966 resultados para Construction waste indicators (CW)
Audit report on the Wayne-Ringgold-Decatur County Solid Waste Management Commission for the year ended June 30, 2011
The possibility of local elastic instabilities is considered in a first¿order structural phase transition, typically a thermoelastic martensitic transformation, with associated interfacial and volumic strain energy. They appear, for instance, as the result of shape change accommodation by simultaneous growth of different crystallographic variants. The treatment is phenomenological and deals with growth in both thermoelastic equilibrium and in nonequilibrium conditions produced by the elastic instability. Scaling of the transformed fraction curves against temperature is predicted only in the case of purely thermoelastic growth. The role of the transformation latent heat on the relaxation kinetics is also considered, and it is shown that it tends to increase the characteristic relaxation times as adiabatic conditions are approached, by keeping the system closer to a constant temperature. The analysis also reveals that the energy dissipated in the relaxation process has a double origin: release of elastic energy Wi and entropy production Si. The latter is shown to depend on both temperature rate and thermal conduction in the system.
Microbial processes have been used as indicators of soil quality, due to the high sensitivity to small changes in management to evaluate, e.g., the impact of applying organic residues to the soil. In an experiment in a completely randomized factorial design 6 x 13 + 4, (pot without soil and residue or absolute control) the effect of following organic wastes was evaluated: pulp mill sludge, petrochemical complex sludge, municipal sewage sludge, dairy factory sewage sludge, waste from pulp industry and control (soil without organic waste) after 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 20, 28, 36, 44, 60, 74, 86, and 98 days of incubation on some soil microbial properties, with four replications. The soil microbial activity was highly sensitive to the carbon/nitrogen ratio of the organic wastes. The amount of mineralized carbon was proportional to the quantity of soil-applied carbon. The average carbon dioxide emanating from the soil with pulp mill sludge, corresponding to soil basal respiration, was 0.141 mg C-CO2 100 g-1 soil h-1. This value is 6.4 times higher than in the control, resulting in a significant increase in the metabolic quotient from 0.005 in the control to 0.025 mg C-CO2 g-1 Cmic h-1 in the soil with pulp mill sludge. The metabolic quotient in the other treatments did not differ from the control (p < 0.01), demonstrating that these organic wastes cause no disturbance in the microbial community.
OBJECTIVE: Clinical indicators are increasingly used to assess safety of patient care. In obstetrics, only a few indicators have been validated to date and none is used across specialties. The purpose of this study was to identify and assess for face and content validity a group of safety indicators that could be used by anaesthetists, obstetricians and neonatologists involved in labour and delivery units. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We first conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify potential measures. Indicators were then validated by a panel of 30 experts representing all specialties working in labour and delivery units. We used the Delphi method, an iterative questionnaire-based consensus seeking technique. Experts determined on a 7-point Likert scale (1=most representative/7=less representative) the soundness of each indicator as a measure of safety and their possible association with errors and complications caused by medical management. RESULTS: We identified 44 potential clinical indicators from the literature. Following the Delphi process, 13 indicators were considered as highly representative of safety during obstetrical care (mean score</=2.3). Experts ranked 6 of these indicators as being strongly associated to potential errors and complications. CONCLUSIONS: We identified and validated for face and content, a group of six clinical indicators to measure potentially preventable iatrogenic complications in labour and delivery units.
Apamè, Stratonice et Laodice(s) sont les différents protagonistes de cette thèse qui s'attache à saisir comment les souveraines séleucides participent au pouvoir. Principalement centré sur les identités politiques des reines que l'épigraphie grecque et akkadienne nous permet de re-construire, ce travail se développe chronologiquement. Il débute en 324, lors des noces Suse - qui virent Séleucos épouser la bactrienne Apamè, pour se terminer en 177 par la mention de la reine Laodice, la mère du roi Séleucos IV. Nous avons, par ce travail, démontré que les reines séleucides participent pleinement au pouvoir et ce dès le début de la constitution du royaume. Les souveraines mobilisent l'administration, écrivent aux cités, possèdent une autonomie financière grâce aux domaines qu'elles détiennent et disposent de réseaux d'influence personnels. Les identités qu'elles se construisent les lient notamment à la fécondité et leur permettent d'avoir un domaine d'action politique particulier inaccessible au roi. Elles sont en ce sens des partenaires politiques indispensables qui soutiennent à la fois la perpétuation du pouvoir royal et le maintien du territoire séleucide. Si par ce travail nous avons focalisé notre attention sur les basilissai, le cas de la première épouse d'Antiochos II nous a permis de mettre en évidence la polygamie des souverains, l'organisation « hiérarchique » des différentes épouses du roi ainsi que les stratégies développées par le pouvoir séleucide pour désigner celle dont sera issus le successeur. Enfin, le pouvoir séleucide, tel que nous l'avons décrit, ne permet plus de défendre les hypothèses de répudiation ou de régence des souveraines séleucides avancées pour les cas des épouses d'Antiochos II et d'Antiochos III.
Audit report on the Pocahontas County Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2011