971 resultados para Contatos intra-domiciliares


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This paper aims to analyse the impact of different household financial regimes on the health status of males and females in a number of European countries. Using the EU-SILC 2010 on intra-household sharing of resources, we find that each member of the couple is worse off if his/her partner has most decision-making responsibilities. Additionally, the presence of children in the household plays a role in the effect that household financial regimens exert on individual self-assessed health, especially among females. We conclude that family arrangements regarding resource allocation and decision-making have important consequences and should be given some attention in the task of identifying individuals predisposed to health problems.


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The railroad, from 1870 and on, becomes an usual complaining in the press s and politician elite s speeches, especially because of Natal s geographic isolation. The implantation of two railroads in the capital territory Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, afterwards part of Great Western Railway Company network, and Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte had serious implications in the urban environment. While railroad s structures were already consolidated, other transportation mechanisms were being implanted in the first decades of the 20th century, such as trams lines, which, by the way, was a transport modal that also used rails as a dislocation meaning. Considering these questions, we may ask: how come railroads and tramways demands, roads and buildings had influenced the internal organization of Natal? We work with the general hypothesis that the influence of technical networks, composed by tramways and railroads, over Natal s urban space happened in a diversified way, sometimes consolidating social aspects in certain areas, sometimes improving the occupation of others. The impact over the city s territory also happens in a diversified way between the buildings/railroad s complexes and the pathways. The different scale of the train in comparison to the trams velocity, size, noise level, flow, among others is also a cause to the different consequences in urban environment. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of circulation technical networks in the construction process of urban space in Natal, as a way to contribute to the urban historiography about the subject. The time frame adopted, between 1881 and 1937, marks the time path of railroads and tramways in Rio Grande do Norte: 1881 is the year of railroad s first section inauguration from Natal to São José do Mipibu as well of the railroad complex in the Republic Square in Natal; the year of 1937 marks the beginning of tramways declination process in the city. At this time railroads and tramways had to face more intensively the competition of motor vehicles. The theory reference adopted is based on concepts and analysis of authors, such as Flávio Villaça and Roberto Lobato Corrêa references to the concepts of urban structure , localization and accessibility and Gabriel Dupuy to explain the concept of urban technical networks . These references reveal the conflict of different realities in the urban universe interests and values which is an important factor about the construction of urban space. The information sources used were from two distinctive natures: primary, journals of the time studied and official government reports, and secondary, based on other works about the subject. It was also used by this study iconographic source, especially images from the data base of the research group História da Cidade, do Território e do Urbanismo .


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We investigate extra- and intracellular osmoregulatory capability in two species of hololimnetic Caridea and Anomura: Macrobrachium brasiliense, a palaemonid shrimp, and Aegla franca, an aeglid anomuran, both restricted to continental waters. We also appraise the sharing of physiological characteristics by the hololimnetic Decapoda, and their origins and role in the conquest of fresh water. Both species survive salinity exposure well. While overall hyperosmoregulatory capability is weak in A. franca and moderate in M. brasiliense, both species strongly hyporegulate hemolymph [Cl-] but not osmolality. Muscle total free amino acids (FAA) increase slowly but markedly in response to the rapid rise in hemolymph osmolality consequent to hyperosmotic challenge: 3.5-fold in A. franca and 1.9-fold in M. brasiliense. Glycine, taurine, arginine, alanine and proline constitute a parts per thousand 85% of muscle FAA pools in fresh water; taurine, arginine, alanine each contribute a parts per thousand 22% in A. franca, while glycine predominates (70%) in M. brasiliense. These FAA also show the greatest increases on salinity challenge. Muscle FAA titers correlate strongly (R = 0.82) with hemolymph osmolalities across the main decapod sub/infraorders, revealing that marine species with high hemolymph osmolalities achieve isosmoticity of the intra- and extracellular fluids partly through elevated intracellular FAA concentrations; freshwater species show low hemolymph osmolalities and exhibit reduced intracellular FAA titers, consistent with isosmoticity at a far lower external osmolality. Given the decapod phylogeny adopted here and their multiple, independent invasions of fresh water, particularly by the Caridea and Anomura, our findings suggest that homoplastic strategies underlie osmotic and ionic homeostasis in the extant freshwater Decapoda.


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The study investigates the urban heat island effect in Malaysian historic town Malacca through seven mobile traverses, as carried out on 10 December 2011. It aims to identify the intra-urban air temperature differences between heritage core zone, new development area and outskirts of the city. Air temperature variations were also analyzed across three different zones; namely the outskirts, the heritage site and the city center district. Heat index values were then calculated based on air temperature and relative humidity to gauge the level of outdoor thermal comfort within the study area. Based on the indications, one may conclude that the heritage place’s core zone is currently threatened by escalating temperatures and that its current temperature range falls within the “caution” and “extreme caution” categories. Furthermore, no significant difference was observed between the peak temperatures of the old city quarters and newer areas; despite the disparities in their urban forms. Therefore, it is hoped that the study, with its implications, will be able to influence future environmental consideration in heritage city of Melaka.


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Lawton et al compare the effects of continuous repetition and intra-set rest training on maximal strength and power output of the upper body. Results show that bench press training involving 4 sets of 6 continuous repetitions elicited a greater improvement in bench press strength than 8 sets of 3 repetitions at the same percentage load of their 6 repetition maximum.


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The extent to which animal migrations shape parasite transmission networks is critically dependent on a migrant's ability to tolerate infection and migrate successfully. Yet, sub-lethal effects of parasites can be intensified through periods of increased physiological stress. Long-distance migrants may, therefore, be especially susceptible to negative effects of parasitic infection. Although a handful of studies have investigated the short-term, transmission-relevant behaviors of wild birds infected with low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses (LPAIV), the ecological consequences of LPAIV for the hosts themselves remain largely unknown. Here, we assessed the potential effects of naturally-acquired LPAIV infections in Bewick's swans, a long-distance migratory species that experiences relatively low incidence of LPAIV infection during early winter. We monitored both foraging and movement behavior in the winter of infection, as well as subsequent breeding behavior and inter-annual resighting probability over 3 years. Incorporating data on infection history we hypothesized that any effects would be most apparent in naïve individuals experiencing their first LPAIV infection. Indeed, significant effects of infection were only seen in birds that were infected but lacked antibodies indicative of prior infection. Swans that were infected but had survived a previous infection were indistinguishable from uninfected birds in each of the ecological performance metrics. Despite showing reduced foraging rates, individuals in the naïve-infected category had similar accumulated body stores to re-infected and uninfected individuals prior to departure on spring migration, possibly as a result of having higher scaled mass at the time of infection. And yet individuals in the naïve-infected category were unlikely to be resighted 1 year after infection, with 6 out of 7 individuals that never resighted again compared to 20 out of 63 uninfected individuals and 5 out of 12 individuals in the re-infected category. Collectively, our findings indicate that acute and superficially harmless infection with LPAIV may have indirect effects on individual performance and recruitment in migratory Bewick's swans. Our results also highlight the potential for infection history to play an important role in shaping ecological constraints throughout the annual cycle.


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Lors de l'intégration d'infirmières nouvellement diplômées, nommées candidates à l'exercice de la profession infirmière (CEPI), ces dernières s’appuient fréquemment sur l’expérience de leurs collègues infirmières afin de les guider dans les soins à offrir (Ballem et McIntosh, 2014 ; Fink, Krugman, Casey, et Goode, 2008). Ce type de collaboration permet de faire un transfert de connaissances (D’Amour, 2002 ; Lavoie-Tremblay, Wright, Desforges, et Drevniok, 2008) et d’augmenter la qualité des soins offerts (Pfaff, Baxter, et Ploeg, 2013). Cependant, cette collaboration peut être plus difficile à initier sur certaines unités de soins (Thrysoe, Hounsgaard, Dohn, et Wagner, 2012). La littérature disponible portant principalement sur l’expérience qu’en ont les infirmières débutantes, l'expérience des infirmières quant à ce phénomène est encore méconnue. Cette étude qualitative exploratoire inspirée de l'approche de théorisation ancrée avait pour but d'explorer l’expérience d’infirmières de l’équipe de soins quant à la collaboration intra professionnelle durant l’intégration de CEPI en centre hospitalier. Des entrevues réalisées auprès de huit infirmières ont été analysées selon la démarche de théorisation ancrée. Les résultats de cette recherche ont mené à la schématisation de l'expérience d'infirmières quant à la collaboration durant l'intégration des CEPI. Cette schématisation souligne l'importance de la collaboration durant les différentes périodes d’intégration des CEPI ainsi que la complémentarité des rôles infirmiers dans l'équipe de soins, incluant l'assistante infirmière-chef, la préceptrice et l'infirmière soignante. Le résultat de cette collaboration est l’autonomie dans la tâche et le fait d’entrer dans l’équipe. En regard de cette schématisation, des recommandations ont été formulées pour la recherche, la formation, la gestion et la pratique.


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Microcirculatory vessels are lined by endothelial cells (ECs) which are surrounded by a single or multiple layer of smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Spontaneous and agonist induced spatiotemporal calcium (Ca2+) events are generated in ECs and SMCs, and regulated by complex bi-directional signaling between the two layers which ultimately determines the vessel tone. The contractile state of microcirculatory vessels is an important factor in the determination of vascular resistance, blood flow and blood pressure. This dissertation presents theoretical insights into some of the important and currently unresolved phenomena in microvascular tone regulation. Compartmental and continuum models of isolated EC and SMC, coupled EC-SMC and a multi-cellular vessel segment with deterministic and stochastic descriptions of the cellular components were developed, and the intra- and inter-cellular spatiotemporal Ca2+ mobilization was examined.^ Coupled EC-SMC model simulations captured the experimentally observed localized subcellular EC Ca2+ events arising from the opening of EC transient receptor vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channels and inositol triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs). These localized EC Ca2+ events result in endothelium-derived hyperpolarization (EDH) and Nitric Oxide (NO) production which transmit to the adjacent SMCs to ultimately result in vasodilation. The model examined the effect of heterogeneous distribution of cellular components and channel gating kinetics in determination of the amplitude and spread of the Ca2+ events. The simulations suggested the necessity of co-localization of certain cellular components for modulation of EDH and NO responses. Isolated EC and SMC models captured intracellular Ca2+ wave like activity and predicted the necessity of non-uniform distribution of cellular components for the generation of Ca2+ waves. The simulations also suggested the role of membrane potential dynamics in regulating Ca2+ wave velocity. The multi-cellular vessel segment model examined the underlying mechanisms for the intercellular synchronization of spontaneous oscillatory Ca2+ waves in individual SMC. ^ From local subcellular events to integrated macro-scale behavior at the vessel level, the developed multi-scale models captured basic features of vascular Ca2+ signaling and provide insights for their physiological relevance. The models provide a theoretical framework for assisting investigations on the regulation of vascular tone in health and disease.^


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Lors de l'intégration d'infirmières nouvellement diplômées, nommées candidates à l'exercice de la profession infirmière (CEPI), ces dernières s’appuient fréquemment sur l’expérience de leurs collègues infirmières afin de les guider dans les soins à offrir (Ballem et McIntosh, 2014 ; Fink, Krugman, Casey, et Goode, 2008). Ce type de collaboration permet de faire un transfert de connaissances (D’Amour, 2002 ; Lavoie-Tremblay, Wright, Desforges, et Drevniok, 2008) et d’augmenter la qualité des soins offerts (Pfaff, Baxter, et Ploeg, 2013). Cependant, cette collaboration peut être plus difficile à initier sur certaines unités de soins (Thrysoe, Hounsgaard, Dohn, et Wagner, 2012). La littérature disponible portant principalement sur l’expérience qu’en ont les infirmières débutantes, l'expérience des infirmières quant à ce phénomène est encore méconnue. Cette étude qualitative exploratoire inspirée de l'approche de théorisation ancrée avait pour but d'explorer l’expérience d’infirmières de l’équipe de soins quant à la collaboration intra professionnelle durant l’intégration de CEPI en centre hospitalier. Des entrevues réalisées auprès de huit infirmières ont été analysées selon la démarche de théorisation ancrée. Les résultats de cette recherche ont mené à la schématisation de l'expérience d'infirmières quant à la collaboration durant l'intégration des CEPI. Cette schématisation souligne l'importance de la collaboration durant les différentes périodes d’intégration des CEPI ainsi que la complémentarité des rôles infirmiers dans l'équipe de soins, incluant l'assistante infirmière-chef, la préceptrice et l'infirmière soignante. Le résultat de cette collaboration est l’autonomie dans la tâche et le fait d’entrer dans l’équipe. En regard de cette schématisation, des recommandations ont été formulées pour la recherche, la formation, la gestion et la pratique.


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Opresente trabaJho tem por objetivo caracterizar algumas transformacóes intra-urbana no bairro Nossa Senhora das Dores, em Santa María, Rio Grande do Sul. Também resgata brevemente a formacao e historia da cidade e seu papel no contexto do Rio Grande do Sul e do Brasil. A elaboracáo do referido trabalho baseou-se em: consultas bibliográficas sobre a historia de Santa María; fotointerpretacao; atividades de campo e em entrevistas volíadas ao bairro, dando énfase as categorías: o Estado e o Capital.ABSTRACT This paper aims to characterize some intra-urban transformations of Nossa Senhora das Dores neighborhood, in Santa María town, Rio Grande do Sul State - Brazil. It also tries to shortly rescue the hístory of said city and its role both in Rio Grande do Sul and in Brazil. The making of said paper was mainly based on the analysis of historical facts and on the spatial processes of urbanization, backing up: the State and Capital