973 resultados para Cadaveric Kidney-transplantation


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SUMMARY : The recognition by recipient T cells of the allograft major histocompatibility complex (MHC)mismatched antigens is the primary event that ultimately leads to rejection. In the transplantation setting, circulating alloreactive CD4+ T cells play a central role in the initiation and the coordination of the immune response and can initiate the rejection of an allograft via three distinct pathways: the direct, indirect and the recently described semi-direct pathway. However, the exact role of individual CD4+ T-cell subsets in the development of allograft rejection is not clearly defined. Furthermore, besides pathogenic effector T cells, a new subset of T cells with regulatory properties, the CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ (Treg) cells, has come under increased scrutiny over the last decade. The experiments presented in this thesis were designed to better define the phenotype and functional characteristics of CD4+ T-cell subsets and Treg cells in vitro and in vivo in a marine adoptive transfer and skin transplantation model. As Treg cells play a key role in the induction and maintenance of peripheral transplantation tolerance, we have explored whether donor-antigen specific Treg cells could be expanded in vitro. Here we describe a robust protocol for the ex-vivo generation and expansion of antigen-specific Treg cells, without loss of their characteristic phenotype and suppressive function. In our in vivo transplantation model, antigen-specific Treg cells induced donor-specific tolerance to skin allografts in lymphopenic recipients and significantly delayed skin graft rejection in wild-type mice in the absence of any other immunosuppression. Naïve and memory CD4+ T cells have distinct phenotypes, effector functions and in vivo homeostatsis, and thus may play different roles in anti-donor immunity after transplantation. We have analyzed in vitro and in vivo primary alloresponses of naïve and cross-reactive memory CD4+ T cells. We found that the CD4+CD45RBlo memory T-cell pool was heterogeneous and contained cells with regulatory potentials, both in the CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25- populations. CD4+ T cells capable of inducing strong primary alloreactive responses in vitro and rejection of a first allograft in vivo were mainly contained within the CD45RBhi naïve CD4+ T-cell compartment. Taken together, the work described in this thesis provides new insights into the mechanisms that drive allograft rejection or donor-specific transplantation tolerance. These results will help to optimise current clinical immunosuppressive regimens used after solid organ transplantation and design new immunotherapeutic strategies to prevent transplant rejection. RÉSUMÉ : ROLE DES SOUS-POPULATIONS DE CELLULES T DANS LE REJET DE GREFFE ET L'INDUCTION DE TOLERANCE EN TRANSPLANTATION La reconnaissance par les cellules T du receveur des alloantigènes du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMIT) présentés par une greffe allogénique, est le premier événement qui aboutira au rejet de l'organe greffé. Dans le contexte d'une transplantation, les cellules alloréactives T CD4+ circulantes jouent un rôle central dans l'initiation et la coordination de 1a réponse immune, et peuvent initier le rejet par 3 voies distinctes : la voie directe, indirecte et la voie servi-directe, plus récemment décrite. Toutefois, le rôle exact des sous-populations de cellules T CD4+ dans les différentes étapes menant au rejet d'une allogreffe n'est pas clairement établi. Par ailleurs, hormis les cellules T effectrices pathogéniques, une sous-population de cellules T ayant des propriétés régulatrices, les cellules T CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ (Treg), a été nouvellement décrite et est intensément étudiée depuis environ dix ans. Les expériences présentées dans cette thèse ont été planifiées afin de mieux définir le phénotype et les caractéristiques fonctionnels des sous-populations de cellules T CD4+ et des Treg in vitro et in vivo dans un modèle marin de transfert adoptif de cellules et de transplantation de peau. Comme les cellules Treg jouent un rôle clé dans l'induction et le maintien de la tolérance périphérique en transplantation, nous avons investigué la possibilité de multiplier in vitro des cellules Treg avec spécificité antigénique pour le donneur. Nous décrivons ici un protocole reproductible pour la génération et l'expansion ex-vivo de cellules Treg avec spécificité antigénique, sans perte de leur phénotype caractéristique et de leur fonction suppressive. Dans notre modèle in vivo de transplantation de peau, ces cellules Treg pouvaient induire une tolérance spécifique vis-à-vis du donneur chez des souris lymphopéniques, et, chez des souris normales non-lymphopéniques ces Treg ont permis de retarder significativement le rejet en l'absence de tout traitement immunosuppresseur. Les cellules T CD4+ naïves et mémoires se distinguent par leur phénotype, fonction effectrice et leur homéostasie in vivo, et peuvent donc moduler différemment la réponse immune contre le donneur après transplantation. Nous avons analysé in vitro et in vivo les réponses allogéniques primaires de cellules T CD4+ naïves et mémoires non-spécifiques (cross-réactives). Nos résultats ont montré que le pool de cellules T CD4+CD45RB'° mémoires était hétérogène et contenait des cellules avec un potentiel régulateur, aussi bien parmi la sous-population de cellules CD4+CD25+ que CD4+CD25+. Les cellules T CD4+ capables d'induire une alloréponse primaire intense in vitro et le rejet d'une première allogreffe in vivo étaient essentiellement contenues dans le pool de cellules T CD4+CD45RBhi naïves. En conclusion, le travail décrit dans cette thèse amène un nouvel éclairage sur les mécanismes responsables du rejet d'une allogreffe ou de l'induction de tolérance en transplantation. Ces résultats permettront d'optimaliser les traitements immunosuppresseurs utilisés en transplantation clinique et de concevoir des nouvelles stratégies irnmuno-thérapeutiques pour prévenir le rejet de greffe allogénique.


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La bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) est l'indication la plus fréquente de la transplantation pulmonaire. Néanmoins, le bénéfice de survie dans cette indication est toujours débattu. Le but de cette étude était d'analyser l'impact de la transplantation pulmonaire sur la survie de patients BPCO à l'aide d'une nouvelle méthode utilisant l'index de BODE, un indice validé dans la prédiction de la survie de patients BPCO. L'index de BODE est composé de 4 variables (indice de masse corporelle, obstruction bronchique, dyspnée, capacité d'effort) et son score s'échelonne de 0 à 10, une valeur élevée signifiant une maladie plus sévère et donc une probabilité de survie moindre.Cette étude rétrospective a porté sur 54 patients BPCO ayant consécutivement bénéficié d'une transplantation pulmonaire (unilatérale ou bilatérale) au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois et aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève entre 1994 et 2007, avec un suivi jusqu'au 30 juin 2009. Le score de BODE avant transplantation a été calculé pour chaque patient, à partir duquel une survie prédite a été dérivée. Cette survie prédite a été comparée à la survie réelle des patients transplantés.Une majorité de patient (67%) a présenté un bénéfice individuel de survie suite à la transplantation pulmonaire. Ceci s'est vérifié aussi bien dans le sous-groupe de patients avec un score de BODE > 7 que dans celui avec un score de BODE < 7. La survie médiane était significativement améliorée par la transplantation pulmonaire dans la cohorte totale et dans le sous-groupe avec un score de BODE > 7, mais pas dans celui avec un score de BODE < 7. De plus, 4 ans après la transplantation, un bénéfice de survie ne peut être escompté que chez les patients présentant un score de BODE > 7.Dans notre cohorte, la transplantation pulmonaire a donc conduit à un bénéfice individuel de survie chez la majorité des patients, quel que soit leur score de BODE avant l'intervention. Toutefois, un bénéfice global de survie n'a pu être démontré que dans le groupe de patients ayant la maladie la plus sévère. Chez les patients moins sévèrement atteints, les risques liés à l'intervention sont plus importants que le bénéfice de survie escompté à long terme. Ces résultats confortent l'utilisation de l'index de BODE comme critère de sélection pour la transplantation pulmonaire chez les patients BPCO.


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With advances in heart transplantation, a growing number of recipients are at risk of developing gastrointestinal disease. We reviewed our experience with gastrointestinal disease in 92 patients undergoing 93 heart transplants. All had follow-up, with the median time 4.8 years (range 0.5-9.6 years). During the period of the study we progressively adopted a policy of low immunosuppression aiming toward monotherapy with cyclosporine. Nineteen patients (20.6%) developed 28 diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract. Thirteen patients required 18 surgical interventions, five as emergencies: closure of a duodenal ulcer, five cholecystectomies (one with biliary tract drainage), a sigmoid resection for a diverticulitis with a colovesical fistula, a colostomy followed by a colostomy takedown for an iatrogenic colon perforation, appendectomy, two anorectal procedures, and six abdominal wall herniorrhaphies. At the onset of gastrointestinal disease, 8 patients were on standard triple-drug immunosuppression, all of them within 6 months of transplantation; 13 were on double-drug immunosuppression; and 7 were on cyclosporine alone. All the patients with perforations/fistulas were on steroids. Among the 11 infectious or potentially infectious diseases, 10 were on triple- or double-drug immunosuppression. One death, a patient who was on triple-drug immunosuppression, had a postmortem diagnosis of necrotic and hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Except for an incisional hernia following a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, there was no morbidity and, importantly, no septic complications. We concluded that a low immunosuppression policy is likely to be responsible for the low morbidity and mortality of posttransplant gastrointestinal disease, with a lower incidence of viscous perforation/fistula and infectious gastrointestinal disease.


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Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a serious complication of end-stage liver disease, occurring mainly in patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites, who have marked circulatory dysfunction,1 as well as in patients with acute liver failure.2 In spite of its functional nature, HRS is associated with a poor prognosis,3 4 and the only effective treatment is liver transplantation. During the 56th Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the International Ascites Club held a Focused Study Group (FSG) on HRS for the purpose of reporting the results of an international workshop and to reach a consensus on a new definition, criteria for diagnosis and recommendations on HRS treatment. A similar workshop was held in Chicago in 1994 in which standardised nomenclature and diagnostic criteria for refractory ascites and HRS were established.5 The introduction of innovative treatments and improvements in our understanding of the pathogenesis of HRS during the previous decade led to an increasing need to undertake a new consensus meeting. This paper reports the scientific rationale behind the new definitions and recommendations. The international workshop included four issues debated by four panels of experts (see Acknowledgements). The issues were: (1) evidence-based HRS pathogenesis; (2) treatment of HRS using vasoconstrictors; (3) other HRS treatments using transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt (TIPS) and extracorporeal albumin dialysis (ECAD); and (4) new definitions and diagnostic criteria for HRS and recommendations for its treatment.


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Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe and potentially lethal disease of the young woman. It is defined as an anxious disorder not to gain weight, and an obsessive behavior regarding body weight and physical appearance. Different and variable patterns of behaviour are observed. This article focuses on the renal problems observed in anorexic patients. Anorexia is often associated with severe electrolyte disturbances, such as hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia, and alterations of water metabolism with hyponatremia and edema. Hypokalemia and chronic dehydration may contribute to the development of renal failure. Even end stage renal disease can be observed in these patients. A better understanding of the pathophysiology might improve treatment of patients suffering from AN.


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Renal and testicular cancers account for 4% and 1% of all malignancies, respectively. Their prevalence has increased over the past years and is related to the widespread use of medical imaging and the incidental findings of small asymptomatic tumors on computed tomography scanners and ultrasounds examinations. The urologist faces the dilemma of overtreating benign asymptomatic lesions with radical surgery. Therefore, organ-sparing surgery was developed. Recent studies have shown that recurrence rates are often similar between organ-sparing and radical surgery for small kidney or testicular tumors. However, the risk of positive surgical margins consecutive to organ-sparing surgery remains a matter of debate. This article discusses the role of ex-vivo peroperative ultrasonography in predicting negative surgical margins during kidney- and testicular-sparing surgery.


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Cette thèse examine la manière dont les tensions qui traversent la discipline de la médecine de transplantation se répercutent sur la décision de don d'organes en étudiant, d'une part, la décision de don d'organes considérée comme «un souhait possible pour le futur» et, d'autre part, les conditions concrètes qui ont conduit à une prise de décision de don d'organes réelle dans le passé.


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Background: The possible additional risk of infection in patients receiving induction with both basiliximab (Ba) and thymoglobulin (Th) is unclear. We assessed the 1-year incidence of infectious complications in 3 groups of kidney transplant recipients according to the type of induction therapy received.Methods: We compared the incidence of infection at 1 year in 3 groups of patients at our institution: fi rst transplant recipients received Ba 20mg at days 0 and 4 (Group Ba); in case of retransplantation or if PRA was >20% patients received Th 1 mg/kg for 3-5 days (Group Th); in case of delayed graft function (DGF), Ba was discontinued and Th was initiated (Group Ba+Th) or prolonged in Group Th. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to calculate the incidence of infection. A Cox analysis was used to identify risk factors for the development of infection.Results: Over 5 years, 170 consecutive kidney transplant recipients were performed:n=113 in Group Ba, n=39 in Group Th and n=18 in Group Ba+Th. As expected, more patients in Group Th received a second transplant (p<0.001). No differences in CMV serostatus were observed between groups (p=0.9). Incidences of CMV infection, CMV disease, BK viremia, BK nephropathy and urinary tract infection (UTI) is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Group Ba (n=113) Group Th (n=38) Group Ba+Th (n=18) CMV infection 31 (27%) 20 (51%) 8 (44%) CMV disease 7 (6%) 4 (10%) 0 BK viremia 11 (8%) 5 (13%) 4 (22%) BK nephropathy 5 (4%) 1 (2%) 2 (11%) UTI 43 (38%) 23 (59%) 6 (33%) Incidences of infection according to type of induction In a multivariate model taking into account CMV serostatus, age, pretransplant dialysis, type of organ transplanted, number of transplants and type of induction, Group Ba carried a lower risk of CMV infection (OR 0.45, p=0.006), and UTI (OR=0.6, p=0.05), but there were no differences in CMV disease (p=0.38). There was a trend towards higher incidence of BK viremia, but not nephropathy in Group Ba+Th (OR 2.2, p=0.23). There were no signifi cant differences in kidney function or graft loss at 1 year between groups.Conclusion: By multivariate analysis, we observed a lower risk of CMV infection andUTI in patients receiving Ba. The group Ba+Th had a similar risk for infection than the group receiving Th alone. Larger studies are needed to clarify whether combining Ba+Th in the setting of DGF may increase the risk of infectious complications, in particular BK infection.


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Norovirus (NoV) infection is usually limited to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. However, in immunocompromised patients, this infection might lead to severe life-threatening complications. We herein describe a pediatric kidney transplant patient who presented with an acute NoV infection complicated by febrile agranulocytosis that resolved with improvement of her GI illness. This unusual presentation has not been described before, to our knowledge. The aim of this article is to highlight the sometimes dramatic clinical presentation of NoV infection in immunosuppressed patients, and the importance of including this infection in the differential diagnosis of neutropenia in that specific population.


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In solid organ transplantation, ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury during organ procurement, storage and reperfusion is an unavoidable detrimental event for the graft, as it amplifies graft inflammation and rejection. Intracellular mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways regulate inflammation and cell survival during IR injury. The four best-characterized MAPK subfamilies are the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular signal- regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2), p38 MAPK, and big MAPK-1 (BMK1/ERK5). Here, we review the role of MAPK activation during myocardial IR injury as it occurs during heart transplantation. Most of our current knowledge regarding MAPK activation and cardioprotection comes from studies of preconditioning and postconditioning in nontransplanted hearts. JNK and p38 MAPK activation contributes to myocardial IR injury after prolonged hypothermic storage. p38 MAPK inhibition improves cardiac function after cold storage, rewarming and reperfusion. Small-molecule p38 MAPK inhibitors have been tested clinically in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases, but not in transplanted patients, so far. Organ transplantation offers the opportunity of starting a preconditioning treatment before organ procurement or during cold storage, thus modulating early events in IR injury. Future studies will need to evaluate combined strategies including p38 MAPK and/or JNK inhibition, ERK1/2 activation, pre- or postconditioning protocols, new storage solutions, and gentle reperfusion.


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Background: Transplantation is the treatment of choice when compared to dialysis. Long-term evolution of patients is rarely comprehensively described. Thirty end-stage renal disease patient's experience of illness was explored from registration for transplantation until twenty-four months after transplantation. Methods: Longitudinal semi-structured interviews were conducted, and qualitative discourse analysis performed. Findings: Before transplantation loss of quality of life (QOL), emotional fragility related to dialysis constraints were reported, and increased with waiting-time. Six months after transplantation, recovered freedom was described but acute rejection, and life-dependency to immunosuppressants generated concerns. After twelve months, long-term survival of the graft, and possible return-to-dialysis were mentioned. After twenty months graft's dysfunction, co-morbidities, immunosuppressants side effects rose concerns even though QOL persisted. Most patients report positive transformations after transplantation, which are related to graft survival and limited co-morbidities. Discussion: As time passes, patients deal with changing illness constraints, and contemplate with anxiety possible new return to dialysis and/or transplantation.