sources such as the chronicle or the newspaper report. Indeed, together with the book, such articles can help us achieve a broader understanding of both literary history and the personality of individual writers or the course of historical events. The fact that authors like Luis Bello are practically unknown today is likely related to the time-sensitive, intrinsically ephemeral nature of journalism, the print medium in which Bello published most of his work. Yet in spite of its passing nature, the press witnessed remarkable developments in Spain at the time, undergoing a transformative process of consolidation...


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Creación de un marco conceptual para el conocimiento, sistematización y comprensión de la gestión cultural y el trabajo del gestor cultural, que parte de la etimología y evolución del término cultura desde la perspectiva antropológica hasta los nuevos enfoques de la cultura relacionados con el territorio, democratización de la cultura y democracia cultural, corriente tecnocrática y corriente comunitaria, además de otros conceptos como cultura de masas y cultura de élite, cultura dominante y subculturas, cultura popular tradicional o identidad cultural, para finalmente presentar las políticas culturales desarrolladas en el ámbito internacional, nacional, autonómico y local, con el fin de vislumbrar cuáles podrían ser los ejes de la gestión cultural en el contexto actual y elaborar una definición más compleja que incluya a los agentes públicos y privados que intervienen en el sector de la cultura tomando en consideración las directrices y sugerencias emanadas de los organismos internacionales que tratan sobre diversidad cultural, democracia cultural y creatividad para el diálogo social y multicultural. La gestión cultural desarrollada por el Colegio de Arquitectos de Málaga en el período señalado, se contextualiza mediante un breve recorrido por la situación política, social y económica en el Estado español desde la Transición hasta los inicios de los noventa, para seguidamente trazar una panorámica general de la situación cultural a la luz de este conocimiento y finalmente aterrizar en el ambiente artístico malagueño de aquellos años, utilizando como caso de estudio el organismo colegial. Esta elección busca demostrar que a pesar de no figurar entre las ciudades más divulgadas de la época, este hecho no supuso el desierto cultural en la ciudad de Málaga ni la ausencia de una particular “movida” que, salvando las singularidades geográficas, económicas y sociales, coincidió con lo que estaba ocurriendo en otros centros neurálgicos del país como Madrid, Barcelona o Vigo. En este proceso cabe destacar el papel de mecenazgo y dinamizador cultural desarrollado por la asociación profesional tanto en el contenido de las propuestas que acogió o produjo directamente en la galería de arte como en los ciclos de conferencias, mesas redondas y seminarios sobre arte y arquitectura, estancias de artistas e intercambios con galerías, gestores culturales, críticos de arte y otros agentes culturales del país, además de conciertos, representaciones teatrales, ciclos de cine y video, recitales poéticos, publicaciones…, contribuyendo a la formación de un público interesado en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas, así como a la promoción y difusión del hecho arquitectónico entre la ciudadanía.


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Abstract During the last few decades, there has been an increasing international recognition of the studies related to the analysis of the family models change, the focus being the determinants of the female employment and the problems related to the work family balance (Lewis, 2001; Petit & Hook, 2005Saraceno, Crompton & Lyonette, 20062008; Pfau-Effinger, 2012). The majority of these studies have been focused on the analysis of the work-family balance problems as well as the effectiveness of the family and gender policies in order to encourage female employment (Korpi et al., 2013). In Spain, special attention has been given to the family policies implemented, the employability of women and on the role of the father in the family (Flaquer et al., 2015; Meil, 2015); however, there has been far less emphasis on the analysis of the family cultural models (González and Jurado, 2012; Crespi and Moreno, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to present some of the first results on the influence of the socio-demographic factors on the expectations and attitudes about the family models. This study offers an analytical reflection upon the foundation of the determinants of the family ambivalence in Spain from the cultural and the institutional dimension. This study shows the Spanish family models of preferences following the Pfau-Effinger (2004) classification of the famiy living arrangements. The reason for this study is twofold; on the one hand, there is confirmed the scarcity of studies that have focused their attention on this objective in Spain; on the other hand, the studies carried out in the international context have confirmed the analytical effectiveness of researching on the attitude and value changes to explain the meaning and trends of the family changes. There is also presented some preliminary results that have been obtained from the multinomial analysis related to the influence of the socio-demographic factors on the family model chosen by the individuals in Spain (father and mother working full time; mother part-time father full-time; mother not at work father full-time; mother and father part-time). 3 The database used has been the International Social Survey Programme: Family and Changing Gender Roles IV- ISSP 2012-. Spain is the only country of South Europe that has participated in the survey. For this reason it has been considered as a representative case study.


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Presence of monitors in physical activities and sports practiced by adults older than 64 years of age in Spain is analyzed in this research. The objective of this study is to determine the existence of monitors in relation to the sociodemographic features of older adults, the size of municipalities, the activities practiced, and the organizations where they are performed. The methodology used included a cross-sectional survey applied to a sample of older adults in Spain. The most relevant conclusions are that the presence of monitors in physical activities and sports practiced by older adults is dominant (63.8%), hence, their importance, and that the presence of monitors is higher for women (81.3%) than for men (37.5%). In addition, it is concluded that the bigger the municipality the higher the tendency to have more instructors. Regarding the type of activity, wide diversification is obtained; finally, there is a larger presence of monitors in sports entities (87.5%) and nursing homes (79.5%).


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During the first decade of the 21st century, many golf courses were developed in the Southeast of Spain, which greatly increased the number of these facilities. Almost all of these golf courses have been accompanied by large residential developments composed of thousands of dwelling units. This article seeks to identify the factors that influence golf courses’ water consumption and estimate the number of dwelling units that an associated residential development needs to have to provide the effluent necessary to fully meet the irrigation needs of a golf course. The study indicates that private golf courses achieve greater levels of irrigation efficiency than public golf courses and that the golf courses associated with residential developments subject the irrigation needs of the grassland to the sale requirements of the real estate properties. The study also estimates that a golf course requires approximately 3000 dwelling units with an average annual occupancy of 33% to achieve self-sufficiency for irrigation.


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The Spanish elm programme began in 1986 in response to the devastating impact of Dutch elm disease on natural elm stands and urban trees. Its main objectives were to conserve remaining genetic resources and select and breed tolerant native elm genotypes. After 27 years of work conducting susceptibility trials on thousands of elm genotypes, the first seven tolerant Ulmus minor trees are now being registered by the Spanish Environmental Administration. This paper presents the results of the susceptibility tests on these clones and their distinctive genetic, morphological and phenological features. In all susceptibility trials the commercial ?Sapporo Autumn Gold? clone, which is highly tolerant to O. novo-ulmi, was used as a control. The registered clones were named ?Ademuz?, ?Dehesa de la Villa?, ?Majadahonda?, ?Toledo?, ?Dehesa de Amaniel?, ?Retiro? and ?Fuente Umbría?. The most tolerant clone was ?Dehesa de Amaniel?, as its wilting values were below 5% during the two consecutive inoculation trials performed in Madrid. ?Fuente Umbría?, tested over four consecutive years in Guadalajara and Palencia, was the Spanish clone with the most reliable tolerance level to O. novo-ulmi. The ?Ademuz? and ?Majadahonda? clones had the highest ornamental scores and are promising trees for use in urban environments and tree breeding for ornamental quality. These two genotypes showed a later bud burst phenology than the other U. minor clones, demonstrating suitability to areas with late frost events. The Spanish programme aims to substantially increase the range of tolerant native elms through new selections and crossings to gain a better understanding of the genetic basis of resistance.


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This dissertation examines the role of Singer in the modernization of sewing practices in Spain and Mexico from 1860 to 1940. Singer marketing was founded on gendered views of women’s work and gendered perceptions of the home. These connected with sewing practices in Spain and Mexico, where home sewing remained economically and culturally important throughout the 1940s. "Atlantic Threads" is the first study of the US-owned multinational in the Hispanic World. I demonstrate that sewing practices, and especially practices related to home sewing that have been considered part of the private sphere and therefore not an important historical matter, contributed to the building of one the first global corporation. I examine Singer corporate records and business strategies that have not been considered by other scholars such as the creation of the Embroidery Department in the late nineteen-century. Likewise, this dissertation challenges traditional narratives that have assumed that Spain and Mexico were peripheral to modernity. I look at Singer corporate records in Spain and Mexico and at regional government and cultural sources to demonstrate how Singer integrated Spain and Mexico within its business organization. Singer's marketing was focused on the consumer, which contributed to make the company part of local sewing businesses and cultures.