989 resultados para Color BLUE
Rapport de recherche
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología) UANL
Le présent mémoire consiste en une analyse thématique des représentations féminines dans l’œuvre de Satoshi Kon, de Perfect Blue à Paprika. L’objectif de ce travail est de démontrer que ces images de la femme reflètent la place des femmes dans la société japonaise contemporaine. À cet effet, nous avons examiné les films du réalisateur selon l’approche des études féministes du cinéma. Nous avons divisé notre analyse en trois thèmes : la violence, la sexualité et le double. Il apparaît que les représentations féminines des longs-métrages de Kon possèdent effectivement des parallèles au sein la société nippone actuelle. Le réalisateur emploie des figures et des motifs narratifs communs au Japon et l’anime afin de produire et reproduire les stéréotypes de genre. Par ailleurs, il utilise les éléments filmiques et les particularités du médium de l’anime pour appuyer ces définitions des rôles sexuels. Cette étude est originale par son angle d’approche féministe et psychanalytique qui est rarement adopté par les théoriciens de l’anime. Les études portant sur ce médium sont d’ailleurs récentes et s’intéressent généralement à l’esthétique de l’anime ou à la formation d’une identité nationale japonaise plutôt qu’à la construction du genre dans un média de culture populaire.
L’influence de la couleur dans les mécanismes perceptuels et attentionnels a été étudiée. Quatre couleurs (le rouge, le vert, le bleu et le jaune) ont été calibrées individuellement à travers la technique heterochromatic flicker photometry. Suivant cela, les participants ont déployé leur attention à une cible (un cercle de couleur avec une ligne orientée). Les données électrophysiologiques ont été enregistrées pendant que les sujets performaient la tâche de recherche visuelle, et les analyses ont été basées sur les potentiels évoqués (PÉs). Trois composantes des PÉs ont été examinées : la posterior contralateral positivity (Ppc); la N2pc, reflétant le déploiement de l’attention visuo-spatiale et la temporal and contralateral positivity (Ptc). Des conditions dans lesquelles la cible était bleu ou rouge, lorsque comparées à des conditions avec une cible jaune ou verte suscitaient une N2pc plus précoce. Une amplitude plus élevée est aussi observée pour les cibles rouges pour les composantes Ppc et Ptc, reflétant une sélectivité pré-attentionelle. Ces résultats suggèrent de la prudence dans l’interprétation de données comparant des cibles de différentes couleurs dans des tâches de PÉs, et ce même lorsque les couleurs sont équiluminantes.
Copper doped methylene blue sensitized poly(vinyl alcohol) (MBPVA)–acrylamide films were fabricated to improve the storage life of recorded gratings. The films were fabricated using gravity settling method and the copper chloride concentration was optimized as 3:18 10 3 mol/l for a dye concentration of 6:2 10 4 mol/l. The gratings recorded on the optimized film constitution could be stored for months with stable diffraction efficiency (24%) without any chemical or thermal fixing techniques. The resolution of the material is found to be unaffected with the addition of copper chloride.
Copper doped methylene blue sensitized poly(vinyl alcohol) (MBPVA)–acrylamide films were fabricated to improve the storage life of recorded gratings. The films were fabricated using gravity settling method and the copper chloride concentration was optimized as 3:18 10 3 mol/l for a dye concentration of 6:2 10 4 mol/l. The gratings recorded on the optimized film constitution could be stored for months with stable diffraction efficiency (24%) without any chemical or thermal fixing techniques. The resolution of the material is found to be unaffected with the addition of copper chloride.
A methylene-blue-sensitized polymer blend of polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylic acid is fabricated and tested for holographic recording. It was found to have good characteristics such as high sensitivity, storage stability, ease of fabrication, and environmental stability. Optimization of the ratio of polyvinyl alcohol polyacrylic acid, the sensitizer concentration, pH, energy, diffraction efficiency measurements, etc., have been done. pH is found to have a great influence on the recovery of the dye in this matrix. The results of experimental investigations into the properties of this new material are reported.
Polymer materials find application in optical storage technology, namely in the development of high information density and fast access type memories. A new polymer blend of methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) in methanol is prepared and characterized and its comparison with methylene blue sensitized PVA in methanol and complexed methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl chloride (CMBPVC) is presented. The optical absorption spectra of the thin films of these polymers showed a strong and broad absorption region at 670-650 nm, matching the wavelength of the laser used. A very slow recovery of the dye on irradiation was observed when a 7:3 blend of polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylic acid at a pHof 3.8 and a sensitizer concentration of 4.67 10 5 g/ml were used. A diffraction efficiency of up to 20% was observed for the MBPVA/alcohol system and an energetic sensitivity of 2000 mJ/cm2 was obtained in the photosensitive films with a spatial frequency of 588 lines/mm.
Significant results of our experimental investigations on the dependence of pH on real time transmission characteristics on recording media fabricated by doping PVC with complexed methylene blue are presented. The optimum pH value for faster bleaching was found to be 4×5. In typical applications, the illumination from one side, normal to the surface of this material, initiates a chemical sequence that records the incident light pattern in the polymer. Thus direct imaging can be successfully done on this sample. The recorded letters were very legible with good contrast and no scattering centres. Diffraction efficiency measurements were also carried out on this material.
The effect of chromium doping on methylene blue sensitized Poly (vinyl alcohol)/Acrylamide was carried out by varying the ratios of Ammonium dichromate and methylene blue. In the case of films without ammonium dichromate, the diffraction efficiency was found to decrease on storage. On chromium doping the storage life was improved. Interestingly, a self-enhancement in efficiency was observed for a particular ratio of methylene blue and ammonium dichromate.
Copper doped methylene blue sensitized poly(vinyl alcohol) (MBPVA)–acrylamide films were fabricated to improve the storage life of recorded gratings. The films were fabricated using gravity settling method and the copper chloride concentration was optimized as 3:18 10 3 mol/l for a dye concentration of 6:2 10 4 mol/l. The gratings recorded on the optimized film constitution could be stored for months with stable diffraction efficiency (24%) without any chemical or thermal fixing techniques. The resolution of the material is found to be unaffected with the addition of copper chloride.
A methylene-blue-sensitized polymer blend of polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylic acid is fabricated and tested for holographic recording. It was found to have good characteristics such as high sensitivity, storage stability, ease of fabrication, and environmental stability. Optimization of the ratio of polyvinyl alcohol polyacrylic acid, the sensitizer concentration, pH, energy, diffraction efficiency measurements, etc., have been done. pH is found to have a great influence on the recovery of the dye in this matrix. The results of experimental investigations into the properties of this new material are reported.