991 resultados para Cfu-f


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As contaminações por leveduras selvagens e por bactérias no processo de produção de etanol combustível no Brasil causam prejuízos ao rendimento fermentativo e aumento de custos pelo uso de biocidas. No entanto, poucos estudos tem focado no efeito das contaminações conjuntas de leveduras selvagens e bactérias e as possíveis interações entre os micro-organismos, especialmente em função dos diferentes substratos de fermentação e das formas de controle. Este trabalho teve por objetivos verificar o efeito do substrato (caldo de cana e melaço) sobre o desenvolvimento das contaminações pela levedura da espécie Dekkera bruxellensis e pela bactéria Lactobacillus fermentum, em co-culturas com Saccharomyces cerevisiae (linhagem industrial PE-2) e possíveis formas de controle do crescimento dos contaminantes (pelo uso de metabissulfito de potássio e adição de etanol ao tratamento ácido) sem afetar a levedura do processo. Os testes foram realizados em condições de crescimento (substrato com 4 °Brix, culturas agitadas) e fermentação com reciclo celular (substrato com 16 °Brix, culturas estáticas). Houve interação entre as leveduras e a bactéria quando crescidas em caldo de cana 4 °Brix. A levedura industrial não foi afetada pela presença dos micro-organismos contaminantes, no entanto, para D. bruxellensis a presença de L. fermentum interferiu positivamente no crescimento, com aumento no número de UFC, e consequentemente inibição do crescimento da bactéria. Em melaço, houve um estímulo ao crescimento de L. fermentum quando em co-cultura com S. cerevisiae. Houve influência das contaminações sobre os parâmetros avaliados no experimento (pH, açúcar redutor total, etanol, glicerol e crescimento das células) e a contaminação conjunta de L. fermentum e D. bruxellensis potencializou o efeito das contaminações pelos micro-organismos isoladamente, tanto em caldo quanto em melaço. A adição de 13% de etanol à solução de ácido sulfúrico pH 2,0 no tratamento celular resultou em uma diminuição significativa no número de UFC de D. bruxellensis (entre 90-99%). A levedura PE-2 foi pouco afetada pelo tratamento proposto. A bactéria L. fermentum teve seu crescimento afetado em todas as combinações testadas. Como os experimentos foram feitos em co-culturas, verificouse que pode haver influência de um micro-organismo sobre a viabilidade do outro, dependendo da reação ao tratamento ácido-etanol. O metabissulfito de potássio (MBP), no intervalo entre 200-400 mg/L, foi eficaz para controlar o crescimento de D. bruxellensis dependendo do meio de cultura e linhagem. Quando adicionado (250 mg/L) à solução ácida (pH 2,0) no tratamento celular, um efeito significativo foi observado nas culturas mistas, pois ocorreu a inativação do SO2 pela S. cerevisiae e uma provável proteção das células de D. bruxellensis, não sendo essa levedura prejudicada pelo MBP. A resposta fisiológica de S. cerevisiae na presença de MBP pode explicar a diminuição significativa na produção de etanol. Quando o MBP foi adicionado ao meio de fermentação, resultou no controle da D. bruxellensis mas não em sua morte, com efeito menos intensivo sobre a eficiência fermentativa. Em cocultura com a adição de MBP, a eficiência fermentativa foi significativamente menor do que na ausência de MBP.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a suplementação de um probiótico composto por cepas de Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis, fornecidos via sucedâneo lácteo, no que se refere ao escore e pH fecal, contagem de microrganismos intestinais, parâmetros sanguíneos e desempenho geral dos animais. Foram utilizados 24 animais da raça Holandês que receberam 4L/dia de sucedâneo comercial (15PB:15EE), além de livre acesso a água e concentrado inicial. O desaleitamento ocorreu na 8ª semana de vida. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos casualizados, em dois tratamentos: 1) Controle - sem a suplementação de probiótico; 2) Suplementação de 2g/d (1,6 x 109 UFC) de Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis via sucedâneo lácteo. Semanalmente foram realizadas pesagens e aferições de medidas corporais (altura de cernelha, perímetro torácico e largura de garupa); e colheitas de sangue para determinação de glicose, proteína total, ureia e albumina, além de determinação de hematócrito. Foram colhidas amostras semanalmente para contagem de bactérias ácido láticas e enterobactérias e determinação de pH fecal. O monitoramento do consumo de concentrado e do escore fecal foi realizado diariamente. O peso corporal, o ganho de peso médio diário e as medidas corporais não foram alteradas (P>0,05) pela suplementação do probiótico contendo Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis; muito embora tenham apresentado efeito significativo de idade dos animais (P<0,001). O escore fecal, pH fecal e consumo de concentrado diário também não foram afetados pela suplementação com probiótico. No entanto, o consumo de concentrado e o pH fecal sofreram influência da idade em resposta ao crescimento natural dos bezerros. A contagem de bactérias ácido láticas foi maior que número de enterobactérias durante todo o período (P<0,05). Apenas as enterobactérias sofreram efeito da idade (P<0,05), enquanto as bactérias ácido láticas permaneceram variando, porém dentro de um padrão constante. Os parâmetros sanguíneos também não foram afetados pela suplementação com probiótico (P>0,05) mas todos, com a exceção da albumina, tiveram influência da idade (P<0,001). A suplementação com o probiótico contendo Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis via sucedâneo não apresentou benefícios no desempenho ou no metabolismo de bezerros leiteiros, bem como não reduziu a ocorrência de casos de diarreia.


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As exigências das condições higiênico-sanitárias na produção de animais de interesse zootécnico vêm aumentando progressivamente dada à necessidade de aliar-se produtividade a produtos de alta qualidade para atender a mercados consumidores cada vez mais exigentes. Nesse sentido, a utilização de antimicrobianos, tanto na profilaxia como na terapêutica, permanece como estratégia de controle para vários microrganismos patogênicos, de importância não apenas para a produção animal como também para a saúde humana, ainda que restrições ao uso indiscriminado desses produtos têm se intensificado. Não obstante, o uso excessivo desses produtos está associado à seleção de microrganismos resistentes nas áreas de produção. Por outro lado, investigações sobre circulação de cepas resistentes em rebanhos animais, até então restritas a populações humanas, ainda permanecem limitadas no Brasil. Bactérias do gênero Enterococcus, integrantes usuais da microbiota gastrointestinal animal e humana, são indicadoras ambientais de contaminação fecal e tem-se tornado objeto de preocupação em saúde pública e veterinária dada a ocorrência de cepas resistentes à vancomicina (VRE). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo isolar, quantificar e caracterizar VRE presentes em amostras fecais de ovinos oriundos de pequenas propriedades das regiões centro-leste e nordeste do estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, 132 amostras fecais foram coletadas diretamente do reto dos animais ou do piso das instalações. As amostras foram semeadas em ágar m-Enterococcus e subcultivadas em Ágar Bile Esculina acrescido de 6 µg/mL de vancomicina (ABEV), para confirmação de Enterococcus spp e detecção de cepas resistentes. Procedeu-se igualmente a observação da morfologia, características tintoriais, bioquímicas e moleculares. O número máximo de Enterococcus spp. encontrado foi de 2,6 × 105 e 1,70 × 105 UFC/g de fezes do ambiente e dos animais, respectivamente. Na caracterização bioquímica espécies mais prevalentes foram: Enterococcus faecalis e Vagococcus fluvialis. No ABEV, houve crescimento de colônias VRE em 33 das 84 amostras de ovinos-caprinos e em 21 das 48 amostras ambientais, representando, respectivamente 46,7% e 29,3% das amostras analisadas. A análise por multiplex PCR das 54 cepas VRE obtidas indicaram que 23 (43%), 22 (41%), 2 (3,5%) e 2 (3,5%) foram positivas, respectivamente, para os genes vanC2/C3, vanC1, vanA e vanB, sendo que para 5,3% dos isolados nenhum produto foi amplificado, sugerindo a possível ocorrência de genes dos demais grupos van conhecidos entre os isolados. Os resultados obtidos indicam, de forma inédita no país, a circulação de VRE em propriedades produtoras de ovinos e caprinos, sem ocorrência de manifestações clínicas aparentes nos animais, porém com possíveis riscos à saúde dos produtores e profissionais envolvidos, bem como a eventuais consumidores.


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As human populations and resource consumption increase, it is increasingly important to monitor the quality of our environment. While laboratory instruments offer useful information, portable, easy to use sensors would allow environmental analysis to occur on-site, at lower cost, and with minimal operator training. We explore the synthesis, modification, and applications of modified polysiloxane in environmental sensing. Multiple methods of producing modified siloxanes were investigated. Oligomers were formed by using functionalized monomers, producing siloxane materials containing silicon hydride, methyl, and phenyl side chains. Silicon hydride-functionalized oligomers were further modified by hydrosilylation to incorporate methyl ester and naphthyl side chains. Modifications to the siloxane materials were also carried out using post-curing treatments. Methyl ester-functionalized siloxane was incorporated into the surface of a cured poly(dimethylsiloxane) film by siloxane equilibration. The materials containing methyl esters were hydrolyzed to reveal carboxylic acids, which could later be used for covalent protein immobilization. Finally, the siloxane surfaces were modified to incorporate antibodies by covalent, affinity, and adsorption-based attachment. These modifications were characterized by a variety of methods, including contact angle, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, dye labels, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The modified siloxane materials were employed in a variety of sensing schemes. Volatile organic compounds were detected using methyl, phenyl, and naphthyl-functionalized materials on a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a refractometer. The Fabry-Perot interferometer was found to detect the analytes upon siloxane extraction by deformation of the Bragg reflectors. The refractometer was used to determine that naphthyl-functionalized siloxanes had elevated refractive indices, rendering these materials more sensitive to some analytes. Antibody-modified siloxanes were used to detect biological analytes through a solid phase microextraction-mediated enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (SPME ELISA). The SPME ELISA was found to have higher analyte sensitivity compared to a conventional ELISA system. The detection scheme was used to detect Escherichia coli at 8500 CFU/mL. These results demonstrate the variety of methods that can be used to modify siloxanes and the wide range of applications of modified siloxanes has been demonstrated through chemical and biological sensing schemes.


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Aims: To determine the prevalence and concentration of Escherichia coli O157 shed in faeces at slaughter, by beef cattle from different production systems. Methods and Results: Faecal samples were collected from grass-fed (pasture) and lot-fed (feedlot) cattle at slaughter and tested for the presence of E. coli O157 using automated immunomagnetic separation (AIMS). Escherichia coli O157 was enumerated in positive samples using the most probable number (MPN) technique and AIMS and total E. coli were enumerated using Petrifilm. A total of 310 faecal samples were tested (155 from each group). The geometric mean count of total E. coli was 5 x 10(5) and 2.5 x 10(5) CFU g(-1) for lot- and grass-fed cattle, respectively. Escherichia coli O157 was isolated from 13% of faeces with no significant difference between grass-fed (10%) and lot-fed cattle (15%). The numbers of E. coli O157 in cattle faeces varied from undetectable (


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Growth hormone (GH) regulates many of the factors responsible for controlling the development of bone marrow progenitor cells (BMPCs). The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of GH in osteogenic differentiation of BMPCs using GH receptor null mice (GHRKO). BMPCs from GHRKO and their wild-type (WT) littermates were quantified by flow cytometry and their osteogenic differentiation in vitro was determined by cell morphology, real-time RT-PCR, and biochemical analyses. We found that freshly harvested GHRKO marrow contains 3% CD34 (hernatopoietic lineage), 43.5% CD45 (monocyte/macrophage lineage), and 2.5% CD106 positive (CFU-F/BMPC) cells compared to 11.2%, 45%, and 3.4% positive cells for (WT) marrow cells, respectively. When cultured for 14 days under conditions suitable for CFU-F expansion, GHRKO marrow cells lost CD34 positivity, and were markedly reduced for CD45, but 3- to 4-fold higher for CD106. While WT marrow cells also lost CD34 expression, they maintained CD45 and increased CD106 levels by 16-fold. When BMPCs from GHRKO mice were cultured under osteogenic conditions, they failed to elongate, in contrast to WT cells. Furthermore, GHRKO cultures expressed less alkaline phosphatase, contained less mineralized calcium, and displayed lower osteocalcin expression than WT cells. However, GHRKO cells displayed similar or higher expression of cbfa-1, collagen 1, and osteopontin mRNA compared to WT. In conclusion, we show that GH has an effect on the proportions of hematopoietic and mesenchymal progenitor cells in the bone marrow, and that GH is essential for both the induction and later progression of osteogenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To determine if Campylobacter jejuni grown at 37 and 42 degrees C have different abilities to survive on beef and chicken, and in water. Methods and Results: Beef, chicken and water were separately inoculated with four Camp. jejuni (two poultry and two beef) strains grown at 37 or 42 degrees C. The matrices were stored at similar to 4 degrees C and Camp. jejuni numbers were monitored over time by plate counts. On beef there was a greater decrease in number for two strains (P < 0.05; similar to 0.7 and 1.3 log CFU cm(-2)) grown at 37 degrees C as compared with 42 degrees C. By contrast on chicken there was a decrease in numbers for two strains (P < 0.05; similar to 1.3 and 1 log CFU g(-1)) grown at 42 degrees C as compared with 37 degrees C. In water there was a greater decrease in numbers for all strains (P < 0.05; similar to 3-5.3 log CFU ml(-1)) grown at 42 degrees C as compared with 37 degrees C. Conclusions: Growth temperature influences the survival of Camp. jejuni on food and in water. Significance and Impact of this study: Campylobacter jejuni survival studies need to consider growth temperature to avoid erroneous results. Campylobacter jejuni grown at 37 degrees C, the body temperature of humans and cattle, may represent a greater public health risk in water than those grown at 42 degrees C, the body temperature of poultry.


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This study was undertaken to develop a simple laboratory-based method for simulating the freezing profiles of beef trim so that their effect on E. coli 0157 survival could be better assessed. A commercially available apparatus of the type used for freezing embryos, together with an associated temperature logger and software, was used for this purpose with a -80 degrees C freezer as a heat sink. Four typical beef trim freezing profiles, of different starting temperatures or lengths, were selected and modelled as straight lines for ease of manipulation. A further theoretical profile with an extended freezing plateau was also developed. The laboratory-based setup worked well and the modelled freezing profiles fitted closely to the original data. No change in numbers of any of the strains was apparent for the three simulated profiles of different lengths starting at 25 degrees C. Slight but significant (P < 0.05) decreases in numbers (similar to 0.2 log cfu g(-1)) of all strains were apparent for a profile starting at 12 degrees C. A theoretical version of this profile with a freezing plateau phase extended from 11 h to 17 h resulted in significant (P < 0.05) decreases in numbers (similar to 1.2 log cfu g(-1)) of all strains. Results indicated possible avenues for future research in controlling this pathogen. The method developed in this study proved a useful and cost-effective way for simulating freezing profiles of beef trim. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Survival of the microencapsulated probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus 547, Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 1994, and Lactobacillus casei 01, in stirred yoghurt from UHT- and conventionally treated milk during low temperature storage was investigated. The probiotic cells both as free cells and microencapsulated cells (in alginate beads coated with chitosan) were added into 20 g/100 g total solids stirred yoghurt from UHT-treated milk and 16 g/100 g total solids yoghurt from conventionally treated milk after 3.5 h of fermentation. The products were kept at 4 degrees C for 4 weeks. The survival of encapsulated probiotic bacteria was higher than free cells by approximately 1 log cycle. The number of probiotic bacteria was maintained above the recommended therapeutic minimum (10(7) cfu g(-1)) throughout the storage except for R bifidum. The viabilities of probiotic bacteria in yoghurts from both UHT- and conventionally treated milks were not significantly (P > 0.05) different. (c) 2004 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background The objective of this study was to determine whether neonatal nasogastric enteral feeding tubes are colonised by the opportunistic pathogen Cronobacter spp. (Enterobacter sakazakii) and other Enterobacteriaceae, and whether their presence was influenced by the feeding regime. Methods One hundred and twenty-nine tubes were collected from two neonatal intensive care units (NICU). A questionnaire on feeding regime was completed with each sample. Enterobacteriaceae present in the tubes were identified using conventional and molecular methods, and their antibiograms determined. Results The neonates were fed breast milk (16%), fortified breast milk (28%), ready to feed formula (20%), reconstituted powdered infant formula (PIF, 6%), or a mixture of these (21%). Eight percent of tubes were received from neonates who were 'nil by mouth'. Organisms were isolated from 76% of enteral feeding tubes as a biofilm (up to 107 cfu/tube from neonates fed fortified breast milk and reconstituted PIF) and in the residual lumen liquid (up to 107 Enterobacteriaceae cfu/ml, average volume 250 µl). The most common isolates were Enterobacter cancerogenus (41%), Serratia marcescens (36%), E. hormaechei (33%), Escherichia coli (29%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (25%), Raoultella terrigena (10%), and S. liquefaciens (12%). Other organisms isolated included C. sakazakii (2%),Yersinia enterocolitica (1%),Citrobacter freundii (1%), E. vulneris (1%), Pseudomonas fluorescens (1%), and P. luteola (1%). The enteral feeding tubes were in place between < 6 h (22%) to > 48 h (13%). All the S. marcescens isolates from the enteral feeding tubes were resistant to amoxicillin and co-amoxiclav. Of additional importance was that a quarter of E. hormaechei isolates were resistant to the 3rd generation cephalosporins ceftazidime and cefotaxime. During the period of the study, K. pneumoniae and S. marcescens caused infections in the two NICUs. Conclusion This study shows that neonatal enteral feeding tubes, irrespective of feeding regime, act as loci for the bacterial attachment and multiplication of numerous opportunistic pathogens within the Enterobacteriaceae family. Subsequently, these organisms will enter the stomach as a bolus with each feed. Therefore, enteral feeding tubes are an important risk factor to consider with respect to neonatal infections.


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In this work peptide antigens [ESAT-6,p45 in water (1ml, 1mg/ml)] have been adsorbed onto 10mg inorganic substrates (hydroxyapatite (MHA P201;P120, CHA), polystyrene, calcium carbonate and glass microspheres) and in vitro release characteristics were determined. The aim of formulation was to enhance the interaction of peptides with antigen presenting cells and to achieve rapid peptide release from the carrier compartment system in a mildly acidic environment. Hydroxyapatite microparticle P201 has a greater surface area and thus has the largest peptide adsorption compared to the P120. CHA gave a further higher adsorption due to larger surface area than that available on microparticles. These particles were incorporated into the BOVIGAMTM assay to determine if they improve the sensitivity. After overnight incubation the blood plasma was removed and the amount of IFN-g in each plasma sample was estimated. CHA and MHA P201 gave a significantly higher immune response at low peptide concentration compared to the free peptide, thus indicating that these systems can be used to evaluate Tuberculosis (TB) amongst cattle using the BOVIGAMTM assay. Badgers are a source of TB and pass infection to cattle. At the moment vaccination against TB in badgers is via the parenteral route and requires a trained veterinary surgeon as well as catching the badgers. This process is expensive and time consuming; consequently an oral delivery system for delivery of BCG vaccines is easier and cheaper. The initial stage involved addition of various surfactants and suspending agents to disperse BCG and the second stage involved testing for BCG viability. Various copolymers of Eudragit were used as enteric coating systems to protect BCG against the acidic environment of the stomach (SGF, 0.1M HCl pH 1.2 at 37oC) while dissolving completely in the alkaline environment of the small intestine (SIF, IM PBS solution pH 7.4 at 37oC). Eudragit L100 dispersed in 2ml PBS solution and 0.9ml Tween 80 (0.1%w/v) gave the best results remaining intact in SGF loosing only approximately 10-15% of the initial weight and dissolving completely within 3 hours. BCG was incorporated within the matrix formulation adjusted to pH 7 at the initial formulation stage containing PBS solution and Tween 80. It gave viability of x106 cfu/ml at initial formulation stage, freezing and freeze-drying stages. After this stage the matrix was compressed at 4 tons for 3 mins and placed in SGF for 2 hours and then in SIF until dissolved. The BCG viability dropped to x106 cfu/ml. There is potential to develop it further for oral delivery of BCG vaccine.


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The ability of Escherichia coli to express the K88 fimbrial adhesin was satisfactorily indicated by the combined techniques of ELISA, haemagglutination and latex agglutination. Detection of expression by electron microscopy and the ability to metabolize raffinose were unsuitable. Quantitative expression of the K88 adhesin was determined by ELISA. Expression was found to vary according to the E.coli strain examined, media type and form. In general it was found that the total amount was greater, while the amount/cfu was less on agar than in broth cultures. Expression of the K88 adhesin during unshaken batch culture was related to the growth rate and was maximal during late logarithmic to early stationary phase. A combination of heat extraction, ammonium sulphate and isoelectric precipitation was found suitable for both large and small scale preparation of purified K88ab adhesin. Extraction of the K88 adhesin was sensitive to pH and it was postulated that this may affect the site of colonisation of by ETEC in vivo. Results of haemagglutination experiments were consistent with the hypothesis that the K88 receptor present on erythrocytes is composed of two elements, one responsible for the binding of K88ab and K88ac and a second responsible for the binding of the K88ad adhesin. Comparison of the haemagglutinating properties of cell-free and cell-bound K88 adhesin revealed some differences probably indicating a minor conformational change in the K88 adhesin on its isolation. The K88ab adhesin was found to bind to erythrocytes over a wide pH range (PH 4-9) and was inhibited by αK88ab and αK88b antisera. Inhibition of haemagglutination was noted with crude heparin, mannan and porcine gastric mucin, chondrosine and several hexosamines, glucosamine in particular. The most potent inhibitor of haemagglutination was n-dodecyl-β-D-glucopyranoside, one of a series of glucosides found to have inhibitory properties. Correlation between hydrophobicity of glucosides tested and degree of inhibition observed suggested hydrophobic forces were important in the interaction of the K88 adhesin with its receptor. The results of Scatchard and Hill plots indicated that binding of the K88ab adhesin to porcine enterocytes in the majority of cases is a two-step, three component system. The first K88 receptor (or site) had a K2. of 1.59x1014M-1 and a minimum of 4.3x104 sites/enterocyte. The second receptor (or site) had a K2 of 4.2x1012M-1 with a calculated 1.75x105 sites/enterocyte. Attempts to inhibit binding of cell-free K88 adhesin to porcine enterocytes by lectins were unsuccessful. However, several carbohydrates including trehalose, lactulose, galactose 1→4 mannopyranoside, chondrosine, galactosamine, stachyose and mannan were inhibitory. The most potent inhibitor was found to be porcine gastric mucin. Inhibition observed with n-octyl-α-D-glucopyranose was difficult to interpret in isolation because of interference with the assay, however, it agreed with the results of haemagglutination inhibition experiments.


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Current practice in National Health Service (NHS) hospitals employs 70% Industrial Methylated Spirit spray for surface disinfection of components required in Grade A pharmaceutical environments. This study seeks to investigate other agents and procedures that may provide more effective sanitisation. Several methods are available to test the efficacy of disinfectants against vegetative organisms. However, no methods currently available test the efficacy of disinfectants against spores on the hard surfaces encountered in the pharmacy aseptic processing environment. Therefore, a method has been developed to test the efficacy of disinfectants against spores, modified from British Standard 13697 and Association of Analytical Chemists standards. The testing procedure was used to evaluate alternative biocides and disinfection methods for transferring components into hospital pharmacy cleanrooms, and to determine which combinations of biocide and application method have the greatest efficacy against spores of Bacillus subtilis subspecies subtilis 168, Bacillus subtilis American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 6633, and Bacillus pumilis ATCC 27142. Stainless steel carrier test plates were used to represent the hard surfaces in hospital pharmacy cleanrooms. Plates were inoculated with 10(7)-10(8) colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) and treated with the various biocide formulations, using different disinfection methods. Sporicidal activity was calculated as log reduction in CFU. Of the biocides tested, 6% hydrogen peroxide and a quaternary ammonium compound/chlorine dioxide combination were most effective compared to a Quat/biguanide, amphoteric surfactant, 70% v/v ethanol in deionised water and isopropyl alcohol in water for injection. Of the different application methods tested, spraying followed by wiping was the most effective, followed closely by wiping alone. Spraying alone was least effective.


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SD Apo Lactoferrin-Tobramycin/Gentamicin Combinations are superior to monotherapy in the eradication of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm in the lungs Wilson Oguejiofor1, Lindsay J. Marshall1, Andrew J. Ingham1, Robert Price2, Jag. Shur2 1School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, UK. 2School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of Bath, Bath, UK. KEYWORDS: lactoferrin, apo lactoferrin, spray drying, biofilm, cystic fibrosis Introduction Chronic lung infections from the opportunistic pathogeen Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been recognised as a major contributor to the incidences of high morbidity and mortality amongst cystic fibrosis (CF) patients (1,2). Currently, strategies for managing lung infections in CF patients involves the aggressive use of aerosolised antibiotics (3), however, increasing evidence suggests that the biofilm component of P. aeruginosa in the lower airway remains unperturbed and is associated with the development of antibiotic resistance. If this is so then, there is an urgent need to suitably adjust the current treatment strategy so that it includes compounds that prevent biofilm formation or disrupt established biofilms. It is well understood that biofilm formation is strongly dependent on iron (Fe3+) availability (4), therefore aerosolised anti-infective formulations which has the ability to chelate iron may essentially be a well suited therapy for eliminating P. aeruginosa biofilms on CF airway epithelial cells (5). In this study, we report the use of combination therapy; an aminoglycosides (tobramycin and gentamicin) and an antimicrobial peptide (lactoferrin) to significantly deplete P. aeruginosa biofilms. We demonstrate that lactoferrin-tobramycin and lactoferrin-gentamicin combinations are superior to the single antibiotic regime currently being employed to combat P. aeruginosa biofilms. MATERIALS AND METHOD Antibiotics: The antibiotics used in this study included gentamicin and tobramycin supplied by Fagron, UK. Bacterial strain and growth conditions: Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1 was provided by Prof. Peter Lambert of Aston University, Birmingham UK. The Strains were routinely grown from storage in a medium supplemented with magnesium chloride, glucose and casamino acids. Dialysis of lactoferrin: Apo lactoferrin was prepared by dialyzing a suspension of lactoferrin for 24 hrs at 4 °C against 20 mmol/L sodium dihydrogen phosphate, 20 mmol/L sodium acetate and 40 mmol/L EDTA (pH 3.5). Ferric ion (Fe3+) removal was verified by atomic absorption spectroscopy measurements. Spray drying of combinations of lactoferrin and apo lactoferrin with the different aminoglycosides: Combinations of tobramycin and gentamicin with the different preparations of lactoferrin were spray dried (SD) as a 2% (w/v) aqueous suspension. The spray drying parameters utilized for the production of suitable micron-sized particles includes: Inlet temperature, 180°C, spray flow rate, 606 L/hr; pump setting, 10%; aspirator setting, 85% (34m3/hr) to produce various outlet temperatures ranging from 99 - 106°C. Viability assay: To test the bactericidal activity of the various combinations, a viability assay was performed as previously described by Xu, Xiong et al. (6) with some modifications. Briefly, 10µL of ~ c. 6.6 x 107 CFU mL-1 P. aeruginosa strain PAO1 suspension were incubated (37°C, 60 mins) with 90 µL of a 2 µg/mL concentration of the various combinations and sampled every 10 mins. After incubation, the cells were diluted in deionised water and plated in Mueller hinton agar plates. Following 24 h incubation of the plates at 37°C, the percentage of viable cells was determined relative to incubation without added antibiotics. Biofilm assay: To test the susceptibility of the P. aeruginosa strain to various antibiotics in the biofilms mode of growth, overnight cultures of P. aeruginosa were diluted 1:100 into fresh medium supplemented with magnesium chloride, glucose and casamino acids. Aliquots of the dilution were dispensed into a 96 well dish and incubated (37°C, 24 h). Excess broth was removed and the number of colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) of the planktonic bacteria was quantified. The biofilms were then washed and stained with 0.1% (w/v) crystal violet for 15 mins at room temperature. Following vigorous washing with water, the stained biofilms were solubilized in 30% acetic acid and the absorbance at 550nm of a 125 µL aliquot was determined in a microplate reader (Multiskan spectrum, Thermo Scientific) using 30% acetic acid in water as the blank. Aliquots of the broth prior to staining were used as an indicator of the level of planktonic growth. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Following spray drying, the mean yield, volume weighted mean diameter and moisture content of lactoferrin powder were measured and were as follows (Table 1 and table 2); Table 1: Spray drying parameters FormulationInlet temp (°C)Outlet temp (°C)Airflow rate (L/hr)Mean yield (%)Moisture content (%) SD Lactoferrin18099 - 10060645.2 ±2.75.9 ±0.4 SD Apo Lactoferrin180100 - 10260657.8 ±1.85.7 ±0.2 Tobramycin180102 - 10460682.1 ±2.23.2 ±0.4 Lactoferrin + Tobramycin180104 - 10660687.5 ±1.43.7 ±0.2 Apo Lactoferrin + Tobramycin180103 - 10460676.3 ±2.43.3 ±0.5 Gentamicin18099 - 10260685.4 ±1.34.0 ±0.2 Lactoferrin + Gentamicin180102 - 10460687.3 ±2.13.9 ±0.3 Apo Lactoferrin + Gentamicin18099 -10360680.1±1.93.4 ±0.4 Table 2: Particle size distribution d10 d50d90 SD Lactoferrin1.384.9111.08 SD Apo Lactoferrin1.284.7911.04 SD Tobramycin1.254.9011.29 SD Lactoferrin + Tobramycin1.175.2715.23 SD Apo Lactoferrin + Tobramycin1.115.0614.31 SD Gentamicin1.406.0614.38 SD Lactoferrin + Gentamicin1.476.2314.41 SD Apo Lactoferrin + Gentamicin1.465.1511.53 The bactericidal activity of the various combinations were tested against P. aeruginosa PAO1 following a 60 minute incubation period (Figure 1 and Figure 2). While 2 µg/mL of a 1:1 combination of spray dried apo lactoferrin and Gentamicin was able to completely kill all bacterial cells within 40 mins, the same concentration was not as effective for the other antibiotic combinations. However, there was an overall reduction of bacterial cells by over 3 log units by the other combinations within 60 mins. Figure 1: Logarithmic plot of bacterial cell viability of various combinations of tobramycin and lactoferrin preparations at 2µg/mL (n = 3). Figure 2: Logarithmic plot of bacterial cell viability of various combinations of gentamicin and lactoferrin preparations at 2µg/mL (n = 3). Crystal violet staining showed that biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa PAO1 was significantly (ANOVA, p < 0.05) inhibited in the presence of the different lactoferrin preparations. Interestingly, apo lactoferrin and spray dried lactoferrin exhibited greater inhibition of both biofilm formation and biofilm persistence (Figure 2). Figure 2: Crystal violet staining of residual biofilms of P. aeruginosa following a 24hr incubation with the various combinations of antibiotics and an exposure to 48 hr formed biofilms. CONCLUSION In conclusion, combination therapy comprising of an antimicrobial peptide (lactoferrin) and an aminoglycosides (tobramycin or gentamicin) provides a feasible and alternative approach to monotherapy since the various combinations are more efficient than the respective monotherapy in the eradication of both planktonic and biofilms of P. aeruginosa. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank Mr. John Swarbrick and Friesland Campina for their generous donation of the Lactoferrin. REFERENCES 1.Hassett, D.J., Sutton, M.D., Schurr, M.J., Herr, A.B., Caldwell, C.C. and Matu, J.O. (2009), "Pseudomonas aeruginosa hypoxic or anaerobic biofilm infections within cystic fibrosis airways". Trends in Microbiology, 17, 130-138. 2.Trust, C.F. (2009), "Antibiotic treatment for cystic fibrosis". 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Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) caused by infection with Mycobacterium bovis is causing considerable economic loss to farmers and Government in the United Kingdom as its incidence is increasing. Efforts to control bTB in the UK are hampered by the infection in Eurasian badgers (Metes metes) that represent a wildlife reservoir and source of recurrent M. bovis exposure to cattle. Vaccination of badgers with the human TB vaccine, M. bovis Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), in oral bait represents a possible disease control tool and holds the best prospect for reaching badger populations over a wide geographical area. Using mouse and guinea pig models, we evaluated the immunogenicity and protective efficacy, respectively, of candidate badger oral vaccines based on formulation of BCG in lipid matrix, alginate beads, or a novel microcapsular hybrid of both lipid and alginate. Two different oral doses of BCG were evaluated in each formulation for their protective efficacy in guinea pigs, while a single dose was evaluated in mice. In mice, significant immune responses (based on lymphocyte proliferation and expression of IFN-gamma) were only seen with the lipid matrix and the lipid in alginate microcapsular formulation, corresponding to the isolation of viable BCG from alimentary tract lymph nodes. In guinea pigs, only BCG formulated in lipid matrix conferred protection to the spleen and lungs following aerosol route challenge with M. bovis. Protection was seen with delivery doses in the range 10(6)-10(7) CFU, although this was more consistent in the spleen at the higher dose. No protection in terms of organ CFU was seen with BCG administered in alginate beads or in lipid in alginate microcapsules, although 10(7) in the latter formulation conferred protection in terms of increasing body weight after challenge and a smaller lung to body weight ratio at necropsy. These results highlight the potential for lipid, rather than alginate, -based vaccine formulations as suitable delivery vehicles for an oral BCG vaccine in badgers.