998 resultados para Crime contra a mulher
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de proteção contra queima solar e o efeito de diferentes lâminas de irrigação na qualidade dos frutos de abacaxizeiro 'Pérola'. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental, no município de Janaúba-MG. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi o gotejamento e a quantidade de lâmina de irrigação aplicada foi calculada com base na evaporação do Tanque Classe-A (ECA). A proteção dos frutos contra queima solar foi realizada após o fechamento das últimas flores. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, segundo o esquema de parcelas subdivididas 5 x 5, tendo nas parcelas cinco lâminas de irrigação (30 %, 50 %, 70 %, 100 % e 150 % da ECA) e nas subparcelas 4 tipos de proteção: jornal, saco de papel marrom, TNT branco nº 40 e solução contendo cal a 10 %, além da testemunha, com quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se porcentagem de frutos com queima solar, firmeza, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), pH e relação SST/ATT da polpa. Os frutos protegidos com TNT apresentaram menor porcentagem de queima solar. A lâmina referente a 77 % da ECA, associada à proteção com TNT ou com a cal proporcionam maiores valores de SST.
Foi estudado o perfil de 2.000 mulheres que se submeteram a mamografia em um hospital público e uma clínica privada de Goiânia, GO. Os dados foram coletados em entrevista. As mulheres tinham, em média, 49 anos de idade, a maioria procedia da própria cidade, 11,5% nunca tinham amamentado e dois terços tinham amamentado por mais de seis meses. Terapia de reposição hormonal era utilizada por mais de 20%, e um quinto destas não havia se submetido a mamografia previamente. História de câncer de mama familiar foi relatada por 13,3% das examinadas no hospital público e por 7,5% das examinadas na instituição privada. Destas, 28,67% e 33,33%, respectivamente, não tinham mamografia preliminar. Rastreamento do câncer mamário foi a maior motivação para o exame. Grande parte das entrevistadas não havia se submetido a mamografia anteriormente, por falta de solicitação médica ou por a considerarem desnecessária na época do pedido.
El motiu d"aquestes paraules(1) no és, no podria ser-ho, retre un homenatge a Joan Fuster, ara que fa deu anys que ens va demostrar com d"encertat, d"infal·lible, era aquell aforisme seu: «Tots els homes són mortals, i jo més que ningú», sinó més aviat aprofundir en el veritable sentit d"un altre aforisme seu, un dels més importants que ens va quedar entre les mans el dia 21 de juny de 1992: «Al capdavall, la mort no consisteix únicament a morir-se. És morir-se i ser oblidat. A la curta o a la llarga, oblidat», i que ens portaria a un altre de més incisiu encara, si és possible, que diu: «La meva posteritat serà de paper.» Posar en relació aquests tres aforismes de Fuster ens remet directament al que hauria de ser el nostre veritable propòsit: preguntar-nos sobre la vigència de la seva obra en les lletres catalanes actuals, és a dir, enfrontar-nos a l"oblit, a la seva possibilitat, al setge de l"oblit, tenint present que no sabem què és un oblit: ho hem oblidat. Ha arribat el moment de mirar de recordar-ho.
DNA is nowadays swabbed routinely to investigate serious and volume crimes, but research remains scarce when it comes to determining the criteria that may impact the success rate of DNA swabs taken on different surfaces and situations. To investigate these criteria in fully operational conditions, DNA analysis results of 4772 swabs taken by the forensic unit of a police department in Western Switzerland over a 2.5-year period (2012-2014) in volume crime cases were considered. A representative and random sample of 1236 swab analyses was extensively examined and codified, describing several criteria such as whether the swabbing was performed at the scene or in the lab, the zone of the scene where it was performed, the kind of object or surface that was swabbed, whether the target specimen was a touch surface or a biological fluid, and whether the swab targeted a single surface or combined different surfaces. The impact of each criterion and of their combination was assessed in regard to the success rate of DNA analysis, measured through the quality of the resulting profile, and whether the profile resulted in a hit in the national database or not. Results show that some situations - such as swabs taken on door and window handles for instance - have a higher success rate than average swabs. Conversely, other situations lead to a marked decrease in the success rate, which should discourage further analyses of such swabs. Results also confirm that targeting a DNA swab on a single surface is preferable to swabbing different surfaces with the intent to aggregate cells deposited by the offender. Such results assist in predicting the chance that the analysis of a swab taken in a given situation will lead to a positive result. The study could therefore inform an evidence-based approach to decision-making at the crime scene (what to swab or not) and at the triage step (what to analyse or not), contributing thus to save resource and increase the efficiency of forensic science efforts.
A growing body of scientific literature recurrently indicates that crime and forensic intelligence influence how crime scene investigators make decisions in their practices. This study scrutinises further this intelligence-led crime scene examination view. It analyses results obtained from two questionnaires. Data have been collected from nine chiefs of Intelligence Units (IUs) and 73 Crime Scene Examiners (CSEs) working in forensic science units (FSUs) in the French speaking part of Switzerland (six cantonal police agencies). Four salient elements emerged: (1) the actual existence of communication channels between IUs and FSUs across the police agencies under consideration; (2) most CSEs take into account crime intelligence disseminated; (3) a differentiated, but significant use by CSEs in their daily practice of this kind of intelligence; (4) a probable deep influence of this kind of intelligence on the most concerned CSEs, specially in the selection of the type of material/trace to detect, collect, analyse and exploit. These results contribute to decipher the subtle dialectic articulating crime intelligence and crime scene investigation, and to express further the polymorph role of CSEs, beyond their most recognised input to the justice system. Indeed, they appear to be central, but implicit, stakeholders in intelligence-led style of policing.
This paper focuses on the study of the factorial structure of an inventory to estimate the subjective perception of insecurity and fear of crime. Made from the review of the literature on the subject and the results obtained in previous works, this factor structure shows that this attitude towards insecurity and fear of crime is identified through a number of latent factors which are schematically summarized in (a) personal safety, (b) the perception of personal and social control, (c) the presence of threatening people or situations, (d) the processes of identity and space appropriation, (e) satisfaction with the environment, and (f) the environmental and the use of space. Such factors are relevant dimensions to analyze the phenomenon. Method: A sample of 571 participants in a neighborhood of Barcelona was evaluated with the proposed inventory, which yielded data from the distributions of all the items provided. The administration was conducted by researchers specially trained for it and the results were analyzed by using standard procedures in the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) from the hypothesized theoretical structure. The analysis was performed by decatypes according to the different response scales prepared in the inventory and their ordinal nature, and by estimating the polychoric correlation coefficients. The results show an acceptable fit of the proposed model, an appropriate behavior of the residuals and statistically significant estimates of the factor loadings. This would indicate the goodness of the proposed factor structure.
Los atentados terroristas del 11 de septiembre provocaron que el Consejo de Seguridad aprobara una serie de resoluciones con varias medidas antiterroristas. Inmediatamente, la Unión Europea aprobó un Plan de Acción contra el terrorismo e integró en el derecho comunitario las medidas aprobadas por el Consejo de Seguridad a pesar de no tener ninguna obligación de adoptarlas. El objetivo de este trabajo es ver cuáles son las condiciones y mecanismos internos de la Unión Europea que facilitan la propagación de la influencia de las normas del Consejo de Seguridad y que alteran la conducta de los actores europeos
[spa] Mientras que en Europa la interdependencia y la dimensión transfronteriza de las cuestiones ligadas al cambio climático ha facilitado una cierta"continentalización" de la gestión de este fenómeno, favorecida por el carácter intergubernamental de las medidas que se adoptan en el marco de la Unión Europea, al otro lado del Atlántico la transversalidad de este mismo fenómeno explica la necesidad de que, ante las limitaciones del marco regional, se pongan en marcha mecanismos que faciliten la intervención no sólo estatal sino también de las entidades sub-nacionales. En este sentido, la ausencia de la acción federal tanto en Estados Unidos como en Canadá ha comportado un mayor desarrollo de la acción de las entidades sub-nacionales, que han tomado el liderazgo en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Son estas medidas las que se han visualizado en el escenario internacional. Ello ha favorecido el establecimiento de mecanismos de coordinación de la acción de estas entidades sub-nacionales en el seno de redes transnacionales, que han ido adquiriendo una mayor relevancia en la implementación del Convenio Marco sobre el Cambio Climático y del Protocolo de Kyoto, particularmente en relación a uno de sus instrumentos, el comercio de los derechos de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero. En este contexto, la futura vinculación de los sistemas de comercio de derechos de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero en Norteamérica con el sistema de la Unión Europea presenta diversos retos de carácter material y formal.
A number of recent papers have brought suggestive evidence for an active role of Chlamydiales in the establishment of the plastid. Chlamydiales define a very ancient group of obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens that multiply in vesicles within eukaryotic phagotrophic host cells such as animals, amoebae or other protists, possibly including the hypothetical phagotroph that internalized the cyanobacterial ancestor of the plastid over a billion years ago. We briefly survey the case for an active role of these ancient pathogens in plastid endosymbiosis. We argue that a good understanding of the Chlamydiales infection cycle and diversity may help to shed light on the process of metabolic integration of the evolving plastid.