974 resultados para Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924.


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[ES] Este estudio muestra, a grandes rasgos, la evolución de una empresa industrial del subsector Bebidas en Canarias (1924-1993), primando los aspectos relacionados con las estrategias comerciales. Se trata de una síntesis del trabajo más amplio que con el título ?La empresa cervecera en Canarias: desarrollo y evolución de la marca Tropical ? se elaboró dentro del programa Innova. En él se muestran las principales etapas seguidas por la empresa, tratando de explicar la evolución de la misma a partir del mercado regional.


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Programa de Doctorado: Fuentes, Métodos e Historiografía para la Investigación en el Mundo Atlántico


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[FR] Grande figure de la géographie française —et européenne— du premier quart du XIXe siècle, Conrad Malte-Brun laisse une oeuvre scientifique écrite considérable, dont une vaste Géographie universelle qui marqua alors son époque, rééditée à de multiples reprises durant plus de 50 ans. Contrairement à Élisée Reclus, autre grande figure de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, les écrits de Malte-Brun demeurent mal connus, sinon mésestimés. Or, à travers le fil conducteur que représente le chapitre de sa Géographie universelle consacré à l’Espagne, nous avons pour objectif de montrer que son auteur a su dépasser la simple dimension descriptive caractérisant nombre de textes géographiques de son époque pour introduire une réelle dimension explicative. Rien que pour cela, il mérite très largement, à notre sens, d’être redécouvert…


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«Fiction of frontier». Phenomenology of an open form/voice. Francesco Giustini’s PhD dissertation fits into a genre of research usually neglected by the literary criticism which nevertheless is arousing much interest in recent years: the relationship between Literature and Space. In this context, the specific issue of his work consists in the category of the Frontier including its several implications for the XX century fiction. The preliminary step, at the beginning of the first section of the dissertation, is a semantic analysis: with precision, Giustini describes the meaning of the word “frontier” here declined in a multiplicity of cultural, political and geographical contexts, starting from the American frontier of the pioneers who headed for the West, to the exotic frontiers of the world, with whose the imperialistic colonization has come into contact; from the semi-uninhabited areas like deserts, highlands and virgin forests, to the ethnic frontiers between Indian and white people in South America, since the internal frontiers of the Countries like those ones between the District and the Capital City, the Centre and the Outskirts. In the next step, Giustini wants to focus on a real “ myth of the frontier”, able to nourish cultural and literary imagination. Indeed, the literature has told and chosen the frontier as the scenery for many stories; especially in the 20th Century it made the frontier a problematic space in the light of events and changes that have transformed the perception of space and our relationship with it. Therefore, the dissertation proposes a critical category, it traces the hallmarks of a specific literary phenomenon defined “ Fiction of the frontier” ,present in many literary traditions during the 20th Century. The term “Fiction” (not “Literature” or “Poetics”) does not define a genre but rather a “procedure”, focusing on a constant issue pointed out from the texts examined in this work : the strong call to the act of narration and to its oral traditions. The “Fiction of the Frontier” is perceived as an approach to the world, a way of watching and feeling the objects, an emotion that is lived and told through the story- a story where the narrator ,through his body and his voice, takes the rule of the witness. The following parts, that have an analytic style, are constructed on the basis of this theoretical and methodological reflection. The second section gives a wide range of examples into we can find the figure and the myth of the frontier through the textual analysis which range over several literary traditions. Starting from monographic chapters (Garcia Marquez, Callado, McCarthy), to the comparative reading of couples of texts (Calvino and Verga Llosa, Buzzati and Coetzee, Arguedas and Rulfo). The selection of texts is introduced so as to underline a particular aspect or a form of the frontier at every reading. This section is articulated into thematic voices which recall some actions that can be taken into the ambiguous and liminal space of the frontier (to communicate, to wait, to “trans-culturate”, to imagine, to live in, to not-live in). In this phenomenology, the frontier comes to the light as a physical and concrete element or as a cultural, imaginary, linguistic, ethnic and existential category. In the end, the third section is centered on a more defined and elaborated analysis of two authors, considered as fundamental for the comprehension of the “Fiction of the frontier”: Joseph Conrad and João Guimarães Rosa. Even if they are very different, being part of unlike literary traditions, these two authors show many connections which are pointed by the comparative analysis. Maybe Conrad is the first author that understand the feeling of the frontier , freeing himself from the adventure romance and from the exotic nineteenthcentury tradition. João Guimarães Rosa, in his turn, is the great narrator of Brazilian and South American frontier, he is the man of sertão and of endless spaces of the Centre of Brazil. His production is strongly linked to that one belonged to the author of Heart of Darkness.


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La ricerca mira ad indagare l’origine della Scuola ingegneristica bolognese ed il ruolo che essa ha avuto durante i suoi primi 50 anni di attività nella diffusione del calcestruzzo armato in Italia, ed in particolare nella città di Bologna, sia dal punto di vista teorico che architettonico. Il processo di sviluppo del cemento armato è stato indagato secondo i percorsi tipici della scienza e della tecnica: teoria e pratica appaiono nel periodo di sperimentazione del materiale assai lontane; soltanto grazie alla comprensione delle sue potenzialità costruttive e del modo di sfruttarle al meglio, esse iniziano a convergere. L’interesse specifico per la Scuola bolognese va quindi a collocarsi all’interno di un panorama assai più ampio, con l’obiettivo di comprendere se, e fino a quando, le due discipline proseguono lungo strade parallele o se, al contrario, esse godono di reciproche influenze.


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L'elaborato si incentra sulla figura di Wilfred Von Oven (1912-2008), addetto stampa personale di Joseph Goebbels che, a guerra finita, si trasferì in Argentina, dove lavorò come giornalista e visse fino alla morte. Il ritratto di Von Oven che viene presentato si basa su due principali documenti: un'intervista in lingua spagnola realizzata per la televisione argentina e conservata nell'Archivio Storico dell'Istituto Luce Cinecittà a Roma e la sua autobiografia in lingua tedesca, consultata presso la sede di Francoforte della Biblioteca Nazionale Tedesca. A partire da queste fonti, e da altri documenti, l'elaborato ricostruisce la biografia di Von Oven e analizza tratti della sua personalità e mentalità, con particolare riferimento alle posizioni nazionalsocialiste e revisioniste del suo pensiero. L'elaborato, in mancanza di documentazione in lingua italiana su Wilfred Von Oven, si propone di presentare i primi risultati di una ricerca su questo personaggio storico, ricerca che non può dirsi conclusa dati i molti punti interrogativi che rimangono intorno ad alcuni aspetti della vita e della mentalità di Von Oven.


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