983 resultados para Corpo expedicionário português


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Due to the popularity and need to learn sign language, there are tools that help in this type of communication. In Brazil, for example, the government offers professional Sign Language to assist communities, however, if think the hypothesis that people live in places difficult access, there is a difficult in movement of professionals to such places, besides bringing government overspending. Thus, a tool that simulates the movements of professional, fully exploiting the technological resources (cost-benefit) to enrich and provide a tool for communities, it becomes possible order to fill this gap. The system provides resources for editing movements, and these, later, are retrieved by tool for the visualization and representation of signals in a Virtual Environment. The resources used, provide two unconventional devices for tracking body, the Wiimote controllers and P5 glove.


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Teaching resources involve different elements used to support the organization of teaching and learning. Among these are the comic books, involving visual aspects, both cognitive and creative, that provide an alternative way to complement the lectures. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a comic book entitled “Human Body”, focusing on the circulatory, digestive, nervous and respiratory systems, to provide an alternative resource for the teaching of the content in the initial years. The material was evaluated with students of the 5th year of elementary education at a public school in the state of São Paulo, through the use of questionnaires. The comic book proved to be valid as a complementary teaching resource for learning in students, enabling reflection on the relevance of the development and use of comics to science education in the initial years.


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This article analyzes the representation made by Veja magazine about american actress Angelina Jolie about the news about her preventive double mastectomy wich she was submitted. Based on the reflections of Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari on discourse analysis this article does not cramp about the contributions of linguistics. These reflections contribute to the understanding of this fact within the media landscape to control and discipline the body.


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We analyzed the Cultural Industry and impositions for manners of production of capitalism in subjectivity, exposing the subject to alienated fragility. Because, the consumption doesn't just refer to the contemplation of images for subjects, but also about identification that subjects can have about images. The contemporary society is composed in individualist adoration by self, demanding pledge and self-control to reach the wanted body and idealized spread by media, disseminating idea of corporal pattern. So, we understood that the school physical education, being the field of knowledge of cultural corporal, has as function, also, to act as intercessor in relationship with media, above all when worked with pertinent subjects to corporeality contributing so that student, through exercise of critic, transform the society. Therefore, the educators need to extrapolate hesitation front media and make critical use of formative and informative possibilities, on consumption and impact on the body.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Understanding dance in all its educational aspects, creative and liberating, this of course work completion back motivating information for new studies and reflections. This study did a literature review to contextualize and detail reach the story and how it perpetuates in practice the dance style Waacking, sought the understanding of how the body is inserted in our society, made notes on the Sport Psychology regarding the topic fear and shame, and pledged to address the conflicting issues of gender and sexuality, to then be possible to develop what has been objectified. This study sought to establish whether there are national publications on the Waacking dance style and what their contributions to the Brazilian context, verifying the presence of stereotypes and prejudices to males in it are inserted. As used method, the survey was conducted in online databases having the following sites as a source of scientific academic content to nationwide: Google Scholar (like the filter to search only in Portuguese language - as the focus of the research is to gather national publications); Journals Portal CAPES / MEC; and SciELO - (Scientific Electronic Library Online). The review process took place using the categorization model, which was essential to be able to extract the information that met relevant from the criteria that have been pre-established, thus enabling the completion of this work Completion of course


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Many fire occurrences in vegetation happen annually in the city of Rio Claro, causing material losses, environmental damage and discomfort to population. When identified the source, notes that the higher index is intentional, however, climatic factors such as wind speed, temperature, relative air humidity, rainfall, or even the local relief also affects in the spread and its devastating effects. Scientific studies that would assist the local community in the prevention and repression of them still are scarce. This way, the work has as objective contributes in the understanding of the relationship among the fire occurrences in vegetation registered (recorded) by Fire Department of Rio Claro/SP, and their relationships with the atmospheric time. To achieve this goal was made to build a database related to fires in vegetation during the years 2009-2013, and subsequently correlated with data of precipitation and relative humidity the air, provided by Center for Analysis and Planning Environmental (CEAPLA). The result identified the profile of the fires, the seasons of higher frequency, neighborhoods and districts with the highest number of records and correlate events with climatic factors that act in the ignition, propagation and control of fires in the Municipal district of Rio Claro/SP


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Nesta pesquisa apresentamos resultados de nossas análises das concepções de corpo e movimento presentes na experiência do Grupo Dzi Croquettes, Brasil, década de 1970. Ao estudar esta experiência perguntamos o que podemos compreender sobre o funcionamento de dispositivos de poder que operam na captura da capacidade de criação, bem como, o que podemos inventar como formas de resistência no contexto do capitalismo neoliberal. Delimitamos nosso objeto de estudo na experiência artística do Grupo Dzi Croquettes para analisar as implicações entre política e corpo, identificando aí um território estabelecido pelas fronteiras entre o desejo e o poder. Estudamos as relações entre corpo e cultura apoiados na hipótese de que os processos de subjetivação estão implicados, de um modo mais intenso, nos processos educacionais na sociedade contemporânea, e que ambos se produzem na materialidade da cultura. Através da cartografia desenhamos os territórios existenciais emergentes na experiência artística delimitada, em um contexto específico da sociedade brasileira, para ampliarmos nossas reflexões e compreendermos os dispositivos de captura e de controle impostos sobre nós. Apoiamos nossas análises em categorias estabelecidas a partir do pensamento de Nietzsche, bem como das elaborações de Michel Foucault sobre biopolítica e biopoder


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Chemodectomas are neoplasms originated from chemoreceptors mainly present on the aortic and carotid bodies. The etiology of this kind of tumor is related to genetic factors and chronic hypoxia. Brachycephalic breeds such as Boxer and Boston Terrier are predisposed to develop this neoplasia. This article reports the case of a 10-year-old female Boxer presented to the Veterinary Hospital of the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science School in Botucatu with a two-day history of fatigue, exercise intolerance and dyspnea. Clinical signs, in association with radiographic and ultrasonographic findings, suggested a heart-base tumor. The worsening of the case led the owner to choose for euthanasia. Necropsy revealed a mass at the heart base adhered to the aortic body, and microscopic evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of chemodectoma.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)