981 resultados para Cloning of cDNA encoding Large isoform of rubisco activase


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The presence of a proton-coupled electrogenic high-affinity peptide transporter in the apical membrane of tubular cells has been demonstrated by microperfusion studies and by use of brush border membrane vesicles. The transporter mediates tubular uptake of filtered di- and tripeptides and aminocephalosporin antibiotics. We have used expression cloning in Xenopus laevis oocytes for identification and characterization of the renal high-affinity peptide transporter. Injection of poly(A)+ RNA isolated from rabbit kidney cortex into oocytes resulted in expression of a pH-dependent transport activity for the aminocephalosporin antibiotic cefadroxil. After size fractionation of poly(A)+ RNA the transport activity was identified in the 3.0- to 5.0-kb fractions, which were used for construction of a cDNA library. The library was screened for expression of cefadroxil transport after injection of complementary RNA synthesized in vitro from different pools of clones. A single clone (rPepT2) was isolated that stimulated cefadroxil uptake into oocytes approximately 70-fold at a pH of 6.0. Kinetic analysis of cefadroxil uptake expressed by the transporter's complementary RNA showed a single saturable high-affinity transport system shared by dipeptides, tripeptides, and selected amino-beta-lactam antibiotics. Electrophysiological studies established that the transport activity is electrogenic and affected by membrane potential. Sequencing of the cDNA predicts a protein of 729 amino acids with 12 membrane-spanning domains. Although there is a significant amino acid sequence identity (47%) to the recently cloned peptide transporters from rabbit and human small intestine, the renal transporter shows distinct structural and functional differences.


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Interleukins 4 (IL-4) and 13 (IL-13) have been found previously to share receptor components on some cells, as revealed by receptor cross-competition studies. In the present study, the cloning is described of murine NR4, a previously unrecognized receptor identified on the basis of sequence similarity with members of the hemopoietin receptor family. mRNA encoding NR4 was found in a wide range of murine cells and tissues. By using transient expression in COS-7 cells, NR4 was found to encode the IL-13 receptor alpha chain, a low-affinity receptor capable of binding IL-13 but not IL-4 or interleukins 2, -7, -9, or -15. Stable expression of the IL-13 receptor alpha chain (NR4) in CTLL-2 cells resulted in the generation of high-affinity IL-13 receptors capable of transducing a proliferative signal in response to IL-13 and, moreover, led to competitive cross-reactivity in the binding of IL-4 and IL-13. These results suggest that the IL-13 receptor alpha chain (NR4) is the primary binding subunit of the IL-13 receptor and may also be a component of IL-4 receptors.


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In immature T cells the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta-chain gene is rearranged and expressed before the TCR alpha-chain gene. At this stage TCR beta chain can form disulfide-linked heterodimers with the pre-T-cell receptor alpha chain (pTalpha). Using the recently isolated murine pTalpha cDNA as a probe, we have isolated the human pTalpha cDNA. The complete nucleotide sequence predicts a mature protein of 282 aa consisting of an extracellular immunoglobulin-like domain, a connecting peptide, a transmembrane region, and a long cytoplasmic tail. Amino acid sequence comparison of human pTalpha with the mouse pTalpha molecule reveals high sequence homology in the extracellular as well as the transmembrane region. In contrast, the cytoplasmic region differs in amino acid composition and in length from the murine homologue. The human pTalpha gene is expressed in immature but not mature T cells and is located at the p21.2-p12 region of the short arm of chromosome 6.


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Peroxisome proliferators cause rapid and coordinated transcriptional activation of genes encoding peroxisomal beta-oxidation system enzymes by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) isoform(s). Since the thyroid hormone (T3; 3,3',5-triiodothyronine) receptor (TR), another member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, regulates a subset of fatty acid metabolism genes shared with PPAR, we examined the possibility of interplay between peroxisome proliferator and T3 signaling pathways. T3 inhibited ciprofibrate-induced luciferase activity as well as the endogenous peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzymes in transgenic mice carrying a 3.2-kb 5'-flanking region of the rat peroxisomal enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase gene fused to the coding region of luciferase. Transfection assays in hepatoma H4-II-E-C3 and CV-1 cells indicated that this inhibition is mediated by TR in a ligand-dependent fashion. Gel shift assays revealed that modulation of PPAR action by TR occurs through titration of limiting amounts of retinoid X receptor (RXR) required for PPAR activation. Increasing amounts of RXR partially reversed the inhibition in a reciprocal manner; PPAR also inhibited TR activation. Results with heterodimerization-deficient TR and PPAR mutants further confirmed that interaction between PPAR and TR signaling systems is indirect. These results suggest that a convergence of the peroxisome proliferator and T3 signaling pathways occurs through their common interaction with the heterodimeric partner RXR.


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Osteoblasts express calcium channels that are thought to be involved in the transduction of extracellular signals regulating bone metabolism. The molecular identity of the pore-forming subunit (alpha 1) of L-type calcium channel(s) was determined in rat osteosarcoma UMR-106 cells, which express an osteoblast phenotype. A homology-based reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction cloning strategy was employed that used primers spanning the fourth domain. Three types of cDNAs were isolated, corresponding to the alpha 1S (skeletal), alpha 1C (cardiac), and alpha 1D (neuroendocrine) isoforms. In the transmembrane segment IVS3 and the extracellular loop formed by the IVS3-S4 linker, a single pattern of mRNA splicing was found that occurs in all three types of calcium channel transcripts. Northern blot analysis revealed an 8.6-kb mRNA that hybridized to the alpha 1C probe and 4.8- and 11.7-kb mRNAs that hybridized to the alpha 1S and alpha 1D probes. Antisense oligonucleotides directed to the calcium channel alpha 1D transcript, but not those directed to alpha 1S or alpha 1C transcripts, inhibited the rise of intracellular calcium induced by parathyroid hormone. However, alpha 1D antisense oligonucleotides had no effect on the accumulation of cAMP induced by parathyroid hormone. When L-type calcium channels were activated with Bay K 8644, antisense oligonucleotides to each of the three isoforms partially inhibited the rise of intracellular calcium. The present results provide evidence for the expression of three distinct calcium channel alpha 1-subunit isoforms in an osteoblast-like cell line. We conclude that the alpha 1D isoform is selectively activated by parathyroid hormone.


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The gene encoding the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) has been proposed recently as a candidate gene for the mouse severe combined immune deficiency (scid) locus. We have used a partial cDNA clone for human DNA-PKcs to map the mouse homologue using a large interspecific backcross panel. We found that the mouse gene for DNA-PKcs does not recombine with scid, consistent with the hypothesis that scid is a mutation in the mouse gene for DNA-PKcs.


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We have isolated a gene encoding Xic-1, a 27-kDa cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor from Xenopus ovary that shares significant homology with both mammalian CIP1 and Kip1/Kip2. The N- and C-terminal halves of Xic-1 are sufficient for interacting with Cdks and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, respectively. Recombinant Xic-1 inhibits Xenopus cyclin E/Cdk2, cyclin A/Cdk2 and cyclin B/Cdc2 activities, although with quite different IC50 values. Truncation of the N terminus of Xic-1 increases the IC50 value for cyclin A/Cdk2 50-fold with no effect on the inhibition of cyclin E/Cdk2 or cyclin B/Cdc2.Xic-1 inhibits both single-stranded and nuclear DNA synthesis in egg extracts, an effect reversed by proliferating cell nuclear antigen or cyclin E/Cdk2, respectively. These results suggest a function for Xic-1 in the control of DNA synthesis by cyclin E/Cdk2.


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We recently isolated human cDNA fragments that render MCF-7 breast cancer cells resistant to cell death caused by Pseudomonas exotoxin, Pseudomonas exotoxin-derived immunotoxins, diphtheria toxin, and tumor necrosis factor. We report here that one of these fragments is an antisense fragment of a gene homologous to the essential yeast chromosome segregation gene CSE1. Cloning and analysis of the full-length cDNA of the human CSE1 homologue, which we name CAS for cellular apoptosis susceptibility gene, reveals a protein coding region with similar length (971 amino acids for CAS, 960 amino acids for CSE1) and 59% overall protein homology to the yeast CSE1 protein. The conservation of this gene indicates it has an important function in human cells consistent with the essential role of CSE1 in yeast. CAS is highly expressed in human tumor cell lines and in human testis and fetal liver, tissues that contain actively dividing cells. Furthermore, CAS expression increases when resting human fibroblasts are induced to proliferate and decreases when they are growth-arrested. Thus, CAS appears to play an important role in both toxin and tumor necrosis factor-mediated cell death, as well as in cell proliferation.


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Expansins are unusual proteins discovered by virtue of their ability to mediate cell wall extension in plants. We identified cDNA clones for two cucumber expansins on the basis of peptide sequences of proteins purified from cucumber hypocotyls. The expansin cDNAs encode related proteins with signal peptides predicted to direct protein secretion to the cell wall. Northern blot analysis showed moderate transcript abundance in the growing region of the hypocotyl and no detectable transcripts in the nongrowing region. Rice and Arabidopsis expansin cDNAs were identified from collections of anonymous cDNAs (expressed sequence tags). Sequence comparisons indicate at least four distinct expansin cDNAs in rice and at least six in Arabidopsis. Expansins are highly conserved in size and sequence (60-87% amino acid sequence identity and 75-95% similarity between any pairwise comparison), and phylogenetic trees indicate that this multigene family formed before the evolutionary divergence of monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Sequence and motif analyses show no similarities to known functional domains that might account for expansin action on wall extension. A series of highly conserved tryptophans may function in expansin binding to cellulose or other glycans. The high conservation of this multigene family indicates that the mechanism by which expansins promote wall extensin tolerates little variation in protein structure.


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The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) has been shown to play an important role in long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus, but little is known about the function of PKA in long-term depression (LTD). We have combined pharmacologic and genetic approaches to demonstrate that PKA activity is required for both homosynaptic LTD and depotentiation and that a specific neuronal isoform of type I regulatory subunit (RI beta) is essential. Mice carrying a null mutation in the gene encoding RI beta were established by use of gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. Hippocampal slices from mutant mice show a severe deficit in LTD and depotentiation at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse. This defect is also evident at the lateral perforant path-dentate granule cell synapse in RI beta mutant mice. Despite a compensatory increase in the related RI alpha protein and a lack of detectable changes in total PKA activity, the hippocampal function in these mice is not rescued, suggesting a unique role for RI beta. Since the late phase of CA1 LTP also requires PKA but is normal in RI beta mutant mice, our data further suggest that different forms of synaptic plasticity are likely to employ different combinations of regulatory and catalytic subunits.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are members of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily. Several members of this family have been shown to transduce their signals through binding to type I and type II serine-(threonine) kinase receptors. Here we report the cDNA cloning and characterization of a human type II receptor for BMPs (BMPR-II), which is distantly related to DAF-4, a BMP type II receptor from Caenorhabditis elegans. In transfected COS-1 cells, osteogenic protein (OP)-1/BMP-7, and less efficiently BMP-4, bound to BMPR-II. BMPR-II bound ligands only weakly alone, but the binding was facilitated by the presence of previously identified type I receptors for BMPs. Binding of OP-1/BMP-7 to BMPR-II was also observed in nontransfected cell lines. Moreover, a transcriptional activation signal was transduced by BMPR-II in the presence of type I receptors after stimulation by OP-1/BMP-7.


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Phenol oxidase (PO) was isolated as a proenzyme (pro-phenol oxidase, pro-PO) from the hemolymph of Manduca sexta larvae and purified to homogeneity. Pro-PO exhibits a M(r) of 130,000 on gel filtration and two bands with an apparent M(r) of approximately 100,000 on SDS/PAGE, as well as size-exclusion HPLC. Activation of pro-PO was achieved either by specific proteolysis by a cuticular protease or by the detergent cetylpyridinium chloride at a concentration below the critical micellar concentration. A cDNA clone for M. sexta pro-PO was obtained from a larval hemocyte cDNA library. The clone encodes a polypeptide of approximately 80,000 Da that contains two copper-binding sites and shows high sequence similarity to POs, hemocyanins, and storage proteins of arthropods. The M. Sexta pro-PO, together with other arthropod pro-POs, contains a short stretch of amino acids with sequence similarity to the thiol ester region of alpha-macroglobulins and complement proteins C3 and C4.


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The human squamous cell carcinoma cell line SCC83-01-82 (SCC) contains mutations in both the H-ras and p53 genes, but it exhibits a nontumorigenic phenotype in nude mice. This cell line can be converted into a cell line with a tumorigenic phenotype, SCC83-01-82CA (CA), by treatment with the mutagen methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). This indicates that additional genetic events leading to expression of a cooperating tumor susceptibility gene(s) may be required for tumorigenicity. To identify the cooperating gene(s), an expression cDNA library was made from tumorigenic Ca cells. The library DNA was transfected into nontumorigenic SCC cells and the transfected SCC cells were then injected into nude mice for the selection of a tumorigenic phenotype. Tumors developed in 3 of the 18 mice after injection. Several new cell lines were established from these transfected cell-induced tumors and designated as CATR cells. Tumor histology and karyotype analysis of these cells indicated that they were of human epithelial cell origin. All the CATR cells have the library vector sequence integrated in their genome. Cell line CATR1 expressed a single message from the integrated library representing a 1.3-kb cDNA insert that was absent from untransfected SCC cells or MMS-converted CA cells. This 1.3-kb cDNA insert was cloned by PCR amplification of reverse-transcribed CATR1 total RNA and was designated CATR1.3. The nucleotide sequence of CATR1.3 encodes a peptide of 79 amino acids, has a long 3' untranslated region, and represents an unknown gene product that was associated with the tumorigenic conversion due to the transfected expression library.


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A method for isolating and cloning mRNA populations from individual cells in living, intact plant tissues is described. The contents of individual cells were aspirated into micropipette tips filled with RNA extraction buffer. The mRNA from these cells was purified by binding to oligo(dT)-linked magnetic beads and amplified on the beads using reverse transcription and PCR. The cell-specific nature of the isolated mRNA was verified by creating cDNA libraries from individual tomato leaf epidermal and guard cell mRNA preparations. In testing the reproducibility of the method, we discovered an inherent limitation of PCR amplification from small amounts of any complex template. This phenomenon, which we have termed the "Monte Carlo" effect, is created by small and random differences in amplification efficiency between individual templates in an amplifying cDNA population. The Monte Carlo effect is dependent upon template concentration: the lower the abundance of any template, the less likely its true abundance will be reflected in the amplified library. Quantitative assessment of the Monte Carlo effect revealed that only rare mRNAs (< or = 0.04% of polyadenylylated mRNA) exhibited significant variation in amplification at the single-cell level. The cDNA cloning approach we describe should be useful for a broad range of cell-specific biological applications.


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Mutations in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SSU71 gene were isolated as suppressors of a transcription factor TFIIB defect that confers both a cold-sensitive growth defect and a downstream shift in transcription start-site selection at the cyc1 locus. The ssu71-1 suppressor not only suppresses the conditional phenotype but also restores the normal pattern of transcription initiation at cyc1. In addition, the ssu71-1 suppressor confers a heat-sensitive phenotype that is dependent upon the presence of the defective form of TFIIB. Molecular and genetic analysis of the cloned SSU71 gene demonstrated that SSU71 is a single-copy essential gene encoding a highly charged protein with a molecular mass of 82,194 daltons. Comparison of the deduced Ssu71 amino acid sequence with the protein data banks revealed significant similarity to RAP74, the larger subunit of the human general transcription factor TFIIF. Moreover, Ssu71 is identical to p105, a component of yeast TFIIF. Taken together, these data demonstrate a functional interaction between TFIIB and the large subunit of TFIIF and that this interaction can affect start-site selection in vivo.