972 resultados para Confederación (1852-1862)


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El pulpo Octopus mimus es un importante recurso de la pesquería artesanal bentónica, que se distribuye desde el norte del Perú a San Vicente, Chile. Se analizaron contenidos gástricos de 741 ejemplares obtenidos de la captura comercial en la bahía del Callao, durante agosto 2013-agosto 2014. Se determinó que las presas más importantes fueron crustáceos Decapoda: Petrolisthes desmarestii (%FO=24,13; %P=21,29%; N=27,10), Cycloxanthops sexdecimdentatus (%FO=16,35; %P=12,16%; N=15,99) y Allopetrolisthes angulosus (%FO=6,17; %P=6,05; %N=25,20). No hubo diferencias en la dieta entre machos y hembras en %FO y %P (Mann -Whitney U-test, p>0,05). Se observaron diferencias en el IR asociado a las fases de desarrollo gonadal en hembras, ejemplares madurantes/maduros mostraron mayor IR (0,17±0,17) que los desovados (0,08± 0,06), en machos no se observaron diferencias. El IR fue mayor en otoño (0,21±0,17) (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0,05). Los índices ecológicos mostraron que O. mimus es un depredador generalista (B’>3), observándose traslapo entre la dieta de machos y hembras (Cλ>0,6), por lo que se concluye que su alimentación está influenciada por una combinación de factores fisiológicos y ambientales.


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O município de Macapá está localizado na região Norte do país e, devido sua riqueza em ambientais naturais, águas dulcícolas e facilidade de acesso à captura do camarão-da-Amazônia (Macrobrachium amazonicum - Heller, 1862) sua comercialização se torna relevante tanto no aspecto socioeconômico como cultural, uma vez que o pescado é a principal fonte de proteína da população. Geralmente a comercialização em feiras livres não é realizada de forma adequada, não obedecendo aos protocolos vigentes com relação aos seus aspectos higiênicosanitários. Deste modo, gera um ambiente ainda mais propicio para a proliferação de bactérias, visto que o camarão por apresentar altos índices de proteína, favorece ainda mais aumento do potencial de risco. A veiculação de bactérias patogênicas por alimentos é um problema de saúde pública no Amapá, posto que, ainda não há fiscalizações que atuem em toda a cadeia produtiva, inclusive na forma de manuseio e exposição do pescado nas feiras. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar fenotipicamente os isolados bacterianos de Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli e Aeromonas spp vislumbrando avaliar a qualidade de camarões frescos com cascas, comercializados em feiras-livres de Macapá-AP e sua relevância em Saúde Pública. Foram analisadas 20 amostras de camarões provenientes de 5 feiras livres. As análises foram realizadas no Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública do Amapá (LACEN-AP) e no Laboratório Especial de Microbiologia Aplicada (LEMA) da UNIFAP. Para tal, uma vez adquiridos os camarões foram imediatamente transferidos para sacos de poliestireno estéreis, onde foi acrescentado meio de cultura seletivo e por meio da técnica de enxaguadura de toda a superfície dos camarões com casca. As amostras obtidas foram acondicionadas em caixas isotérmicas com gelo e transportadas até os laboratórios para análise. Após o período de incubação, alíquotas das culturas primárias, foram semeadas conforme os protocolos descritos pela American Public Health Association em seu Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods. 4th ed. 2001 e suas adaptações descritas nos procedimentos operacionais padrão dos laboratórios participantes: LACEN-AP e LEMA - UNIFAP. A identificação bioquímica das espécies foram realizadas no LACEN-AP através dos protocolos do equipamento Vitek Plus System (bioMérieux, Inc.Durham, NC-USA) com posterior confirmação pelo Centro de Referência Nacional de Cólera e outras Enteroinfecções Bacterianas do Instituto Osvaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ). Os resultados revelaram que das 20 amostras analisadas, em nenhuma delas foram identificadas bactérias do Gênero Aeromonas spp. e Staphylococcus aureus, porém 9 delas revelaram crescimento de E. coli e 6 de Salmonella spp. e E. coli resultados em desacordo com os limites satisfatórios quanto à adequada segurança alimentar. Desta maneira os resultados demonstraram que há riscos de adquirir doenças transmitidas por alimentos ao consumir esses produtos. Esses dados indicam valiosos conhecimentos para a promoção do intercâmbio entre a vigilância epidemiológica e sanitária, permitindo monitorar aspectos clínicos, ambientais e alimentares apresentando-se como uma poderosa arma na defesa contra doenças endêmicas e epidêmicas veiculadas por alimentos.


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La celebración del bicentenario de la independencia de varios países latinoamericanos es una oportunidad para analizar las consecuencias geográficas de los hechos históricos que originaron la formación territorial de los Estados actuales. El objetivo específico de este trabajo es analizar las transformaciones del sistema de asentamientos humanos en el litoral de los ríos de la Plata, Paraná y Uruguay y en la Banda Oriental del Uruguay en el contexto de las guerras de independencia y las guerras civiles, con énfasis en los efectos de larga duración que inciden en la organización actual del territorio. La metodología de este análisis preliminar recurre a fuentes secundarias (bibliografía geográfica e histórica), a partir de las cuales se identifican las localidades formadas durante el período y las que fueron destruidas o relocalizadas. En cada caso se intenta identificar a los actores que participaron en esas acciones, interpretar sus motivaciones y caracterizar sus resultados. Estas acciones y resultados se presentan en una serie de cuadros y mapas. Los aportes geográficos principales se relacionan con la necesidad de recurrir al análisis de los procesos históricos para comprender la organización territorial contemporánea, sin que esto implique una visión teleológica de tales procesos.


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Background: Gender differences in cycling are well-documented. However, most analyses of gender differences make broad comparisons, with few studies modeling male and female cycling patterns separately for recreational and transport cycling. This modeling is important, in order to improve our efforts to promote cycling to women and men in countries like Australia with low rates of transport cycling. The main aim of this study was to examine gender differences in cycling patterns and in motivators and constraints to cycling, separately for recreational and transport cycling. Methods: Adult members of a Queensland, Australia, community bicycling organization completed an online survey about their cycling patterns; cycling purposes; and personal, social and perceived environmental motivators and constraints (47% response rate). Closed and open-end questions were completed. Using the quantitative data, multivariable linear, logistic and ordinal regression models were used to examine associations between gender and cycling patterns, motivators and constraints. The qualitative data were thematically analysed to expand upon the quantitative findings. Results: In this sample of 1862 bicyclists, men were more likely than women to cycle for recreation and for transport, and they cycled for longer. Most transport cycling was for commuting, with men more likely than women to commute by bicycle. Men were more likely to cycle on-road, and women off-road. However, most men and women did not prefer to cycle on-road without designed bicycle lanes, and qualitative data indicated a strong preference by men and women for bicycle-only off-road paths. Both genders reported personal factors (health and enjoyment related) as motivators for cycling, although women were more likely to agree that other personal, social and environmental factors were also motivating. The main constraints for both genders and both cycling purposes were perceived environmental factors related to traffic conditions, motorist aggression and safety. Women, however, reported more constraints, and were more likely to report as constraints other environmental factors and personal factors. Conclusion: Differences found in men’s and women’s cycling patterns, motivators and constraints should be considered in efforts to promote cycling, particularly in efforts to increase cycling for transport.


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Design Semi-structured interviews. Setting 2 open, acute care units of a large tertiary mental health facility in Queensland, Australia. Patients 12 patients (58% men) who were 18–52 years of age and were secluded in the previous 7 days (mean duration 3.4 h). Methods Semi-structured, thematically organised interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. Transcripts were checked for errors against the audiotaped versions and were analysed using the process of meaning categorisation. Themes were identified and coded to produce categories. All members of the research team agreed on the final categorisations. These broad categories were further analysed, and themes were used to reflect patients' experiences of seclusion. Main findings 5 recurrent themes emerged. (1) Patients described the use of seclusion. Some patients thought that seclusion was used inappropriately and that the seclusion period was of more benefit to …


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Purpose The aim of this study was to determine the early time course of exercise-induced signaling after divergent contractile activity associated with resistance and endurance exercise. Methods Sixteen male subjects were randomly assigned to either a cycling (CYC; n = 8, 60 min, 70% V?O2peak) or resistance (REX; n = 8, 8×5 leg extension, 80% one-repetition maximum, 3-min recovery) exercise group. Serial muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis at rest before, immediately after, and after 15, 30, and 60 min of passive recovery to determine early signaling responses after exercise. Results There were comparable increases from rest in AktThr308/Ser473 and mTORSer2448 phosphorylation during the postexercise time course that peaked 30-60 min after both CYC and REX (P<0.05). There were also similar patterns in p70S6K Thr389 and 4E-BP1Thr37/46 phosphorylation, but a greater magnitude of effect was observed for REX and CYC, respectively (P<0.05). However, AMPKThr172 phosphorylation was only significantly elevated after CYC (P<0.05), and we observed divergent responses for glycogen synthaseSer641 and AS160 phosphorylation that were enhanced after CYC but not REX (P<0.05). Conclusions We show a similar time course for Akt-mTOR-S6K phosphorylation during the initial 60-min recovery period after divergent contractile stimuli. Conversely, enhanced phosphorylation status of proteins that promote glucose transport and glycogen synthesis only occurred after endurance exercise. Our results indicate that endurance and resistance exercise initiate translational signaling, but high-load, low-repetition contractile activity failed to promote phosphorylation of pathways regulating glucose metabolism.


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A nationwide survey was made of the time-course incidence of alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), clover yellow vein virus (CYVV), subterranean clover mottle virus (SCMoV) and subterranean clover red leaf virus (SCRLV) in improved pastures in southern regions of Australia. Averaged over all states, the highest mean incidence recorded for samples infected with individual viruses in either winter or spring was 9.4% for AMV, 5.7% for CYVV, 10.9% for SCMoV and 7.5% for SCRLV. For AMV and SCRLV, there was an increasing trend from spring 1984 to spring 1986. A similar increasing trend for SCMoV was more evident in winter than in spring. For CYVV, no time-course pattern was evident. Results support the proposition that viruses contribute significantly to "clover-decline', a well-known problem in pastures of Trifolium subterraneum. -from Authors


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It is increasingly apparent that sea-level data (e.g. microfossil transfer functions, dated coral microatolls and direct observations from satellite and tidal gauges) vary temporally and spatially at regional to local scales, thus limiting our ability to model future sea-level rise for many regions. Understanding sealevel response at ‘far-field’ locations at regional scales is fundamental for formulating more relevant sea-level rise susceptibility models within these regions under future global change projections. Fossil corals and reefs in particular are valuable tools for reconstructing past sea levels and possible environmental phase shifts beyond the temporal constraints of instrumental records. This study used abundant surface geochronological data based on in situ subfossil corals and precise elevation surveys to determine previous sea level in Moreton Bay, eastern Australia, a far-field site. A total of 64 U-Th dates show that relative sea level was at least 1.1 m above modern lowest astronomical tide (LAT) from at least ˜6600 cal. yr BP. Furthermore, a rapid synchronous demise in coral reef growth occurred in Moreton Bay ˜5800 cal. yr BP, coinciding with reported reef hiatus periods in other areas around the Indo-Pacific region. Evaluating past reef growth patterns and phases allows for a better interpretation of anthropogenic forcing versus natural environmental/climatic cycles that effect reef formation and demise at all scales and may allow better prediction of reef response to future global change.


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The aim of the research is to interpret the professional culture of Finnish university-educated foresters in historical perspective. The main material of this research consists of biographical interviews, altogether 226 life stories of Finnish foresters, as well as foresters private photograph collections and articles in forest students' magazines. This study is the first published Ph. D. dissertation of a large oral history project "Forestry Professions in a Changing Society" 1999 2002 collected by The Finnish Forest History Society, the University of Helsinki (Ethnology) and The Finnish Forest Museum Lusto. The forester education was organized in the Evo Forest Institute 1862 1908, at the University of Helsinki since 1908 and additionally at the University of Joensuu since 1982. At first all the vacancies were in the service of the Board of Forestry, but during the 20th century the working opportunities of foresters significantly expanded, even outside the traditional areas of forestry or abroad. At the same time the whole area of Finnish forestry had integrated more versatile values concerning the forests and their use. The male-dominated profession gained its first female members already in the 1920s, and the number of female students rose gradually from the 1970s onwards. In the 1990s almost half of the new forest students were women. The content of both work and education of Finnish forest professionals has faced huge changes during the 19th and 20th centuries. Despite this however, there has been a long-term vision of a firm profession based on joint experiences, shared memories and the common task of foresters in the Finnish forestry. The feeling of togetherness the forester spirit which was created in a tight-knit student group which kept in touch also later as professionals was needed to make the work possible. Through foresters' own attitudes and narratives of themselves, the study is focused on forest professionalism as a cultural process of successive generations of foresters. How have foresters socialized themselves into their profession? How has forest professionalism been maintained? What is the meaning of joint experiences and shared memories in the profession? By studying the manifestations of a culture it is possible to interpret the culture itself. There seems to be an astounding consensus of opinion concerning forest professionalism in the oral, visual and written stories of foresters. Even if all the individuals and some separate groups, such as female foresters and the younger generation of foresters, did not always share the same experiences, the vision of forest professionalism was collectively recognized and often even approved. The shared idea of "a real forest professionalism" is like a model narrative, a point of comparison, which is needed while looking for one s own professional identity.


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Opinnäytetyöni tarkastelee eurooppalaisen kulttuurin kannalta keskeistä kommunikaatiovälinettä, painettua kirjaa, ja sen kansainvälistä luonnetta ja liikkumista. Teemaan perehdytään helsinkiläisen Gustaf Otto Waseniuksen (1789-1852) kirjakaupan toiminnan avulla keskittyen tarkastelemaan ulkomaisen kirjallisuuden tuomista Suomeen 1800-luvun alkupuolella. Tutkielma käsittelee ensisijaisesti itse kauppiastoimintaa: mitä kirjakauppayhteyksiä Waseniuksella oli sekä miten ja keiden ehdoilla ne toimivat. Näiden kysymysten ohessa pohdin myös itse kirjojen välityksellä tapahtunutta tiedonvälitystä. Työn tavoitteena on paljastaa, minkälaisia suomalaisten kirjakauppiaiden ja lukijoiden kirjallisuudenhankinnan sekä lukemisen kontekstit ja resurssit olivat 1800-luvun alkupuolella. Tutkielman lähteinä on käytetty Waseniuksen kirjakaupan kirjeitä ja kuitteja sekä sensuuriviranomaisten arkistoja. Tutkielmani jakautuu kolmeen osaan. Ensiksi paneudun Waseniuksen kauppaverkoston syntyyn ja sen esittelyyn: Waseniuksen kansainväliset yhteydet keskittyivät kolmelle kulttuurialueelle. Ruotsista hän sai kirjoja kaikilta merkittäviltä kustantajilta, kauppiailta sekä itsenäisesti toimivilta kirjailijoilta. Saksankielisen kulttuurin tarjontaa Wasenius pystyi hankkimaan Leipzigin kansainvälisten kirjakauppiaiden avulla. Ranskalaisen kirjallisuuden osalta Wasenius omasi toimivat yhteydet Pariisin kirjakauppiaisiin. Sen sijaan Brittein saaret jäivät vielä Waseniuksen kontaktiverkoston ulkopuolelle, samoin myös Pietarin huomattava kulttuurikeskus. Tämän jälkeen keskityn yhteyksien toimintaan. Wasenius solmi kauppakumppaniensa kanssa yleiseurooppalaisen komissionääri-sopimuksen, jonka valtuuttamana hän sai myydä kunkin ulkomaisen kauppiaan tuotteita liikkeessään. Ensiksi tarkastelen kauppiaiden välisten etäisyyksien ylittämistä. Aikakauden kuljetustavat huomioonottaen suuret etäisyydet eivät Waseniuksen kirjojen hankintaa juuri haitanneet, vaan suurkauppiaana hän pystyi käyttämään aikansa parhaat resurssit lähetystensä kuljettamiseen. Toiseksi pohdin aikakauden kauppiastoimintojen ja kulttuuripiirteiden vaikutusta kirjakauppaan. Waseniuksen toiminta kirjakauppiaana perustui taloudellisen voiton tavoittelulle, mikä tarkoitti mm. sitä, että lähetysten sisältö määrättiin etukäteen hyvin tarkasti. Ennen Suomeen saapumistaan kirjoilla piti olla varma ostaja, minkä Wasenius useimmiten varmisti ennakkotilausluetteloin ja etumaksuin. Kolmanneksi esiin nousevat 1800-luvun alun poliittiset tapahtumat, jotka osaltaan, kauppiaan silmiin kaikkein näkyvimmin, vaikuttivat kirjojen tuontiin. Sensuurin piti periaatteessa estää useiden satojen vaarallisena pidetyn kirjan levittäminen ja lukeminen Suomessa, mutta Wasenius ei suinkaan lopettanut kiellettyjen kirjojen tuontia, vaan salakuljetti sensuroitavia teoksia jatkuvasti liikkeeseensä myytäväksi. Suomalaiset viranomaiset hyväksyivät usein tämänkaltaisen toiminnan, joten venäläistä sensuuriasetusta tai hallintoa ei juuri kunnioitettu. Vertailu eurooppalaiseen kirjakauppatoimintaan osoittaa Waseniuksen omanneen erittäin hyvät kansainväliset suhteet. Tämä kuitenkin johtui niin kirjakauppatoiminnan keskittymisestä harvojen kauppiaiden käsiin kuin myös oman kustannustoiminnan vähyydestä. Tiedonvälityksen kehityksen ja kulttuurihistorian kannalta Waseniuksen kansainvälinen toiminta osoittautuu noudattelevan vielä vanhan eliittikulttuurin muotoja, mutta kirjakauppainstituution kehittyminen aivan uudenlaiseen kukoistukseen valmisteli jo kansallisen kulttuurin nousemista lähivuosikymmeninä.


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BACKGROUND: Chlorantraniliprole is a novel anthranilic diamide insecticide registered for use in vegetables, fruits, grains and turf against a variety of insect pests. The objective of this article is to summarize results of acute toxicity testing of chlorantraniliprole on seven species of parasitic wasps with wide geographic distribution and relevance to different crops and integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. RESULTS: Tier-1, worst-case laboratory studies evaluated wasp survival and reproduction following different exposure concentrations and scenarios to chlorantraniliprole (i.e. fresh-dried spray deposits on glass plates, direct contact, ingestion, egg card, dipped leaf residue bioassays, sprayed mummies). No statistically significant effects on adult survival, percentage parasitism or emergence were observed following exposures to chlorantraniliprole compared with controls. CONCLUSION: Chlorantraniliprole was harmless to the parasitoid wasp species tested according to IOBC classification criteria (<30% effects) and may be a useful tool in IPM programmes.